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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2020 in all areas

  1. I guess as it's new year, us Bees fans are allowed a small tear remembering the way all the staff and St John Ambulance folk, used to march smartly into the stadium to the sound of Imperial Echoes. Please spare a moment to wish those good folks running the Save Coventry Speedway and Stox campaign, a successful year in bringing back speedway to Brandon.
    7 points
  2. You are always welcome on any thread FB. One of the decent Poole posters.
    3 points
  3. You carry on fb, just don't bring starry with you please
    3 points
  4. I think he's a good signing on 7.58. Will at the worst hold his average imho.
    3 points
  5. No problem for me with FB - invariably balanced and genuine in his comments
    2 points
  6. Thanks and Pinny isn't even a Ipswich fan.
    2 points
  7. It's not interpretation, Art 16.2.5 says exactly that...... Let's look again at Brian Bongo who you suggest finished the 2019 Prem season on a 12.00 average. He also finished the Championship season on a 5.00 average. The rule states: 'The most recently established MA will be used. If a rider has an established MA in both the Premiership and Championship Leagues, established in the same season, that leagues MA will apply to that league.' So for team-building at the beginning of the 2020 season Bongo has 2019 established MAs in both leagues. Not surprisingly he doesn't get a PL berth but starts the 2020 CL season on a 5.00 average. Until the first GSAs for 2020 are issued that remains the situation, and should Bongo get an early PL call-up to cover injury he would come in on a 12 point average. As soon as Bongo receives a new 2020 CL GSA that becomes his most recently established MA and he no longer has averages in both leagues established in the same season. At that point, any previous average becomes irrelevant.
    2 points
  8. Danny Ayres been back on a bike at scunny today.. word from the guy himself 'I feel like I've never been off one'
    2 points
  9. Ged & Neil do. One day they may tell us. Buster always puts me in mind of the smiling assassin
    2 points
  10. Whats your problem with me commenting on other teams, i have always done it just because my team is not in the Premiership anymore doesn't mean i should stop does it.
    2 points
  11. I think Cook is a good signing, should improve his current average and will be many maximums with Lambert in the later heats plus he is a good gater which is vital at Kings Lynn.
    2 points
  12. I remember the days when all the rakers used march out of the pits on the parade with the riders at the AFA. Back In the "Welcome to sunshine speedway, Saddlebow road, the home of the Kings Lynn Stars" days There must of been 10 or so back then.
    2 points
  13. Can't agree with you there, I think his average will go up! He can't be too bad as he's qualified for a GP series something Bewley & Lambert haven't done yet!
    2 points
  14. Edinburgh to walk it and muller the weej in the championship final. Masters is the strongest rider in the league by a distance IMO. Cook has had his day.
    2 points
  15. Might be FFS Banditos after some away matches
    2 points
  16. Probably for the same reason that the Club will retain it's current trading name and business name until the time is correct to change the name and ownership to Rob's name. If it had been changed before the AGM, Newcastle would have been considered a new promotion, open to more scrutiny, a loss of seniority and possibly stricter and higher financial bonds held by the BSPA. It's much simpler to do the change later. Mr Phillips name didn't appear as he had already left the promotion. Hope that helps.
    1 point
  17. Hopefully one of the Courtneys then the track changes will be just fine
    1 point
  18. Rubbish the way Gavan posted was totally different, you cannot compare us and by the way i have had many reasonable discussions with Gavan.
    1 point
  19. A newbie to British league
    1 point
  20. Most northern tours are Glasgow / Edinburgh Friday, Berwick Saturday, Newcastle Sunday.
    1 point
  21. Don't know where you're travelling from Tom or quite when, however if your dates don't allow you to take in both tracks please don't make the mistake of choosing Armadale over Ashfield!
    1 point
  22. That’s not correct, Art 16.2.5 explains why. No ‘special dispensation’ needed.
    1 point
  23. And Ivan was one of the few that really feared the unheralded Jerzy, Plech at that time was the golden boy and was expected to be the biggest home threat.
    1 point
  24. My guess would be that they have the majority of the team sorted but are trying to persuade somebody (Iversen/Bjerre?) to spearhead the side. Hence being unable to announce others. As for 90 minute meetings, count me in. That’s plenty and I wish Lynn meetings were that prompt.
