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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2020 in all areas

  1. Thoroughly enjoyed the evening with Nicki Pedersen comes across as a nice bloke off track. I think everybody there can’t wait for the season to start now. Told some good stories and said he can’t wait to get started. Well done Nicki and thanks for giving your time up to come across from Denmark to meet the fans.
    7 points
  2. Due to new Health and Safety restrictions we've just made up for 2020 I'm afraid that nobody is allowed to discuss the team until all 7 riders have signed and been announced.
    5 points
  3. True there for me also Gem, and i'm not one who personally would be affected by the access issues. Hearing of @Mimmo and his wife and them being cut off from speedway due to this stupidity has really really p.ssed me off. I'm doing some digging.
    3 points
  4. In my opinion it’ll be Chris holder, he’s had trouble with the authorities in the last couple of years regarding visas and they all just want to have that visa absolutely guaranteed before they release the news he’s our 7th and final team rider, if this comes to fruition I’ll be happy with the team and think we’ll be right in there amongst them
    2 points
  5. It's quite clear. The freehold track and the land surrounding is owned by the Lee Valley Park Authority. A lease was granted to a company called Carter & Bailey Ltd many years ago. They were originally the greyhound and speedway promoters, sub-letting the latter to Len Silver in 1974 (there may have been earlier short-term sub-lets). Carter & Bailey was later run by Eddie Leslie who installed Stock Car Racing after the Rockets folded in 1994. Len then acquired Carter & Bailey to gain control of the speedway, selling on to BMR. More recently officials of the kart racing business became the directors of Carter & Bailey. BMR were hied on a one year deal to manage the stadium. Thus the control of the speedway stadium rests with the kart people who are renovating the stadium. I hope this clarifies the situation.
    2 points
  6. This is called working with rather than against the media.
    2 points
  7. Ah, so that's the reason. I thought the standard of this topic had improved recently, but i hadn't worked out why.
    2 points
  8. Maybe Swindon will give us a rider this year.
    2 points
  9. Somebody's read their Speedway Star already!!!
    2 points
  10. How do you get Peterborough 4th, they only have 4 riders signed.
    2 points
  11. Well if it is him that could be interesting with Sheffield meetings andNicki, there not exactly mates.
    1 point
  12. Tim Hunt was one of the dirtiest riders i have seen along with Preben Eriksen.
    1 point
  13. Wasn't that a double header and Wiggy I think got injured during the first match. Mr Evitts guested for those Mighty Fine Cheetahs in the 2nd match. When he and Rasser were due to ride in one race. Rasser just rode through the tapes and replaced by a reserve. When interviewed Rasser said something alonv thd lines of he wouldn't ride in the same race as that B'stard
    1 point
  14. Why? The tweet from Louis says that the rider wants to get his affairs in order before being announced so it could easily be him.,
    1 point
  15. Exactly, it's a drive in two countries.
    1 point
  16. As there's been no official announcement, I have no idea who's suggested the changes!
    1 point
  17. If you start watching the recording about 20 minutes after the start time, fast forward through the adverts (and any other bits that don't take your fancy) you should find yourself watching in real time at about the end of the meeting. No avoiding the result, no adverts. Simples.
    1 point
  18. Max at 1 for the gems side followed by leon Flint joe alcock josh embleton Jamie jaldee ryan MacDonald & Archie...
    1 point
  19. Disaster in trying to get a team going again and to provide spots for the riders without a team? Like him or not he kept Mildenhall alive. If he can do the same with Rye then happy days.
    1 point
  20. Animals eat other animals. It's natural and it's called the food chain - we just happen to be at the top of the food chain. Should we try to stop owls eating mice, lions eating antelopes etc? If birds and other little creatures didn't eat insects (they are God's creatures too), there'd be much less healthy grain for the vegans to eat.
    1 point
  21. So it looks as though we should see the lads doing some laps on the 1st April at CP not Iwade this year. Brilliant.
    1 point
  22. Remember when Garry Middleton invited him onto the centre green at Cowley so as to continue with a "discussion" that had got rather heated! Didn't he end up winning the lottery or something? Last rider I knew who vented his support was Neil Evitts (?)
