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It’s to stop riders racing in front of no one watching. And then a 1000 people online. That’s the idea behind it.6 points
Suggest all ignore The Messiah clearly unhinged !!! But then with the weight of the world on his shoulders he would be. Surprised instead of suggesting wheelchairs he did not divinely cure the afflicted. Seriously ignore every post he makes , thats what I will do.5 points
Clearly some people feel they will be unable to go to the EOES now and that is sad. People would not be saying they could not go unless they meant it. There are many reasons why someone needs a Blue Badge and of the 3 I know their reasons are significantly different, so people should not make assumptions on what those people can or cannot cope with. The passion in these posts is clear and they lose a hobby and Panthers lose fans and therefore revenue. A lose, lose situation.5 points
I guess that it's not anything to do with disability awareness? More like can I have fries with that4 points
Indeed and that's where TheMessiahOfTheBSF (Jed's brother ) looks a bigger ignorant loon than normal although that's his intention to get a reaction so job done I suppose.3 points
As we've real no real idea who really runs the ship or makes such decisions then it isn't really a surprise. Clearly what is a surprise is that they didn't try, that we know of, to deal with the points that you raised, and indeed they have identified themselves, before taking the nuclear option and alienating a section of their fan base, and wider society, that they seem happy to lose, as well as any associated revenue and knock on.3 points
Many people are saying that but what level of achievement would you define as “good enough”? Keleher’s problem is his age. The “give him time” argument doesn’t apply to someone his age (27 on Saturday) - he needs to hit the ground running. Let’s face it, for all the whinging that comes out of Australia, there’s not really been a great outpouring of talent in recent years. Take Fricke and Lidsey out of the equation, and who else has shown potential to follow the Aussie greats of the past?l Ryan Douglas is another who hits 27 this year, so again, not up and coming. Maybe we’ve been spoilt in recent years with Sullivan, Boyce, Adams, Crump, C Holder, Ward and Doyle, but the wealth of talent of the past seems to have dried up.3 points
I think that's a little, erm, can't think of the word... but it's not accurate. Oh, ignorant was the word i was looking for. Just because someone can't walk distance, doesn't mean they can't walk and ergo need a wheelchair. It sounds like you perhaps haven't seen a relative or partner get to the stage of needing a blue badge. My mum, (late 70's who has never been to speedway btw but just providing an example), is a blue badge holder due to several operations on hips etc, can potter about short distances slowly, but would have no need or wish for a wheelchair, unless maybe at an airport where it is provided for her. Why on earth should they have to buy an additional mobility aid on the pension just because the speedway want to change something for a problem that barely exists ? Whilst citing a completely unrelated death as a reason, and also continuing to allow endless numbers of freeloaders in via the pits anyway ? Stinks to high heaven. apologies for the edit - what are the other suggestions to get round this, you didn't mention them in the last post.3 points
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Having seen Archie and Jamie last year... At this moment Jamie is a better rider on the 500s than Archie, maybe not round Brough though, that's not taking anything away from Archie as he's only just moved up and hasn't had much experience yet and I would expect him to surpass Jamie next year, but people shouldn't underestimate the abilities of Jamie if he gets an extended run of solid racing where he can remain uninjured... Very nice style he has, quiet and polite lad too... And his weight doesn't matter, look at Joe Screen, Gary O'Hare...2 points
For day to day life, however a mobility scooter is usually stationed at home, I was a family carer for ten years, unfortunately as I got older ,I could no longer face dismantling the scooter and carrying it into the car, reassembly ,and packing again. We also had a portable wheelchair, but I can assure you , pushing it even with a light person on board was no easy task, across the uneven terrain at the showground I would think it impossible for me. I noticed for the music festival, they have provided a phone number for the disabled to use, if they get into difficulties getting from the allocated spaces outside. Perhaps one of our promoters could provide their number for the same reason, I am sure we could provide a wheelchair for their use.2 points
I’m delighted any big name is back in British Speedway and it will add to any gate that much is a fact. However sadly I think it will need several more coming back to save crowds dwindling gradually. I really hope the likes of Nicki coming back does encourage some stay always to come back however I think it’s a limited amount of people that will show an interest tho sadly. i really hope crowds are up to prove to the promoters that we need the bigger boys back to help bring more fans back to watching live.2 points
I don't get why there's a 50 mile exclusion zone, surely if it's £10 on tv or £17 approx to watch it live you`d watch it live. It may have a slight effect on attendances but not that much I'd have thought2 points
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Was chatting to Rusty Harrison on Facebook messenger earlier. Part of that super Comets side of 2004..Stoney Steady Kauko Aidan Wrighty Woody. Moved back to Oz 5 years ago with partner and kids. Was sad that they closed great memories. Friendly, volatile guy that always gave 100% for many clubs.2 points
You have to admire Adam Roynon loads of guts and from what I know a totally nice bloke. Should retire gracefully , injuries prevented him achieving his potential. Thankfully he is still in one piece2 points
The difference between the BBC and Peterborough Speedway:The BBC has suspended the closure of its Red Button text service after protests, a day before it was due to have started being phased out.The news comes days after a petition, organised by the National Federation of the Blind of the UK (NFBUK), was handed in to the BBC and Downing Street.The service was due to have been closed over the next few weeks.BBC director general Tony Hall said he would examine the concerns and make "a fresh decision" in the spring.The NFBUK called the news "fantastic" and said it was looking forward to working with Mr Collins, the BBC and the British Deaf Association "for a better resolution".Its petition expressed concerns that the removal of the service would "leave many people, who are already vulnerable, further isolated and marginalised from society". In a letter to Damian Collins MP, Lord Hall said the BBC had heard from organisations, MPs and members of the public about its decision to phase out the service."People have expressed their concern that the closure of Red Button text service could negatively affect elderly people and people with disabilities," the letter read."These are issues which I feels [sic] deserve to be explored in more depth... so we have decided to suspend its closure pending further work in that area."Lord Hall said the service would continue "as close as possible to its current state for the time being".His pledge was echoed by Matthew Postgate, the BBC's chief technology and product officer, who said the corporation would "listen carefully and with an open mind to the views which have been expressed".1 point
