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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2020 in all areas

  1. The most likely reason for this rule, is because Chapman is worried somebody might get in the stadium without paying.
    5 points
  2. There is no reason why BB cars would have to share the same space as supporters on foot at the Showground. There is more chance of accidents in the main car park when people are rushing to get away...
    5 points
  3. Honestly It takes one to recognise one lass... as Ronan Keating once said "You say it best; When you say nothing at all" and the quote by Mark Twain certainly comes to mind in your case “It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt” Pity you couldn't stay away a tad longer!!! Regards THJ
    4 points
  4. If pedestrians are using Gate 15 it’s simple to achieve complete segregation. Gate 3 pedestrian access is more awkward and would require a different disabled parking area allocated to the north end of the Grandstand and careful marshalling at the exit. Cars and pedestrians can’t mix for H&S reasons? At supermarkets for example the blue badge spaces are always near the store entrance and require one to drive through the main car park (and hence the flow of pedestrians) to access them. I’ve not hit a pedestrian yet!
    4 points
  5. And people call Shovlar a disgrace to Poole Speedway. Starman is without doubt the biggest berk on this forum .
    4 points
  6. Interesting that some fans are calling for the return of the fours qualifiers on the basis that four meetings in four days would be an attraction, but the BSPA is being widely criticised for organising events either side of the British GP. How many fans can actually afford to go to four meetings in four days? You really think the interest level would be there on the fourth (or even third) leg for supporters of a team well behind from the first couple of legs? Can you imagine the logistical nightmare if one (or even more) of the legs is rained off? It's bad enough trying to get two teams to agree on a re-arranged date, never mind four. Fours qualifiers are best left in the past, when every day was sunny, every meeting was close, every race had passing and life, in general, was just better. Except it wasn't always so. Fours finals day can be a great occasion.
    4 points
  7. Are you going to buy a "Speedway star "
    3 points
  8. Middlo's Testimonial announced for Wednesday 25th March 2020. (so NOT Good Friday as previously suggested!!) Bjarne Pedersen is the first rider to be confirmed.
    3 points
  9. The Devils are aiming to employ, and produce new, young Northern-based talents, rather than win the League, to judge by some very encouraging words from John Campbell: "The Devils will embrace this fully with an exciting line up of young riders, many of whom are just setting out on their speedway journey and have been searching for their big break. They may take some time to find their feet but the opportunity is there for them to progress to become professional speedway riders." "I am very excited by the prospect of watching our young Devils progress over the course of the season. The early matches may prove challenging but I find it is one of the greatest joys in speedway to watch a rider improve and develop. I am sure this is a view shared by many Monarchs supporters and I am certain they will fully and enthusiastically support the ethos of the Devils."
    3 points
  10. The following pre-season matches have just been announced by the official Unia Leszno website: March 16th (Monday) Swindon Robins – Unia Leszno March 23rd (Monday) PRACTICE Leszno: Swindon Robins & Unia Leszno March 24th (Tuesday) Unia Leszno – Swindon Robins
    3 points
  11. It was in the Lynn News before Christmas.
    3 points
  12. Finishing touches...
    3 points
  13. I have an E Mail from EOES which tells me this decision comes entirely from Speedway and in no way has anything to do with them. Hang your heads in shame Mr Chapman and others.
    2 points
  14. The following pre-season matches have just been announced by the official Unia Leszno website: March 16th (Monday) Swindon Robins – Unia Leszno March 23rd (Monday) PRACTICE Leszno: Swindon Robins & Unia Leszno March 24th (Tuesday) Unia Leszno – Swindon Robins
    2 points
  15. Just been announced that N Sport have won the contract to show the Nice Polska league from 2020 to 2024. They will show a match on Saturday`s and one on Sunday`s( in addition to the 2 Extraleague matches they show that day. Quote from Sportowefakty (Google translation) Canal + on its website informs that it will produce all broadcasts of regular season matches in a minimum of eight cameras, including the use of a recording camera called beauty shot and replays in slow motion. The matches of the final round will be produced in addition to the standard of a minimum of ten cameras, and selected matches will feature racer drones following the players and the so-called camera taps. All this so that viewers in front of TVs can feel the emotions associated with speedway competitions even more strongly. Planned first 2 weeks 1st round Saturday 4th April Gniezno v Torun Sunday 5th April Bydgoszcz v Ostrow 2nd round Saturday April 18th Torun v Lodz Sunday April 19th Ostrow v Gdansk
    2 points
  16. In normal circumstances Blue Badge holders would only be concerned that they could be assured of a parking space fairly near the entrance. In the case of EOES which was not designed as a sporing venue the track is a long way from the entrance and it is the distance Badge holders are concerned about, even the place inside the showground where they have previously parked is not exactly close to the track. Your remarks would be pertinent to a normal stadium, but the EOES is not a normal stadium and has vast tracts of land inside the perimeter.
