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  1. I hope that British Speedway uses this tragedy to kick start a programme of mental health support for everyone involved in the sport.
    12 points
  2. Thank you. Suffering from mental health issues myself, I can relate to putting on a face. What an amazing woman she is. Danny will be proud xx
    12 points
  3. Posted by Danny's partner for people who doesnt have Facebook. What an amazingly strong lady she is. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is with a broken heart I have to say that my soul mate, daddy to our two beautiful babies and your peoples champion, has lost his battle to mental health. Danny absolutely lived for speedway. That was the only place he was truly free, free from any troubles and cares in his mind. He absolutely adored his fans. It was his utmost joy to be your ballsy entertainer and riding that dirt line on the edge, #whoDAyreswins. When he rode on that track, he gave everything he could to bring you excitement and give you, his fans, the full experience of the Showman of Speedway!! He absolutely thrived on that energy you gave him and for that, he truly loved you all. I know he would want to be remembered this way ❤️ I’m utterly overwhelmed by all of the support and kind words you have given to Danny, me, Lilou and Anaiya xx Speedway is a huge extended family to us all, so please pull together and if any one of you are struggling with mental health issues, please, please open up and talk to someone. Anyone. Just know that you are loved and NOT alone xxxx Rest in peace my Baby. I will miss you throughout my whole life. I promise to let our babies know what an absolutely amazing, incredible, crazy, fun and loving person you really were. Until we meet again.... Night-night my baby, you can rest easy now xxxxxxxxx Love to you all xxxxxx
    9 points
  4. 8 points
  5. From Mildenhall Speedway - Danny’s Day (a show for the showman) – Sunday 28th June at Mildenhall Speedway The Mildenhall ‘Fen Tigers’, proudly sponsored by Manchetts Rescue and Recovery, will host a charity testimonial meeting for Speedway’s ‘Mr. Entertainer’ Danny Ayres on Sunday 28th June at 3pm to raise funds for Danny’s dependents following his sad passing this weekend. Following a positive day of discussions with BSPA Chairman Rob Godfrey, Ipswich promoter Chris Louis and Kent promoter Len Silver it has been agreed that the meeting format will be a Four Team Tournament involving the Fen Tigers, Kent, Ipswich and Scunthorpe. The Mildenhall management would like to thank all three for their support and backing of this event and will now closely work with them to put together a meeting worthy of the memory of the man widely known throughout speedway circles as Mr. Entertainer. Mildenhall promoter Greg Palmer added – “We are proud as a club to be hosting this event in Danny’s memory, he was a special person and was so proud to ride for Mildenhall, as we were to have him in our team. We will do everything in our power to make this a special occasion and put together a day that everyone will remember. All profits form the meeting will go to his dependents and we will now start working on sponsorship opportunities for the day with the management teams from Ipswich, Scunthorpe and Kent. I would like to thank Rob Godfrey, Chris Louis and Len Silver for their wholehearted support and we will let fans know in the next few weeks how they can be a part of ‘Danny’s Day’”.
    7 points
  6. That's true. As for mental health, never assume that people are ok no matter what their demeanour, and do practice the always ask twice technique when asking if someone is ok. We all say yes as standard for 99% of the time but if you ask again "Are you really ok?" then you may get a different answer. Tragic loss.
    7 points
  7. I suspect that a few speedway suicides have been kept very quiet over the years. There is still such an unnecessary stigma. The families suffer enough. It is brave for Danny's family to confront the situation. May they find relative peace in time. If the sport can learn and save just one life then this desperately sad act night at least have one positive.
    5 points
  8. The best tribute to Danny is if you see someone in the sport showing signs of distress, depression or worse, to just ask "Are you ok". You never know where it might lead. A silly act of kindness can be so effective when you're that low.
    4 points
  9. I’d say the only reason for the page count is because of the constant uneducated posts. But of course education for those with little knowledge is a good thing. Sadly for the multi aliased one it’s only about getting a reaction to provoke more reactions. If it’s brought attention to this thread that can only be a good thing despite its best efforts to derail and mock it.
    4 points
  10. It has been mentioned on the BSPA site that there might be a Most Entertaining Rider Award in memory of Danny. There is, also, a justgiving/crowdfunding page started, hoping to reach £1000. I think that was bust within an hour & now stands at over £3400. Well done to all.
    4 points
  11. Now we have some respite from 'The Messiah' hopefully we can get back on topic, which is: I have created a petition on change.org https://www.change.org/PeterboroughSpeedwayDisabledParking2020 and urge as many of you as possible to sign the petition if you support its content and aims. It is a respectful, constructive petition, and makes no threats or demands, simply urging the Promotion to look at the situation again from the perspective of a Blue-Badge holder. Thanks for reading
    4 points
  12. This is shocking! For those that have not seen Danny ride, I can assure you he really was something worth watching. His style, his emotion he showed for winning and losing, the way he was with the fans, the way he played up to the crowd (both home and away fans). He was a real personality. Right up there with the likes of Screenie, Adam Skorniki and Magnus Zetterstom It is so, so sad that someone who goes about making other people lives a little bit better could be struggling so much with his own. And I really mean that, I would have gone home with a smile on my face every time I saw him ride, little knowing that maybe, he didnt feel so good. I almost feel an element of guilt for that.