    1 point
  23. BSPA statement http://www.speedwaygb.co.uk/news.php?extend.37867 This bears out exactly what I understood to be the case when the Jim Mead consortium was bidding to promote there. They point out that the stadium is being redeveloped so logically it is best to wait until it is ready. Regarding forms there are several that are requested, including proof of an agreement with the landlords and a safety certificate. I believe there may be a requirement for proof of financial status. It is very reassuring to see the BSPA state that the door is open and that no mention of past debts is made. The last thing the situation needs is an entry barrier. Whether it is Kevin Jolly, Steve Ribbons or anyone else reviving the place is irrelevant providing they are competent. The fine promises made by BMR were wafer thin. There is obviously a need to ensure that history is not repeated. All Rye House fans can now breathe a sigh of relief. At this time you couldn't wish for mose. Thank you BSPA for confirming exactly where we are.
    1 point
  24. Having read the article myself, I’d agree with others here rather than Chris Louis. There can be no doubt what Hawkins is saying and being quoted as saying. Only other explanation is Louis and Hawkins are not communicating and Hawkins is in the dark as much as the fans..
    1 point
  25. Looking foward to the old rivalry with Poole though on April 4th, seen some great matches between the two over the years, always noisy, see no reason that won't continue.
    1 point
  26. Great rider. I would say they all( Case excluded) had a period when they were arguably the best rider in the world , Sid. Grosskreutz retired and came back a few times, so his career was longer than most. Not sure what happened there, but I was answering a question from Sid, which seems to have disappeared !!!!
    1 point
  27. Found this from 2012 thread oldace replied to Cockney Rebel's topic in Speedway News and Discussions The last I heard Tony Ganley AKASoldierBoy was living in Ireland so I doubt he sees much speedway these days
    1 point
  28. Now you know how the rest of speedway feels all the time
    1 point
  29. John Deere, New Ford Holland, Mahindra or Massey Ferguson
    1 point
  30. Going to affect attendances for sure, you just wonder what goes on in their minds...
    1 point
  31. This is what it's like when Starry and Steve Shovlar stop posting (sorry, post less). The Poole thread just gets hijacked by all and sundry.
    1 point
  32. Rowe starts in the main body of the team!
    1 point
  33. Waiting to see is to acknowledge that it will happen.
    1 point
  34. Will Rowe be in the top five? i think Stoneman ( who i like exciting) is one of the weaker reserves i cannot see him averaging three points away from home
    1 point
  35. Anyone who thinks differently is very likely to be wrong.
    1 point
  36. Not so staggering,,, didn't the same happen last season,,before the panthers gave us a rider
    1 point
  37. There was a train into Manchester at 2140. When I've used the train I've had to miss heat 15 on more than one occasion. However, it's easy enough to get into town on a bus and there are trains to Sheffield until pretty late. 2355 ish.
    1 point
  38. Often over before 21.15 but not always. 10 minutes from the stadium to the station might be pushing it but depends how young and fit you are.
    1 point
  39. Is it available in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland then?
    1 point
  40. To be fair, with the sport allowing all riders to ride on an adhoc basis for any team, at any given moment, the changing of a draw won't devalue any competition too much.. Given the low level of kudos, publicity and financial reward in winning any Speedway title, saving money on travel whilst facilitating more 'local' derbies, which may produce larger crowds than riding against a team from hundreds of miles away, seems to be a sensible decision...
