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3 points
I'm wondering that in honour of Danny being such an entertainer, that it would be fitting to have a minutes applause instead of silence or possibly a minute of each? Also whatever happens,,, we don't post any negative comments about team performance. Let's really get behind our riders and spur them onto the title in Danny's honour.3 points
From my knowledge of the beautiful man i think he would consider the best way to honour whichever racing number he was to be issued is for the incoming rider to give their all and entertain to the best of their abilities. That is exactly how it would be if Danny was the incoming rider.3 points
3 points
If I was faced with this situation, rather than the nuclear option I would be thinking along the following lines: Blue Badges would need to be registered with the Club in advance, by sending a copy of the front and back of the badge together with another piece of ID (copy of passport or driving licence) and the vehicle registration number to be used. Each applicant would be issued with a Blue Badge parking permit, together with an information sheet which would lay out in clear language the ground rules: • Speed limit of 10mph on the Showground • A clear diagram of exactly where the allocated parking area is • Unequivocal instructions that should any steward be abused or the vehicle parked inappropriately the parking permit would be immediately withdrawn (if the rules are simple and clear I see no need for a ‘second chance’). The majority of Blue Badge holders will be season ticket holders and I would consider making that a requirement of the permit to ease congestion and admin at the vehicle gate. For casual and visiting fans I would provide a dedicated email address where the visitor would email 48 hours before a meeting the information required (Blue Badge number and holder’s name, and vehicle registration number), these applicants would receive a return email authorising parking to produce at the vehicle gate along with the Blue Badge. I appreciate that such a system would exclude the genuine impulse visitor, but would cater more compassionately for the regular fans.3 points
Sounds like Jye will be good to go for the start of the season https://bellevue-speedway.com/news/jyeonthemend?fbclid=IwAR2ooBpaaFsZLQQHvwJCKw5OT5ci4G00DOR1fmGkCyK5f1DDmlbud5UaN6k2 points
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And if abuse was an issue before then nothing gets the blood boiling like a good old queue of stressed paying customers.2 points
Big Arthur Browning (there was actually a small one, his Dad) has to be a contender simply because of the amount of disciplines he’s ridden over the years. Speedway Scrambling/Motocross Trials ISDT Manx GP/Classic TT Red Marley Hill Climb Cadbury’s Milk Tray Advert That’s some list.2 points
Shame that. Everyone thinks he’s entitled to reductions for everything else, so I thought it worth a go2 points
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As I'm not a golfer and have no interest in it then I don't know. Any time that a golf buggy is mentioned I always get a mental picture of bingo and fleegle doing the pick up! Don't worry that you don't get that, it makes me chuckle.1 point
Never have liked minutes silences... much prefer to celebrate the time we had have.... rather than what's been lost1 point
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And apparently we released harris and signed tungate last season because of financial reasons.. Lol1 point
Well we all have to move forward with the way things are done even more so with track preparation . The bikes will not go back to what there was so we have to change tracks, whether len likes it or not? That goes with a lot of tracks not just kent1 point
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Im going to take a deep breath and ignore that comment before i type something that lands me a ban. Encouragement is that Woodward should develop his skill set more rather than winding the throttle wide open and trying to stay aboard, it will benefit him and his physical health much more in the long term.1 point
Know what your saying pinny, Ben Howe was worth the entrance money alone and luckily couldn't gate for toffee's so was always good entertainment, a group of us used to sponsor Ben back in the day and i still say to this day if he had of had the backing Sal got he would of gone haps a lot further in the sport.1 point
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I think he was a Newcastle guest when I saw the Bandits race there last year. He didn’t do too badly.1 point
On a personal level I would welcome Jason coming back into British speedway, even after a long retirement I think he could do a reasonable job, and even at the age he is I think that he would put bums seats as I think that people would be curious to see what he can and what he cannot do. Realistically I don't think that he would or want to make a comeback to ride in British speedway, I think that he will come over to the UK and his focus will be helping his son onwards with his with his career. Those who believe that they will let Jason if he want to make a comeback on 5 point average a living in cloud cuckoo land, I reckon anything between 7 or 8 points assessed average would be more likely. Its a nice thought that he might be contemplating a racing comeback, but honestly I doubt that it will happen, but as they say never say never.1 point
Let’s hope this rider does not have mental health issues as the constant belittling is likely to play on a conscientious Rider . Keyboard warriors everywhere should try ENCOURAGEMENT..1 point
