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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2020 in all areas

  1. NKI is different mustard at the Showground, not many would beat him there ...
    4 points
  2. Holder NKI Zagar Woofy - whoever's it is will do just fine
    4 points
  3. Personally I hope Ipswich sign Chris Holder. Still a very capable rider especially in this league, and it would be good for British Speedway to have another ex world champ riding here again. He remains a name that supporters will turn up to see.
    4 points
  4. Newcastle have applied to race in the NL Trophy competition in 2020. http://www.newcastlediamonds.co/home.asp
    3 points
  5. Missing the bit about the money that 'seems to have evaporated into thin air'. It you must try to be sarcastic and make a point to someone, try bravely to make it to the person or persons concerned. Instead of trying your usual pathetic attempt to have a go from sitting at your computer. What did Worky do to deserve you as a 'supporter'.
    3 points
  6. Wont see a better 1-7 than ours. Out and out No.1, Engine room full of Heat Leaders, Tungate who's a proven No.1 at the Showground & a guaranteed power scoring reserve all season long. 5 Heat Leaders, 1 Second String and 1 reserve.
    3 points
  7. Mr Godfrey will re-imburse any parking fines incurred. Official announcement any day now.....
    3 points
  8. Never a dull moment when Roman was about. RIP
    3 points
  9. Neil Street was the eyes and ears in those days.
    3 points
  10. What a complete moron you are!
    2 points
  11. Dad’s army. Imagine being a fake pboro fan & claiming you’ll win the league!
    2 points
  12. Including Basse Hveem, Dan Forsberg , Olle Nygren, Peter Craven, Barry Briggs, Ronnie Moore and Neil Street Olle Nygren seems to have won a Victor Ludorum type race with Briggo finishing second. Not great quality, but worth a look https://tv.nrk.no/serie/filmavisen/1955/FMAA55004355/avspiller
    2 points
  13. I saw Roman racing on ice. It took a while but once he learned to turn left there were a lot of relieved opponents.
    2 points
  14. Think Kennedy was a bit miffed he was not asked back in 2020 after a promising first season, BUT they did move up and with the points conv Champ to Prem they went for the more experienced rider in Kurtz who comes in low with his GSA after the conv. If you look at that video where he overtook both Wells & Pickering at Sheffield and factor in the club must have seen something to make him rider of the season despite only a 4 point first season GSA - The fact he is only 21, I am surprised another team didn't go for him. Could develop like Jordan Stewart or may be anything going forward. Throw him in the reserve slot and consider how he would do against the other reserves named for 2020. If you look at the 2020 Champ teams reserves on the SGP site I think he would beat most if not all of them in most meeting. There are a lot of young inexperienced reserves in their and some not so young, so a rider of his ability could score well and boost confidence going forward. Bearing in mind he also only came over part way thru last season and finished as No. 2 in the side. Just my opinion of course.
    2 points
  15. People getting carried away with the Mr Ped signing. He might yet prove to be a turkey.
    2 points
  16. He might of been an entertainer and box office but what he done to Glasgow’s Robert Nagy one night was a disgrace
    2 points
  17. RIP Roman Matousek Concur with the comments about him being a strong lad - recall it being said he had the strongest forearms in Speedway at the time and you certainly not want to arm wrestle him !! An entertainer for certain - never a dull moment when Roman was on track - not sure his own teammates were entirely comfortable riding with him ? lol I see to remember him as being essentially a 5-6 point rider who showed glimpses of better talent on occasion - recall one meeting at Coventry where he was a reserve and took 4 rides on the trot against some team - the first three races won in blistering form and the fourth he was leading until the Bike went bang big-time - never the same rider after that as believe it was a catastrophic and expensive bike loss. 55 Years of age too young for anyone to pass away - thoughts are with his family.
    2 points
  18. THE BSPA have their best man on it...
    2 points
  19. Due to the strict time limit imposed on parking at Leicester, and to help meet anticipated demand levels, free parking will be available at both Peterborough and Sheffield speedway stadia, with free shuttle buses provided to and from Leicester.
    2 points
  20. You can watch it on YouTube but the scrap he had with Sean Wilson at Sheffield is one of my most memorable nights at Speedway, taking his protective gear off while pointing at Sean as he made his way back to the pits... pure theatre or box office as they say these days. I don't think we ever really saw the best of him in this country, seemed to come and go... but when he was on a fast bike was a match for the best
    2 points
  21. Why run two National Comps together in the same weekend? They have done the same in the past with League play offs and cups, cramming them all in at the end of the season... Which, if you are successful, results in people picking and choosing what finals to attend due to cost.. Spread out the National finals through the year.. It maintains interest across the season and will help the punters affordability... And also means teams who start the season well but then maybe have injuries and tail off, or teams that invest and make changes mid season can still be in the running for some success..
