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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2020 in all areas

  1. Are you for real. Practically every country near lock down, no control of a virus that can kill people and could be carried by the others, no known antidote unlike the likes of flu, the countries finances in ruins and businesses going to the wall, all entertainment and groups banned, countries closing borders and you think it's just hype by the social media. I have never heard such garbage on the BSF. BTW Social media is actually helping to educate the public along with government announcements. Let's hope you don't get it, but then again it's just another seasonal virus to you.
    10 points
  2. Chatting with him last week... 4 stents fitted and found to have chip oil for blood... he's a lucky fella... the Doc reckoned if he hadn't had the procedure done he was a dead man walking... that was at the turn of the year... he's now lost 2 stone feels as fit as a lop and only has fish an chips once or twice a month now rather than three times a week... reckons he will retire early at the end of the year but I will believe that when a see it... lol... He had a bit of a scare but he's being a good lad now and feels much better for it an hopes to visit a few tracks this year to watch a bit of speedway once we get over this Covid 19 carry on... He's been told to save his chip day for the weekend he comes to Newcastle and I will treat him to a fish tea at old Christians now Oceans fish bar for some quality North Shields fish and chips... Regards THJ
    8 points
  3. My letter to Tesco Customer Service today, I sent a similar one to Sainsbury's too. Good Morning Mr Lewis, As a follow up to my e-mail to you late yesterday afternoon, I put the TESCO promise to the test this morning of putting aside one hour from 9.00-am -10.00am for the over 70’s and vulnerable people to do their shopping. I visited the store in Hunstanton, Norfolk only to find nearly as many younger people shopping as those of us that were supposed to have that privileged hour. As expected, it was a total pull the wool over your eyes job, nobody will realise to any great extent that we lied and had no intention of going along with our false promise, is the approach I feel the company that you work for is taking. Although they did have a reasonable stock of fruit and veg, the bakery was empty, no pasta, no eggs and guess what…...no toilet paper!! I asked a senior member of staff where the toilet paper was, and he said that they don’t take delivery until after 10.00am, so I said “What’s the point of the company that you represent, offering us an hours grace, which isn’t being adhered to anyway, when you don’t have the items that we desperately require until after our privileged window to shop. “Don’t know mate” came the reply, “I know no more”. Older people in particular start to develop weakened muscles and in a lot of cases bowel diseases and leakages (my wife suffers the latter badly for a few days after chemo), and not only want toilet paper and other toiletries of that nature, but it is an essential item to them. Things like that are about cleanliness and not having to walk around with dirty and stained underwear, causing you to smell. I know this is getting a bit heavy and personal talking like that, but it's vitally important, because that sort of thing could spread diseases, and we've already got enough of that with the coronavirus disease. I've got the impression, that all the major supermarkets are loving this coronavirus thing, in as much that they’re making millions out of all this bulk buying, by the selected few who are in the right place at the right time. Like yesterday, I would appreciate your comments on today's communication please
    7 points
  4. To me, Mark was the pioneer who took the power of the Internet to Wolves fans. The fans communication age started with him. He created a 'family' that could meet via the keyboard or talk traditionally at the first step of the middle terrace above the starting gate. The management could never embrace this and even the building of that concrete monolith couldn't beat the Wolfcry crowd. Die hard Wolves fans were lost to the sport but Mark's legacy remains. Once, I went to Wombourne and Mark drove me to Poole. We chatted all the way and settled the dust in a Pub in the New Forest. It's the only time I wished the Dorset trek could have been longer! My life was the richer for meeting him. The politics of Speedway hurt him... the sport didn't. I said Speedway, Bob Dylan and the odd beer or two kept me going. He understood that. We have lost a gifted teacher - Gods' Internet has just gone up a level. RIP Mark. May you never be forgotten.