    4 points
  13. Oh my. It was a real pleasure to commentate on Danny racing over the last few years. He was without a doubt one of the most flamboyant, entertaining and passionate riders I have ever seen in my career, and I would always look forward to what crazy victory celebration he would come up with next! He would always engage with the fans more than anyone else as well and it was so wonderful to watch him in action. Love and condolences to Danny's family and many friends, Dave Goddard.
    4 points
  14. That is an amazing tribute from his partner who is showing how strong she is while probably feeling the weakest she has ever felt. This topic has shown how Speedway, both fans and promotions, are a wonderful family. Like any family we sometimes have our disagreements but at the end of the day the sport is a very large extended family and Danny is in all our thoughts. RIP Danny and thanks for the wonderful memories you gave us.
    4 points
  15. The day after the night before and it still hasn't sunk in.. Ride easy up there top man, on behalf of everyone at Scunthorpe Speedway - we loved you sir
    4 points
  16. Sounds like the ideal candidate to carry out Personal Independent Payment assessments. Lot's of horrors stories there regarding assessors who haven't got a scooby about the difficulties that the disabled face, especially when being assessed under controlled circumstances when they can't see its affects as in daily living.
    3 points
  17. And ask twice, more effective. "Are you sure you're ok?"
    3 points
  18. Usually and normal are keywords there. Even if you allowed me an hour I would not be able to walk 300 metres, I would be collapsed on the floor unable to go any further way before even a quarter of that distance was completed. I think the main issue is that you are just not quite getting that one of the requirements of having a blue badge is not being able to walk an even shorter distance than the one you are talking about, if they could walk 300 metres in five minutes (or even 10, 15, 20 minutes), they wouldn't be eligible for a blue badge.
    3 points
  19. No one apart from you has suggested that we are all disabled although sadly some are. Most of us are lucky enough to be fit and well but that does not deminish our wish to see those who are not as fortunate as ourselves looked after properly.
    3 points
  20. It wasn’t an excuse, it was a question. Quite frankly your aggressive response shows you for what you are. An ignorant bigot. just to be clear I know Buster quite well, I also have personal knowledge of how far he goes to allow access to speedway for the disabled but your bigoted responses to comments and questions on here do him no favours whatsoever.
    3 points
  21. I have just started to think straight after being so shocked by the very sad news. Checked my programme from last seasons IOW Warriors v Mildenhall Fen Tigers match and sure enough there is the 18 point maximum by Danny who was the most exciting rider I had seen for a number of years. I just wish I had seen him more often and the fact I didn't makes me sad. Once again my thoughts are with his partner, children and all his family and friends. I just pray that they can remember the good times and leave everything else tucked away. RIP Danny.
    3 points
  22. I think you do yourself no favours here, as saying bb holders are having a hissy fit and will turn up anyway shows such a gross ignorance towards the actual issues - sounds like in your young life you've been fortunate enough to avoid any elderly family having mobility issues and the challenges that go along with them otherwise you wouldn't be thinking that it's just so easy to just walk an extra 150m to somewhere. That's before we get to your assumption that it's easy to fork out a few hundred on a mobility aid, or "get an uber".. The arrogance of youth may give you a few laughs as you talk with the adults on here, but believe me, reality will sadly catch up with you one day and you'll see things a bit different when perhaps you or a relative fall into the category of those affected here.
    3 points
  23. For his last two years my father needed a wheelchair and I was happy to take him anywhere he wanted to go. His last visit to Wimbledon stadium was for the Best in Britain meeting that used to take place on New Years Day. We used the bus to the stadium and then had to get from Plough Lane to the entrance which was on the far side of the stadium, probably somewhere around 300 to 400 metres on rough tarmac. At that time I was a fit 55 year old and it was hard work getting the wheelchair that distance. I have walked from the two gates at Peterborough to the main stand and the ground would be far worse for pushing a wheelchair than the tarmac at Wimbledon. I suggest you try pushing a 13 stone person for 300 metres over such ground before you say that it would be possible in 5 minutes with a wheelchair. You would be stuck in the ruts for three times that long and unless very fit you would take nearer to half an hour. I don't want to have a go at any promoter as without them we have no racing to watch. In the same way I don't have a go about riders who don't try, I don't think any rider doesn't try, they may have a meeting where things are not working the way they want and that may continue for some meetings but I am sure they are trying as that is how they earn their money and it they were not trying then their family would be on their backs straight away, it does not need us to make things worse.
    3 points
  24. Go to page 73 (on the forum ) Steve park posted the link on Dec 12 Re season tickets
    2 points
  25. If your going to try and be funny, do try and put full stops in the right place please, just basic grammar which I do understand might be too much for you coming from where you do....
