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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2020 in all areas

  1. Dude, seriously, have a word with yourself. Normally i agree with you, or at least your logic, but no need for name calling, especially when you are deliberately misrepresenting his point. I know several health professionals, from ground level to senior strategic all say one of the big issues is people comparing to the flu. Corona is more contagious, has no vaccine, higher morality rate, higher rate of serious cases. There's a good reason governments are imposing lockdowns, despite the impact doing so has on their economies - and that's advice from health experts, not due to the media. No one is down playing the annual deaths from flu. But this new virus has potential to cause far more. Stay safe, stay well all.
    6 points
  2. Lambert is undoubtedly a great talent, one who was seemingly destined for the very top, particularly when he burst on to the league racing scene. To look at where he is in relation to his age shows just how well he has done as a British rider. Can he get better? Undoubtedly. Will he get better? Who knows. Some of Lamberts peers age wise in world speedway are better than him at present, that doesn’t mean they will always be better than him. It is easy to forget how young he is due to how long he has been on the scene. I don’t know what goes on behind the scenes but if there is room for him to improve his fitness and professionalism then that would only make him an even better prospect. What I do know from watching him is that his gating and work in the first bend could be improved upon. If he does that then a world championship is not out of the question in the future. However they don’t give world championships out for fun, look at the likes of Leigh Adams who spent the majority of his career at the pinnacle of the sport and never claimed the ultimate prize. I’d love to see Robert competing at the sharp end of the GP series in years to come and I believe that he is still the best prospect we have by a country mile at present.
    4 points
  3. i suspended my sky sports account online, within a few hours i see its been cancelled off this months bill with immediate effect... Well done sky
    4 points
  4. So much negativity. Every post I see you put on here is negative or putting a downer on something. Everything might be cancelled but no harm in some positivity.
    3 points
  5. Unfortunately those who have spent the weekend ignoring the advice have irrevocably change everyone’s way of life. No point in jumping down everyone’s throat on here as most if not all are responsible and reasonable people. Sadly we will all probably experience casualties but better to educate than berate. We all know that in society some ignore, think they are better and stick two fingers up to what is happening but this is different and to those who think they are above the advice, god help you. To all you recognise the issues thank you.
    2 points
  6. I accept differences in opinion, it's what this forum is all about. What I WILL NOT accept is personal abuse.
    2 points
  7. It's a local shop for local people - we'll have no trouble here.
    2 points
  8. It's not sustainable financially but delaying it enough will allow more people to be treated because more beds and nebulisers will be freed up. Less people will needlessly die and medical scientists will have longer to work out the best medicines to treat the symptoms. People have to continue getting this but it needs to be controlled like a tap. It sucks though because we will all be paying the financial burden of this for generations.
    2 points
  9. Agreed, not a sustainable solution. But, without wanting to sound like a parrott, it is about "flattenning the curve." Reducing the peak will help ensure hospital beds for those who need them, which will reduce fatalities both from covid and other illnesses.
    2 points
  10. Tell the corner shop owner not to sell to anyone he knows is not a local.
    2 points
  11. very interesting - perhaps adds weight to my suggestion that Hancock is underrated? Tbf, I can see an argument that Pedersen, who was a whisker away from a 4th world title, ranks higher but Gollob? And this from people like Norman and GC, whose opinions I respect. Gollob is an interesting one. I'd rank him 2nd of the post-war single world champions - behind Peter Collins (and possibly Mike Lee.). But can you justify someone, no matter how talented, who won 1 world title over someone who won 4? I can just abour rationalise it. I'd rank Penhall ahead of Hancock, given he retired with two titles at such a young age. And while I rate Penhall ahead of Peter Collins, I could for sure see an argument the other way. And there would be valid arguments for Gollob ahead of PC. But... Gollob has ridden in the same era as Hancock, in the same format, and won 1 title to 4. There haven't been years when he was unlucky not to win, unlike say PC who but for injury would likely have added a 2nd title, and would probably have won two under a GP format. better to watch - without a doubt. More naturally talented - yes. But rating him ahead of Hancock seems to me like rating PC ahead of Mauger.
    2 points
  12. Have i missed something or have the GP/SON governing bodies not made any announcement at all during this time.... How can they even consider running speedway at this time or until the 1st June at the earliest... They need to make an announcement to stop uncertainty at this difficult time
    2 points
  13. Sat in the car overlooking the sea with a picnic self isolating...however won't be returning anytime soon now that the advice has been stepped up.