    5 points
  5. Carrying on as usual. Following my husband around to see what he's getting up to now. Getting rid of all the people in the house that he can see but I can't. Picking up the dead Cat in the garage and disposing of it again (for about the 10th time) feeding the Chickens in the garden that we don't have, also all the Cats and Dogs . Actually I think now would be an ideal time to get another dog and he wouldn't really notice but unfortunately I'm a bit too old so I've got to just make do with Lucy. Highlight of my day is taking her out for a walk across our local nature reserve for a couple of hours so I can relax, listen to the birds singing and take photos. Take that away and I will go mad, although I'm probably half way there already.
    5 points
  6. It seems that securing even a single crumpet in perfect condition to feast upon ( covered in butter ) is becomg the biggest of all the challenges during the Covid19 "war". It has never been so hard.
    4 points
  7. There are some people on this forum that won't take it seriously until the death toll passes that of seasonal flu... by which time of course it's all too late. I just hope that they are in a tiny minority. A balance has to be made between informed information and a little bit of hysteria, fear is (rightly) being used to make people act, "social distancing" etc. Of course there are people who have higher fear thresholds (speedway riders a prime example)... and then there are the plain stupid and you just won't be able to reach them, which is where enforced lock down comes into play.
    4 points
  8. Cripes, Tsunami. For once we seem to be in full agreement!
    4 points
  9. I run the Supporters group, and I assure the post was not removed at all by the "insistence of Mr. Grant". If you look on the Supporters Facebook page, all monies that have been raised at the social events are clearly detailed in posts on the page (the last one being 9th Feb). There would be no need to ever have a post removed of this nature. There are a lot of opinions that circulate on this forum (but not limited to) and not a lot of truth from what I can see. It still astounds me that to this day, there are still people who will gladly find a problem to every solution! Without Rob, Newcastle Speedway would not even be in anyone's consideration this year, never mind running. As with any company in trouble and under new management, things must change in order to sustain longevity, and if people actually care about Newcastle being able to continue to run for many years to come, then I would expect them to be showing slightly more gratitude and trust in the person that's saved speedway on Tyneside, as he could also have so easily decided to walk away from his decision to save our club. As for the website, it has been stated before, but I will state it again, that the new design of the website was already agreed before the takeover. It may not be to everyone's taste, however it runs off the same web design as many other clubs in the country, and we will continue to run with it until at least next year. Finally, in regard to Jason. Rob is more than entitled to have the people on HIS team that he sees fit. It may not have seemed fair to Jason, but unfortunately in business decisions have to be made that may not be popular, but will benefit the business in the long run. Everyone at Newcastle wishes Jason well and there is no animosity between us or him, it was just simply a business decision that needed to be altered before the season began. I sincerely hope this clears up a few issues on here.
    4 points
  10. Hi everyone - Matt Jackson from the Speedway Researcher here. I know these are difficult times for everyone and there is no speedway to take people's minds off things. I am also aware that a lot of Speedway historians are of 'advancing years' and might be stuck in the house with not much to do, hence my offer that I will also post on the Researcher website on the next update. I have recently retired and have also got a bit more time on my hands which I will try and use up by updating the Researcher as often as I can. However, if anyone is interested, I am offering to help anyone with any projects that they have where they might be missing some information. I am thinking about heat details, match reports, race times, averages, rider profiles - that sort of thing. As well as the stuff that is on the Researcher site, I have at least one magazine covering every week from 1946 onwards and loads of pre-war stuff. I also have a record of every rider who I can find to have ridden in a meeting in the UK from 1928-46 inclusive, and everyone who has ridden a league or cup match since then. I am expanding this database to try and include all official meetings year by year as I go forward. If anyone wants any specific information about a rider, meeting, team or event, I am willing to help. I obviously won't have everything but I should be able to help with most enquiries. I hope that this will help to relieve the boredom for people until life returns to some sort of normality. The best contact is by email which is mattjackson68@btinternet.com Matt
    3 points
  11. Excellent from Eastbourne too, like Redcar very informative and well done. These 2 pieces are a guide to Promotion of the Sport that all the rest should be following-: Redcar -: http://www.redcar-speedway.com/2020/03/17/redcar-speedway-statement/ Eastbourne -: https://www.eastbourne-speedway.com/eagles-qa-with-ian-jordan-2/ From Brummies and too many others sadly http://www.birmingham-speedway.com/ very little!
