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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2020 in all areas

  1. One really should keep one's gob shut. https://summit.news/2020/03/11/islamic-scholar-who-said-coronavirus-was-allahs-punishment-gets-coronavirus/
    6 points
  2. The full line up is now on the BSPA site. What I find totally disgusting is that a team have put their press and practice day on the same day as the Ben Fund meeting and forced one of their riders to withdraw from the Ben Fund meeting. Even worse is that the Ben Fun meeting was moved to accommodate the very same team with their now cancelled opening meeting.
    6 points
  3. Has someone escaped from the local mental institution? Seriously - what a loon!
    3 points
  4. Glad that is the end of you , your final comments speak volumes of your uncaring attitude and presumably that of Panthers management
    3 points
  5. But he is super clever got a GCSE in computers
    3 points
  6. I see the idiot is in full swing again, thank heavens i put the twot on ignore nice and early ....
    3 points
  7. Certainly exceptional to tell people what they could have, and probably did, work out for themselves but the one important question that you know jack about & you claim diplomatic immunity - how about accepting a ban for being a mentalist
    3 points
  8. ...great speedway pic included. Scroll down. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-8095877/The-pictures-shortlisted-Sony-World-Photography-Awards-youth-student-categories.html
    2 points
  9. Whatever people think about Neil,,, at least he had his name out there,,,.
    2 points
  10. It is what I think until you give me a good reason to think otherwise. You had a spat with Watson on the other thread and showed your ignorance of the issue and no understanding of the reason for the reaction. At no point did you mention this alleged defining private reason not mentioned in public. Who's wasting their time with BBC Cambs or the ET? Both pointless lapdogs in this respect. The choice is indeed mine and hopefully many more choose to stay away and encourage others to do likewise.
    2 points
  11. I’ve been hearing this about him for years including his various spells in the top flight. Always appears to be on a bargain low average. The reality is that it isn’t a bargain at all as he has been hugely overrated for a huge chunk of his career. At championship level you would expect his average to be much higher but the truth is because of his general lack of interest in riding in the UK I’d say that is mostly his level these days.
    2 points
  12. Peterborough obviously don't want to try to find a compromise that will suit all parties. Us BB holders are told in our terms and conditions that misuse of the badge can result in it being taken away. If, and I say if, staff were being abused the badge number should have been taken, it's on the front of the badge, and also the car reg and then report the incident to the appropriate Council. Also that particular BB number could have been banned from using disabled parking in future at Peterborough. Why should all BB holders tarnished due to the actions of one person. As someone else said all badge holders could also be told they will have to wait for a bit longer to exit the car park. As for the excuse of people walking about and car movement etc how do people get to their cars in the main car park - fly - there is the same chance of an accident there as anywhere else.
    2 points
  13. This meeting had to happen at the start of the season..with all the excitement of the oncoming season.waste of time cramming it in at the end when no one is interested...again I ask the question..why can't they just close the grandstand for this one meeting and let it go ahead?
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Although it’s not really the fault of THJ on this occasion he really can’t be trusted in the UK. Only ever appears interested in part seasons when it suits.
    2 points
  16. I sense a serious domestic in the background
    1 point
  17. Not factual, unless the UK now has a population of over 456 million.
    1 point
  18. Believe me when I say that imo there are very few people who will be closer to the facts than Speedster.
    1 point
  19. I'm not sure folk did take his side. His pathetic climb down was flagged by myself and many others.
    1 point
  20. I think there will be a few of us in this situation.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Management have been reading the mentalists posts and we have had a reaction sent.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Let’s be honest the multi aliased troll knows no more than anyone. A complete fantasist that people are even considering might be someone involved. Of course they aren’t. Its only a matter of time before this one gets banned just like the rest of the many aliases. Soon, hopefully.
    1 point
  25. Maybe he means he missed out on the great toilet roll hoarding craze? Perhaps that's why he's having to "wind it back in".
    1 point
  26. Thought you had gone. This situation entirely of managements making. Respect of course works both ways
    1 point
  27. Doesn't want to work full stop, not even as a volunteer. Give it a few days and there`ll be bleating posts about reduced admission for the unemployed.
    1 point
  28. Maybe the Aces diehards can have an input they know more than you and i on Lidsey and his talent and development as a rider.I have followed Lidsey ever since he was riding against the likes of Leigh Adams son ( Declyn) ) and Mathew Gilmore and have always felt there is a real rider there only time will tell i suppose.