    2 points
  17. Second International Friendly Match @ Pinjar Park Speedway (330m track) Perth, Western Australia (Saturday, January 18, 2020) GREAT BRITAIN 54 1 Tai Woffinden - 15 (3,3,3,3,3) 2 Drew Kemp - 8+2 (2',0,1,2',3) 3 Dan Bewley - 12+1 (2,2,3,3,2') 4 Jason Edwards - 3+2 (1',0,1,0,1') 5 Leon Flint - 5+2 (F,2,0,1',2') 6 Jack Smith - 11+2 (3,1',3,2',2) TM: Simon Stead AUSTRALIA 36 1 Cameron Heeps - 9 (1,3,1,3,1) 2 Dakota Ballantyne - 7 (0,1,2,1,3) 3 Jason Crump - 10 (3,3,2,2,0) 4 Kayle Ballantyne - 1 (F,0,0,0,1) 5 Daniel Winchester - 2+2 (1',1',R,0,0) 6 Fraser Bowes - 7+1 (2,2,2,1',FX) TM: Steve Johnston Heats: 1. Woffinden, Kemp, Heeps, D.Ballantyne. 1:5 2. Crump, Bewley, Edwards, K.Ballantyne (fell). 3:3 (4:8) 3. Smith, Bowes, Winchester, Flint (fell). 3:3 (7:11) 4. Heeps, Bewley, D.Ballantyne, Edwards. 4:2 (11:13) 5. Crump, Flint, Smith, K.Ballantyne. 3:3 (14:16) 6. Woffinden, Bowes, Winchester, Kemp. 3:3 (17:19) 7. Smith, D.Ballantyne, Heeps, Flint. 3:3 (20:22) 8. Woffinden, Crump, Kemp, K.Ballantyne. 2:4 (22:26) 9. Bewley, Bowes, Edwards, Winchester (retired). 2:4 (24:30) 10. Heeps, Kemp, Flint, K.Ballantyne. 3:3 (27:33) 11. Woffinden, Crump, Bowes, Edwards. 3:3 (30:36) 12. Bewley, Smith, D.Ballantyne, Winchester. 1:5 (31:41) 13. Kemp, Flint, K.Ballantyne, Winchester. 1:5 (32:46) 14. D.Ballantyne, Smith, Edwards, Bowes (fell/excluded). 3:3 (35:49) 15. Woffinden, Bewley, Heeps, Crump. 1:5 (36:54)
    2 points
  18. Excuse me you rude prick??? If the quoted text below from the website doesn't intimate home and away being separate then i think your illness has affected your visual skills a little more than i previously thought. Poole Pirates will be operating a home and away management scheme when they take their place in the SGB Championship for the 2020 season, with two club legends, Neil Middleditch and Gary Havelock, spreading the race day team managerial duties between them. Middleditch, who has masterminded eight top flight league titles and steered the Pirates into all the Elite league play-offs 15 times (from the 18 seasons in which the play-offs have been in operation), and will be honoured, at the start of the campaign. with a special meeting in his name, in recognition of his services to Poole, will be at the helm for the Pirates' home meetings whilst former club captain and 1992 world champion Gary Havelock will be handed the rulebook when the Pirates are on their travels.
