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If Masters knows Wolves are only signing him because they can't get a top rider & he's now the best available, he could ask for more money, knowing Wolves have dug themselves into a hole!3 points
And a good day out it was. In the 60's, drive up in the morning, Princess Street and the park in the afternoon , tea at Woolworths cafe, the meeting at Old M and a fight with the usual loopy son and mother in the main stand, chip supper in the chip parlour in Mussleborough and then the race back home. Happiness.2 points
Not so. See Gordon Pairman's very clear explanation of this, and other situations, in the parallel 'Loan Riders' thread running on here.2 points
i think it was a restraint of trade in a supposedly free labour market but i really don't want to argue because others think differently and thats fine2 points
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Yes seems to be what most people are expecting but i think he might surprise you all . I would be very surprised if he didn't improve his average in 2020.2 points
According to Sportowefakty, Zmarzlik beat Lewandowski to the Polish Sports person of the year. What a result for the still relatively young Pole. Granted Lewandowski was non existent in the Euro's (as were his colleagues). But, arguably out with Messi and Ronaldo, he is the most prolific CF in the world. While I would concede a lot of money has been pumped into Speedway nationally. Comments pre the event (that I read), suggested that Speedway over there is still in the minutiae across parts of Poland. Bartosz's victory should give new exposure to the Polish Ekstraliga and hopefully Ligue 1&2. Had his injuries, learning his trade under Gollob. He has produced unrivalled consistancy for the past 5 years domestically, while staying loyal to employers Stal Gorzow. A great night for Zmarzlik and hopefully a break through for Polish Speedway.1 point
I appreciate the kind words! I know there must still be a few that are missing, and I am always checking. I can't take all the credit, though, as there are a number of individuals from around the world who have contributed, including yourself.1 point
Delighted to see the Speedway liking Brian Porteous returning as new Berwick Rangers Chairman.1 point
Actually found something earlier involving E.Odlum. In fact I might have found a couple of bits involving him In 1910 an Ernest Odlum was jailed for 3 months for embezzling 10 pounds from Canada Cycling Co. Then an E. Odlum was years later involved with T Cycles, who sponsored a motorcycle meeting in which he competed Jan 1916(Darling Downs Gazette 27.01.1916), which indicates an earlier meeting at least had taken place as the lap record was broken. E.Odlum won the Flying Mile.....then years later I guess it was the same rider who was involved in the Riders assoc. along with Frank Pearce1 point
After the strike in December 1926 things rumbled on into the new year, despite the apology from Pearce. The management elected Yenson to be spokesman for the riders. But it seems the money promised the riders after the strike wasn't paid and so a Union was formed. The Racing Motorcycle Rider's Association of Queensland' and Frank Pearce was elected chairman. Pearce said that after the dispute the officials had submitted a schedule of prize money. The riders hadn't asked for it, but the company had presented it of its own free will. On the next Saturday night Mr Hunting came to them a few minutes before the meeting was to start and asked if they were willing to be paid in bonus money. Pearce said it was all done in a rush and without knowing what it meant the riders said 'yes', but after thinking it over and realising what it meant didn't agree to it. The Dick Smythe had a problem with his money for winning the handicap, seemingly getting less than agreed and one of the officials said 'We don't want men who win by half a mile. If you want the money you must ride to suit the public ' When it was heard the riders were holding a meeting the officials gave Smythe the correct money. This was thought to be good justification of having an association. When officials got wind of the meeting to form the association they sent letters to all the riders requesting them to attend a meeting with officlas the night before the association meeting. They were all advised not to attend and seems they stuck together. There was also a rumour put into the press that Pearce would be leaving to ride in the south, which Pearce strongly denied and called it foul play from the management, who of course denied this Hunting also tried to call their bluff by saying riders from the south would be willing to ride instead, but Pearce had received a letter from the President of the N.S.W riders assoc. saying they were behind them and he would advise his riders not to 'scab' Mr Ernie Odlum (the rider Norbold pointed to as riding in a 1916 motorcycle meeting I think) advised the riders not to sign any contracts with the management without representation as some f the clauses were trying to tie them up and also stop them being members of the riders assoc. Including 'I agree to give my entire services to your company for a period of 6 calendar months from even date as a motorcycle racing rider, and to compete when, and if called upon, so to do' A motion was then carried giving the committee authority to negoiate1 point
