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You're probably right there, although you'd hope he passed on his experience. I also remember, now the medication's kicking in, that Eric Boothroyd had the job of track inspector once. So, after they've sorted out Poole will there be enough time in the season to do the rest?3 points
Good idea that. Just in case they need the link.. here it is. https://www.tidetimes.org.uk/poole-harbour-tide-times Seriously tho, good idea and hopefully the tracks will take on board the years of experience the two have.3 points
Anything that improves track safety and the quality racing has to be applauded. As people say though there has to be investment in materials and equipment. Does British speedway have the cash. Can it afford not to find it?2 points
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Honestly Big no (NOOOOOoooooo) to that one Ruff... However what none of them Cumbrian's will admit to is being a Jam Eater (due to it being an insult) (av been called worse) but the guys who I drink with in Maryport where the original jam factory was (and that is true) use it as a derisory comment to refer to their near West Cumbrian neighbours. In 1901, Burnfoot Preserves Works (the jam factory) established themselves in Maryport. However, by 1934 the jam factory had closed (Aw!) Now one story I was told was that due to the decline of the Coal Mines in the Workington area miners from Risehow and Solway PIts were transferred through to the Whitehaven mines Haig, William and Lowca pits. All those transferred to the Whitehaven mines were made welcome as colleagues and a lot of long and lasting friendships were forged between the workers (allegedly; but they really hated each other). However on settling into their workplace the new arrivals were soon inducted into the practices and traditions that existed in the Whitehaven mines. Allegedly one of those traditions that prevailed was "Blind Swap" which took place every Wednesday, where most of the miners that were working in groups exchanged snap tins (lunch boxes). On opening the lunch boxes belonging to the Workington miners a number of the boxes contained "JAM SANDWICHES" with the Whitehaven miners retorting bloody jam, and calling their Workington colleagues "JAM EATERS" there was no nastiness they all thought it very funny and laughed and joked about it and the name still sticks to this day. However I have heard another story that goes due to the dust and heat in the Workington pits due to poor ventilation jam was the only thing you could put in your bait without it going off down in the mines The term "jam eater" is often used by the people of neighbouring Workington to refer to the people of Whitehaven, or more generally to people from West Cumbria. The common view is that the term is insulting because it implies people could not afford to buy meat for their sandwiches, so they had to eat jam instead. Also due the long-term rivalry between Whitehaven and nearby Workington: Legend has it that one town's miners had jam on their sandwiches and the other did not, but no one agrees on which town it was or whether they did it because they were snobs or peasants. All I know is us Maryport lads (yes av been adopted), who live a few miles further up the Cumbria coast (which, is occasionally mentioned in discussions on the topic; as we used to have the jam factory) take the moral high ground as we made the stuff and exported it to the poor folk of Whitehaven and Workington. However I have been led to believe that the term originally referred to people from Whitehaven, and and it has been suggested that it was always used as a distinction between the Whitehaven "jam eaters" and Workington "high siders" which has gradually been lost in the trading of insults across the rugby pitch However there's many a theory on it.....which ones correct? which one is true? who knows? who cares? everyone says its the other lot who are the jam eaters but its the elephant in the room because no one knows... https://www.whitehavennews.co.uk/news/17154970.who-are-the-jam-eaters/ Now sit back and let the Cumbrian Jam Eaters defend their position... but the one thing I do know for sure is us Maryport lads are definitely not Jam Eaters... Now back to the speedway... Whats the chances of Nicki Pedersen turning up for the 90th Anniversary meeting; Bjarne is signed up but I would love to see Nicki back as he was (and still is) a class act and who knows he may want some track time in before the UK Premiership season kicks off in earnest? One can only hope.... Regards THJ2 points
The last line of the statement is the key one - having the correct equipment. Absolutely vital for everyone track. One assumes their first visit will be to BH15.2 points
From Mildenhall Speedway - We will be producing a special Danny Ayres tribute t-shirt in consultation with Jodie and the it will be available from the opening meeting at Mildenhall and throughout the season. All profits to the family. Also Re-Run productions will be producing a special Danny Ayres DVD with all profits again going to the family. We would like to offer our thanks to Steve Girwood of Re-Run for his very kind offer.2 points
Both doc bridget and colin had totally different jobs there were looking more after fences airbags and to make sure everything else was in order. The jobs Terry and Andy are doing is to get tracks more in line with each other and get more consistent tracks and better racing.2 points
