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I have a wheelchair, unfortunately I can't self propel and also am unable to afford a powered chair. I usually go to speedway alone so need to be able to park as close as I can to where I am sitting to be able to attend (although even this will change this year as I am no longer able to get from the closest parking point to the closest seating area anymore and that is a hell of a lot closer than even the previous BB parking at Peterborough and I will have to pay for a carer to come with me). A mobility scooter is an expense I can neither afford, not actually be able to get out of my car (I can't get my wheelchair out on my own so a much heavier and more involved mobility scooter would be an impossibility) I don't actually attend Peterborough speedway on a regular basis (had I known there was a carer facility if a request was made in the past, I may have gone but never even thought to ask!) and any future attendance would probably be with a carer anyway due to the driving distance, so these changes won't impact me at all but for a fair few who like me are disabled singletons to speedway, it will and will make attendance for them an impossibility. It is not them being negative, it is not them not thinking of the bigger picture or not wanting to find other solutions, it just makes it impossible. .6 points
At Leicester in addition to having a Blue Badge parking area they also have an Electric Buggy that ferries the elderly and disabled up to and from the stadium.6 points
I have split this topic from the Peterborough 2020 thread. I have created a petition on change.org https://www.change.org/PeterboroughSpeedwayDisabledParking2020 and urge as many of you as possible to sign the petition if you support its content and aims. it is a respectful, constructive petition, and makes no threats or demands, simply urging the Promotion to look at the situation again from the perspective of a Blue-Badge holder. Thanks for reading5 points
Yes, there is a lot going on in the background that most fans don't know about. All teams should consider training their own, as well as making speculative signings. It's not one and not the other.5 points
Surprised they can’t. The weirdo has been doing it for years. Spoils so many threads - very sad life.3 points
I think it's ridiculous to criticise individual clubs or promotions for acting in the best interests of their businesses. As Blobby says above, why wouldn't a promotion look to try and unearth a "gem" rather than keep going back to an average brit hoping they come good and push on. There are many more who fall by the wayside than those who push on. Where the confusion comes I think is we all seem to think the BSPA should be pushing forward rules to help promote a healthy GB representation going forward. Whilst they act as a governing body so to speak, it's just a group of individual business people (and I use the term "Business people" very lightly) making stuff up to suit themselves. You could argue that a healthy Team GB helps their businesses, but I bet they would argue that a successful team helps them more. I would have thought Team GB and Rob Painter should be the ones lobbying the BSPA to make a structure that encourages development of GB riders and youngsters in particular. The PZM make the Polish rules to help develop their riders, the Swedes in the past did similar. Rob Painter should be trying the get the BSPA to do something to provide opportunities or advantages to British riders. I can't believe they didn't continue with something similar to the fast track set up they have. sure modify it, improve it, but use it to give opportunities to those British riders you think have the most potential. Other counties do it successfully, but maybe as a group they think they have nothing they can learn from other countries? At the same time, British riders really need to help themselves sometimes. Too many times when the going gets tough they "retire" and throw teddy in the corner. Understandable to a degree when since the age of 11 they've been told they are superstars. Sometimes blowing sunshine up kids backsides does skew their thinking. Too many times I've been talking to them and they say "no ones called me yet about a ride for next year" you ought to see the look on their faces when you ask if they have called anyone themselves. I'm generalising of course, there are some really good proactive riders out there and some really pig headed idiots too, the majority sit somewhere in between. Interesting what Arnieg says about Charles Wright. In 2010 as stated, Charles averaged under 4 at Redcar, he didn't have particularly successful periods in 2011 and 2012. The difference I guess is he didn't have a hissy fit and retire, he went away, considered his future, decided to change somethings and started to rebuild. A season in the NL rebuilding confidence and then taking at opportunity at Somerset when the time was right and he's built from there. the Fast Track helped him even though he decided to sit out the first year, and he progressed. You could say similar about the later progression of Jason Doyle. in 2011 there were plenty of Aussies who were considered more talented than him at the time, some of whom are sat back in Aussie now after themselves having hissy fits. (it's not just a british thing). There is an element of if you want it bad enough you'll make it and if you don't you won't. And in my experience too many young brits don't want it bad enough. Yes the system isn't perfect, Team GB should be making the BSPA do something to help, but these guys need to help themselves as well.3 points
The problem is,,, people just can't help but react,,,,and then he comes back with another user name,,, and it all starts again. If people didn't feed him, he wouldn't be able to troll,3 points
Fact - you’re a troll, who single handedly makes the bsf painful reading on a daily basis.3 points
As a 21 year old Charles Wright was averaging less than 4 for Redcar in the second tier. So to suggest that Nathan Greaves can be so casually discarded seems very harsh. (And after 6 years of Conference league experience Paul Starke averaged below 2.5 for Newcastle in the PL). We need the likes of Greaves, Hume and Bowtell to have decent opportunities to continue their careers as we continue to find it more and more difficult to attract riders from abroad.3 points
2 points
I have started a new thread in the Premiership section titled Peterborough Speedway Disabled Parking 2020, introducing a petition via change.org. Link to other thread Please all look at the thread and support it if you can - the more signatures the petition gains the better as it will show just how much this new situation affects dedicated Panthers fans. Thanks for reading.2 points
