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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2020 in all areas

  1. I run the Supporters group, and I assure the post was not removed at all by the "insistence of Mr. Grant". If you look on the Supporters Facebook page, all monies that have been raised at the social events are clearly detailed in posts on the page (the last one being 9th Feb). There would be no need to ever have a post removed of this nature. There are a lot of opinions that circulate on this forum (but not limited to) and not a lot of truth from what I can see. It still astounds me that to this day, there are still people who will gladly find a problem to every solution! Without Rob, Newcastle Speedway would not even be in anyone's consideration this year, never mind running. As with any company in trouble and under new management, things must change in order to sustain longevity, and if people actually care about Newcastle being able to continue to run for many years to come, then I would expect them to be showing slightly more gratitude and trust in the person that's saved speedway on Tyneside, as he could also have so easily decided to walk away from his decision to save our club. As for the website, it has been stated before, but I will state it again, that the new design of the website was already agreed before the takeover. It may not be to everyone's taste, however it runs off the same web design as many other clubs in the country, and we will continue to run with it until at least next year. Finally, in regard to Jason. Rob is more than entitled to have the people on HIS team that he sees fit. It may not have seemed fair to Jason, but unfortunately in business decisions have to be made that may not be popular, but will benefit the business in the long run. Everyone at Newcastle wishes Jason well and there is no animosity between us or him, it was just simply a business decision that needed to be altered before the season began. I sincerely hope this clears up a few issues on here.
    8 points
  2. I do feel sorry for all those who are self employed and those that live from hand to mouth, which runs into millions. In my opinion, globally, it has become an over blown hysteria. I blame the hysteria on the media and social media, which have both put severe pressure on the worlds governments. If this had happened, say, 10 or 20 years ago, when social media was still in its infancy, it would have been in the news yes, but not wall to wall and 24/7 and it would have been another seasonal virus that we needed to dodge, if possible. But the Genie is out now and God help us all! The worry for me, is not so much the virus, but the way man has reacted across the world. Two words worry me, civil unrest
    8 points
  3. Very well said !! However on the post from Leander ( who obviously ain't got a clue what has had to be done during Rob's short rain as company owner now yes that's OWNER ) why instead of before posting on this page come along to the track where we gave been for the Sundays nearly every single one since January getting sorted for the season & having a word with Rob or Rachel as to how the raised funds are to be used and for all the new equipment that has been delivered & used etc Instead of playing on the keyboard Leander may change there mind before posting & give the club a bit more backing & could also with open arms you and anybody else who fancies Volunteering to help out you know where we are
    4 points
  4. What a race this was between Heeps and Max Fricke. Had everything including a big elbow from Fricke down the back straight of the final lap. Box office around Foxhall is Heeps, out and out racer. If you look on the official website in the media clips section, pretty much all of the uploads of the best moments involve Heeps, which is why he should be one of the first names on the team sheet.
    4 points
  5. I'm impressed. Truly. That piece was well thought through and so very caring of the Bears fans. You're obviously a club that is considerate on both sides. A feature that you should cherish.
    4 points
  6. Hi everyone - Matt Jackson from the Speedway Researcher here. I know these are difficult times for everyone and there is no speedway to take people's minds off things. I am also aware that a lot of Speedway historians are of 'advancing years' and might be stuck in the house with not much to do, hence my offer that I will also post on the Researcher website on the next update. I have recently retired and have also got a bit more time on my hands which I will try and use up by updating the Researcher as often as I can. However, if anyone is interested, I am offering to help anyone with any projects that they have where they might be missing some information. I am thinking about heat details, match reports, race times, averages, rider profiles - that sort of thing. As well as the stuff that is on the Researcher site, I have at least one magazine covering every week from 1946 onwards and loads of pre-war stuff. I also have a record of every rider who I can find to have ridden in a meeting in the UK from 1928-46 inclusive, and everyone who has ridden a league or cup match since then. I am expanding this database to try and include all official meetings year by year as I go forward. If anyone wants any specific information about a rider, meeting, team or event, I am willing to help. I obviously won't have everything but I should be able to help with most enquiries. I hope that this will help to relieve the boredom for people until life returns to some sort of normality. The best contact is by email which is mattjackson68@btinternet.com Matt
    3 points
  7. Are you for real. Practically every country near lock down, no control of a virus that can kill people and could be carried by the others, no known antidote unlike the likes of flu, the countries finances in ruins and businesses going to the wall, all entertainment and groups banned, countries closing borders and you think it's just hype by the social media. I have never heard such garbage on the BSF. BTW Social media is actually helping to educate the public along with government announcements. Let's hope you don't get it, but then again it's just another seasonal virus to you.