    2 points
  14. Trouble is, as is the usual, there are those who are jeopodising the freedom of movement for the majority. I do a weekly food shop...I bet that some of these people are visiting supermarkets on a more or less daily basis. My brother was speaking to a corner shop owner who was becomimg frustrated by 'outsiders' coming from miles and clearing the shelves thus ruining it for the locals who rely on their local store and not wanting to travel miles clogging up the system.
    2 points
  15. I agree with this. The very best optimistic option is after the 12 week self isolation period ends in mid June. Add a few weeks to get the schedules sorted and maybe start sometime in early July. Canot see anything better than that.
    2 points
  16. I've been wondering how many people might just decide not to reactivate their sports subscriptions when this is eventually over , some might just decide they can live without it
    2 points
  17. With the 2020 season delay, we are sure many Warriors and indeed speedway fans around the world are missing their weekly fix of speedway action. So, starting today, every 3 days we will release historic footage from the Warriors which you can watch, for free. We will commence right at the beginning, and work though our journey one meeting at a time until we are all back racing again and enjoying our sport.
    1 point
  18. Do you have a pic Ray Be a change from the doom and gloom
    1 point
  19. I don’t think so, luckily I got out on mine today.
    1 point
  20. Look, I know what you’re all on about. Is it some sort of secret society? “Crumpets” are obviously quilted toilet paper. Cat out of the bag. (Fluffy white cat).
    1 point
  21. Sounds a bit pervy, Steve!
    1 point
  22. To jump in as 'referee' I don't think this is the time to be taking 'lumps' out of each other. We are all feeling frustrated, jumpy and frightened. If the politicians can be restraint, then I think members of the BSF can also. Rather than us descending into the usual 'my opinion is better than yours', as happens on BSF, is not helpful. Can't we all be allowed to have an opinion, without being insulting? I only called Tsunami a sad man, because he said my comments were garbage and therefore, I rose to his slating. I shouldn't have done. Can we please move forward and share opinions, challenge opinions yes, but in a civil and constructive way.
    1 point
  23. Indeed might keep a few people sane in the coming months hoping things like speedway may start at somepoint.
    1 point
  24. Hi everyone - Matt Jackson from the Speedway Researcher here. I know these are difficult times for everyone and there is no speedway to take people's minds off things. I am also aware that a lot of Speedway historians are of 'advancing years' and might be stuck in the house with not much to do, hence my offer that I will also post on the Researcher website on the next update. I have recently retired and have also got a bit more time on my hands which I will try and use up by updating the Researcher as often as I can. However, if anyone is interested, I am offering to help anyone with any projects that they have where they might be missing some information. I am thinking about heat details, match reports, race times, averages, rider profiles - that sort of thing. As well as the stuff that is on the Researcher site, I have at least one magazine covering every week from 1946 onwards and loads of pre-war stuff. I also have a record of every rider who I can find to have ridden in a meeting in the UK from 1928-46 inclusive, and everyone who has ridden a league or cup match since then. I am expanding this database to try and include all official meetings year by year as I go forward. If anyone wants any specific information about a rider, meeting, team or event, I am willing to help. I obviously won't have everything but I should be able to help with most enquiries. I hope that this will help to relieve the boredom for people until life returns to some sort of normality. The best contact is by email which is mattjackson68@btinternet.com Matt
    1 point
  25. Top Class were race sponsors last season!! Looks as though Matt & Helen's French Chateau adventure may not be featured in the current series of 'Escape to the Chateau' starting on Channel 4 today, as filming is not yet complete and the TV crew have been summoned back to UK due to the current coronavirus situation. Doubtless Matt will give an update in the first of Poole's weekly video Q&A's on the club website and social media platforms.
    1 point
  26. Steve can't remember why ??? all four were reinstated, 19/07/77 White City 52.Swindon 26 a right mauling.I went because Malcolm Holloway was making his debut for the budgies he scored a fat 0 zero yet it was great experience for him with loads of help from Kilb (snr).Looking through some of my 1977 White City programmes a couple of notable meetings stick out are White City beating Exeter easily and in heat 1 Kennett/ Weatherly scoring a 5.1 over Mauger.And later on in the season Michael Lee scoring a 15 point maximum there , that year Lee won quite a few individual meeting's in the UK even though he did have a duff one in the Embassy Internternation at Plough lane.