    2 points
  19. Even if this was provided Chaos would ensue at the end of the meeting. The really stupid thing about this is that parking for the entire crowd could be accommodated within the showground and still leave more than sufficient unrestricted access to carry out a NATO exercise
    2 points
  20. The club need to make sure this decision is made public. I can imagine many supporters will turn up and be completely unaware of it...
    2 points
  21. Fixtures to be released Thursday (23rd) Morning.
    1 point
  22. Its much safer for all concerned getting in and out of the showground than the stadium at Lynn were especially after speedway or stock car meetings its dodge the traffic leaving the car park and the approach road to the stadium, seems strange if true that Buster and co would implement this just at the showground but not at his beloved AFA which must surely also adhere to H&S issues as well ,
    1 point
  23. Not on the Extraleague - they still have the 2 Friday matches with Polsat losing the Speedway altogether.
    1 point
  24. My honest advice is refrain from posting, you’re embarrassing yourself.
    1 point
  25. Looks to short for Zagar.
    1 point
  26. It was in 2014 S4S and we were slated for it. Going with Steve Jones & 6 x 3 pointers might sound like it was too weak for the NL, and it was. As has been said above, there were a few thrashings & promoters were not happy paying out to 60-65+ wins. The other riders involved in 2014 were Sam Chapman, Arron Mogridge, Danno Verge, Reece Downes, Ryan Macdonald & Liam Sanderson.
    1 point
  27. Emerson Fairweather I reckon.
    1 point
  28. As I read the above statement it says to me that the Devils are going to track a team of 3 ish pointers.i'm sorry but I disagree with this approach I know this is a development league but it is also a league that charges fans good money to watch.If I am going to pay out the best part of £20 quid (entrance,prog,parking'fuel etc) I want to be entertained and watch 2 evenly matched teams(total team averages around the same) not watch a drubbing with follow the leader racing. Most higher average riders in this league are still developing and they need higher averaged riders to compete against to help them develop it will do them no good what so ever finishing half a lap in front every race. I will be there for every other meeting but I'm sorry to say that if the Devils track a very week side there is no way I will be paying to watch them at the NSS and I would think a lot of other fans will do the same which means my club will lose out. If this is the case and its only my opinon but I would put money on when the devils visit an away track this will be the lowest attendance of the season at all the tracks.
    1 point
  29. I think they could be trying to talk Savalas Clouting out of retirement.
    1 point
  30. Clearly a misunderstanding between Speedway and EOES. Now we know the showground don't mind there is no reason why we can not revert to previous arrangement.
    1 point
  31. This is what E Mail from Jason Lunn says "We as a venue have issued no such edict.Speedway plan their own parking so I would speak to them regarding this" I have asked Management for their comments.
    1 point
  32. Don’t think this is a fair fight taps
    1 point
  33. I bought one for £5 in Asda ... we used that after the rider left the previous one at Scunthorpe!
    1 point
  34. I bet there was never a mishap there, just shows again H&S gone mad in most other things. Hundreds of times more likely to have an accident/mishap on the journey too and from the track!
    1 point
  35. And you clearly can't write...as per usual
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. When I go to other sporting events all round the world I never see cars adjacent to the playing surface.. In football for example clubs have to designate a certain % of the overall crowd level for disabled customers but that doesn't entail them parking on 'the doorstep' from the section they are allocated... All disabled bays are 'as near as possible' to the entrances but don't grant instant access. (With the sheer size of stadia logistically preventing that from happening).. The law states 'reasonable adjustments' must be made to cater equally for all, which covers access.. Having cars in areas with pedestrians would be classed as very high risk I would imagine (especially as by definition those who are disabled will be less agile and mobile to avoid any issues that may occur), and any H+S risk assessment will clearly not allow that... As someone whose work life is directed by risk assessments covering 'moving vehicles in public spaces' I was always surprised Stoke and Buxton for example, could allows cars to pass within yards of pedestrians in a 'shared space'.. 'Reasonable adjustment' is very subjective obviously but in this situation parking bays as near as possible (and enough of them), would be a minimum requirement you would think (eg like supermarkets do)... You could argue that maybe having wheelchairs available to be used might be another adjustment but the counter argument would be that if someone cannot walk a 'reasonable' distance then they should probably provide their own transportation as they would need this assistance every day of their life not just for the Speedway. It is always more difficult when something is 'taken away' as you become used to having it and relying on it. And when emotions are involved it resonates even more.. As has been mentioned previously contacting the Showground for the definitive answer will be the best course of action.. Bottom line though is that they will have to follow all H+S and Discrimination laws like any other entity so will no doubt have covered off all angles legally if they are a professional organisation..
