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3 points
As Bob Woodward said: If you're gonna hype it, hype it with the facts. I don't mind what you did (well of course we do). I mind the way you did it. When did the procedure change anyway? When was the website graphic uploaded? Were they going to put out a club statement before their hand was forced or were they just going to let disabled supporters turn up whenever and discover the new arrangement? If there was a good argument put up (ie the Showground did it) and some mitigation for the consequences of that action then there might have been more understanding but it hasn't been communicated in public as yet. It's easy just to focus on the BB element but what we're actually talking about here is paying customers, their friends and family.3 points
Jamie Swales was announced as new co-promoter. Certainly no stranger at Redcar, and currently oversees the Northern Junior League. A good appointment I think - and certainly good news for the Cubs I would imagine.2 points
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The fact that Jason Crump is riding premier league Speedway 2020 for Ipswich is due to a unique combination of circumstances! To compare this with any other situation is not a true comparison. Jason's tallent/record puts him in speedways all time top ten. Rejoyce all U.K. speedway fans Jason & Niki will be putting "bums on seats".2 points
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The truth is out there. The Prem clubs step in to save the day (after the destruction of the current development league) by running a second half division for "local young riders" to enable them to develop and hone their skills before finding there is no team place for them as they are all filled with overseas riders and fading GP stars.2 points
Leigh would be a chip off the old block, a ‘rock’ performer who could ‘skate’ around the opposition and his line up in the ‘roe’ would add ‘sole’ to the team plus he could ‘crab’ the opportunity to ‘tuna’ in to the new ‘line’ up and would no doubt ‘net’ a whole load points on his way to being a ‘dab’ hand at landing a good haul of points. He would have a ‘whale’ of time but could end up ‘shelling’ out so many ‘pilchards’ and possibly could end up as a damp squid. ‘Fingers’ in so many pies and not too many ‘ wrasses’ to rely on an wining catch.1 point
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Let’s not get Mushy, please. Leigh would be worth his plaice in the team and wouldn’t need to Curry favour with Crispy Louis to get it.1 point
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They can send them to me instead. I'll have a discussion with them!1 point
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we went miles on them last year, so much fun and got to see loads more of the city and parks. get yourself the 'Lime' and 'Hive' apps before going and get registered words of advice though, alcohol + old town cobbles + rain = carnage1 point
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How about Lee Lanham, ok he might be like a fish out of water to start but would soon be battering the opposition. Some thought he haddock got the time but once Spring Rolls around he would be ready1 point
This post is a response from Julie Reading (Sheffield Promoter) to concerns voiced on this forum about disabled viewing at Sheffield.1 point
Get the feeling he may change a couple to make us competitive if there is no obvious heat leader available.1 point
Cant understand how you can rate `Hartel as being a week link as he hasn't ridden a lap in `britain Perhaps he will be but with Riss as a countryman and Lambert speaking German and I am sure both will be helping him get used to British Tracks But he must be given a chance1 point
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Whilst not ideal, it may be possible, if you are able to get there early enough to position yourselves at the front, to use the area in front of the new Corporate / Hospitality Suite (OEC). From memory when I saw it a few weeks ago, I'd guess that the top of the wall that runs round the edge of the dog track is approx. at waist height, so someone in a wheelchair may be able to watch from there. Not ideal, but you'd be outside and wouldn't have anyone standing in front of you. Obviously the provision of designated areas for wheelchair users is the responsibility of the stadium owners and not the Tigers so I'd imagine they're pretty much constrained by what the stadium offers.1 point
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Here’s their signed averages for this year and their 2018 ones in brackets: Andersen 5.79 (7.56), Tungate 6.59 (7.61), Harris 6.16 (7.78), Nicholls 5.5 (6.64). Surely there’s a chance that they could recover their 2018 form and add a point each?1 point
They follow utterly and remorselessly the Chairman Mao style of management. Do as you are told.1 point
What this fan really wants to see is that in a majority of races the positions will stand a very good chance of changing after 1/2 lap. And that riders believe that that is possible and make a real effort to do so, rather than accept after that first 1/2 lap that the result is set in stone. And settle for a high speed verion of line dancing. Bring back racing and the belief that having a serious go is worth it. Not least to entertain the remaining supporters!1 point
I believe David used to travel with them like a roady for some considerable time, before retiring and then going to UNI.1 point
Or call 020-83351113 and they will send you a single edition plus the cost of postage1 point
Jason is a great racer and gives excellent entertainment. i do hope he gets asked1 point
I assume you realise that some folk on here are close enough to people involved at speedway clubs to know what’s going on without it having to be in the public domain?1 point
And he wouldve done had it not been for the visa issues... Not that you will accept this as reasoned debate and understanding isnt high on your list of skills1 point
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I'm just wondering, if in this new "golden age" where from January 2021 lower-skilled foreigners will no longer be welcome and their replacements will be drawn from among the 8.3 million British idlers and workshy backsliders whom the lovely Ms Patel has identified as the ready source as seamless replacements, that possibly I, as a member of the aforesaid classes, could finally have a chance to be a professional speedway rider? I'm ready, willing, and errrm.....1 point
Hold on a second. Don't go taking a swing at me now just because i said that it was unnecessary to take a pop at someone who by your own admittance you have on block - why cause an issue by saying what you did to him ? He wasn't taking a pop at you was he ? As for saying about my typical efforts to stir matters up - i've been vocal on here in support of this with no issues at all, but now because i'm saying that you're intentionally taking a pop at someone, I'm the one seen as stirring matters up ? Give over. If i wanted to stir matters up i would send people a few links about you and let them make their own mind up who the pillock is here. For some reason you seem to think your opinion is more valid than others and that's simply not the case. The sooner you get your head around that the better really as you're constantly gonna be butting heads with people all over this forum for years to come. I've noticed you picking arguments on several threads now with supporters far and wide even up to this evening - perhaps take a little closer look at yourself before you say about others stirring things up. Also, probably best to block me as if you carry on with this attitude i'll do something i perhaps won't be proud of. Tom Elwood, not hiding behind a false name.1 point
Appreciate the reply, I don’t have Facebook these days so haven’t seen any of the information which may be available to see there. If there is a passion then there’s always a point. It’s worth noting that not everyone who has a difference of opinion is doing so to put the hard work of others down, we all have our own ideas about things and Speedway in particular is a business/sport that has always been shrouded in mystery as to what is going on to those who don’t have a direct involvement. Be it this year or next I hope to see Speedway return to Rye, the sport just isn’t the same for me without having my own team to support.1 point
Fraser (son of Shane) Bowes is also in Aussie line-up for these matches.1 point
It won't happen in any organised way, as you and Chris have said just a headline to look good and put a spanner in the works of the development leagues.0 points