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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2020 in all areas

  1. The guy at the Isle of Wight Barry Bishop would be top of my list along with Lee Kilby of Swindon.
    7 points
  2. Well none smiling Promoters like Colin Pratt, Cvs, Peter Adams who seem to only have supporters on sufference certainly dont encourage people to come through the gate, whereas Barry Bishop makes everyone feel welcome, thats my personal evidence The fact that they continue to have Speedway at all is down to in a large part Barry Bishop.
    6 points
  3. Nothing to do with the crowds Matt if you saw how Barry Bishop promotes and interacts with the fans and youngsters you would understand.Lee Kilby and Barry both understand the fans are important both in my eyes would be a major plus in putting across there ideas to take the speedway in the UK forward in the longterm.
    6 points
  4. Refreshing to see a promotion take time to explain everything - as oppose to just copy and pasting the BSPA's post.
    5 points
  5. Ipswich once again leading the way in how to present a professional looking outfit
    3 points
  6. In addition: 1 Poland, Sweden, Denmark etc will also be trying to squeeze in a few fixtures 2 Some Australians won't bother returning for a short season 3 Airline schedules will probably still be in a state of disarray
    3 points
  7. Andrew Dalby is a great guy to have IMO as a Centre Green Announcer and we are very lucky indeed to have his services. But, do you know what, I think I have a slightly sour taste in my mouth about the departure of Roy Clarke. Maybe I shouldn't, but my recollection is that he stepped in at very short notice to replace Andrew without having any previous experience of undertaking such a role. That takes some gumption and like his style or not, he was ever dependable and became much more proficient in the role as time went on. He was also very knowledgeable about the sport and had the ability to chat away during those long pauses which sometimes occur when fence boards are being replaced in between heats, or during a long track grade. There's a lot worse than Roy and I suspect we might well miss the rapport that he had with the riders and a large number of Diamonds supporters.
    3 points
  8. Louis Junior is doing a great job at Ipswich, the website, social media outlets are superb and the team always looks so professional these days.
    2 points
  9. The problem with attracting kids and families is we ride on a Thursday night and it finishes to late . To late for my kids. When i was a kid we rode on a Saturday night and loads of kids and families used to go.
    2 points
  10. it seems to me there is only one prat here and it sure isn't rob.
    2 points
  11. Toruń is about 320m BV is about 350m. I read in SS that Morton and Gordon went all over Europe gettin info on different tracks and had the old Hyde Rd plans to design the best track possible. And they did that BV is world class. EWR ain’t. Glasgow is a far better Championship track than Scunny.
    2 points
  12. Agree with you BUT you carnt take away the Godfrey factor as he is the problem NOT the solution. Fans should never forget that he along with his clueless mate Chapman have presided over the biggest run down of the sport in recent years. His statements are total nonsense and if we are relying on him to deal with the current crisis we are going to be 100% let down. He has zero credibility.
    2 points
  13. wonder what workington fans would give for a poor website and speedway thrown in .
    2 points
  14. Comparing to BV ,probably a Million + multi purpose stadium built by a local authority to any other stadium in GB is not a good comparison.IMO ps racing at Scunny is a good as anything I have seen elsewhere in GB.
    2 points
  15. Just stop your direct debit they will soon contact u !
    2 points
  16. I think it's well known that Swindon and IOW crowds have increased.
    2 points
  17. The mans a fool Fromafar Scunthorpe is a well run club with a great raceway and by speedway standards fairly decent other facilities. Dont keep knocking clubs as with this pandemic I can see a few clubs going to the wall before the Season runs
    2 points
  18. There is more things to worry about at the minute than a website...
    2 points
  19. Personally I'd put Hancock 5th of that lot. So not that clear cut really.
    2 points
  20. Agree with most of that Matt BUT name me anyone with a “proven track record”...who would take the job...? As you say the current bunch of clowns at the BSPA especially the Main Clown Godfrey...are completely useless and if we supporters are relying on him....then the sport is as good as dead and buried.
    2 points
  21. The original post is nonsense. Firstly, having a net worth of £4bn is not the same as having lots of cash sitting around, which is precisely what companies need when they are have cash flow problems. Secondly, the government guarantees asked for by the airline industry does not primarily help Branson, they help the employees of Virgin Atlantic who stand to be impacted much more if the company folds than Branson does.
    2 points
  22. Be interesting to see what Josh could do with a season in a team with Jason Crump or Nicki Pedersen helping him out with his gating and set ups
    2 points
  23. It's not ridiculous. Not sure why you've even said about being big and clever also. Bit weird that. it's massively unlikely that the nhs will have the resources to even discharge the sja and other private firms that will be bailing us out up til probably late summer. i've had to cancel a few weekends away already so i'm gutted too, but it's the reality of the situation. If we're lucky to get a big individual meeting at each track before the clocks go back we will be doing well i think.
    2 points
  24. If he's short of a few bob he could flog his Carribean island. He's made a hell of a lot of money out of the labours of his employees over the years. Now they need him, he's gone missing. Shouldn't get a penny piece out of the taxpayer.
    2 points
  25. Most have a deal that their teams pay for them.
    1 point
  26. Crumpy looked to me like he was easing his was back into it, just a personal opinion of course, others looked quicker to me but when they are not actually racing anyone they always look good. Anyway, numbers on their backs said 1 Crump 2 Heeps 3 King 4 Allen 5 Klindt 6 Covatti 7 Kemp Can only assume this will be the definitive order.