    1 point
  38. Chris Holder did two years at Championship level, Darcy Ward did one, Jason Crump did two years, Leigh Adams one! I guess it's what the rider feels is the right time to move up for him!
    1 point
  39. Why don`t those interested in finding out what the Showground are doing to now provide access to blue badge holders send a POLITE email to Jason Lunn venue director at JLunn@eastofenglandarena.com
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. It’s unlikely the decision will change, effort would be better spent on persuading the promotion to provide a reliable buggy service.
    1 point
  42. The riders would normally be in the stadium before the turnstiles open
    1 point
  43. Thing is, most public events nowadays have disabled parking (if parking spaces are provided at all) as those spaces nearest to the entrance/perimeter. In this case, can there not be space allocated near to where the riders parks their vans - I assume they'll still be allowed to drive inside the venue? If so, as far as I remember, this area is not segregated from the public so presumably a van hitting a person isn't thought to be as much of a risk as a car?
    1 point
  44. Leicesters car park is a fair walk and they provide transport to the stadium for those unable to walk that far. Maybe Panthers will do something similar
    1 point
  45. Realistically Sarjeant isnt going to get better.. NL should be for riders who are on an upward curve not riders looking for easy pay days.. i dont agree with Ledwith either for whats it worth.. as far the experience thing what have riders like Clegg/Sarjent achieved in the sport that would make them worth listening to.. id rather see riders like Flint etc at Newcastle
    1 point
  46. Not a problem. I know you’re now a tv fan but, if that and this forum are your main sources of information, it’s easy to get the wrong idea. The former is full of hype and fake enthusiasm, the latter, doom and gloom. As with much in life, the truth lies somewhere in between. For all it’s ills, British Speedway is producing far more good young riders than Sweden, Denmark and the USA combined. I’d also contend that we’ve got far more promising riders than Australia. Although I would concede that, if you had a full GB vs Australia test match this month, the Aussies with their top end power of Doyle, Fricke, Batchelor and the Holders would be the likely winners, give it a couple of years and I think GB would win, simply because there are far fewer Australian riders following on behind them, than there are up and coming Brits. It’s taken ages to get anything going in this country, mostly because promoters adopted a “what’s in it for us?” approach, but a great start has been made in recent years by Neil Vatcher with the British Youth Championship, and this is now supported by others. You should try to get to one of the 2020 Championship rounds and see for yourself the raw talent and enthusiasm on display. There are already 34 riders registered across the three classes and no doubt more will follow.
    1 point
  47. Swindon helping hand towards the awful fire happening in Australia... all being well these will be sold on line soon.
    1 point
  48. National League riders are obliged by the promoters to have two bikes, vans etc. As for F2, two valve engines or whatever: the question is, who is going to pay for them? You are in a chicken and egg situation, as beginners start with second-hand equipment, but ther is no s/h F2 or fancy engines available for them to buy! A pre-used Jawa bike will cost about £1000 or a GM, £1500, as opposed to £5000 just for a new engine. It just isn't on. As for fallers: of course beginners are going to fall, but any standard bike is going to throw the rider off if he mishandles it. I spent five years helping a rider (who got to MDL level); the GM bike he bought turned out to have an Ashtech engine, GP standard. Although he was faster than most of his contemporaries, he actually never dared to open the throttle fully! Other beginners are probably the same.
    1 point
  49. There's a bit of a contradiction there I think with these two statements. Are you now saying there is no such thing as an Asset status ? In the case of a club folding, the asset riders are then controlled by the BSPA, and the assets can be sold but the monies can be held to cover any clubs debts or the usually reduced amount goes to the owner. I bought Jesper Olsen that way though the BSPA in 1997.
    1 point
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