I wouldn’t disagree about Edwards and kemp. It seems the young guns currently coming through are going in the right direction compared to the ones of the last 4/5 years. however with the more professional approach from the team GB camp and all these training sessions and international test matches this current crop of youngsters can continue to grow.2 points
2 points
It’s usually caused by the freaky multi alias weirdo. Who needs serious help.2 points
There is no need to get personal but many may think that those in charge of the supporters club may have been more vocal.2 points
I know,, i pointed him out weeks ago,,, but like I said,,, some can't help but answer or quote them. If you stop that he will move on. As soon as he started the signings thread you can see I sussed him,,, with one post2 points
He's a pig ignorant troll and i suggest everyone blocks him and all his other usernames. I just did, i have no time for pillocks ...2 points
Personally I think the Wolves team will surprise a few people and will make the play offs despite being 2 points under the limit.2 points
2 points
Perhaps it's not ideal but it's hardly a great issue really. A team will come to the tapes in late March in splendid Witches/Tru colours and do us proud - that's what matter surely......2 points
Only the 13 signatures after 2 hours haha. Good luck and don't ever return to Peterborough Speedway as the business is better off without you. Hope Buster bans you from the Showground seeing as you're trying to cause a rift around the club.1 point
Who was the last decent young Swedish rider? And how many under 21s are there? Indeed, how many licensed Swedish riders are there in total? The last I heard it was between 20 and 30. The US has produced a few reasonable riders in recent years but no one of World class potential since Hancock and Hamill. Until now. Luke Becker has great potential, Broc Nichol too maybe. Denmark has produced plenty of journeymen, but they all seem to get so far and no further. Mikkel Michelsen has, for me, the best potential, but those ahead of him in age (with the obvious exception of Leon Madsen) seem to have hit their ceiling. In GB, there are now three different strands directly creating opportunities for British riders - the commercial set up of Poultec, the hugely succesful British Youth Championship, and the elite development of No Limits. I can’t predict the future any more than anyone else, but I can have an opinion. And my opinion is that, outside Poland, the best development programmes for domestic riders, are happening in Britain right now. And that will lead to far more British riders appearing on the international stage in due course.1 point
Who is the chap in the black jacket and do you have his e-mail? It's so kind of him to take you out and I'd like to send a note of thanks1 point
If you get banned there is often a reason. Why not just chat and stop fishing and posting guesses to wind people up? Don’t understand your agenda. You know your Speedway.1 point
No, there's plenty of mileage in this, just keep posting. As Gustix says, there's a number of supporters out there who have no idea about this. It's not the sort of thing that hits the ET or BBC Radio Cambs so the affected non internet brigade are in for one hell of shock.1 point
Change.org is a well established site for these things but I am surprised how clunky it really is. It is possible to decline their suggestions of payment etc via a link at the end of each page of the voting process. The BSF was becoming so polluted by the idiot poster I wanted to focus on the issue.1 point
Why do you feel the need to have so many accounts. Hiding something??? You don’t talk true speedway, you make it up - which is usually wrong.1 point
1 point
Granty taking over the catering on speedway nights. Surely a win/win. Better bait and the profits go to Newcastle Diamonds rather than William Hill1 point
Macdonald was far better than Kennedy really. Just went up to 2 and struggled in a few meetings.1 point
Persons of this nature are normally of below average intelligence, have severe personality disorders and are socially inadequate1 point
He's used two in the last few pages on this thread, sometimes liking his own posts to deflect attention. One big sad weirdo ...1 point
1 point
1 point
I am not bothered what nationality a rider is, as long as they go out to entertain me. I don't get the fuss over British riders having to have first choice of teams, if they are good enough they will have a team place1 point
If the accounts are not very old it's normally him,,, how old is it,,, he normally starts 2 or 3 at a time, then sneaks his way in. Look out for a low rep, always the first give away1 point
1 point
I believe the poster is referring to all the trolling posts diluting a very important subject1 point
Meanwhile Panthers maintain their stance of stuff blue badge holders, miserable sods that they are.1 point
Exactly, that is all the Panthers promotion need to do, whether they will or not is another matter. It really should have been offered in the first instance.1 point
1 point
As far as I know any blue badge holder has been allowed inside the stadium up until now, in view of the walking involved. It is disappointing that Panthers luminaries who could have made some difference have chosen to stay quiet.1 point
1 point
1 point
I can't actually believe he is allowed to post such things, he should be banned.1 point
Absolutely, it’s long overdue. Riders like Hume and Greaves shouldn’t be without team spots while there are Aussies at number seven in some teams IMO. But you are right, teams build as strong as they can and have no obligation to develop Brits while it’s not in the rules.1 point
Just block him Mike and ignore him - he's the current BSF moron and not worth wasting time on. Hope you're both OK1 point
What a heartless person you are. My wife, as I've said before, is in an advanced stage of cancer for both lungs, breast and hip, which means she can only do short walks at a time without resting, which rules us out of ever going to Peterborough again. I personally find your comments most hurtful, and hope for your sake that you never find yourself in the position that we are in, then you won't be so cocky with your insulting statements, so please, for the sake of all those whose lives are being torn apart, stop it now.1 point
1 point
Removal of the concession isn’t a surprise, and brings speedway in line with other events on the Showground. What is needed is for the promotion to lay on a reliable buggy/shuttle service from the car-park, recognising the multiple barriers of rough ground, darkness and distance that blue-badge holders face. Whether they have the vision to do that remains to be seen.It is also important that a similar clampdown is placed on all in-stadium parking, reducing it to the absolute minimum - a disabled person struggling towards the track being passed in a car by a member of track-staff who has no need to be driving in will cause a good deal of discontent.1 point