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  1. Which again shows what a ridiculous decision it was. They had the opportunity to track a team that would dominate.. and bring in the crowds as a result.
    4 points
  2. Distance, terrain and lighting to name three There’s certainly a trouble-maker on here - the one who changes his forum name every day and swamps otherwise sensible debate with ‘poo’.
    4 points
  3. Bad enough to lose one of our family at such a young age, but also someone whose racing and relationship with fans was so loved. We need our entertainers. Whatever the reasons, rest well, Danny.
    3 points
  4. Best not to speculate out of respect for him and his family
    3 points
  5. Sorry you feel ,llike that,. Relevant as it may explain why they have stayed quiet
    3 points
  6. Over the years you see so many you would consider hard but not necessarily dirty. The worst bit of sportsmanship I have ever seen however was from the talentless Rosco . Rosco had little ability but occassionally could gate. On one particular night at Oxford he made the start in front of the recovering from a serious injury Andy Hackett. Hackett, after taking a year out from injury, was just starting to find his feet again. Rosco leading coming out of the fourth bend was struggling to hold Hackett off. As Hackett tried to over take going down the straight, Rosco turned right into the fence. Hackett never had a chance and never rode again, career over. Ironically, Rosco later signed for Oxford but was never accepted and never seemed to understand why.
    3 points
  7. Came across this piece on one of the founding fathers of the sport.
    2 points
  8. Absolutely tragic. What an absolute joy he was, he had great character, he was brilliant in interviews, I laughed so much at him... He will be a huge loss, not just to Speedway. RIP Danny
    2 points
  9. Why are you showing such an interest in the petition, when it's obviously got nothing to do with you. I wouldn't mind betting that a lot of the Blue Badge Holders are old/oldish people, who are not terribly much into computers, and those that are, seem to look at Twitter these days (something I don't play with), so a great many will be unaware of what is going to face them on arrival at the first meeting. Luckily, the thirty-five people that have signed, know they can stay at home and save their money, by not having a wasted journey.
    2 points
  10. While it's always good that people contribute and look at solution for problems it just deflects from the mess the club has made with this. When the EoES created such a problem and the club had to find solutions then everyone was on board and appreciative. If the club had just introduced BB parking areas outside because there were none before then people would be appreciative and on board. Looking for solutions for a club created problem made without particularly good justification, or seemingly making an attempt to solve the problems that they identified is the real problem here that gets forgotten. There is an an easy solution and if that doesn't work then the club could at least say that they tried as justification. I'm sorry if people feel that I''m a troublemaker or have an agenda. I'm never the most positive and I don't have an agenda (apart from fighting for our disabled fans) but I didn't start this.
    2 points
  11. Does the post not say that!
    2 points
  12. You clearly have an accurate profile of the greyhound "industry". I use the word advisedly. I own a grey. Actually he isn't 100% thoroughbred and he wasn't a racer (no tattoos). Probably a traveller owned hare coarser. The point is, that I have become acutely aware of the darker side of the racing world. Of course there are good trainers and many of them see their responsibility extending beyond the dog's useful racing life. But the significant minority that treat their dogs as commodities, to be discarded when they are no longer fast enough, cannot be ignored. Greyhounds that escape the racing world alive, are often timid in the extreme. I know, I've met many. Given a caring environment, many come round and demonstrate their true nature. And, at the risk of repeating myself, you will not meet a kinder, more gentle, more loving creature on God's good Earth.
    2 points
  13. I can give you a daily diary of my life if you like? With and without carer to show the difference..... Suffice to say, without a carer, going to the supermarket was/is a no go area let alone a precinct or shopping centre and it is only recently I have actually had a full time carer. Before that, my life was extremely limited and isolating. However, at 49 years young, I do still like my independence and anything that allows me to have that, I will grab onto for as long as I can. Thankfully I have an extremely understanding and flexible employer who is good at spotting changes that can be made even before I do to make my life easier and ensuring I can still work while my body deteriorates ever more and now a carer to deliver me to my desk and collect me afterwards. Re Peterborough and their changes, for a singleton disabled person, it makes it nigh on impossible for them to attend because the distances are too great unless they then also find and pay for a carer to attend. For most, this would be outside of their affordability.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Granty taking over the catering on speedway nights. Surely a win/win. Better bait and the profits go to Newcastle Diamonds rather than William Hill
    2 points
  16. I wouldn’t disagree about Edwards and kemp. It seems the young guns currently coming through are going in the right direction compared to the ones of the last 4/5 years. however with the more professional approach from the team GB camp and all these training sessions and international test matches this current crop of youngsters can continue to grow.
    2 points
  17. Personally I think the Wolves team will surprise a few people and will make the play offs despite being 2 points under the limit.
    2 points
  18. I have split this topic from the Peterborough 2020 thread. I have created a petition on change.org https://www.change.org/PeterboroughSpeedwayDisabledParking2020 and urge as many of you as possible to sign the petition if you support its content and aims. it is a respectful, constructive petition, and makes no threats or demands, simply urging the Promotion to look at the situation again from the perspective of a Blue-Badge holder. Thanks for reading
    1 point
  19. Lioness - with respect, as Tsunami has deleted the “offending” post maybe you could edit it out of yours - otherwise there is little point in the original disappearing!