Not a personal dig at all and sorry if i have offended you, have a look at your two posts 231 i had not even mentioned Hume all i mentioned was about Harris/ Garrity in heats 13/15 being vulnerable.Going back to Hume your opinion of him is valid but i still say after last season he has been very unlucky.He only had 5 or 6 matches last year and has had two years wrecked by injury yet he is still saddled with a 3.19 average should he have a decrease in that.? Because of his average lesser riders are getting chances we know that is the rule but for me that rule needs changing another bad example of the rule is James Wright coming in on a four.1 point
Last one I knew of was Neil Evvits. All riders have to be controlled by someone, be it the asset owner, or the BSPA who have main control of all foreign registered riders or riders owned by an owner or club that is not running.1 point
Chris Holder wasn’t blocked from riding. Poole said Somerset had to buy him. Somerset said no. Had Somerset really wanted him (and he had been granted a visa) they could have appealed to SCB and used him while the appeal was being held and a fee was set.1 point
Panthers facebook & twitter page practically gave it away that both Hans & Rohan have signed. Everyone knew they both signed even before Peterborough asked the fans to caption a photo of the two together.1 point
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Portillo is quite personable without his politican's hat, one of my favourite programmes travelling through probably my favourite part of the British Isles via one of my favourite modes of transoprt. There is much to like and this programme alone is almost worth the price of the licence fee, almost....1 point
Will Mr Garrity turn up to Edinburgh again this year ??? His attendance at Armadale is not very good1 point
If you pay closer attention to my post about Danyon, you will see that I didnt quote you? it's just my opinion in general.... I'm not a hypocrite where Danyon's concerned if you read my posts properly....? I love watching Danyon race, I merely point out what I think are his flaws/short falls (no pun intended) and other clubs seem to have a problem with signing him also? (unless Poole sign him...I'll be thrilled for him if they do....) Why can't you just stick to commenting on the post ......instead of attacking the poster??? If it's something you don't agree with, you have to have a personal dig for some reason ?1 point
THJ could be the real trump card in this Brum side and if he applies himself i think he could be number 1 in no time and one of the top performers in the league (but he will need equipment to match). Harris had the backup of Roo Boy last season as a stronger heat leader partner and if he has to be the top rider this time around it could be a pressure too far. As for Garrity everyone knows he is pure entertainment but he is no more than 3rd heat leader level and will lose bucketfuls of points with reliability issues.1 point
Talking of the early days of Dirt Track racing in Australia. This is from the Townsville Daily Bulletin, dated December 12, 1916. Just over seven years before Johnnie Hoskins "invented" the sport!!! It is obvious from the way the report is written that it wasn't new in Australia even then!1 point
BBC-2 tonight (Monday), 6.30-7.00 First night of the 2020 series of Michael Portillo's Great British Railways Journeys includes footage from Newcastle Stadium of some Saturday afternoon greyhounds from a few months ago as this week's route (half-hour every night Monday to Friday) starts on Tyneside before heading up the east side of Scotland and across to Loch Ness.1 point
I think we need to turn the record over about Danyon?.....take a look at the 2020 Championship signings? we're not the only club who have over looked him ? Unless Poole sign him ?1 point
Point out a team in the Championship who don't have a few if's and but's ? Garrity and Harris are both 'big' race riders and can beat anyone on their day......making/missing the gate will be a common problem, which is why we need to get the surface right....not only for the start of the meeting, but more importantly, maintaining it throughout the meeting, so there's plenty of grip for Heats 13/15 !?1 point