I think you do yourself no favours here, as saying bb holders are having a hissy fit and will turn up anyway shows such a gross ignorance towards the actual issues - sounds like in your young life you've been fortunate enough to avoid any elderly family having mobility issues and the challenges that go along with them otherwise you wouldn't be thinking that it's just so easy to just walk an extra 150m to somewhere. That's before we get to your assumption that it's easy to fork out a few hundred on a mobility aid, or "get an uber".. The arrogance of youth may give you a few laughs as you talk with the adults on here, but believe me, reality will sadly catch up with you one day and you'll see things a bit different when perhaps you or a relative fall into the category of those affected here.2 points
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I lived in Maryport with work many moons ago. I lodged in the Golden Lion, which was down the hill just where the start of the marina, which was just starting to be built. That was a classy joint. We used to go to Cockermouth for our nights.1 point
Good news is that I've heard from Wealdstone and he's fit and well but just had the enthusiasm kicked out of him by Panthers management. The clubs regressive action against their own disabled fans (even the ones that played ball) amongst other things has left him drained and in need of a rest. I know how he feels and I suspect that he's far from alone.1 point
You don't have to explain yourself to anyone. We live in a free world and everyone is entitled to their opinion.1 point
Your out of order iron scorpion, i was as shocked as anyone when i heard about Danny bless him, I'd watched him glow as a rider at Mildenhall and was looking forward to him taking it to the next level at Foxhall this coming season, speedway is a numbers game and my suggestion was purely based around that and not a attack against Danny.1 point
Yeah, Rusty had made 325 up until 2013, then made another 13 in 2015 making 338. Carl rode in 361 official matches for the Comets1 point
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Makes me want to drop everything and head for Maryport. Seems it all happens there. Now where do I get the protective clothing?1 point
Bear in mind stock car racing in the north is in crisis over the probable loss of Belle Vue. They're building up Sheffield's activities but Odsal would be a vital addition. Sharing the costs between two sports must help speedway's chances. The fundamental problem IS that Odsal is simply too big. Perhaps only opening the home straight stand and first bend lower terracing might at least condense the crowd and its atmosphere rather than have supporters having to communicate with the person next to them by shouting.1 point
Presume it must be in a 'conserve'ation area..? Buddum Tish.... I will get my coat.. ..1 point
Shambles really....build from the top down, will always be low averaged riders to fill gaps.1 point
Honestly Maryport... Milk and Honey... deffo no Jam Eaters!!! Oh and copious amounts of alcohol of course... Regards THJ1 point
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Klindt 7.43 King 6.65 Heeps 6.30 Allen 5.56 Covatti 5.27 Nicholls 5.36 Does that leave 5.93? Options are limited L. Bjerre Barker Kennet Pieszczek What do R. Worral and KK come in on? I'd prefer probably Holder and Bacon1 point
My social etiquette isn't great,, so was wondering when it's okay to start talking about the team again.1 point
what a load of old rubbishe...why not put the money to better use?1 point
OK. I misread your first post sorry but at least you have tickets unlike many other people. have a good trip1 point
Fielding has speedway written through his core. He has done and will continue to travel an unearthly amount of miles at his own expense just because he loves the sport. I don't know if he will command the respect of the pits but he is a nice guy and is more genuine than his namesake.1 point
From Mildenhall Speedway - Danny’s Day – Important Update Would all Speedway supporters please note that the date for Danny’s big meeting has had to be changed due to confusion with the stadium manager concerning fixtures. The new date is SUNDAY 7th JUNE at 3pm (Gates will open at midday). Mildenhall promoter Greg Palmer commented – “We would like to apologise for this necessary change but hopefully with it being made quickly it will not have impacted supporters who may have begun making travel arrangements for the meeting. I have now spoken to the stadium owner and this new date does have it’s positives as it will allow me access to the stadium and track a whole week before the meeting. I would like to thank Mark Phillips at Plymouth for his help in agreeing to move our meeting with Plymouth originally arranged for that date. We will advise supporters of the new date as soon as possible” Will speedway supporters please share this post far and wide - thank you ❤️1 point
current leaseholders BRFC SC in order to be eligible for government funding, if all goes to plan. Sorry did not see the SC1 point
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Happy Hunter- Nothing to worry about the new bulbs and light pollution as the light will be more focused on the track so less light will be escaping the stadium than previously as well as being better for the environment as less electricity will be used .1 point
