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Surely they're not referring to Colin North's death as some kind of justification for this are they ? Incredibly bad taste if so.4 points
Jedd List was signed on the recommendation that he could gate & that he looked comfortable on a bike. We knew he was raw & had only used a 500cc engine some 8 months prior. Unfortunately, he was found out to be not the gater we expected & was regularly beaten into the 1st corner then unable to pass. He wasn't ready & this was explained to Jedd & his dad, who was over here with him, & they both took the news well. They hung around having practices at a few venues & even though people said he looked good, practice & racing are at 2 different levels.3 points
It’s laughable - then read the Admission Details Page! It includes VIP Option which has various extras including: PARKING (doesn’t say where exactly but I think we can all guess where that will be) PIT WALK CENTRE VISIT further down is an item listed as OTHER RACE DAY OPPORTUNITIES which includes - Visit to the Centre Green £5 for 2 Heats. If if they are deadly SERIOUS about Health & Safety I believe these two items should also be scrapped as I can’t think of anything more dangerous than walking through the Pits with trucks, bikes, tractors etc. etc. moving about - you just can’t be too careful!3 points
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3 points
think theyre looking for a young aussie who can "double-up",that is doubling up as a painter and decorator at the chateaux on non racedays!3 points
2 points
People are moaning due to the total and utter disgrace of the betrayal of BB holders. The signing of Iversen if it happens will not make up for this self inflicted debacle.2 points
Hopefully there's a chance we can see Nicki P riding in the 90th anniversary meeting saying as he's riding for Sheffield. Wouldn't mind seeing Josh Pickering either he's always good entertainment around brough.2 points
Both are well worth visiting. Been there many times. There is a particularly good information board in the Museum, explaining "The Start of it All".2 points
Maybe they should have cut the crap and seed Poole straight to the final .. ...or why not just give them the trophy.2 points
Well I did hear some time ago a rumour that Pete Sampson and Martin Hagon wanted to run Rye House in the NL, but alas the AGM came and went and nothing was said, I hope either those two or someone else who is passionate about getting a club back will take on the challenge, for me living in Chelmsford a weekend (Saturday night) would be much better than a week night, especially Friday, traffic is just crazy and I am not even talking about the M25, the M11 and A414 is more than capable of causing enough mayhem on their own. I would certainly support Second division racing at Rye even though Arena Essex is technically my team.2 points
If the other events are in the exhibition hall that is a lot nearer the parking area than the Speedway track is. Also buggy transport might be provided by the other event organisers.2 points
Is this not a wider issue though with the Showground as a whole? Surely if the designated disabled parking spaces are used for every event there then blue badge holders are being shafted every time the place opens its doors. The bottom line is that for speedway the EoES has acres of room to park people with mobility issues much, much closer to the track and the main stand and there must be some way of doing it while weeding out the mickey takers and stopping people from parking where they shouldn’t.2 points
My dad was totally unaware of these supposed changes as he and my mother are not ones to use social media or alike, they will now sadly have to think long and hard about renewing their season tickets for this season, they do well at their age to attend regularly as it is considering they live ten miles from Ipswich so have a good hour plus drive there and back to attend the meetings, luckily for them they are also season ticket holders at Ipswich and Mildenhall so can still get their regular fix of shale action.2 points
I paid my first visit to both between Christmas and New Year. I had a nice long chat with Bert Harkins at the museum, my wife and son weren't impressed by the amount of time I was taking so I was hurried along so that we could visit the rest of the park! All in all it's a most enjoyable day out (I got some great pictures of the lions as well)2 points
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Indeed. This incedent ended Billy's meeting and season there and then. There is still some doubt, however, whether Billy broke his wrist in the resulting crash or on Finn's head when they exchanged notes in the pits afterwards .....2 points
The story going round when he first rode for Poole was, He rode in a Grasstrack meeting in the afternoon and came off, landing in a cowpat....He then rode a Speedway meeting in the evening wearing the same unwashed leathers....hence the name “Smelly Smith”2 points
I take my hat off to people who can remember what happened on the 3rd bend between riders at Cradley in 1964, I cannot even remember what I had for tea.2 points
I for one am happy with the parking at P/boro. Why are folk still having a moan. There are good tarmac paths and driveways for easy access to viewing area. Refreshments and toilets easy also. I have attended many stadiums that have greater problems and this includes football stadiums. But hey O, where there's a will there is a way Be great yo see some Happy Vibes on here from cheerful Panther Supporters.Guess they don't bother wanting to read what the moaners have to say.Roll on March.1 point
Breaking the golden rule as you clearly have a hidden mental disability (which may qualify you for a BB, not that it's much use now in this context) but they've chosen to take that option away from a section of their fans which indicates that they have enough backing and don't require paying punters.1 point
I remember that incident. He'd pulled a similar manoeuvre the previous evening at Berwick can't remember rage rider involved but I do remember the " Red Card " incident at BP the next night1 point
treat people with respect, or lose the fanbase and go under. simple as that1 point
Don't respond to the resident looney wealdstone (Neil ), as tempting as it is. Irrelevant who they sign now tbh. They had a chance to jump out of the hole that they created but chose to keep on digging. Looks like they wish that to be their legacy for as long as we're at the EoES.1 point