Newcastle, like a lot of other tracks, can't afford or not have enough riders to complete a complete season in the NL. I was looking last year at the possibilities of a NL team based on Newcastle/Redcar with shared home meetings, but the only NL track near to us was Belle Vue, which is 140 miles across the country. With the possibility of closure of Newcastle suddenly, we were resurrected by Rob Grant, but Edinburgh have now decided to enter the NL this year and they now have the Northern riders who wanted to ride NL. Rob obviously wanted an outlet for what riders we have, and a small venture in the NT seems like the perfect opportunity to test the NL water. Remember he has had a massive job on to get the Diamonds/Gems/Sapphires set up and running from the available riders, plus some new riders to the UK. As well as Wallinger, the NT will give both assets Josh Embleton and Joe Adcock a chance to show their skills having not been picked up in the declared NL teams. Newcastle will be back in the NJL this season with the Sapphires to defend the league title the Gems won last year The double headers will start earlier on the Sunday afternoon and the admission will be £3 extra. To think you can give the fans two meetings, and not charge extra, shows you don't really have a grip on the finances of running a business.1 point
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Just asked if I could get a bye to a later round of a snooker tournament if I didn't fancy my opponent, but got told no! If i'm too busy, i'd just have to forfeit. So how did Poole managed it? How can a "professional" sports organisation be more lapse on the rules than an amateur club event?1 point
And that (or some of it) was the logical step to the mess they created by not doing it in the first place before going nuclear. Personally I think that the reasons as the club laid out may be part of the problem although they were and are fixable as you say, but there is something else we're not being told IMO although we do know that it's a club problem as the EoES quickly washed their hands of the debacle. I'd just do badge number, name and vehicle registration to be used. Your system is too much data, you're not having all that. You're not gov.uk! I've no intention of buying a season ticket unless they reverted back to the credit card version when I might once again consider it so I'm sure some sort of discrimination would be claimed there. BB holders are, by definition, often not the healthiest and potentially don't want to, or can't financially, commit to a season ticket anyway? Posh make no such requirement on parking: "Peterborough United Football Club has a limited number of disabled persons parking places for home and away fans that are allocated to Blue Badge holders" - they do charge a fiver for convenience but the other option is to pay in the pay car parks anyway. The general premise I fully agree with though.1 point
Yep. More so called health and safety issues. Man with some cones is the best bet.1 point
I would like Ipswich to run a second leg of the Danny’s day memorial at foxhall so a second income boosts the funds coffers. even better if Scunthorpe and Kent can run a home leg too and have a proper home leg each so all his fans from all over the country can pay their respects and help his family too1 point
I really do not see a golf buggy resolving this problem . May help on entry but chaos on exit1 point
Astonishing that in an age where health and safety is generally so strict that something like this can happen.1 point
90th Anniversary Meeting 1 Max Clegg 2 Tero Aarnio 3 Richie Worrall 4 Nick Skorja 5 Matty Wethers 6 Charles Wright 7 Claus Vissing 8 Steve Worrall 9 Connor Mountain 10 Joe Alcock 11 Ben Barker 12 James Wright 13 Bjarne Pedersen 14 Aaron Summers 15 Ondrej Smetarna 16 Andreas Jensen. Meeting Sponsored by Metro FM1 point
Personal weath/income maybe be greater in the south east, but disposable income is probably no greater, especially when property is concerned, purchase price or rent on an average 2 /3 bed property in the south compared to the north more than wipes out any gain in income. I know there are other factors, employment being the main one, but I do think the north south divide is a bit of a myth, you only have to look around some of our southern coastal towns to see some deprivation.1 point
You know the old saying , if you cut lawrence fielding in half............. He will bleed to death1 point
What an article. And what a range of feelings it stirs. Sadness, profound sympathy, anger, frustration - the list just goes on. The recurring thought, "if only, if only." A son who was probably still suffering bereavement, picking up the courage to ask for help and perhaps being rebuffed. The loss now being felt by his father, partner and children. MIND is a fantastic charity, Samaritans is another doing life-saving work and they in turn need support.1 point
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It should be but what if, for example, Lambert makes a really slow start to the season and is in bad form but Wright or Cook are riding as well as they ever have done? Would be daft to not pick who is riding well at the time.1 point
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Thank you for your responses which, other than the unnecessary kick about finances (which I’ll return to in a moment) are appreciated. It seems that the NT has been abused in the past with the essence of creating opportunities for up and coming riders being overlooked in exchange for a win at all costs mentality. Because of this, it’s my view that there should be severe restrictions on which riders can be included in an NT only team, perhaps something like under 18s or first season after NJL/MDL/SDL only. It should also be a ride for expenses league for any non-NDL team. Whilst applauding the efforts of Newcastle in entering an NT team, using Leon Flint would have been an expensive error (and that’s no slur on Leon who I expect to get rides in all three “professional” leagues this year) It’s one of the bees in my bonnet that Speedway is the only Motorsport that pays novices to learn their trade. It cannot be a coincidence that it’s also a Motorsport that is loss making.0 points