    1 point
  20. Danny was a great entertainer on the track and from the few times I spoke to him in the pits a gentleman off it. I only hope that his family can find some comfort in the heart felt tributes that are coming from all corners of the speedway family
    1 point
  21. It was also mentioned - and apparently later deleted - on a post on the Ipswich website.
    1 point
  22. Would have gone to this at any time of the season But Somerset then Cardiff is enough for one weekend, so four of us will give it a miss
    1 point
  23. If one ever needed proof that life is not fair, this is it. RIP Danny
    1 point
  24. No words.. One of a kind.... Truly Unique is an age of bland same old same old.. God Bless.. RIP Danny You burned bright, but sadly for nowhere near long enough.. Condolences to your family and friends..
    1 point
  25. Can't disagree with any of that but in terms of protest, when are you let out? Obviously you're in a secure unit for most of the week but if we could all compare calendars then that would be a good starting point
    1 point
  26. Chris mentions the incident in his book and again in "Backtrack" in that he admitted that the only time he deliberately knocked off an opponent was an early skirmish with Birmingham's Alan Grahame - a pre-meditated act that he very much regretted and never repeated. Apparently Grahame had been particularly robust and Chris saw the "red mist."
    1 point
  27. And how exactly do you know that, not everyone feels the need to do a crusade on the BSF and post 10 times an hour round the clock.
    1 point
  28. Having posted the above I have a couple of final points, and they are final. My ideas were formed last year when it was highly probable that I would be playing a part in running the club and would resume my place on the mic for the first time in 20 years. Since then it is clear I won't be doing either. I'm trying still to voice ideas to hopefully help the club. I had plenty more in development for presentation. They are best left where they are. I get frustrated when Ideas not just mine are either misunderstood as in this case, or dismissed out of hand. Unlike others I haven't just walked away from the sport although I have been kept away for a while by ill health. It's probably best from now on that I keep my thoughts to myself. I wish whichever promotion gets the rights to Rye House have huge success and it would be nice to think I could see a few more meetings once more there. I hope my thoughts have been helpful. If not they were at least well-intentioned. Time moves on and people like me are speedway's past, certainly not its future. I'll still enjoy my speedway but firmly back on the terraces. What is the point in expressing ideas if they aren't understood? You do get tired of fighting. Rob.
    1 point
  29. Daniel Nermark could ruffle a few feathers when he was in the mood
    1 point
  30. I know of someone who had a season ticket but didn't go to meetings as we had signed Mr Rossiter
    1 point
  31. It’s a time consuming role and it’s nice to have a break from it, my replacement has done the job before and does an excellent job. Quite happy to leave the SC in his hands.
    1 point
  32. Stand alone matches are 6.30pm - Double Headers 5pm. The only exception to that is the 90th Anniversary Meeting which starts at 5pm.
    1 point
  33. Signed! I hope the worst that happens to you in life is that you get rained on! Nobody knows what the future holds for us. I fly solo now but up until recently went to Speedway up and down the country with my Father, he died from IPF (his lungs packed up), last meeting was ironically at Peterborough in 2017, although he never did, there would have been a point where he would have needed to use the disabled facilities had he made it through the winter. I helped a blind man across the road the other day, if it were down to you he'd still be on the other side... or worse. Have some thought for others and just sign the bloody petition!
    1 point
  34. Are you watching Castagna??? Due to the wonderful (NOT) FIM scoring system we have a rider without a heat win in the final & another with an 18 pts maximum who can get a max of FIM GP 20 pts either if he actually scores a 21 pts maximum!!! What a joke. And I`m silly either to have already booked to see 5 Speedway GPs + 2 Ice GP Rds. What a wally!!!!
    1 point
  35. Early starts for double headers I believe, but hope they've double checked what time Poole want to come
    1 point
  36. My wife is in an advanced stage of cancer for both lungs, breast and hip, and recently finished an 18-week course of chemo, which hasn't worked, so has just started another 6-9 month course of a different chemo.which means she can only do short walks at a time without resting, which rules us out of ever going to Peterborough again. She's always loved her speedway at Peterborough, as do I to be honest, and now we'll NEVER be able to go there again. It's a very sad day for us and the great many others that are disabled, who have ploughed money through the turnstiles for 'X' amount of years, only to be thrown aside like this. There was never any problems with cars, disabled or not, parking inside Buxton and Stoke, so why should there be at Peterborough. It's far more dangerous leaving other stadiums where the public are mingling with cars trying to beat each other out of the car park. If we assume that say twenty cars with blue badge holders stop attending, and I'm sure it will be a lot more than that, there's usually a minimum of two people in each vehicle, that takes it up to forty paying customers, and let's assume they are all concession customers, that the club will lose throughout the season.At the moment, assuming they don't make the play-off's, they have sixteen home fixtures planned. Based on the 2019 admission price of £16 (they haven't disclosed the 2020 prices on their website, other than for season tickets) that equates to £10,240. All twenty cars pay £1 to park which equals £320, and lets presume that 50% of them buy a programme at £3 per head, which comes out at £960. That means in 2020, the club are going to lose in the region of £11,520. Can they really afford to do that?