Totally forgot about the Zetterstrom incident! Was an awful move that one.... James Grieves managed to do a Craig Boyce on him though didn't he haha, yeah unfortunately Rene's was horrible too, don't think he ever got over that one massive shame because he looked like he was going to follow Kenni Larsen and move up into the top league etc.1 point
Yes, Andre did get himself a bit of a reputation. I was at that meeting BTW. Hard as nails he never backed off, as seen at Lakeside when an Arena rider was going round all the riders on the outside of the 1st and 2nd bends, when Andre went to the fence and the Arena rider when through the fence and took several sections of the fence with him. All 4 back.1 point
How miserable has this thread become. People moaning left, right and centre. Hurry up Buster and announce Iversen.1 point
Should definitely inform a couple of local papers. Sure they would be more than happy to run the story1 point
Don't think it's the IP address that's the problem. Think it's more likely that the stipulation will be that you have to pay with a credit card registered to a postcode more than 50 miles away. So you'd have to find someone elsewhere in the country to pay for you. Having said that, what's to stop one person buying it and then streaming it to everyone else? The football Premier League and BT/Sky etc spend millions tracking down and closing illegal streaming services, and still it's very easy to find an illegal stream of any football match you want. What resources are the Edinburgh promotion going to have available to trace illegal steams?1 point
Thank you for your responses. I worked enough Fridays over the past forty years to know it's a working day ;-) Yes there are consequences for getting there but for most the evening is the start of the weekend with a day of rest to follow. The reason I mentioned the possibility was that it might, just might be necessary to use Fridays due to possible lack of track preparation time at weekends, assuming the practices and flat track continue. Friday would not be ideal but much better than a Monday or Thursday. Of course it's all ifs and buts for now. The key thing is to get the place back - when it's ready.1 point
1 point
Could this not be resolved with some clear designation of areas? It sounds like the issue is the combination of public vehicles and pedestrians in the same space, which sounds a perfectly reasonable concern to me. However if BB parking were to be clearly signposted and enforced (would only take 1 marshall to wave you into the correct area), surely that could eliminate the crossing of the two parties whilst allowing closer access for BB holders? The old entry gate could serve as the way in for BB holders (as I believe it does now), a marshall and a few cones at the start of the new hard standing area outside of the arena itself and park up there. At that point it is a much shorter walk to the grandstand... Or am I missing something here?1 point
Given that they've created the fuss and couldn't organise, as every previous promotion has done, the system that they're ditching then I think that you give them too much credit. That's just an additional problem which isn't any less problematic than administering internal parking.1 point
That is very true however they do still require additional travelling time. I know on a personal level i would attend Rye House if it was operating on a Sat or Sun but realistically wouldn't be able to make any sensible attempts to attend Mon-Fri run meetings without time off from work.1 point
An even greater incentive for Eastie to continue their annually good KO cup form and dump Poole out of it.1 point
Appears that the parking restrictions do only affect the BB holders not the free loading hangers on who get to park within the showground almost as if there saying BB holders or there drivers are dangerous drivers now.1 point
So is the mystery over? Poole up to silly games before season started; Newcastle acted with great integrity and Eastbourne once they knew what had been done played a straight bat and tried not to spill the beans, forcing a statement from Poole to fess up??? Or is there another theory?1 point
Saturday night makes most sense I’d say. The catchment area for Rye could potentially encompass the M25, M11 etc. and it would be easier for most people to negotiate those on a Saturday as opposed to during Friday night rush hour. Never been a fan of afternoon racing at Rye, would like to think the track can continue to use Sunday as a revenue stream from training and hold meetings on Saturday nights if we do reopen.1 point
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There’s 3 challenge meeting in April v Berwick ,Redcar ,Ashfield there in the fixtures1 point
Saw him back end of last season and couldn't believe the timber he has put on. I used to follow his progress a few years ago, when he first came on the scene, and I had great hopes for him as he had a nice style and seemed to be well looked after. Still a decent rider but now at his level.1 point
https://www.edinburghmonarchs.co.uk/news-centre/article/2020-01-27/new-for-2020-emtvlive great news, this was trialed last season and thankfully the bspa have given it they’re full backing. great for people that live too far away to support their side to still watch their side in action. Also for away fans who can’t make the trip north who can still watch their sides also. extra revenue stream as well which in this sport is a positive. Well done to all involved.1 point
in other words they've seen the public feeling regarding this and have decided to do something1 point
Sounds like Gordon Kennett may have a spin at Arlington on a Weslake upright engine with the old GK red and black colours, bike sorted by Gordon and Steve Weatherly. Great to see the master have a few laps again if it can be sorted..1 point
I have not the slightest axe to grind. I know nothing about Kevin Jolly's ambitions. In fact, my knowledge of him belongs in the Years Gone By section. But if you're talking about who I think you are, the possibilities for a Kent co promoter to be involved in a relaunch of Rye House looks geographically possible at least.1 point
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If the fixtures were planned early enough i wouldn't have to.Anyway it was a to good offer to turn down so i would have gone anyway i think1 point
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