    1 point
  27. I managed the one packet at a local store yesterday...the great crumpet hunt continues!
    1 point
  28. I'm in nz. We normally do our supermatket shopping online. But now large numbers are doing that, there are waits of several days for delivery, and then half the items don't get delivered as "out of stock." So, we're ending up having to go to the supermarket more often than we normally would...
    1 point
  29. BT may reap the benefits now with their ignorance . but come the time when most peoples 18 month contract runs out , they will be in deep doo doo . i am sure every time you alter your bt account (adding or subtracting channels ) you enter into another 18 month contract . my bt contract was supposed to end in sept 2020 . they phoned me up tp say i had gone over my monthly land line usage and added £7.00 extra to my account . i asked if this was a one off payment and was told it was for the remaining contract that would finish in jan 2021 ! now looking forward to jan 2021 so i can give them the middle finger . they may try to give you a cracking deal . but whats the point of taking it on when they will defo increase the monthly charge after a few months . so the power is in our hands , ditch bt and lets see how long that non listening company lasts ..
    1 point
  30. I got lucky yesterday! Aldi had plenty, but I hadn't seen them for over a week! I only bought the one pack.
    1 point
  31. 1977 White City v Swindon was my first ever visit to White City , and i saw a Berger Grand Prix meeting in 1978. The 1982 WTC final 1983 intercontinental Final and The OPEN Sigalos took Nielsen from the back are my fondest memories of my visits great days.
    1 point
  32. Too true. I've been quite happy with BT until now and I've never really been fussed about moving to Sky, but this has changed all that. 30 days notice going in as soon as I can get through to their xal centre!
    1 point
  33. It isn’t often I comment on this forum anymore but I feel I want to about the current situation regarding the virus -I really can see this season not starting can see this only getting worse sadly with Pubs and other public places closing Friday and possible lock down coming in the next few days or even today best possible I think we’ve got this for 6 months which takes us to the end of September so I think whatever sport we love think we have accept it could be a blank summer - sorry for doom and gloom just being realistic .
    1 point
  34. All depends on what Boris has planned. If it is like here in Germany then there are certain exceptions, such as just going out for a walk or walking the dog or helping someone who can't go out. So you helping someone out with their dog would fall into two categories there. I wonder if Boris is looking at an exception for the great crumpet hunt ?
    1 point
  35. So you were out at the seaside and are now complaining about others at the seaside...
    1 point
  36. Me too, I was a regular and rode down from Northampton, where I then lived on my R75/5 Great Days and Great speedway racing.
    1 point
  37. How are you supposed to get weekly groceries then if not going to the supermarket? I certainly don't want to but ASDA have stopped online shopping that I have been using for over three years.
    1 point
  38. It will be WHEN they call a full lockdown...….I think next weekend.
    1 point
  39. And they will probably be the first to complain when or if we move to full lockdown
    1 point
  40. They were probably telling each other that the flu kills more people every year!
    1 point
  41. BT and Sky may not be under any legal obligation to cancel subscriptions for anyone under contract. However, they should remember that these contracts do not last forever, and how they treat us now could affect how much business they have in the future.
    1 point
  42. if you,have no interest in speedway then clear Off. i think that people pretty much know that our great sports season is all but written off.
    1 point
  43. Lambert is awesome round the NSS, I would go as far to say he is a match for anyone there, if he could take his NSS form into the GP'S then I would say he could be a top 8 rider on a regular basis. But and this is massive, any world champ needs to be able to gate regularly. And there lies his problem. PS I can't believe you have put Lidsey (who I rate highly) before our own Dan Bewley (who I rate higher.)
    1 point
  44. My son won't let me out the house. Both my wife (his mum) and my son (his brother) have died within the last two years and he doesn't want me to take any chances as he doesn't want to lose me as well. So, since last Tuesday I have just stayed at home. It's already driving me mad! Another three months - aaaarrrggghhhh!!!!! Anyway, he is just about to come round with a food parcel - my first since I have been in lockdown. He says he will leave it outside the front door. I hope it's got crumpets in it.....
    1 point
  45. Great to see more sponsor logos being added to the club website despite everything else going on!!
    1 point
  46. It does, you imbecile. Staggering you have such little regard for 250,000 to 600,000 people losing their lives.
    0 points
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