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I thought I remembered Grachan posting something similar before so I've done a quick check and found these 2 posts which confirm he did..6 points
5 points
I think you Diamonds fans need to take a breathe and be thankful you have a new promotion,team manager and team .A couple of months ago it looked like speedway was going to be lost on the Tyne ,so be patient as your team due to the uncertainty has had to have the pick of the riders left after all sides had virtually picked there riders . Support Rob Grant or speedway will be lost ,as I know only too well when Hull Vikings closed a lot of years ago . I know get my methanol fix at Scunthorpe Scorpions alongside my dad aged 80 ,so give it time and support and good luck to all associated with the Diamonds for the 2020 season5 points
Thought last years suits were very good, never understand people moaning they can’t tell who’s who - they tell you before the race who’s in it, as does the program and they were different colour helmets to differentiate4 points
4 points
Was at rye house yesterday with my son for a practice I must say they are doing a lot of great work off track and it’s looking good and a lot has changed since the last time we were there a few years ago ,the track was perfect and a pleasure to ride a near perfect track according to my son 98%(a little more shale on it Would have been 100% lol) considering the way the weather had been the last few weeks and will provide great racing soon so whoever is doing the track there i take my hat off to you , it was worth the very long 820 mile journey and they are very hopeful that there will be a team coming to the tapes next season3 points
The thing with the young Australians is most come here and bust a gut to earn money as they ain't got Mum and Dad a few miles away to bale them out. I've said it on here before. So I'll repeat myself. Too many young British riders think they've made it when they get a signwritten van and a bit of eyecandy on their arm. Also of you were a young British Rider and wanted to really upset the applecart, I'm sure the relevant authorities would frown upon untried riders requiring a visa getting a job while a British citizen doesn't.2 points
Hopefully very similar to last years, far and away the smartest I've seen tbh, possibly a bit of pink included this year2 points
2 points
The feelings mutual, quite a relief actually, nearly as much as it is not to have to endure you on Sky anymore2 points
He struggled at times to beat those types of riders at the showground last year, maybe it was the track or his lack of firepower in his bikes one of those will need to be much better if he does end up at Peterborough at reserve, IMO Peterborough should be looking at a younger prospect now who they could use in the future, if there is a future that is.2 points
2 points
I very much doubt long standing loyal supporters like Grachan or any of the others including me who you have picked fights with in the past would be seen dead with you at the speedway, so don't flatter yourself bus-boy.2 points
It didn't take long. I looked it up several years ago, when they were doing the initial selling, and I'm pretty sure I did post it at the time. Do you have an attitude problem in real life or is it just on the internet?2 points
And have different numbers on there backs,,,, and normally different styles. Think it's mainly the older fans,, back in the so and so years and all that. And does it matter who is in first and second,,, they both represent your team.1 point
We'll the offer has been sent to Jake , and I've also messaged to club about it as well .1 point
I'm sure the MASSIF would start by sponsoring Jake's as our rider of the the year for 20191 point
1 point
Agree with that - perhaps it's too late to incorporate it into the main design but pink gloves are available. An easy and inexpensive alternative which would make the same point1 point
So what colours do we think race suits will be? I thought last years was good,,, bikes as well. I did hear and see a fair few saying they couldn't tell who is who under the not so bright lights.1 point
As I said before it looks that way. Why else would Smolinski be looking for a new mechanic for GP's etc at the end of January-start of Feb and also in the Poland/Czech area.......1 point
When they issue a statement that says: "We respect the fact that the above hasn’t been caused by everyone issued with a blue badge, and we do also know and understand this decision affects everyone that will attend our race meetings that are issued with a blue badge." That was a conscious decision which would to p*ss people off without seemingly trying a softer solution first. Is that jumping to a conclusion? Not based on the reasons given.1 point
They have done a good job of that in the past few weeks, one way or another ...1 point
Maybe it was the only viable date for this? I do like how certain people always jump to the conclusion that the management are the route of all evil with the perception they make decisions just to p*ss people off.....1 point
Firstly, there are reserves in place who are well prepared to come in at any point. And the chosen first reserves especially will know from recent history that there is a good chance they will be called into action. Secondly he desperately wanted to ride and have another shot at being world champion again, unfortunately his wife needs continued treatment for the cancer and he didnt want to be away from her and the family. So its a bit harsh to say he didnt make his mind up soon enough1 point
I am charlie17, but with the right people. They give it out, they get it straight back at them. Prefer it if they had the brains to behave themselves.1 point
I am really surprised that Josh Pickering has not got a premiership place, he is a very exciting rider to watch and gives it everything1 point