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. A first class post
    3 points
  10. He's clarified what he meant, he's said it felt like a joke (as in surreal) not that it is a joke or he's laughing about it
    3 points
  11. I had a look at Dan Bewley's twitter and see that he posted a video from David Icke. Thinking it would be a right laugh, I thought I'd have a look. Imagine my surprise to discover that Mr Icke was echoing my own experience of having a virus earlier in the year with the exact same symptoms to the letter. Meaning that either this virus has been in the UK longer than reported or there was another, identical virus, going round. I remember at the time thinking that what I had would probably have probably killed my frail mother if she was still around. Does this mean that Tony Blair and George W Bush were alien lizards after all?
    3 points
  12. Really liking those new kevlars Sheffield will be repping this season! Best I have seen in a long time.
    3 points
  13. Chatting with him last week... 4 stents fitted and found to have chip oil for blood... he's a lucky fella... the Doc reckoned if he hadn't had the procedure done he was a dead man walking... that was at the turn of the year... he's now lost 2 stone feels as fit as a lop and only has fish an chips once or twice a month now rather than three times a week... reckons he will retire early at the end of the year but I will believe that when a see it... lol... He had a bit of a scare but he's being a good lad now and feels much better for it an hopes to visit a few tracks this year to watch a bit of speedway once we get over this Covid 19 carry on... He's been told to save his chip day for the weekend he comes to Newcastle and I will treat him to a fish tea at old Christians now Oceans fish bar for some quality North Shields fish and chips... Regards THJ
    2 points
  14. As I thought. No sense of humour and a foul mouth.
    2 points
  15. What I had fitted with the symptoms. I was feverish for a few days and coughing hard for a couple of weeks, as though it would never go away. I also had a period where I was gasping a bit and struggling to breathe. Both me and my wife had it. We also have two teenagers and a toddler in the house, and they didn't seem to catch anything despite fears that the toddler, in particular, would. This also seems to be something that links to it. There is talk on there soon being a test available where people can find out if they've already had it. If that comes about I will certainly take it. It would be interesting to know.
    2 points
  16. Sneezing is not a sympton of te Coronavirus!
    2 points
  17. I very much agree. I am a season ticket holder and when eventually, proceedings get underway, (that may not even be this season), then I will get full value for the monies, that I have outlaid, from this promotion. They are very approachable and the customer always comes first.
    2 points
  18. It's almost certainly not a threat to Dan Bewley as he is young and fit, but yes stand well back. his older relatives and family friends. Anyone who cannot see that it is a major threat to the over 60s and those with major medical complication and conditions is short sighted, unthinking and .......
    2 points
  19. Just my thought redcar's track can be as good as scunthorpe and Glasgow for racing . And that's not just me saying that a lot of top riders say the same.
    2 points
  20. it seems to me there is only one prat here and it sure isn't rob.
    2 points
  21. I can't understand why people give that particular member the attention he obviously craves , best plan is to ignore him
    2 points
  22. wonder what workington fans would give for a poor website and speedway thrown in .
    2 points
  23. If he's short of a few bob he could flog his Carribean island. He's made a hell of a lot of money out of the labours of his employees over the years. Now they need him, he's gone missing. Shouldn't get a penny piece out of the taxpayer.
    2 points
  24. 1 point
  25. Sitting in front of my computer doing more research on my Family Tree.
    1 point
  26. Coronavirus is not humourous and Bewley only changed his social media post after getting slated by fans of his polish club. What a lovely human being you are ( I'm just being humorous)
    1 point
  27. If Bewley is worried about not having any work and in need of an income.....he could go out and get a job.
    1 point
  28. There are though 4 other coronavirus es that have been around for a few years, but don’t have the same death rate as this new model. Well that is what one German expert said on tv. Plus all the other viruses going round....
    1 point
  29. I sincerely hope you did have it Grachan (not meant in a bad way) along with many many others. By the same token I sincerely hope many thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, more have it now than is reported (as they are not testing).
    1 point
  30. What a tosser you are, Bewley has a warped sense of humour if he thinks thousands of people dying of this virus is funny. There is a difference between having a sense of humour and saying coronavirus is a joke and irrelevant the laid back kid should grow up.
    1 point
  31. Hope to see more of that soon. Interesting thing is that nearly half that clip is the messing about and "gardening" at the start.