    1 point
  29. You are indeed correct he served British Speedway with absolute distinction. However he was the first one to go and many followed
    1 point
  30. Sponsors announced: https://newcastle-speedway.co.uk/grants-event-catering-revealed-as-newcastle-diamonds-2020-main-team-sponsors/
    1 point
  31. Quite clear that it isn't regionalised (All seven clubs will field their own four-man team, who will race their opponents over six heats on a one-home, one-away basis after Premiership matches between the respective sides.) but as the Premiership isn't exactly a nationwide competition like the Championship, the travel isn't too big a burden. Six home meetings can be accomodated in the warmer, lighter summer nights when spectators are happier to stay on to watch the juniors. As long as the promoters all take it seriously, use their own junior riders and encourage spectarors to stay and watch, it can succeed. All it needs to be a success is for one gilt-edged UK prospect to emerge from this mini-league every year, and that's job done.
    1 point
  32. Agree 100% A public acknowledgement of their actions, including an apology to all the BenFund volunteers would not be out of place. Maybe a sizeable donation would help, too.
    1 point
  33. I too was there all day on Saturday -mostly to see the new generation of UK speedway riders ( and some were truly exceptional ). It was a well organised and very intersting day - the 2 Brothers Stunt Team were excelllent. However on the attendance it sounds like VERY rose tinted glasses were counting, as I estimated there were less than a well supported regualr speedway match! 1.500 tops and that in great weather for the time of the year.
    1 point
  34. This is not why I go to speedway certainly don't look forward to seeing it ,anyone can try too hard make a mistake but not just knock someone off and act in such an arrogant manner afterwards there is nothing endearing in that !
    1 point
  35. I think it shows what pedersen is , nothing but a give it cant take it guy shoving the bike at zagar kicking then running away like a school yard fight. Je can them mouth off in the pits with hus crew to look after him, still what goes round comes around.
    1 point
  36. True. I'm really looking forward to more of his healing and mobility solutions to help his friends out of their self created hole
    1 point
  37. That has been his attitude for a while now,just turns up for meetings in UK when he can be bothered.
    1 point
  38. So... Swap a 6.9 former GP rider for a 5.4 never gonna be. Is that the only change? I guess THJ sold a few season tickets.
    1 point
  39. The comments on this thread are a good illustration of why many good contributors of the past are rarely or never seen on the forum.
    1 point
  40. I wish Danyon Hume had been given the chances Jack has had ( i e.) Glasgow, Sheffield, Redcar.
    1 point
  41. Bring back Joe or is he otherwise disposed?
    1 point
  42. This is why nicki has been signed by sheffield,he's not had a race yet but there seems to be plenty of excitement building up already judging by all the posts on here .Personally I'm looking forward to it myself now,just hope the weather is better for the season than it is at the moment.Theres a buzz around British speedway again,the first for a long time,so hopefully we get a good summer and plenty of entertaining speedway.
    1 point
  43. Dr Harries on BBC Breakfast News: "The virus will not survive very long outside," she said. "Many outdoor events, particularly, are relatively safe."" So self isolate and stay indoors... errmmm...
    1 point
  44. Ah that's good then, it won't effect any speedway meetings in this country.
    1 point
  45. JD a tough rider, give him half a space he’s going to be ruthless - no different to lindgren, zmarzlik and most of the other riders fighting for world championship at the sharp end, crump, gollob were always ruthless racers as were many other world champions including Nicki - where Nicki has differed over the years is consistently is taking it one stage further and rather than just racing hard deliberately riding the man into the fence, he’s also guilty of laying on people taking the fall and conning the ref countless times throughout his career - I agree with you Nicki can be treated harshly at times as a result of his reputation but frankly he has himself to blame imo
    1 point
  46. At least Smoli does his best to Promote the sport in a positive way and seems to able to attract Sponsors and comes across in aProfessional manner.Good luck to him.
    1 point
  47. He wanted to run it at Newcastle this season but with the doubt about continuing in 2020 he had to opt for another track not his fault.. but the Newcastle promotion are doing a lot to help his day be a success...
    1 point
  48. That all depends on when he applied for it.
    1 point
  49. I've just finished Tai's book "Raw Speed"... or as it should have been called "It Is What It Is". And while it was very interesting to read his take on things (I still can't make head nor tail of why he punched Ben Barker, other than they were both drunk) I have to say that I don't think I've ever read a more poorly written "Autobiography" and I've read a few. At least a third of the book must be pure filler as it goes off at tangents giving irrelevant and needless details and giving you history of who people are and and venues etc. Which quite clearly haven't been penned (or even thought of, I suspect) by Tai. And if I had a pound for every time I read the sentence "As I've mentioned before"... Take away all of the filler and I don't think it's anything more than an extended Speedway Star interview. 6/10
    1 point
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