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As you say, Emil, Sergei Darkin and Renat Gafurov all raced in the UK as did Ilya Bondarenko and Denis Gizatullin. I'm struggling after that but probably forgetting someone.1 point
I think it will be more down to the fact it is a lot more behind the scenes stuff to run the champ team and the nl team will certainly be on the back burner this year1 point
I say this as so many riders have difficulty when entering the second and fourth bends,I just wonder what it will be like with the extra speed of Championship Speedway? That’s all.1 point
What's not hard to understand is that it is team building decisons like last year at P'boro and what seems to be the case this year. that drives fans away from the turnstiles. 7 teams averaging less that 1,000 fans per match is not saying much for the health of the "top" UK league is it?1 point
I'm pretty sure it was dictated by the length of track; you will see how the Sydney Showground was a 3-lap track.1 point
Beaumont Sports Complex is still active though and isn't that the company that runs the site? I would guess the other dissolved companies were to do with the speedway promotion side of things?1 point
A decent reserve may not even be a half decent rider, if Doyle and Fricke are the yardstick but could win you a trophy.1 point
I played a part too.....lol For those who are unable to stream for whatever reason, we are covering the second round, link is http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/19595/australian-championship-albury-wodonga-20201 point
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Over 200 people have been arrested so far for starting fires, it seems like the psychopaths have taken over...1 point
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Maybe Palavaaro was being treated like a slave and, only being available to work for the highest bidder?1 point
So once again, as in the Kus transfer to Newcastle from Redcar, the riders wishes were upheld, and he went to the team he wanted to ride for, and the transfer fee was adjudicated by the SCB. No breach of freedom of movement there.1 point
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I am pretty sure Harris won plenty of heat 13 and 15s last season i would not worry about it too much. If THJ hits the ground running he will soon be in the number 5 jacket either way i think we remain competitive in pretty much all the heats with the current format .1 point
Never mind all that. The big question I wanna know is this chap Brian Bongo, is he available ?1 point
I think the Brummies have gone about building a team in the right way but think a few of the signings are a little risky, mostly the top 3. No problem with Morris, Castagna & Shanes being retained. One of them will always be a high scoring reserve, you'd think. Surprised Thomas picked over Hume. THJ is a total wildcard, who knows what he'll do, worth a gamble. But Harris & Garrity are both likely to miss the gate in critical heats, not sure I'd have gone for both & Jonasson.1 point
It makes a big difference for riders like Lasse Bjerre (5.92) and Ben Barker (5.28) rather than sign them on their Prem aves, wait a month & sign them on their converted Champ aves (if Lasse gets a spot for example) Lasse Bjerre (5.87 / 1.6 = minimum 4.00) or Ben Barker (7.24 / 1.6 = 4.53)!1 point
Wow.. Sometimes I do believe those within the 'inner sanctum' see this sort of thing as 'perfectly normal'.. Whilst those who pay the wages (the fans) also known as 'those who really matter'... Think.. "What a load of bollox"....1 point
Ged & Neil do. One day they may tell us. Buster always puts me in mind of the smiling assassin1 point
1 point
Foreverblue is a Poole supporter Dan. People need to realise that with the other 6 signed (or heavily rumoured to have signed), we had around 3 and a halfish points left for a number 7. We’ve done very well with Danny Ayres IMO.1 point
A reserve pairing of Ayres and Covatti looks a promising one and a very entertaining one as well. If Nico moves up in to the team then he’ll be replaced by someone equally as strong if not stronger. All good.1 point
Hard to believe that it has been 55 years since the amazing Peter Craven died. I saw him race several times at Wimbledon and went up to Manchester to watch him race for Belle Vue against our Wimbledon Dons. He was a tiny man who had a unique style and rode with fire in his heart. RIP. He was a great challenge for the Dons top riders at the time, Ronnie Moore, Peter Moore and Ron How.1 point