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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2020 in all areas

  1. Hey, The challenges for a club such as ours are many - for example we have already spent for 40 AIr fence banners, plus A frame and trackside banners, we have invested in new media equipment, track equipment, we have undertaken Ferry TV and Newpapers marketing campaigns (although these are suspended), and there are many other expenses associated with the season starting insurances, pbs, machinery hire contracts and more... its pretty tricky right now. Luckily, we havent processed any season tickets and not all sponsorship agreements, but the worry is that if our sponsors pull out or reduce their sponsorship it could provide a much greater challenge moving forward for the sustainability of the club (as you know speedway is not my main work). I am sure that our club is not alone when I say that we have already had contact from sponsors raising such questions about the seaon ahead and what's happening and how that might reflect their sponsorship contribution. Nothing said in a bad way... just enquiring because for sure, they will also be hurting too and worried about their bottom line. It is a heartbraking situation for us all and even more so for anyone who has to make considerable financial investment to bring speedway to the public in the first place.. Riders, Promoters, Management, and I am sure our govening bodies too. But all this really does not compare in the effort of our nation(s) right now to protect us all against Covid 19 and I wish you all well and keep healthy and safe. As to the question of if we can all survive this... I am always very positive about the future and what lays ahead but it will take an effort from everyone involved in speedway from our fans to our governing bodies to ensure that we succeed. Promoters and riders cannot do it alone... never could, but even more so after this. Keep safe, check in with your elderly relatives and if you need a chat reach out to me anytime. No need to be lonely.
    6 points
  2. I flat tracked with Dave (assume it's the same one) until he packed it in a couple of years ago, we were of similar ability and progressed through to the Pro's almost together so had some good races,think he is doing MX now. This is my first ever flat track race, I'd had one go on the bike beforehand you can see I am learning each lap. Dave Holman is the guy who won the race and went on to win the Restricted class Championship that year, it was close on the line, neither of us was sure who won at the time. So there I was thinking how I was Billy Big balls nearly winning against the fastest guy in the group, went out in the next race and broke my Tibia and Fibula and messed the ligaments up a fair bit. Back to earth with a bump - literally
    3 points
  3. I’m not sure Britain carries much weight any more but in theory if the Extraliga discarded him and in five or six years he’s excelling in Sweden, Euros, SWC and perhaps even GP’s then of course Poland wouldn’t ignore him. Hopefully it won’t cone to that though and he starts cutting in in Poland as soon as it starts again.
    3 points
  4. No it isn’t. They are ruthless (pun not intended) but they aren’t stupid. If any rider went into their top league and struggled then eight or nine years later was suddenly riding at an elite level a team would pick them up because it is a sport and it’s about winning.
    3 points
  5. Firstly, I apologise for the mistake regarding the removal of the facebook post in February. I made a mistake and hold my hands up to that error. I seemed to remember going back to the post to make a comment congratulating the NSSG on a job well done to find a message stating that it had been taken down at Mr. Grant's request. Obviously that was not the case and I am sorry. Secondly, I would like nothing better than to be able to come and help on Sundays. However, you don't know me or my circumstances. My mother lives with me and she is approaching 100 years old, and leaving her for any length of time alone is a no no. Last season I missed 3 meetings in total home and away. I usually have to pay quite considerable sums to organise care for her. Usually well over £150 if it has to be overnight. I have helped the club in the past as and when I could and will possibly do so again as and when circumstances permit.
    3 points
  6. Think I would have great difficulty in changing any of those riders. In terms of KB, he originally suffered a lot with his bikes and settings. Eventually his Dad came over, and I remember he walked into the pits with a stack of carbs about the size of a shoebox and all brand new. That seemed to fix it, and, with his gating. he was soon near unbeatable. He rode our track an entirely different way to how anybody else had before. He tried to make the straights as long as possible going straight out to the fence turning in the middle of the bend. It worked for him so much that Andre and Kevin immediately changed their usual racing line with the same results. Ludde came close to the same line sometimes.