    1 point
  32. Something for those in isolation https://www.jigsawplanet.com/youngy105/Speedway http://www.jigzone.com/gallery/34250F1D2F.AF6BDBD https://www.jigidi.com/solve.php?id=QGA44IMY&g=5v3
    1 point
  33. I've seen that a couple have recently Crowd Funded £38,000 (Kickstarter actually) to visit every railway station in the UK. A fun project, no doubt. Even one that I would like to do (especially at someone else's expense). But a touch trivial in the grand scheme, I would suggest. If British Speedway is at risk because of this "business interruption", could we not Crowd Fund it's future? The issues are as I see them are: 1. Can we raise enough money? Answer: No question. We have the doh. We were going to spend it anyway, weren't we? 2. Who do we give it to? Answer: A complex question. There is much suspicion of the sport's governess. I think that both sides should recognise this lack of trust and see the need for "An impartial third party". Maybe the SCB can finally step up, and be that impartial governing body? 3. Is our sport , in the UK really in peril? I leave that one to yourselves.
    1 point
  34. You were doing well till the Glasgow bit... better stadium , YES, better race track? NO.
    1 point
  35. You'll upset the Gollob is god's gift gang, with his one world title and multiple home rounds... as can already be seen. If we take their careers from when Gollob was in the GP's so 1998-2013.. and award pts for their finishing position.. 16 for 1st, down to 1 for last.. Hancock scores 4 more pts than Gollob. Then factor in Hancock had finished 4th, 3rd and 1st in the three years prior to Gollob.. then added 1st, 2nd, 1st, 14th and 5th after him. Gollob was more exciting.. but the objective in speedway is winning races.. and at that Hancock was better.
    1 point
  36. The problem with attracting kids and families is we ride on a Thursday night and it finishes to late . To late for my kids. When i was a kid we rode on a Saturday night and loads of kids and families used to go.
    1 point
  37. Delightful phrasing from George Dodds in yesterday's blog on club website: saying that the pandemic was "making self-isolation a sexy and socially-responsible lifestyle choice, rather than the fate of window lickers from Cornhill" I laughed out loud
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Comparing to BV ,probably a Million + multi purpose stadium built by a local authority to any other stadium in GB is not a good comparison.IMO ps racing at Scunny is a good as anything I have seen elsewhere in GB.
    1 point
  40. Of course we are concerned not least because Tesco and Sainsbury are our biggest selling outlets. This is probably the biggest challenge we have faced. We can only suggest ask those who purchase their weekly copy at either a newsagent or a supermarket to consider a subscription. There is also a significant saving too.
    1 point
  41. We’re proud that many supporters from all over the country has visited and branded our racetrack the best in Britain – that means a lot. “I believe we offer an unbeatable package, with plenty of entertainment and thrilling action.” Yeah right...see above extract from a recent PR....who is the clown Godfrey trying to kid...the tracks rubbish and stadium is a dump in the middle of nowhere! Best racetrack in Britain my backside. He should go to spec savers...and then go to Belle Vue or Sheffield and see the real deal. The prices Scunthorpe are charging are ridiculous should be £10 max...!
    1 point
  42. Prehaps you should address the nation instead of Boris. I reckon you'd be very good at it.
    1 point
  43. Fair enough, but if it was my dollars i was putting into a business id want my own people with me... especially on the money side of things. As i say its harsh on some but its Robs call and fair play to him for doing it his way, he must have his reasons. Be interesting when the dust settles who's services have been retained. Its quite refreshing in my opinion.
    1 point
  44. Last time I engage with you. You have absolutely no idea who I am and what type of connections I have. I can tell you that I have enough of them to know that you are stupid little child. Not feeding your psychotic ego from here on. Good day to you.
    1 point
  45. All the doom and gloom merchants have their opinion yet again, rumour after rumour about Niki if the supporters put as half as much effort in to the speedway club as the promotion have over the last few years and especially last winter they would do well, instead of finding fault with everything at the club and starting falsehoods off about who is riding at Sheffield and for how long. Its time now to get behind the club not slag everything off
    1 point
  46. Looking like I dropped a clanger buying a season ticket this year I could have spent the money on toilet rolls .
    1 point
  47. Jamie Swales was announced as new co-promoter. Certainly no stranger at Redcar, and currently oversees the Northern Junior League. A good appointment I think - and certainly good news for the Cubs I would imagine.
    1 point
  48. Rusty was the reason I ever started going to speedway I spoke to him one night in town when he first arrived here and he persuaded me to go, that led to me running the track shop for many seasons and fundraising for the club. It also led to some life long friendships who now since closure sadly we may never meet up with again. Supporting the Comets has some amazing memories for me and of course our very last season brought us the trophies we had strived many years to win.
    1 point
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