    2 points
  26. And I'd like to think the ACU would get a grip with a safeguarding and pastoral care programme across all disciplines which can be adequately outsourced on a pay as you go basis. Some of the programmes in place for the military and emergency services are yielding success with a reduction of self inflicted injury/loss of life, this isn't the place to explain in depth but "trauma" and "incident" management yields very positive results. Sincere condolences.
    2 points
  27. Ive heard a certain mr crump for you guys if they can sort out a contract. Both parties a bit apart apparently
    2 points
  28. It doesn't affect me personally as I no longer go to speedway let alone Peterborough. I will ask him the next time I see him. However I'm not convinced that he is behind this move or maybe even realises the furore it has caused. If he does then he is not the person I think I've known for over 2 decades.
    2 points
  29. Such a huge loss to Speedway! What a great fella he was, so professional in his racing and so exciting to watch. R>I>P Danny.
    2 points
  30. My car is adapted....fancy that, something changed so that a disabled person can access stuff, such a novel idea.
    2 points
  31. Just had an update on 'Eis-Hans' Weber, he's out of hospital with painful bruised ribs, but nothing broken. He's a bit sore, but is resting up before Togliatti.
    2 points
  32. Absolutely! That is something that should have been put in places yeara ago.. There have been way too many speedway riders involved in these type of tragic events, both during and after their racing careers over the years.
    2 points
  33. They've been asked to clarify whether that related to the disabled tweet or the one about not having a team? But in true notice output only social media fashion we're in tumbleweed mode.
    2 points
  34. I have a wheelchair but I can't self propel nor get it out of the car on my own. I don't have a scooter but could borrow one...but can't get it out of the car. Uber? Erm, not sure if you quite understand the issue, an Uber wouldn't get you any closer to the stadium than their own car. I am completely unable to walk 300 metres, there are a fair few times I can't even walk the less than 5 metres from my bedroom to the loo! I am pot less and even if you offered up a shortbread millionaire rather than a toffee, I still wouldn't be able to walk it. The only way I could adapt would be to pay for someone to be with me (someone strong who is able to push a wheelchair plus me over uneven ground, not an easy feat) which includes paying for their entrance which would (and would for a lot of people), make going unaffordable. A much simpler option would be to more effectively manage the provision that is already there, a low cost option that would solve a lot of the issues for everyone, including the promotion.
    2 points
  35. The thing is, there is only so far they can adapt and only then if they pay out a significant amount of money for hoists, wheelchairs, scooters or a carer to assist. That in itself will be a barrier and they will just find somewhere else to spend their weekly speedway money as there really wouldn't be a choice. To an able bodied person, 300 metres or a five minute walk is nothing (I used to walk miles without even a thought), for a mobility impaired person, 300 metres is like a marathon, twice over. I couldn't do it now, hell, having to park a further 20 metres away from my house at the weekend left me collapsed and in bed in significant pain and having to cancel all plans for yesterday. Having a disability can be isolating and provision/thought is essential to allow those who are experiencing a disability live some kind if semblance of a life. Now the situation at Peterborough doesn't impact me directly, I couldn't do the distance in the old arrangement let alone the new one unless I paid someone to be with me but it will impact more than the cost of a person who can 'police' the parking more effectively.
    2 points
  36. 300 metres may as well be 300 miles to someone like me.
    2 points
  37. Exactly how does someone with 2 walking sticks/crutches carry such a chair? Give me a sensible reply please as I realise you like to offer solutions.
    2 points
  38. Here's an idea (yes I'm still awake before anothor of you hilarious observations), there's plenty of room inside the Showground so how about letting our disabled customers park inside so that intelligencia such as yourself don't have to raid their Viz Top Tips notebook of suggestions?
    2 points
  39. Sad news Rip big man condolences to his family
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. I thought it best not to confuse the poor soul with that one, he (?) was having a hard enough time trying to get their head around the fact that mobility impaired people have difficulty walking
    1 point
  42. Thing is,,, he will be back later with another new account,,, or one of his other accounts re ignited.
    1 point
  43. That posters woeful attempts at attacking anyone who explains there limitations is quite frankly disgusting and shameful. The lack of awareness in disability issues is beyond a disgrace.
    1 point
  44. Who the hell is Mark Twain. Clutching at straws now aren't you. That tells me you cant think of anything sensible to say in reply to topic related post and that's because there is anything to say as I was speaking the truth. Mark Twain lol. Oh well if that's suppose to be my name then I'll go along with it and play along.
    1 point
  45. Very sad news indeed. I admit to never see Danny ride in person, only in the British final on TV. And from what I heard he was an entertainer on the track. I was looking forward to seeing him ride when Ippo came to the AFA this coming season.. Rest In Peace.
    1 point
  46. RIP Danny mate, speedway wont be the same without you, thoughts to your loved ones
    1 point
  47. Why are you quoting Poole track I was talking about the great job Johnathan as done and also the blade was free of charge.
    1 point
  48. If you’re good enough, you’re good enough. Prove it.
    1 point
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