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  1. It's a TEAM sport so all of the TEAM should wear matching team uniform just like other sports....
    10 points
  2. Do you not think matching suits and bike covers look much, much more professional than a collection of waifs and strays in random colours? Race jackets worked in the eighties but this is a completely different era with tv coverage and team sponsors, social media etc. Teams and riders need to look as professional as possible. There is a reason that pretty much all other team sports have matching team wear for all team members.
    8 points
  3. That your username is appropriate it seems
    6 points
  4. my pictures from the Celebration of Speedway at Paradise Wildlife Park on Sunday https://www.flickr.com/photos/the_womble/albums/72157713252321707/page1
    5 points
  5. Got a message back from Jake this morning , he's on board with the idea.
    5 points
  6. Smolinski has to have ambition and he will try very hard. Doubt he is good enough for top 10 but you cant hold anything agaunst him for effort and having ambition.
    4 points
  7. Very pleased to be part of Drew Kemp sponsorship for 2020, spoke to him at the Paradise Park on Sunday. Very professional young lad, hope all concerned with Ipswich will give him time, big step up for him, but I believe he as a big future
    4 points
  8. But you have to remember that it is the bspa that come up with these ideas and how they are applied.
    4 points
  9. Of course they look more professional. Its a TEAM sport and the matching kit aligns with a TEAM of riders rather than a collection of individuals (Poole Pirates last season is a good example of the latter). Whether you like it or not is a different question.
    4 points
  10. Thought last years suits were very good, never understand people moaning they can’t tell who’s who - they tell you before the race who’s in it, as does the program and they were different colour helmets to differentiate
    4 points
  11. The thing with the young Australians is most come here and bust a gut to earn money as they ain't got Mum and Dad a few miles away to bale them out. I've said it on here before. So I'll repeat myself. Too many young British riders think they've made it when they get a signwritten van and a bit of eyecandy on their arm. Also of you were a young British Rider and wanted to really upset the applecart, I'm sure the relevant authorities would frown upon untried riders requiring a visa getting a job while a British citizen doesn't.
    4 points
  12. I'm just wondering, if in this new "golden age" where from January 2021 lower-skilled foreigners will no longer be welcome and their replacements will be drawn from among the 8.3 million British idlers and workshy backsliders whom the lovely Ms Patel has identified as the ready source as seamless replacements, that possibly I, as a member of the aforesaid classes, could finally have a chance to be a professional speedway rider? I'm ready, willing, and errrm.....
    3 points
  13. In all other sports opportunities are grabbed, gained and lost by either being good or not good enough along with a bit of fortune. All sports persons at the top of their game got there through dedication, hard work and because they did what it took to get to the top. In contrast Speedway can at times reward mediocrity and potential whilst genuine steady improvers can be frozen out. The numbers game is a harsh game and there has been a massive list throughout the years of good riders who never made it and it will grow year on year. The only way to guarantee a team place is to be so good that everyone wants to sign you.
    3 points
  14. And have different numbers on there backs,,,, and normally different styles. Think it's mainly the older fans,, back in the so and so years and all that. And does it matter who is in first and second,,, they both represent your team.
    3 points
  15. If you go into an task with a negative attitude, the likely thing is that you will fail. Have a positive attitude, and surround yourself with others who are positive then you have a better chance of succeeding. Smoli is doing it right, investing in new engines and fresh mechanics. Would be nice if he did what he did in the final of the NZ Gp few years ago..... that would lite up the forum.
    2 points
  16. His comments caused a bit of debate, with some saying ‘what planet is he on?’ And others asking ,what is he supposed to say ? ‘I’ll be happy if I don’t finish last’ !!!
    2 points
  17. Bears have a race night arranged for Saturday when they will announce the name of a new Promoter. No clue if it's a new addition or a replacement for one of the existing Promoters. Edit - Now informed it's an additional Promoter. I've put a pound on it being Jason Pipe......
    2 points
  18. Good point and one possibly not thought through when the window idea was muted The window needs to be open/closed at the same time for ALL teams and not flexible to individual circumstances for the very reason you state
    2 points
  19. What a ridiculous statement, I could easily name half a dozen world class riders who didn't "stay fit", there's a lot of luck with any motor sport.
    2 points
  20. Dump them and let the riders have their own race suits and pay for them/advertise with them. I know I'm seemingly in a minority here but I'm perfectly capable of telling apart the riders from each team without them having to be in clone suits.
    2 points
  21. In terms of rider numbers it probably would help several if they were a little larger. I also concede that under lights helmet colours can be a bit tricky to pick out (especially when faded/stained and this should be stamped out on its white no grey/blue tint). Maybe the away side should have yellow and black quarters and black and white stripes? As for the pink troy lee gloves i hope they have plenty of stock in......beautiful idea
    2 points
  22. A bit of an empty soundbite that one, often substandard British riders** can be as damaging to the team and themselves if just given a team place solely based on where their passport says they are from. This country already offers development leagues for riders to cut their teeth and improve their skills, find a pathway into the sport etc. If people are being asked to pay money to watch the product, they should be given a decent return on that investment for doing so rather than simply having to pay the wage of someone solely based on their place of birth rather than the talent and skill they posses. I would question if it is a sensible message, or even a true pathway of development in the long term to give a rider team spot based on where they are from either, in what is seen as a more "professional" league". I am not entirely convinced that actually benefits in the long term creating a psyche of an entitlement rather than earning it. ** not applying that to those mentioned, but simply applying a broad stroke statement as so many do on these subjects
    2 points
  23. My son needed some track time Before the season starts and with the weather up here in Glasgow really bad decided to head south we had planned to practice at Scunthorpe on Saturday But it was cancelled so we new rye house was also open Saturday and weather looked ok so just kept going south and glad we did got plenty Laps in to blow the cobwebs away