    1 point
  37. Going from what the club have posted on twitter, it would appear they think their decision is no big deal. Quite staggering ...
    1 point
  38. I’d take the view of the fan who watched them both rather than the one 300 miles away looking at the end of season averages!
    1 point
  39. It's less uncertain than you think. Just be patient please.
    1 point
  40. Seasons nearly here and still this is in the wrong section
    1 point
  41. Yes, there is a lot going on in the background that most fans don't know about. All teams should consider training their own, as well as making speculative signings. It's not one and not the other.
    1 point
  42. I believe the poster is referring to all the trolling posts diluting a very important subject
    1 point
  43. It’s usually caused by the freaky multi alias weirdo. Who needs serious help.
    1 point
  44. I think it's ridiculous to criticise individual clubs or promotions for acting in the best interests of their businesses. As Blobby says above, why wouldn't a promotion look to try and unearth a "gem" rather than keep going back to an average brit hoping they come good and push on. There are many more who fall by the wayside than those who push on. Where the confusion comes I think is we all seem to think the BSPA should be pushing forward rules to help promote a healthy GB representation going forward. Whilst they act as a governing body so to speak, it's just a group of individual business people (and I use the term "Business people" very lightly) making stuff up to suit themselves. You could argue that a healthy Team GB helps their businesses, but I bet they would argue that a successful team helps them more. I would have thought Team GB and Rob Painter should be the ones lobbying the BSPA to make a structure that encourages development of GB riders and youngsters in particular. The PZM make the Polish rules to help develop their riders, the Swedes in the past did similar. Rob Painter should be trying the get the BSPA to do something to provide opportunities or advantages to British riders. I can't believe they didn't continue with something similar to the fast track set up they have. sure modify it, improve it, but use it to give opportunities to those British riders you think have the most potential. Other counties do it successfully, but maybe as a group they think they have nothing they can learn from other countries? At the same time, British riders really need to help themselves sometimes. Too many times when the going gets tough they "retire" and throw teddy in the corner. Understandable to a degree when since the age of 11 they've been told they are superstars. Sometimes blowing sunshine up kids backsides does skew their thinking. Too many times I've been talking to them and they say "no ones called me yet about a ride for next year" you ought to see the look on their faces when you ask if they have called anyone themselves. I'm generalising of course, there are some really good proactive riders out there and some really pig headed idiots too, the majority sit somewhere in between. Interesting what Arnieg says about Charles Wright. In 2010 as stated, Charles averaged under 4 at Redcar, he didn't have particularly successful periods in 2011 and 2012. The difference I guess is he didn't have a hissy fit and retire, he went away, considered his future, decided to change somethings and started to rebuild. A season in the NL rebuilding confidence and then taking at opportunity at Somerset when the time was right and he's built from there. the Fast Track helped him even though he decided to sit out the first year, and he progressed. You could say similar about the later progression of Jason Doyle. in 2011 there were plenty of Aussies who were considered more talented than him at the time, some of whom are sat back in Aussie now after themselves having hissy fits. (it's not just a british thing). There is an element of if you want it bad enough you'll make it and if you don't you won't. And in my experience too many young brits don't want it bad enough. Yes the system isn't perfect, Team GB should be making the BSPA do something to help, but these guys need to help themselves as well.
    1 point
  45. May be as well to look at when football is on the telly. Promoters seem to like calling off matches for this.
    1 point
  46. As a 21 year old Charles Wright was averaging less than 4 for Redcar in the second tier. So to suggest that Nathan Greaves can be so casually discarded seems very harsh. (And after 6 years of Conference league experience Paul Starke averaged below 2.5 for Newcastle in the PL). We need the likes of Greaves, Hume and Bowtell to have decent opportunities to continue their careers as we continue to find it more and more difficult to attract riders from abroad.
    1 point
  47. Written by Sim Erbolenka that famous ex rider from USA who has a tendency for pismronunciation.....
    1 point
  48. But Al was no saint either GiveusaB.
    1 point
  49. http://berwickrangers.com/fans-pack-out-jb-lounge-for-open-meeting/?fbclid=IwAR21CwWy7cKd5AGCvCi-8XDJhwhh9uMDe7QWFjA5rdLmAcLEy_0_nw8RvUk Good write up from the very professional first BRFC open forum under the new board. The Bandits will have a seat at the table on the board for the proposed "Berwick Sports Foundation" which I believe will operate Shielfield Park rather than current leaseholders BRFC SC in order to be eligible for government funding, if all goes to plan.
    1 point
  50. I think you miss the point. This was a friendly match between a few Australians and a bunch of young Brits (all under 21 I think) wintering in Australia (plus Tai Woffinden). It was not a representative test match and neither country would put up teams like that if it had been. What should be taken out of it is, after so many years in the doldrums, how positive the future looks for GB with Bewley, Edwards, Flint, Kemp and a whole load of others all coming through.
    1 point
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