    1 point
  41. I now wonder if Gino is an option, he has confirmed he has a visa and can come over this season now - would arrive on a 4.00
    1 point
  42. I hope I do after being a fan for coming up 50 years and directly involved in two bids to revive Rye House. Sadly last year's wasn't successful. I leave it to others to make silly speculations. I don't hide behind a false name so I put what remains of my reputation behind what I post ;-) If what I post is wrong then I am misinformed. It happens, but what I post is what I genuinely know is true, or is an honest deduction from what's in the public domain. It's interesting to see the debt has been raised to Jolly when I was assured that the bid I was briefly involved in last year that the BSPA were happy to receive an application without any requirement to pay others' debts. It's funny., if a business goes bust and another takes over its operations it normally has no liability for the previous business's debts. If this was a case of BMR walking away from their debts only to form a 'phoenix' company to carry on, debtless I could understand but not when it's a new business. I wonder if the BSPA simply use it to deter applications that they don't like the look of? I expect there to be a queue to promote there IF, and IF the kart business rebuild the place rather than just demolish it. Forget BMR. There is nothing that can be done to rewrite history this time and speedway has to move on. Soon we could see a modern stadium, available to stage speedway, within easy access of millions of people including the nation's capital with good road access, to Hoddesdon at least and a direct frequent rail service to central London. Isn't that exactly what the sport in London is crying out for? It would be insane to block it over debts that no sensible business would accept responsibility for? I can't see speedway ever recovering BMR's debt, yet who really is being punished here? Certainly not BMR. Prospective promtions, yes. But in the twisted short-sightedness of speedway there is one apparently forgoten group that suffers the most. THE FANS. Speedway owes those people, not just of Rye House but all of the lost London area tracks one last place to enjoy their sport. Until someone wins Euromillions,there is only one place. Rye House.
    1 point
  43. As a follow up, acouple of days later, Grosskreutz's motorcycle suppliers wanted to celebrate the Golden helmet win and new track record with a rather unfortunate advert. A drawing of a bike and underneath in big bold letters... 76 Dead
    1 point
  44. As long as they put Speedway on and plenty of it i will be happy Any thing rather than having Football shoved down your throat 24/7
    1 point
  45. Excuse me you rude prick??? If the quoted text below from the website doesn't intimate home and away being separate then i think your illness has affected your visual skills a little more than i previously thought. Poole Pirates will be operating a home and away management scheme when they take their place in the SGB Championship for the 2020 season, with two club legends, Neil Middleditch and Gary Havelock, spreading the race day team managerial duties between them. Middleditch, who has masterminded eight top flight league titles and steered the Pirates into all the Elite league play-offs 15 times (from the 18 seasons in which the play-offs have been in operation), and will be honoured, at the start of the campaign. with a special meeting in his name, in recognition of his services to Poole, will be at the helm for the Pirates' home meetings whilst former club captain and 1992 world champion Gary Havelock will be handed the rulebook when the Pirates are on their travels.
    1 point
  46. Are you suggesting the ancient Egyptians had a flutter on trap 6? Greyhounds weren't bred for racing, they are hunting dogs. If you want a slightly different perspective on the treatment of racing greyhounds, I would suggest the following: Spend about 30 seconds researching the subject. Find someone who owns a pet greyhound (ex racer or otherwise) and spend a few hours with the dog. A more gentle creature does not exist on God's Earth.
    1 point
  47. Surely it could only be classed as dirty if he HAD used his mirrors first!!
    1 point
  48. It just shows how times have changed - can you imagine a meeting continuing in snow these days? I remember a couple of meetings at Oxford when I was young, around 1980 or 1981. The final meeting of 1980 was an Inter-League 4TT, right at the very end of October. Towards the end of the meeting, the temperature hit zero, and the final few races were completed, despite the fact the track was starting to freeze over. I was stood on the terracing, freezing over. And they cancelled the opportunity for kids to go around on the back of their favourite rider's bike (I ended up going around on Mick Fletcher's bike the following April, for my 8th birthday). Also, for another meeting, there was a really heavy thunderstorm at start-time. The riders simply waited for it to stop and then started the meeting. Times were the opening races were about 15-20 seconds more than usual. But by the last few heats, race times had returned to normal. Different times. All the best Rob
    1 point
  49. I was at that one...was sat in the main stand with a couple of hundred others when he smashed into the marshall. Got a right rollicking from Drury. Never liked the young sulky sod since then.
    1 point
  50. it was - however boxing day, which was when this post was written, wasnt as good as ive been sat on a coach most of the day travelling down to adelaide!
    1 point
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