    2 points
  24. Does it really matter?
    2 points
  25. I think you Diamonds fans need to take a breathe and be thankful you have a new promotion,team manager and team .A couple of months ago it looked like speedway was going to be lost on the Tyne ,so be patient as your team due to the uncertainty has had to have the pick of the riders left after all sides had virtually picked there riders . Support Rob Grant or speedway will be lost ,as I know only too well when Hull Vikings closed a lot of years ago . I know get my methanol fix at Scunthorpe Scorpions alongside my dad aged 80 ,so give it time and support and good luck to all associated with the Diamonds for the 2020 season
    2 points
  26. Not my kind of rider.. if he don't gate he don't win.
    1 point
  27. It is planned but just like The Silver Helmet no date yet.
    1 point
  28. Surely they'll be able to play the wag, just say they've been on an educational trip.
    1 point
  29. Not as far as Bailey, Watson or Douglas for the same meeting....
    1 point
  30. Sheffield Panthers Wolves Belle vue Swindon Lynn Ipswich
    1 point
  31. Fair point Give Us a B The point I was trying to make though was that if the "unattached talent" is in certain areas it may be less likely to be picked up than others. I agree that I think that Brummies are looking to develop 3 and I widely applaud that and certainly get more of a buzz of of us developing shall we say Shanesy, Jack or Ashley rather than a Dane or even Paco, who I love as a rider and a real team man.
    1 point
  32. No, I don't. And I also remember some fantastic race suits some of the riders wore, looking very professional in the coordination with their machinery etc. Of course I'm not stupid and understand the points you've made except I don't agree on the need for team suits. TV coverage of course in the 70s/80s was less frequent but did air on shows such as World Of Sport, watched by millions rather than the tens of thousands who tune into the BT Sport coverage. Additionally, in those days it wasn't just teams that were sponsored, the whole league was! We could go further down the clone track of course, have the same helmets and ditch helmet colours because they no longer serve any purpose either because it's easy to see who's on each team - except for the new signings, guests etc.
    1 point
  33. Along with Clerk of the Course, Cubs Team Manager, Pits Marshal, Start Marshal, Presentation Teams and Stewards.
    1 point
  34. Brady Kurtz and Erik Riss added to line up, looks like a decent field being put together without being spectacular Jason Crump Dan Bewley Peter Kildermand Nikolai Klindt Brady Kurtz Erik Riss Stevie Worrall Charles Wright Richard Lawson
    1 point
  35. Who is your son? and we will root for him with such dedication.
    1 point
  36. They can afford NKI, but not a tenner an hour(for 3 hours max) for a man with a few cones
    1 point
  37. Great idea,,,, Troy Lee do a nice pair of pink gloves,,, only 20 ish quid
    1 point
  38. As I said before it looks that way. Why else would Smolinski be looking for a new mechanic for GP's etc at the end of January-start of Feb and also in the Poland/Czech area.......
    1 point
  39. What diffence does it really make? Either way He isn't going to come back and not put 100% in. It might actually be easier for him if his son is over. One thing is for sure he'll be as committed and probably more so than some of today's star riders who are chasing Polish money and GP points.
    1 point
  40. i am not against sponsorship, all I wanted was an honest answer which I got from the club. You will note that I did not put the wording of my request on the forum and I was fair to the club by putting the fair reply on the forum.
    1 point
  41. I very much doubt long standing loyal supporters like Grachan or any of the others including me who you have picked fights with in the past would be seen dead with you at the speedway, so don't flatter yourself bus-boy.
    1 point
  42. It didn't take long. I looked it up several years ago, when they were doing the initial selling, and I'm pretty sure I did post it at the time. Do you have an attitude problem in real life or is it just on the internet?
    1 point
  43. All this crap...halfway through reading the article on Greg Hancock and his family in the Speedway Star, best wishes to Greg’s wife and all the family.
    1 point
  44. There are still quite a number of people around now who were around at the time the stadium was constructed, including the current press officer.
    1 point
  45. The truth is out there. The Prem clubs step in to save the day (after the destruction of the current development league) by running a second half division for "local young riders" to enable them to develop and hone their skills before finding there is no team place for them as they are all filled with overseas riders and fading GP stars.
    1 point
  46. Was never a Huge Greg fan, Billy was always my favorite rider. However I got to know Greg when he visited NYC a couple of years ago and we have remained friends ever since. What I can say he is as nice in person as you see on the camera. Its not a front or BS. But he was fiercely determined to be successful without over stepping boundaries. Its fascinating talking to him on how he reinvented himself in 2010 to make himself a contender again. A genuinely nice bloke and whether or not you enjoyed watching him ride, deserves a massive amount of respect for the career he had.
    1 point
  47. Would have gone to this at any time of the season But Somerset then Cardiff is enough for one weekend, so four of us will give it a miss
    1 point
  48. As a 21 year old Charles Wright was averaging less than 4 for Redcar in the second tier. So to suggest that Nathan Greaves can be so casually discarded seems very harsh. (And after 6 years of Conference league experience Paul Starke averaged below 2.5 for Newcastle in the PL). We need the likes of Greaves, Hume and Bowtell to have decent opportunities to continue their careers as we continue to find it more and more difficult to attract riders from abroad.
    1 point
  49. At those odds - Woffinden / Sayfutdinov . Janowski to make top 3 ....
    1 point
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