Wouldn`t have thought it will take them long to get used to the track at Poole- from what i have seen of Aussie speedway tracks, most are as cr&p as Poole`s1 point
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Zetterstrom was one of the consistently nasty riders i've seen. back in the 80s it was Preben Eriksen1 point
Dont get Pooles obsession with Johnny foreigner tbh, plenty of brits equal and better standard then the names being bounded around..1 point
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Ask Workington fans how many meetings they had in a short space of time in 2018? This includes double headers & the abandoned "ice off".1 point
http://berwickrangers.com/fans-pack-out-jb-lounge-for-open-meeting/?fbclid=IwAR21CwWy7cKd5AGCvCi-8XDJhwhh9uMDe7QWFjA5rdLmAcLEy_0_nw8RvUk Good write up from the very professional first BRFC open forum under the new board. The Bandits will have a seat at the table on the board for the proposed "Berwick Sports Foundation" which I believe will operate Shielfield Park rather than current leaseholders BRFC SC in order to be eligible for government funding, if all goes to plan.1 point
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indeed except that Screeny had everything namely talent, flair and determination. The only way Halder will get anywhere close to super joe is by buying a set of his old boots.1 point
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Dont worry about it. Go back to 1988. We had our team signed and sealed. Yet two unknown Aussies came over to try out for Poole. One was Mick Powell. Never signed for us but had an excellent career at Glasgow, etc. The other was Craig Boyce. Went on to become the clubs top points scorer in our history. Just because we may not have heard of them as such, doesnt mean they are automatically going to be poor. You just never know. Remain optimistic.1 point
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Backing the club is fine and noble, but it's also right to stand up and say that something is bang out of order. I think your management is doing a good enough job of letting the club go under by themselves in picking on something so divisive to get sensible fans backs up.1 point
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Why not? It protects the local fanbase and then allows people from further a distance to watch. I’m sure for away meetings if they stream them anyone will be able to watch.1 point
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Latest news http://www.leicesterspeedway.com/_mobile/news.php?extend.31602&fbclid=IwAR1OpIJPEbrsnJD-B3tvmXbmeuTLCtNp_X0V3OznNSnoldeT8kxghTZKLp01 point
The die-hards will always be there, in that respect you are correct, but there are a few who either refuse to pay the admission fee because they don't see it as value for money and don't come anymore, or, they simply can't afford it. Not much use towards the end of the season. And anyway why give people free entry when you've already cut the admission. They have a business to run after all, as you say reducing the admission isn't going to increase numbers through the gates. It probably won't. Of course they will come if they get free entry, that's a given. Rob is already going to put 'extras' on for home meetings, to try and give extra value for money, for which he should be applauded Let's hope it brings in a few more punters, especially families, as youngsters are the future of the sport (as Roy Clarke would say!!) and its potential survival.1 point
Or the moaners are very welcome to join the band of track volunteers ( short of ) which also allows them to save a bob or 21 point
And, as these are the “official” figures from the GBGB, they could be a lot higher. The GBGB only publishes them because they were forced to by a House of Commons select committee. David Smith, a builder’s merchant, shot around 10,000 greyhounds and only stopped because he was exposed in the national newspapers. The RTE documentary broadcast in June 2019 had some very disturbing footage of a greyhound being shot while the owner waited in the car for the collar to be returned. Greyhounds are now ending up in China where they are used for breeding and then sent off for the dog meat trade where they face horrific ends. The Irish Greyhound Board complained about the programme but the Irish broadcasting board dismissed their complaint. The case of Clive Elliott - the greyhound trainer in Swindon - who was found guilty in early January of neglecting eight greyhounds (three of which were found dead in the house and one died a week later) and his own mother - shows how some of these dogs are treated. https://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/18147202.greyhound-stuffed-freezer-others-starved-swindon-dog-kennel/ The death or injury of any dog for entertainment purposes is surely unacceptable for anyone. The latest accounts of Gaming International show that the greyhound racing made a loss in 2018-19. How long before the company says it can’t afford to run the stadium anymore and decides to close it down? The speedway is great for Swindon and surely it would be better for the stadium owners to support it with other activities that have more of a future - it could be used as a conference centre, or for concerts or even be used as an athletics track. However, from what others have said, and from looking at the history and accounts of Gaming International, it seems they have no intention of redeveloping this or any other track anyway.1 point
Can't understand all the negative comments regarding Chris Holder. Good rider, really down to earth bloke if you approach him after a meeting. If Panthers had anyone but Chapman the clown in charge, I would love him in a Panthers race jacket.1 point
Powers at be make themselves look more amateurish by the day. what is the point in having a draw if you’re just going to fix it/tamper with it.1 point
The fact that the KOC draw has been tampered with at all just shows the amateurish mess we are in at times.1 point
Animals eat other animals. It's natural and it's called the food chain - we just happen to be at the top of the food chain. Should we try to stop owls eating mice, lions eating antelopes etc? If birds and other little creatures didn't eat insects (they are God's creatures too), there'd be much less healthy grain for the vegans to eat.1 point
Tom Brennan is in a different league to Stoneman and Rowe imo..... Neither Stoneman or Rowe will make it in to the main body of the team, but Brennan is definitely a future International imo..... However, I do enjoy watching Nathan race, he's a real competitor, in the mould of Hume and I do like Rowe's style and control and hope he goes on to better things!1 point
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