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this has to be a joke. Crump was amazing in his time, but that time is now passed.1 point
No he was not the same guy ,the pole who was at Coventry was bought in by sandu and only lasted a month1 point
Wasn't this position held by Doc Bridgett a while back?1 point
Stop press !! The ties have been re-drawn. Poole are now away to Aston Villa in the 1st leg....according to the BSPA anyway.1 point
Very sad situation but i cant see why they would not use the number 7 jacket Without sounding like i dont care, Ipswich lost the great Billy Sanders during a season and his race jacket carried on.........we did eventually have the Billy Sanders memorial meeting ( a certain Mr Rickardssons first meeting for us)........................and as a tragedy as this is regarding Danny Ayres , he hasnt actualy turned a wheel for the club................a collection, a meeting as well , would seem to be the correct route for me raising money for those he has left behind It does lead us onto team building as well so not sure who we may have lined up now1 point
It doesn't affect me personally as I no longer go to speedway let alone Peterborough. I will ask him the next time I see him. However I'm not convinced that he is behind this move or maybe even realises the furore it has caused. If he does then he is not the person I think I've known for over 2 decades.1 point
I hope that British Speedway uses this tragedy to kick start a programme of mental health support for everyone involved in the sport.1 point
Here's an idea (yes I'm still awake before anothor of you hilarious observations), there's plenty of room inside the Showground so how about letting our disabled customers park inside so that intelligencia such as yourself don't have to raid their Viz Top Tips notebook of suggestions?1 point
I think there were seven dirty Coventry riders at Poole after the 2010 Elite League Grand Final............1 point
The U21 and U19 meetings have in recent years mostly been on Tuesday nights, haven't they? Not helpful in the scheme of things to run on a Friday.1 point
Signed! I hope the worst that happens to you in life is that you get rained on! Nobody knows what the future holds for us. I fly solo now but up until recently went to Speedway up and down the country with my Father, he died from IPF (his lungs packed up), last meeting was ironically at Peterborough in 2017, although he never did, there would have been a point where he would have needed to use the disabled facilities had he made it through the winter. I helped a blind man across the road the other day, if it were down to you he'd still be on the other side... or worse. Have some thought for others and just sign the bloody petition!1 point
My wife is in an advanced stage of cancer for both lungs, breast and hip, and recently finished an 18-week course of chemo, which hasn't worked, so has just started another 6-9 month course of a different chemo.which means she can only do short walks at a time without resting, which rules us out of ever going to Peterborough again. She's always loved her speedway at Peterborough, as do I to be honest, and now we'll NEVER be able to go there again. It's a very sad day for us and the great many others that are disabled, who have ploughed money through the turnstiles for 'X' amount of years, only to be thrown aside like this. There was never any problems with cars, disabled or not, parking inside Buxton and Stoke, so why should there be at Peterborough. It's far more dangerous leaving other stadiums where the public are mingling with cars trying to beat each other out of the car park. If we assume that say twenty cars with blue badge holders stop attending, and I'm sure it will be a lot more than that, there's usually a minimum of two people in each vehicle, that takes it up to forty paying customers, and let's assume they are all concession customers, that the club will lose throughout the season.At the moment, assuming they don't make the play-off's, they have sixteen home fixtures planned. Based on the 2019 admission price of £16 (they haven't disclosed the 2020 prices on their website, other than for season tickets) that equates to £10,240. All twenty cars pay £1 to park which equals £320, and lets presume that 50% of them buy a programme at £3 per head, which comes out at £960. That means in 2020, the club are going to lose in the region of £11,520. Can they really afford to do that?1 point
The Greyhound Board of Great Britain release their own report stating 1,000 dogs died in a single year, including 242 put down trackside and 324 which were put down because they could not be rehomed. This is only dogs which "retire" it doesn't include those which were being trained but were not considered suitable. A report compiled for the Irish Greyhound Board concluded that on average 5,987 dogs were culled (slide 26) each year as they "failed to produce qualifying times" (2,673); "failure to produce desired entry level times" (1,989) and an "unacceptable decline in performance" (1,326). Why would the greyhound governing bodies spread such lies about their own sports?1 point
Sorry if it's old news, but I just read that TJ was back on a bike last Sunday at Scunthorpe. He said that he went out on track around 10 times, and put in loads of laps, and felt surprisingly good out there with no pain from his shoulder. Can't be a bad thing.1 point