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  1. You each make good points. The free carer facility was to help people who simply could not attend without a companion (for example a wheelchair pusher) - that companion may well not have any interest in speedway. It wasn't for a wife who was an ardent fan simply travelling with her disabled husband (also a fan). That is why it was on request and not advertised, but if I was contacted and asked if such a policy existed, and was given an explanation why it was needed I would never refuse.
    7 points
  2. My honest advice is refrain from posting, you’re embarrassing yourself.
    4 points
  3. First 'graduate' of the Duns Academy, did well at Armadale in the junior championship event at the end of last season. Almost exactly the kind of young Northern-based rider John Campbell was describing when he set out the Devils' stall.
    3 points
  4. Maybe because he knows who the last rider is
    3 points
  5. What a poor post riders at risk what are you talking about ??? It might be to soon for him he might not yet be good anough but as a rider he has a superb riding style and he is a down to earth level headed lad.Also in the Championship if he can score two or three points he has done his job it is whether he can learn and keep on improving.Why do SOME??? knock youngsters young Rowe at Swindon another one he will find it dreadfully hard at times but we need to encourage not knock.
    2 points
  6. Gosh, i miss Starrys intellect and intelligent contributions in the Prem section
    2 points
  7. It doesn’t particularly, but then again he knows who it is and it’s taking longer than he expected so I’m thinking Visa. You’re right about the track. Every year he doesn’t sit on his hands and do nothing, he tries something else to improve the racing. Fair play to him.
    2 points
  8. Very true but unfortunately you start it most of the time
    2 points
  9. Tell one thing's for sure this winter with what's gone on with Newcastle, forum now on 98 pages, the club's never been talked about so much on here? So hopefully granty gets the backing from the fans and the club grows
    2 points
  10. As John Campbell has been a promoter for an unbroken run of 35 seasons and was a trophy-winning third-tier promoter at Linlithgow and Armadale as well as settingup all the Monarchs' many successes, l'd be backing him to send out a useful - - albeit young and at first inexperienced - - team of Devils. Without breaking any banks.
    2 points
  11. Interesting that some fans are calling for the return of the fours qualifiers on the basis that four meetings in four days would be an attraction, but the BSPA is being widely criticised for organising events either side of the British GP. How many fans can actually afford to go to four meetings in four days? You really think the interest level would be there on the fourth (or even third) leg for supporters of a team well behind from the first couple of legs? Can you imagine the logistical nightmare if one (or even more) of the legs is rained off? It's bad enough trying to get two teams to agree on a re-arranged date, never mind four. Fours qualifiers are best left in the past, when every day was sunny, every meeting was close, every race had passing and life, in general, was just better. Except it wasn't always so. Fours finals day can be a great occasion.
    2 points
  12. But it isn’t broke! The 4s as a one track one day event works.
    2 points
  13. Entertaining and exciting? Surely Sverre Harrfeldt is far too old these days....
    1 point
  14. Not worth it Doc... will be too easy but won’t change anything.
    1 point
  15. I respect your support for all things Poole - but you need to accept other opinions before you respond. Just talk (or don’t) rather than force yours so aggressively. You should be positive after what you have been through.
    1 point
  16. Entertaining and exciting to me normally means someone a bit out of control,,,, bin it or win it.
    1 point
  17. We’ll just have to be patient a little longer.
    1 point
  18. I blinked and missed those.
    1 point
  19. Indeed. You might care to read Mimmo's first post on page 92, it might open your eyes and mind a bit
    1 point
  20. My prediction till I change my mind again! 1st Swindon (best top 3) 2nd Belle Vue 3rd Wolves (solid look, even if under limit) 4th Peterborough 5th Ipswich 6th King's Lynn 7th Sheffield (weakest reserves)
    1 point
  21. Young Mason Watson signs for Edinburgh in NJL
    1 point
  22. He is entertaining and exciting,,,, does that sound like Holder?
    1 point
  23. Be careful, much safer to purchase on line!
    1 point
  24. Will you be visiting the Speedway Star stand?
    1 point
  25. Well thats where i differ. I have every faith in Havvy, and dont forget we have riders who are very well versed with the northern tracks, as is Havvy. He has been a top line team manager very passionate, and im very sure he will be brought up to speed with any changes, and im also sure that him and Neil will speak prior to a meeting. Danny king is also very much with it, so im sure he will work in tandom. Hes a decent down to earth bloke and is very much looking forward to riding for us. No loss of sleep in this direction..
    1 point
  26. The Club drastically needs to work on communication at all levels, be it Press Releases, Website Updates, Facebook, Twitter etc. 1. Most important issue the club have Alienated some fans who are unfortunate and have a condition that requires a Blue Badge. 2. The state of the team which is of huge importance to all Panther fans. 3. Where is the promotion of the club? I know people who have no idea Peterborough has a Speedway team and/or do not know anything about speedway. 4. Incentives for current fans to try and engage new fans, such as Adult tickets are £18 but how about a discount offer if you bring a friend. Say 2 for £25/£30.