    3 points
  12. To be honest i dont care how much money it costs, just hope we dont lose our loved one's
    2 points
  13. I've noticed it too. I suppose one thing we won't run out of is fuel
    2 points
  14. I do agree. The problem is knowing what to believe. There are people who post knowingly false information on social media which gets picked up on and is believed to be true when it isn't.
    2 points
  15. My Sky box is broke - engineer not coming till 26th So, I can’t watch the football and rugby league that’s not on the tv
    2 points
  16. Think I will be doing a spot of bird watching!!! Which generally will entail driving somewhere and looking through my camera with the window down. Take my own food and drink so no contact with anyone . Quite looking forward to it actually
    2 points
  17. I'm a pretty miserable old git so solitude is not a problem for me personally. Fishing and bird watching trips and walking my friend's dog in the countryside and indoor pursuits like my model railway, editing my vast collection of photographs, watching films from my vast library of DVDs, catching up with my reading and family history...as well as wasting valuable time on the BSF!
    2 points
  18. I've invited the Monster Girl to come and sit the next 3-months or so out, but strangely, I've not had a reply yet. For a serious answer, staying indoors for the most time, wandering round the garden, and taking a drive to the cliff tops along our coast, but not getting out of the car. I do have to take my wife to hospital for chemo still though. Let's hope we all stay safe.
    2 points
  19. Anything goes - sp long as it is - totally isolating. The only thing that can slow down or halt the spread is "social distancing" . That is at least four feet plus away from anyone ( meaning everyone other than those in your house already with you ). That and washing your hands after touching door handles etc that A.N.Other has touched - genuinely is the key.
    2 points
  20. What I had fitted with the symptoms. I was feverish for a few days and coughing hard for a couple of weeks, as though it would never go away. I also had a period where I was gasping a bit and struggling to breathe. Both me and my wife had it. We also have two teenagers and a toddler in the house, and they didn't seem to catch anything despite fears that the toddler, in particular, would. This also seems to be something that links to it. There is talk on there soon being a test available where people can find out if they've already had it. If that comes about I will certainly take it. It would be interesting to know.
    2 points
  21. It's almost certainly not a threat to Dan Bewley as he is young and fit, but yes stand well back. his older relatives and family friends. Anyone who cannot see that it is a major threat to the over 60s and those with major medical complication and conditions is short sighted, unthinking and .......
    2 points
  22. I do feel sorry for all those who are self employed and those that live from hand to mouth, which runs into millions. In my opinion, globally, it has become an over blown hysteria. I blame the hysteria on the media and social media, which have both put severe pressure on the worlds governments. If this had happened, say, 10 or 20 years ago, when social media was still in its infancy, it would have been in the news yes, but not wall to wall and 24/7 and it would have been another seasonal virus that we needed to dodge, if possible. But the Genie is out now and God help us all! The worry for me, is not so much the virus, but the way man has reacted across the world. Two words worry me, civil unrest
    2 points
  23. With the 2020 season delay, we are sure many Warriors and indeed speedway fans around the world are missing their weekly fix of speedway action. So, starting today, every 3 days we will release historic footage from the Warriors which you can watch, for free. We will commence right at the beginning, and work though our journey one meeting at a time until we are all back racing again and enjoying our sport.
