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  1. It was a STAFF meeting, therefore Staff business and not yours
    4 points
  2. The comments on this thread are a good illustration of why many good contributors of the past are rarely or never seen on the forum.
    3 points
  3. This is why nicki has been signed by sheffield,he's not had a race yet but there seems to be plenty of excitement building up already judging by all the posts on here .Personally I'm looking forward to it myself now,just hope the weather is better for the season than it is at the moment.Theres a buzz around British speedway again,the first for a long time,so hopefully we get a good summer and plenty of entertaining speedway.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. You could use the same search for many other riders. Being selective doesn’t prove your point. We disagree. Move on. For the record btw, I’ve just watched the clip and again, I don’t see what he does wrong. That is not crossing a line that is going for a gap and taking an opportunity.
    3 points
  6. Don't think that there is any "therefore" about it. They have already admitted as such: "We respect the fact that the above (ie: not using the allocated parking areas; a number of our volunteer car parking staff have been verbally abused) hasn’t been caused by everyone issued with a blue badge, and we do also know and understand this decision affects everyone that will attend our race meetings that are issued with a blue badge." So those who have always parked where told and have never abused staff are indeed paying for the actions of others, that being both customers and bad decision makers who clearly do not respect and understand!
    3 points
  7. Why did you not go? It was on the website saying "anyone interested in joining our amazing group of volunteers are encouraged to come along". You would then have found out what was discussed and possibly have a position (maybe Gary and Jamie would let you be the team manager) for the season.
    2 points
  8. It seems that THJ is taking this very diplomatically, but am sure he'll be blowing steam out of his head like a screaming kettle
    2 points
  9. 50 large & that's not his wallet or beer derby for me says THJ on a BBKO ( beer belly knock out )
    2 points
  10. Congratulations to Aaron Summers on being named Berwick captain for 2020.
    2 points
  11. French houses are never finished. There’s always something more to do, especially big ones
    2 points
  12. They change SGP scoring, because they had to because all other disciplines have the same. Then they change team speedway rules to make it more special, since being fastest at the flag isn't important anymore (like it is in other disciplines), it's more about places 2 and 3 doing tricks to slow the 4th down to gain heat victory for the team not winning the heat. Bigger picture you see... This is all good.
    2 points
  13. Niki is no worse than a number of riders and it’s the snowflake brigade that have given him a bad press. I’ll admit there have been occasions where he stepped over the line, but many riders are guilty of that. I was watching some old speedway clips on YouTube last night, started off in the 70s with some world finals etc and ended up on a heat from the 2015 Toruń GP, just popped up in my recommendation feed. If anyone recalls that particular race, which included Kasprazak, you’ll know exactly where I’m coming from. He did absolutely nothing wrong and was excluded. Those situations in the past impact peoples judgments today but many many riders have been just as guilty of some tough moves but not a peep gets said. Here is another unpopular opinion. A man who gets away with moves very similar to NP, and that man is Jason Doyle. And when I say gets away, I don’t infer that he’s doing anything wrong JD is just a tough rider, but when he pulls off the moves he does not a word can be heard. Those 2 have a lot of respect for each other and I don’t think it’s a coincidence, but one is treated differently to the other.
    2 points
  14. Well, yes it does. It could mean that riders two and three have actually ridden as a team to keep the fourth rider out, whereas rider one had no intention of riding as a team and just shot off for his individual win. This is a team event and that's why coming second and third is better than first and fourth. League speedway allows for a draw; the SON doesn't.
    2 points
  15. I quite liked the lad and thought he was doing fine at Redcar but they certainly did not shaft him. If you have a tantrum and a fall out with the management , expect concequences, but I do hope to see the lad get a chance somewhere.
    2 points
  16. Very disappointing start to the season once again and I'm sure there is still enough standing space without the grandstand?..would probably be 1000 people...sounds like a load of BS to me.
    1 point
  17. Unfortunately I have no need to be liked If people like me or not, it's their choice.
    1 point
  18. I'm not as worried about PK because I believe wright and bewley will occupy the top 3 alongside Brady. PK will be a 2nd string. That's quite a big statement I know.
    1 point
  19. Draws are settled easily in competitions such as this, including speedway. Every rider in each race is trying to win and if they don't think they can, they can work as a team to score as many points as possible. The same happens if they are first and second. Leaders can help 3rd get to 2nd just as easily as 2nd helps 4th to 3rd. To give more points to losers is an awful idea.
    1 point
  20. Not being quite as savvy as I'd like to be on attaching things on here, have a look at the 2006 Slovenian GP final, I know he's not quite the rider he was then, but love or hate him as has been said making British speedway buzz again, especially with Crump on the scene again.
    1 point
  21. Acef looking at this Aces side Kurtz, Wright, Bewley, Worrall, Lidsey, Etheridge can all improve there figures.Wright also for me is a very decent rider away from home if he can say be averaging over eight at home his figures away will improve also.I enjoyed watching Steve/Charles riding for the Robins so are two riders i would love to keep improving.
    1 point
  22. This must be one of those isolated incidents, took 2 seconds to find on YouTube, simply by searching for “Nicki pedersen speedway” no mention of crashes/incidents in the search yet 10 of the top 12 hits are of crashes and incidents - there’s a correlation there and denying it is just blind, he has a reputation for a reason. I’m no Nicki hater but imo he crosses the line and I’m sure if you asked his peers they’d agree
    1 point
  23. Management are always right even when t Management are always right even when they are wrong. One of the many privileges of being management. That then allows them to call those that don't agree key board warriors regardless of the rights and wrongs of the situation.