    2 points
  7. During this pretty scary period nothing much is happening on the side of news in speedway, i'm just trying to keep speedway in people's minds if you like. I was thinking would people like to select there dream team 7 from any riders who have ridden for us until the current day? It might help pass a bit of time I'll start I only started going to speedway in 97 when the diamonds re opened, 1) Jesper Olsen (Was very exciting to watch a great servant to the diamonds unfortunately had a few injuries later on in his career. 2) Nicki P (Only with us for one season but wow some of his over taking was brilliant, even in his one season you could tell he'd go on to bigger and better things. 3) Bjarne Pedersen (Again done quite a lot of work from the gate but a super consistent rider rarely seen him break down, could be ruthless when he needed to be. 4 Kenny Bjerre (I went to Berwick away his first meeting for us I think he only scored a point thought to myself what have we signed here! But as soon as the league program started he was fl$ying and some of his passing was brilliant.) 5) Kenni Larsen (Again another brilliant starter, had a magnificent 2010 as did most of our team, scored bucket load of points for us. A shame things outside of speedway took his career off the rails.) 6 Rene Bach (I think probably my favourite diamond... couldn't make a start to save his life but brilliant watching him come from behind, awful injury which i don't really think he ever got over. But still a joy to watch when he's on song.) 7 James Grieves (Only with us for 2 seasons i think but 2005 was fantastic especially at home, scored a lot of maximums. Dipped a little the second year but a really good signing wish he'd stayed for longer.) Well that's my choice I look forward to seeing everyone elses!
    2 points
  8. I think they should declare this seasons Premier League null & void........... and really p!ss off the scousers!!!
    2 points
  9. I actually watched the 1976 final (well, what there is of it), and quite honestly, the quality of racing was the best I've seen. Of course, 1981 was great, but basically because of two races and the superb Wembley atmosphere.
    2 points
  10. There are two things here. Firstly, riders clearly are self-employed at the moment. Therefore they will not be eligible for the existing Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme announced by the Govt last week. Help for the self-employed is on the cards, but yet to be presented. However, going forwards (it was supposed to come into effect on 5 April, but has been deferred for a year) the end client, in this case the clubs, will have to determine the employment status of riders and clubs are liable for unpaid taxes if the employment status is incorrectly determined. HMRC have a tool to determine this here. If you look at the tool, riders very clearly should be employees. They cannot substitute, they have to work as and when their end client specifies, they have to work from the location of their client, they even have to wear the clients uniform. There was a recent court case brought by HMRC against Eamonn Holmes, which he lost, as he claimed he was not an employee when he clearly should have been.
    2 points
  11. Remember... The clocks change on the 29th of March.. Really looking forward to another hour in the house!!! Eh!!! Regards THJ
    2 points
  12. I suggested that the root cause was all the speedway chips over the years but he reckoned it was the stress of the 3 Finals in 2018 . Good to hear further news about his ongoing recovery . Hopefully he steers clear of Covid 19.
    2 points
  13. Great race...not impressed by the commentary!
    1 point
  14. No it was called off cos I said I couldnt come.
    1 point
  15. Words of wisdom. We never would have guessed . Thanks
    1 point
  16. Highlight the page then ctrl C and then ctrl V on your post
    1 point
  17. Just my thoughts, but I would scrap SoN this season just to give dates for other meetings. SGP will most likely be ridden in some extent, but jamming all FIM WC meetings in to 3-4 months is not happening, something needs to go.
    1 point
  18. I only saw two finals abroad, 1970 and 1977 - they naturally stand out for me
    1 point
  19. I was there, 1984 Herxheim. It poured with rain the night before. The fire brigade turned up on sunday morning to pump the water off. The track was then totally relaid before the start of the meeting. It was a superhuman effort to get it on.
    1 point
  20. Bingo that's the lot! Thanks everyone.
    1 point
  21. Looks like Aage Hansen to me.
    1 point
  22. THREE in four days will never happen ...
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Don't call him Boris by any chance do they? Regards THJ
    1 point
  25. 1976, pleased to say “I was there”. The atmosphere was amazing, it was an open air stadium but the atmosphere matched Wembley. PC was brilliant. I heard he played it crafty and fluffed his practice laps to make the others think he was off form. Another YouTube not to miss. Search for “Peter Collins v Egon Miller Long Track”. Think it was 1982 world long track final, track was wet and dirty. Amazing race.
    1 point
  26. I learned that tactic from me brother in law.
    1 point
  27. Of those I have actually seen, Ove Fundin's win in 1967 is the one that stands out most for me.
    1 point
  28. I've only seen Wembley (81) & Bradford (85) on that list although I have Bradford (90) & Vojens (94) to watch at some time. If I can hark back to the seventies (outside your remit) I think that the Wembley Final (72) and Katowice Final (73) were full of drama and of course Katowice (76) took some beating due to Peter Collins superaltive efforts. I intend getting round to my hundreds of hours of speedway DVDs over the coming months.
    1 point
  29. Even I doubted myself then. Too much time on our hands & overthinking. Keep Safe
    1 point
  30. Well thanks for clearing that up... Every cloud and all that... not all bad news then is it? Regards THJ Hes a clever lad that Ruff you know; definitely not as green as he is cabbage looking... Starting to suss him out... he just pretends to be daft...