    2 points
  22. Good to have Nico back - always value to watch Consistent home and away so gives some stability and will still be capable if he moves up into the 1-5
    2 points
  23. And expect the next 1 to be tungate as soon as auz champs are over they’ll be biging it up .its so predictable and boring .it says what is exactly with speedway . string the fans along when you can virtually write the non story yourself
    2 points
  24. God what a massive shock , a real racer and a great character RIP Roman. It makes you put thing's into perspective we should all cherish life and try to make everyday worthwhile.
    2 points
  25. Great entertainer. RIP Roman
    2 points
  26. Good luck with finding a new home, be great to see Reading, Oxford and Swindon doing battle again
    2 points
  27. Hopefully late again. Can't see why people want to be standing there in mid March when it's freezing cold and then have loads of blank weeks in the summer.
    2 points
  28. How is Mr Ed these days
    1 point
  29. Opinions and ars*holes and all that. If you were impressed with Iversen, good for you.
    1 point
  30. Pickering, Jeppesen or Kvech would be lovely. Härtel not so.
    1 point
  31. When I say reserves. I mean Shanes and co at the start of the season. Zach quit because he couldn't handle the job in hand. Shanes got sacked because he was crap. Jensen came in and Robins were allowed to strengthen the reserve positions with two Championship Heat Leaders.
    1 point
  32. So, strong reserves all year round is the key, but we won the league with reserves that couldn't hack it? Perfect sense
    1 point
  33. site cannot be reached !
    1 point
  34. Always liked Hans, not the rider he was but a terrific signing on his average who could improve his average sunstantially. Wears his heart on his sleeve and has a great relationship with his fans. Had a massive crash last season which took a lot more getting over that he realised.
    1 point
  35. Welcome back to Nico If we use all of the remaining points maybe Nicolai won't be our No1 come the new season, time will tell ???
    1 point
  36. Its crazy to think even the teams that have gone in the last 20 years Newport, Reading, Exeter, Oxford, Trelawny, Hull, Workington, Arena, Rye , Coventry , Stoke, Buxton just off the top of my head. Probably more. Used to love the bank holiday meetings vs the likes of Reading and remembering the crowds at Smallmead and Exeter when the Wasps were in town when they first came back was like nothing seen since IMO... used to flood the places yellow . Good times and times that will never come back around again sadly. The sport in the UK is dying on its arse.
    1 point
  37. Seems Lech Walesa was wasting his time.
    1 point
  38. This is the trouble with some who spread this stuff . Historic facts aren’t a matter of ‘ make your own choice’ and it isn’t a matter of ‘lots of sites state such and such ‘ or ‘ why has nobody ever questioned this before ? ‘ One such article stating Cullum was unofficial world champ by gustix http://www.speedwaymuseumonline.co.uk/puttmossman.html
    1 point
  39. So Musielak has been stopped from riding in the UK by Toruń according to Terry Russell in today’s adver, or at the very least starting the season. This is what was said right from the start.
    1 point
  40. One of the sports true characters, who you really couldn’t take your eyes of of him on track. He was pretty handy on an ice bike too. Has to be said, he had the strongest grip known to man - you truly knew when he had shaken your hand. RIP Roman
    1 point
  41. Official 2020 Calendar
    1 point
  42. Maybe Should have the fours on the Friday at Somerset and the pairs at Leicester on the Sunday
    1 point
  43. So Andersen or Tungate tomorrow
    1 point
  44. I remember Roman having a punch up with Sean Wilson at Sheffield one night. A real character. RIP
    1 point
  45. A very young age to pass. I remember the impact he made at Ipswich when he came in late season in 1986! Good servant to Coventry and Sheffield! 1989 World Final at Munich when he found a very fast line by sticking his front wheel over the inside line creating a tremendous amount of grip in a Scalextric rail like way! 1991 or 92 Fours final at Peterborough when 3 riders crashed down the back straight in front of him and he then tried to jump over them. The subsequent interview on Anglia TV when he was upset by fans who claimed he was an "idiot" and his "I think the riders are going a bit crazy today!" statement was classic stuff!
    1 point
  46. Wish there was a 'shocked' emoji to respond to a post. 55 is very young. RIP Roman.
    1 point
  47. Don't like your humour in the last sentence. If you have a problem take it up direct. With the Break-in, I believe the toe rags stole a generator , all the blowers, a couple of bikes and set fire to the contents of a container. Those wishing to help the new owners, can join and contribute to a JustGiving page that has the figure required as £500.
    1 point
  48. It’s a great shape of track but with too Narrow straights which makes the corner entries Really tight but If they banked All the corners a bit more And got rid of the negative cambers which means you can race into the bends a lot faster Without fear and probably create a lot more racing lines
    1 point
  49. False Dawn, no one can view it for you, but I am sure that you would not be disappointed here in Kent. The third bend camber is one that has been a bother and last season was flattened out a bit so was less likely to draw riders into the fence if they went in wide. Some of the issues with the track arise from the morning running of the dogs which precludes any work until after 2pm.
    1 point
  50. Glad someone else can see the same issue as me? Plus the pit area mac as you and me well know
    1 point
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