    1 point
  27. I can't understand why people give that particular member the attention he obviously craves , best plan is to ignore him
    1 point
  28. Track in the middle of nowhere is the only way forward. How many other clubs struggle to survive with curfews and restrictions due to there locations. From a field to what we have now is massive and with Rob constantly investing in the facility it’s only going to improve. Like has been pointed out it’s very good in comparison to some but remember your beloved Sheffield and Belle vue ain’t as good venues as torun.
    1 point
  29. Delightful phrasing from George Dodds in yesterday's blog on club website: saying that the pandemic was "making self-isolation a sexy and socially-responsible lifestyle choice, rather than the fate of window lickers from Cornhill" I laughed out loud
    1 point
  30. If you zoom in on the track you can noticeably see the extra banking added to the bends
    1 point
  31. If you read the statement on the Sky website they are hoping to allow you to suspend your sports package online from Friday.
    1 point
  32. I text them when i cancelled my multiroom previously, sometimes takes a while back and forth texting but at least they know your there and your not hanging on line etc
    1 point
  33. Sheffield!!! 10-15 years ago for decent racing.
    1 point
  34. We’re proud that many supporters from all over the country has visited and branded our racetrack the best in Britain – that means a lot. “I believe we offer an unbeatable package, with plenty of entertainment and thrilling action.” Yeah right...see above extract from a recent PR....who is the clown Godfrey trying to kid...the tracks rubbish and stadium is a dump in the middle of nowhere! Best racetrack in Britain my backside. He should go to spec savers...and then go to Belle Vue or Sheffield and see the real deal. The prices Scunthorpe are charging are ridiculous should be £10 max...!
    1 point
  35. You need to go on the Isle of Wight video links then maybe you would understand what my point is Matt.How many people would keep the IOW sustainable in this present climate not many i would say.Another point is would Mr Bishop be interested in taking a more prominent role in the future of speedway in the UK maybe not.A strange post from you Matt you odviously don't know anything about the IOW operation or Mr Bishop yet you post negativity with no real substance to your post.
    1 point
  36. http://www.redcar-speedway.com/2020/03/17/redcar-speedway-statement/
    1 point
  37. I've seen a few people say this. Let's just say the UK airline industry receives no state support and Virgin Atlantic goes bust. Branson is still there on his private island surrounded by supermodels, but how does that help their employees who've lost their jobs?
    1 point
  38. No, that's just a claim made (too often) by a sensationalist journalist. . A bit of responsibility wouldn't go amiss. What I see is a crass competition to see who can spread the most depression and panic by only seeing the extremes. What's the point in depressing people? Just watch and wait. Freedom of speech does usually come with a duty to show some responsibility in how that freedom is used. As one wartime leader who's image is on the front page of a tabloid rag today once wrote, "Freedom is liberty, not licence" - i.e. you have freedom but not total freedom to talk irresponsibly. But that was a time of genuine crisis when potential deaths in the millions, not thousands were anticipated and people faced it without behaving like idiots. Times change.
    1 point
  39. That would be Steve Hayward who stepped in for a week (or two) due to holidays (I think!).
    1 point
  40. It's great that rob has had a clean sweep of the club & hopefully all the backstabbing click of secret handshake tin hat brigade & tail carriers have gone & it will be a much better place to spend a sunday evening when it eventually gets going....
    1 point
  41. Would've been good to see what Jason could've done
    1 point
  42. When are some people on here going realise the season is over no way going ride this year for F sake.
    1 point
  43. Website says Centre Green Announcer will be Andrew Dalby.
    1 point
  44. Not a chance...get real mate, this is a serious unprecedented situation that is with us for a significant period of time...the BSPA statement that they will monitor the situation 15 April 2020 is grossly misleading....and as such totally irresponsible...speedway will not run!
    1 point
  45. To clear up any confusion over the different dates. The SCB/BSPA regard 15th April as the earliest date on which they'll make a full review of where we've reached in the coronavirus saga, ready to either set another review date or announce a resumption date. The ACU's use of 30th April does refer to the actual racing of any sort of motorbikes being halted until that date. Hence in a perfect world, the SCB/BSPA could join the ACU in announcing on 15th April that the action resumes on 1st May and they would then both honour the meaning of the dates they've issued so far. Much more realistically, both the dates they've issued so far simply buy time to process more discussions and information on when any action might eventually take place much further into the year.
    1 point
  46. Speedway has been on a rapid decline for years and personally I cant see how it will survive all of this. Unlike Footballers and other sports people. Many Speedway riders only source of income relies on racing week in week out, whether it be in the UK or Europe. If this coronavirus escalates as experts seem certain it will, then I can foresee many riders hanging up their boots and quitting. I also think that if by some miracle we are able to race this season, then I fear crowds will dwindle and disappear, because of the constant fear the public has for contracting this dreadful virus. It is going to change peoples mindsets for a long time to come and I worry whether speedway will ever survive this both financially and publicly.
    1 point
  47. It is not just clubs that may not survive How many large corporations sponsor speedway vs small businesses, if they suffer loss of business then they are going to withdraw sponsorship to clubs, riders etc. it will all have a knock on effect I can see the premiership if being run this season being literally 1 Home vs 1 Away then straight into the play-offs, at least we will see some Speedway. Imagine if riders had proper contracts with Speedway clubs and clubs still had to pay riders during this time
    1 point
  48. If it survives it survives,, if it don't it don't. I dare say we will all find other things to do.
    1 point
  49. speedway will survive yes, unfortunately some clubs wont survive
    1 point
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