He averaged over 6 in Somerset's last PL season and again for Peterborough last year until his injury so he's clearly capable of more in the CL. I don't see much difference between him and Jake Allen tbh, last season together at Somerset in 2018 BWD averaged slightly higher, last season Allen similarly slightly higher.1 point
Which is exactly where the sport is going wrong. There will always be riders, there won’t always be fans. The riders have too much power these days.1 point
1 point
1 point
Will do mate, hope all is well for you, Sarah and the family too. Makes sense as you’ve got the track on your doorstep, would be silly not to go. Maybe one day there’ll even be another northern tour for the Rockets.1 point
There is little point emailing the official Lublin email address, it will respond eventually, very late. They were more responsive over Facebook messenger. They sell tickets through a mobile App which is unavailable outside Poland, which isn't very helpful. Or at least that was the case last year.1 point
Possibly but he’ll he at reserve and therefore riding against opponents he should beat in heats 2, 8, 12 and 14. I think having an ex GP and international rider of some repute at reserve is a massive plus whatever his shortcomings nowadays.1 point
For a successful team you need riders who can perform away from home as well.1 point
Found this on YouTube: a couple of female speedway riders, 50 years after Fay Taylour, these two rode in an indoor speedway match race series at the Wembley Arena (ca.1980). Miss Bobbi Hunter (USA) vs Miss Madeleine Fundín (Sweden)1 point
Good to hear he’s still going strong. Wish him all the best from Sarah and me. I’m a Bandits season pass holder these days, purely a financial decision, but will always be a Rocket at heart. Hopefully I’ll be able to get down s couple of times a season should the Rockets return1 point
I don’t see it like that at all, he is building both sides in a similar way ie with three distinct heat leaders and riders who have plenty of history at each club and will be popular with many supporters. Jorgensen and Kerr wouldn't have been in many people’s teams due to their scoring but they are popular, they are club men. Many people who go every week will be happy they are included, same goes for Hans, Niels, Ulrich and to a lesser extent MPT at P’boro. Buster knows people will keep coming back if his teams win at home and that what he is going for I believe.1 point
i am not against sponsorship, all I wanted was an honest answer which I got from the club. You will note that I did not put the wording of my request on the forum and I was fair to the club by putting the fair reply on the forum.1 point
1 point
1 point
Indeed, I was surprised at that given the posts on this forum. That does make it all the more positive for Ipswich I believe and it isn't just a 'working holiday' so to speak.1 point
I have followed the Stars the whole length and breath of this country. I cant think of a track I haven't visited during the countless years I've supported this wonderful sport. Too right, once I was the most ardent of Stars fans and would argue the point to the end, but as time goes bye you see life differently. Going to speedway matches was once the be all of everything, it dictated your moods, it define the whole week. It was the catalyst of your whole being. How sad was I , that I allowed it to govern my life for so long. My love for fast motor sport is as evident as ever, but now realise it has to be put into prospective. Now I see the sport as it really is and understand the lack of importance is a reflection of how the world see it. Gone are the days when it challenged Football in relation to supporting numbers, Fans stay at home now, it is fast disappearing because costs haven't been controlled. Probably the bikes are now faster, the heats are quicker, and the riders are better, but the race meetings are not like they use to be. The atmosphere has gone, the excitement is missing the crowds have all but gone . So if it is possible to go to a variety of venues to get my dose of yesteryear, then believe me I will go whether the Stars are riding there or not.....1 point
Be very interesting to see is reaction if it’s raining on is Fairwell Meeting,1 point
I guess its possible to run a Swindon Based side who were "sponsored" by Reading becoming the Swindon "Reading" Racers ? But why should they, there is nothing wrong with the current situation other than the over lords wanting to muscle in.1 point
Not sure anything that's been done so far has greatly improved anything,, but better banking should see a noticeable improvement. Smaller tracks with good banking can be awsome,,, as scunthorpe and Redcar show.1 point
So sorry to hear that. I became quite friendly with Len over the years. He was always a very happy and cheerful sort with a great sense of humour. I used to enjoy our little get-togethers. Still, one thing I suppose you can say was that he had a good innings and was still fit and with-it almost to the end. R.I.P., Lenny. You've earned it.1 point
Not going into details on here but few seasons back whe he apparently stepped down as team manager "due to family and work" wasnt the true story...1 point
Since Glasgow has been refurbished , there has been a large increase of females, especially younger ones attending. Before refurb, you just wouldn't use the toilets as they must have been the worst in the country, no light only 2 female toilets in the stadium. Now they are plush, with running hot water, having nice toilets do make a difference for us women who attend speedway, Glasgow crowds are now about 50/50 male and female, so I would say that it should be a bit more of a priority. That may be a reason why crowds are going down in places. I go to the pairs event, track and racing brilliant but viewing is awful, especially for short people like me and not enought toilets, and they ran out of programmes 1hr before start of meeting, which was shocking.1 point
One person, at least, clearly doesn't care. Or is completely disinterested. And seems to have a mantra - Don't come Then If You can't get here under my rules.0 points