    1 point
  24. As a milky we are beavering away. I act as if I'm already infected if that makes sense. I've been wearing gloves and changing them regularly (not don't this before) Washing hands where possible. Moving fast and keeping my distance. No talking to people. If I could get a mask I'd use 1 for the protection of others just in case. But somebody probably had 500 in a cupboard earmarked for ebay. In a few weeks time there will be mass casualties and people we may know dying without a goodbye and without a funeral. There will be TV helicopters following the convoys of dead body's as the country mourns. That's not scare mongering. It's very real. So I guess I've come to terms with.that in my own head. I'm at peace with the situation. Maybe we all could take that into consideration. That's your mum's, sisters, wives and possibly kids. Hopefully not though but realise it could be. I've made sure if stocks are low my vunerable customers get first dibs. It's not about keeping ourselves safe. Forget about us. It's about not passing anything we may not know we have to healthy or sick people. It's like I'm working in isolation. We should all be considering this .... and if your not there is no reasoning to it. You would be a massive C word
    1 point
  25. I haven't mentioned anything about his opinion. It's Tsunami who is attacking Raystadia's opinion and claiming he is the only one who shares it.. he is far from that.
    1 point
  26. Added to ignore list
    1 point
  27. nice to see you on here - unfortunate circumstances however
    1 point
  28. I had a couple of dealings with Mark. He was a really nice, friendly and helpful man. I am so sorry to hear of his demise. My condolences go out to his family and friends. R.I.P. + Mark
    1 point
  29. Blimey yeh remember him and maybe his wife or sister from the speedway mailing list years ago. Sad news.
    1 point
  30. Ironic ! Seems to have changed his tune.
    1 point
  31. Only one sad man on here. Look how many have supported my post which was condemning your post.
    1 point
  32. toilet roll shortage is annoying isn't it
    1 point
  33. One pleasant side effect of the coronavirus is it appears to have solved King's Lynn's notorious traffic jams. Went to the local butcher and then to an edge of town shopping complex for cat litter today and rush hour when it's normally nose to tail crawling there was not a queue in sight!
    1 point
  34. It’s probably only “window lickers” that would find that funny in all honesty.
    1 point
  35. I am afraid we will all have to pay eventually and if that's the price to pay to get through it, then so be it
    1 point
  36. Still look at my Thunder Crump No 1 keyring on my keybunch from 1999 and think he still looked better as a Panther hope you get the chance to enjoy the Thunder From Down Under at sometime.
    1 point
  37. So basically, it sounds as if most people are carrying on as normal? For me, I will be work (from home). Enjoy your birds (both feathered and Monster varieties), fishing and curries - and stay safe.
    1 point
  38. Doing well after time in hospital
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Suggest there would be significantly more watching at the NSS if they ran at weekends... 400 to 500 a week more I would think when you compare what crowds they were getting on the odd Fridays and Saturdays that they ran on in their first year.. 400 extra at 20 times a season would be an extra 8000 punters... At circa £20 a go that's £160k more in the coffers... 400 punters per week extra is, in the grand scheme of things, hardly any number, yet it would make a world of difference to some clubs.. Maybe a few weekends could be incorporated into any restructured fixture list?
    1 point
  41. A first class post
    1 point
  42. I work in a special needs school, so it's all hands on deck at the moment. I expect it to stay that way until the government or health issues dictate otherwise.
    1 point
  43. The riders always love the track because its smooth, cambered, and usually prepared well. But that doesn't guarantee good racing. Obviously with the rain stopping racing usually, having lots of covering is not essential. But being a soft southerner I feel the place would certainly benefit from some extra shelter from the wind. I find it like Buxton, you can get sun burnt and hypothermia in the same afternoon....
    1 point
  44. Really liking those new kevlars Sheffield will be repping this season! Best I have seen in a long time.
    1 point
  45. Something for those in isolation https://www.jigsawplanet.com/youngy105/Speedway http://www.jigzone.com/gallery/34250F1D2F.AF6BDBD https://www.jigidi.com/solve.php?id=QGA44IMY&g=5v3
    1 point
  46. it seems to me there is only one prat here and it sure isn't rob.
    1 point
  47. Just stop your direct debit they will soon contact u !
    1 point
  48. All the doom and gloom merchants have their opinion yet again, rumour after rumour about Niki if the supporters put as half as much effort in to the speedway club as the promotion have over the last few years and especially last winter they would do well, instead of finding fault with everything at the club and starting falsehoods off about who is riding at Sheffield and for how long. Its time now to get behind the club not slag everything off
    1 point
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