    1 point
  24. He lives there and rides on an Italian licence!!!
    1 point
  25. Nicki pedersen is no worse than Lindgren. Lindgren is a rider who has gone under the radar for years despite being reckless. no doubt his pathetic love song video will make people think differently
    1 point
  26. Guess hes the rider panthers were thinking of signing
    1 point
  27. OK for riders to go to North Korea then...
    1 point
  28. JD a tough rider, give him half a space he’s going to be ruthless - no different to lindgren, zmarzlik and most of the other riders fighting for world championship at the sharp end, crump, gollob were always ruthless racers as were many other world champions including Nicki - where Nicki has differed over the years is consistently is taking it one stage further and rather than just racing hard deliberately riding the man into the fence, he’s also guilty of laying on people taking the fall and conning the ref countless times throughout his career - I agree with you Nicki can be treated harshly at times as a result of his reputation but frankly he has himself to blame imo
    1 point
  29. On there way i would suggest Google translation of a Sportowefakty article published today. We don't have good news for players Coronavirus paralyzes sports games around the world. Slag will also soon feel the effects of this disease. The situation in several countries is very worrying. In Poland, coronavirus appeared relatively late relative to other European countries, but the situation will get worse, as state authorities are convinced. There have been 17 cases with us so far. An elderly man who was hospitalized in Wroclaw is in serious condition. Further cases of coronavirus mean that the next matches of football Ekstraklasa are to take place without the participation of the public. There is no decision in speedway, but even PGG ROW Rybnik has decided to cancel its presentation for the 2020 season.
    1 point
  30. But rightfully excluded for many a shocking and deliberate move.
    1 point
  31. Can see wright hitting 7 this year, he’s steadily improved year on year, home track at belle vue will suit him too
    1 point
  32. Sensible decision in my opinion.
    1 point
  33. I’ll bet my last dollar that Charles puts at least half a point on that average. In the UK he is excellent and I find it somewhat perplexing that we have people who believe that the current British Champion, yes that’s right, can’t increase what is a pretty low starting number gained whilst riding as either a number 1 or 5. When people use the term underrated, I often think it’s banded around too easily, but in Charles case it’s very apt. He will be the 3rd heat leader in this team and I’ll go so far as to stick my nose out and say Charles will be challenging for the number 1 race jacket. Everything stacks up for him this season. He’s at his home town club and lives a stones throw away. A nice set of circumstances and given his family history with the club, I expect we will see a very settled and very driven Charles Wright this season.
    1 point
  34. Quite right Col..... having said that....it seems that 'speedway' in itself is all about surviving and winning anything is a bonus!? (just my opinion)
    1 point
  35. I suspect you are thinking of this one I mentioned on page 2 of the thread
    1 point
  36. Quoting from the book 'Speedway in East Anglia' by Norman Jacobs. "A major incident occurred during the season (1986) when, on 11 June, Mildenhall refused to ride at Long Eaton, claiming the track was unfit. The Speedway Control Board fined the club £1.000 with £1,000 costs. In Addition Robert Henry, Dave Jessup and Melvyn Taylor were fined £250 each and Eric Monaghan, Rob Parish, Richard Green, Wayne Dunworth and team manager, Maurice Everett, had to pay £200 each. All parties were banned for six months, suspended for two years."
    1 point
  37. The year of the witch , just need injury free season
    1 point
  38. This is what I don't get. Just because it's billed as a team event doesn't mean we should reward second and third mire than first and fourth. League speedway is definitely a team event but 3-2-1 seems to work well there?
    1 point
  39. Its probably a good thing then, since it is a team and not an individual event .
    1 point
  40. Starting to sound a bit like a firm of Solicitors with the newcomers though! Barker, Becker, Bates and Cook
    1 point
  41. At least Smoli does his best to Promote the sport in a positive way and seems to able to attract Sponsors and comes across in aProfessional manner.Good luck to him.
    1 point
  42. I don't think he got shafted by Redcar did he? I thought after one meeting he asked to step down from the team then subsequently changed his mind but by this time it was too late Redcar had already found someone to replace him.
    1 point
  43. Yep i was there on Saturday, there was something happening on track all day, apart from track grades. During track grade time there was a motorcycle stunt team performing on the centre concrete or drift cars. There was a fair in the main car park together with a monster truck that the public could ride on. Around the perimeter of the track inside and outside the stadium there was trade stands mainly geared towards speedway and grasstrack. The event was very well organised and I would like to think the organisers would have been pleased with Saturdays attendance.
    1 point
  44. He wanted to run it at Newcastle this season but with the doubt about continuing in 2020 he had to opt for another track not his fault.. but the Newcastle promotion are doing a lot to help his day be a success...
    1 point
  45. Think it will be a huge benefit to both Wolves and Luke Becker that he will be doubling up with Somerset.Can't think of a better track than than the Oak Tree Arena where he can hone his skills and push on with his development.
    1 point
  46. I rest my case, I'm sure the Aussies would give him citizenship, go Tai ....... Even if the Brits won a title with him, it would mean nothing to him .... what's the point Tai??
    1 point
  47. But this virus in the UK is now twice as lethal as Michael Barrymore's pool
    1 point
  48. Yes Tai's achievements on track are impressive. It would be rather more impressive if the performances for England had been for the country, not just his wallet. Anyway, riding well is no excuse for his attitude in the book.
    1 point
  49. What Speedway wouldn't give for a "large public gathering"!!! No danger in Speedway being effected in that way... I'd be more concerned on how much of the fan base is left after this lergie has been and gone
    1 point
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