    1 point
  31. I think the big question following yesterday's announcement is: Do crumpets count as essential supplies?
    1 point
  32. Honestly No Ruff... Spring Forward Fall Back unfortunately... and while I have you on Please Be Careful If you receive an email or Whats-App with the subject line "Ding Dong"!!! Whatever you do "don't" open it They're Jehovah Witnesses working from home... Eh!!! Regards THJ
    1 point
  33. Personally I used to hate the 3TT! We never did any good in them!! But yes the local derbies were always spirited affairs and I would imagine sadly missed in the speedway calander now. I have an abundant of speedway DVDs so no doubt will be dipping into those during these very unsettling times...it'll get worse before it gets better in my view (especially if I'm unable to do any fishing with all this fine weather forecast...there is only so much decorating I can do!)
    1 point
  34. I was there for his 15 point maximum at the Keener testimonial meeting, how that meeting took place is beyond me it hammered down all day
    1 point
  35. If any of you are ever looking for books, abebooks is a great website, and you can compare prices from different stores around the world (including places like World of Books). I have bought dozens of books through abebooks.
    1 point
  36. I was thinking about getting some for my lawn mower
    1 point
  37. Sorry, have tried to upload a photo, but have been told it exceeds the limit, not sure why. My bike ( and my riding) was not exceptional, but I enjoyed myself! I started with a Weslake, which developed a weird problem, then switched to a new Jawa engine, Jawa 2 speed gearbox and a Godden frame, was having fun, then lost my job, (sounds familiar), not ridden since!
    1 point
  38. CB1300 Tim. Bit like me. Lardy, reliable, goes ok
    1 point
  39. Roberts next year could well be a pivotal point in his career. Will probably be 2021 now.. JD is not the norm. Last season he had bike troubles early and a heavy work load. Then came the injuries. In 2018 he was gating much better. Hence his high average. IMHO he needs to be fit as he can be and work with a trapper (bike set up) and reflex work.
    1 point
  40. Not at all. Jason Doyle was still riding second division speedway here at 27 as one example. Lambert is miles ahead of Doyle when the two were the same age. Of course they’re different people and their career arcs will naturally be different but if Lambert suddenly kicked on to the elite level at the age of 30 he’ll be picked up in Poland.
    1 point
  41. Here is a copy of a paragraph from switch.com:- Ofcom regulations state that you’re allowed to break your contract penalty-free if your provider increases subscription fees from what was agreed when the contract was signed. .............. You have 30 days to ask to cancel, think that is from date on letter they send to say there is a price increase.
    1 point
  42. For Lambert, he has to cut it in the Ekstraliga or he'll just become another one of those Brits where we end up saying "what a waste of a great talant." At his age, he's better than most other rider's around the world of the same age, except for the Pole's. Some say he has time on his side, thinking about it though, I'd now say the opposite. I think he has 2 years tops or the Ekstraliga won't ever touch him again & being in that league is absolutely critical in being able to finance any hope of cutting it at GP level.
    1 point
  43. Carrying on as usual. Following my husband around to see what he's getting up to now. Getting rid of all the people in the house that he can see but I can't. Picking up the dead Cat in the garage and disposing of it again (for about the 10th time) feeding the Chickens in the garden that we don't have, also all the Cats and Dogs . Actually I think now would be an ideal time to get another dog and he wouldn't really notice but unfortunately I'm a bit too old so I've got to just make do with Lucy. Highlight of my day is taking her out for a walk across our local nature reserve for a couple of hours so I can relax, listen to the birds singing and take photos. Take that away and I will go mad, although I'm probably half way there already.
    1 point
  44. This is not why I go to speedway certainly don't look forward to seeing it ,anyone can try too hard make a mistake but not just knock someone off and act in such an arrogant manner afterwards there is nothing endearing in that !
    1 point
  45. I think it shows what pedersen is , nothing but a give it cant take it guy shoving the bike at zagar kicking then running away like a school yard fight. Je can them mouth off in the pits with hus crew to look after him, still what goes round comes around.
    1 point
  46. JD a tough rider, give him half a space he’s going to be ruthless - no different to lindgren, zmarzlik and most of the other riders fighting for world championship at the sharp end, crump, gollob were always ruthless racers as were many other world champions including Nicki - where Nicki has differed over the years is consistently is taking it one stage further and rather than just racing hard deliberately riding the man into the fence, he’s also guilty of laying on people taking the fall and conning the ref countless times throughout his career - I agree with you Nicki can be treated harshly at times as a result of his reputation but frankly he has himself to blame imo
    1 point
  47. How many times has NP been banned for his dangerous riding? I’d say Greg got exactly what NP has over the years. Precisely nothing.
    1 point
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