    1 point
  27. Probably because they're top and looking likely to be promoted
    1 point
  28. True that the TM has limited input that influences results. However in addition to tac sub they can (to some extent) select rider pairings for programmed rides plus for last heat. Also choice of guest riders which is important in terms of which riders ride best on the track in question. And yes there is the overall style of management adopted, not just during the meeting but for communication in between fixtures. Such actions all add up and was something SD did so very well at Leicester last season. For the Pirates there must be a question mark on the job share will indeed affect the overall team performance given the lack of consistency in style of management from meeting to meeting.
    1 point
  29. Knew that, just needed confirmation. And no they are not back to total loss. And yes I’m fairly young, probably...
    1 point
  30. On the Speedway Star's web site this morning. 2020 FIXTURES The 2020 season is fast-approaching and the fixtures are out. We have the Premiership and Championship fixtures in this week's magazine.
    1 point
  31. U mean the ones that dont absorb anything... I think it’s a good idea, the mats. But in reality we’ve had discussions on do they actually mean rubbish. Especially in other disciplines riders travel with motorhomes to meetings that spill more oil during the weekend than their bikes use. No one cares.
    1 point
  32. Read wrong sorry tellboy should be good though.
    1 point
  33. Every season I was involved at Peterborough free carer admission was available on request.
    1 point
  34. Dont know what your on about but they are supposed to be enviroenmental mats that absorb the possible oil spill, not ugly looking living room ones.
    1 point
  35. Think you ll get a nice suprise as to how well the kent fans travel.
    1 point
  36. Downes never came back after the big smash on turn 2 with Sanderson and Freemantle. Sanderson look promising and was due at Kent P and P in 2015 but never showed and I never heard his name since. I admire to a degree the Monachs approach, but it does nothing at all for the league, and certainly detrimental to the 3 stand alone clubs, who all need respectable gates. When we look back at Scunthorpe 14 team, I believe only Danno Verge is still active, which to me says the experiment of getting tanked every week not only didnt work, but actually hindered riders progression.
    1 point
  37. Here http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/67537-swedish-2020-season-info-on-1st-page-with-signings-and-etc/ And here: https://www.svemo.se/Sporter/Resultat/Speedway/Serier/Allsvenskan2020/Aktuellasnitt https://www.svemo.se/Sporter/Resultat/Speedway/Serier/Elitserien2020/Aktuellasnitt/
    1 point
  38. It was in 2014 S4S and we were slated for it. Going with Steve Jones & 6 x 3 pointers might sound like it was too weak for the NL, and it was. As has been said above, there were a few thrashings & promoters were not happy paying out to 60-65+ wins. The other riders involved in 2014 were Sam Chapman, Arron Mogridge, Danno Verge, Reece Downes, Ryan Macdonald & Liam Sanderson.
    1 point
  39. Anyone know if the minimum points limit still applies? I believe it was brought in to prevent under strength sides hurting other clubs financially. As mentioned previously when the Stags took to the track with a host of 3 pointers it meant huge home wins for sides with poor crowds meaning more money out and less in. If i recall a lot of tracks ended up running the meeting as a double header just to get supporters through the gate (and secretly hoping it would be cancelled after heat 10). Unfortunately weak teams make few friends in any league.
    1 point
  40. Middlo's Testimonial announced for Wednesday 25th March 2020. (so NOT Good Friday as previously suggested!!) Bjarne Pedersen is the first rider to be confirmed.
    1 point
  41. Honestly It takes one to recognise one lass... as Ronan Keating once said "You say it best; When you say nothing at all" and the quote by Mark Twain certainly comes to mind in your case “It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt” Pity you couldn't stay away a tad longer!!! Regards THJ
    1 point
  42. The following pre-season matches have just been announced by the official Unia Leszno website: March 16th (Monday) Swindon Robins – Unia Leszno March 23rd (Monday) PRACTICE Leszno: Swindon Robins & Unia Leszno March 24th (Tuesday) Unia Leszno – Swindon Robins
    1 point
  43. don't think steve is a disgrace to poole speedway not like the above mentioned
    1 point
  44. And people call Shovlar a disgrace to Poole Speedway. Starman is without doubt the biggest berk on this forum .
    1 point
  45. All cleared up except for a abusive answer from you know who what an advert for poole speedway he is
    1 point
  46. Finishing touches...
    1 point
  47. A mat in a sale,, 46 quid, normally 58,,,,,you would have to be bonkers to spend that sort of money on a mat. What's the betting a load of riders do,,, the ones who probably saying they don't make any money from speedway.
    1 point
  48. Another rider who shouldnt be anywhere near the NL
    1 point
  49. So sorry to read about your wife. Fingers crossed for the new chemo. Try and remain as positive as you possibly can in the circumstances, there’s always hope!
    1 point
  50. Poland keep under 21 riders at reserve regardless of ability, points scored, or how poor a main body rider has performed. They reap the rewards with multiple GP standard riders and domination of the world cup. We push our youngsters up into the main body ASAP and have half of them pack it in halfway through the season. The only GP standard riders we have both learned their trade abroad. Yes, keeping them at reserve would be a terrible idea.
    1 point
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