    1 point
  25. My cousin, who has just emigrated to Perth a coupe of weeks back is live at Pinjar Park
    1 point
  26. When the Promotion have made their decision during or after the Aussie Championships.
    1 point
  27. Fair shout on the above post.
    1 point
  28. I think there are improvers in both: Bowtell v Morley I’d say Bowtell is the faster rider and they’re both as good out the gate but Morley is the safer rider and you don’t often see on the floor. bursill (I cant see it being anyone else) v wirtzfeld bursill the better gater but wirtzfeld the faster rider especially around the island as well as being safer of the 2. Bursill is a bit dodgy at times. Atkins V Woolley again not much in it but Atkins has obviously more potential. Woolley has more experience is definitely the better gater of the two and quick round most tracks. andrews v campos both can be untouchable around their home circuits and both can be woeful away. I don’t think either will get much better but I’d say on his day Andrews is the better rider saying that on bad days he is suspect to a crash or two stoneman v coles this one is in favour of stoneman he’s a real trier has the odd crash but definitely gutsy. Cole’s is very good around the iow though and a solid heat leader everywhere. davies v king Davies has had many opportunities and not really pushed on I don’t think this move will be any different. As opposed to kings first crack at the national league and scoring solid points round the iow - hopefully he will smile soon though he looks very sad in his photo on speedway gb haha leek v butcher Leeks been around forever last year I thought he was finally making strides. Butcher is great in the development leagues and the grasstrack and not fantastic on the speedway. Hopefully he can change this. I think butcher is the stronger of the 2.
    1 point
  29. Chris Holder is another rider with motivation problems. When things go right he is still capable of great things on-track. When things don't go so well or not as he prefers. his motivation to race droops - a lot. Yes he had has a heavy load of injuries and off track problems but when you pay him top dollar you have a right to expect persistent maximum effort and application.
    1 point
  30. If the British Championship was held over seven rounds at every track in the Premiership, I would suggest Cook would win it by some margin... Had a higher away average than both Lambert and Bewley And a home track he had ridden regularly for less than one season suggests he could improve this in 2020 now more dialled in..
    1 point
  31. Very interesting, and that's quite the same story that Max Grosskreutz told the press. But it just can't have been so in 1933, because only Hitler's 50th birthday, which was April 20, 1939, was a public holiday. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Führergeburtstag
    1 point
  32. Good job he’s got all 3 then...
    1 point
  33. I think Ivan Mauger came even closer.
    1 point
  34. At Peterborough we marched out to the Match of the Day theme tune, led by the starting Marshall (my Dad).
    1 point
  35. If riders are free agents, how do you hear about a rider being blocked from riding? Say Palovaara at Leicester last season?
    1 point
  36. 9th in Sweden and ahead of some decent riders in Poland- hardly garbage !!!!!
    1 point
  37. Like Havvy did to us with Matej Kus.
    1 point
  38. This is precisely the issue that is hurting Speedway across the whole country. Everyone agrees that development is required for the sport to survive and yet it is always considered someone else's problem. Poole were naughty not running the youth round this year but did allow a MSDL side to operate from their track which is still more than many clubs do. The BSPA only wants to promote the youth rounds and imposes some hefty fee's and requirements upon development league teams including the treats of not being able to run if they cannot find their own tracks. Referee's often don't want to officiate dev league meetings or youth rounds after main matches and 22 heats of racing counts as a double header so double the fee for the official. There are obviously some notable exceptions but in reality the future of the sport is being handled by a few unsung and unknown heroes.
    1 point
  39. Think you will find from this comeing season the scb, and bspa are doing something to sort out the problem with track preparation on saying that some tracks are fine.
    1 point
  40. Auty's only good around Scunny... seems to be rather disappointing everywhere else
    1 point
  41. I’m with you on that one,I also despair that they can’t sort the leagues out.
    1 point
  42. Fair point, but some people make it difficult for themselves! Saying that a team has the strongest top 2/3 in the league, but still having them to finish 11th ( even with "apparently" the 2 weakest reserves) means that they are either on a wind up or have a deep seated dislike of The Bears, I suspect it probably both.
    1 point
  43. Redcar nearly bottom? Are you mad?
    1 point
  44. Eastbourne 1st - 3rd Great top two, if Brennan can score like last year, will be a very potent team! Not the strongest at reserve but have plenty of potential there! Glasgow 2nd Best rider in the league, good reserve in Jensen, Bailey has plenty of promise but there's also plenty of question marks in the top 5! Edinburgh 1st - 6th Very strong top two, reserves look very decent, if newcomers perform could challenge for the title, if not scrape into top 6! Poole 3rd / 4th Hard to judge as have two places to fill, but have strongest 3rd heat leader in league! Scunthorpe 4th / 5th Weakest number one in the league, but have a great reserve in Lambert & the most promising 2.00 rider! Leicester 5th / 6th Strongest second strings in the league, but alongside Redcar have the weakest reserves! Somerset 7th / 8th Good top 2, exciting riders behind them, but pretty weak in the bottom three! Kent 7th - 9th Middle of the road side, Gilkes is very promising! Birmingham 8th / 9th A good number one & probably the strongest reserve in the league! Berwick 10th / 11th Very solid, potential in their reserves but weak at the top, home advantage should help! Redcar 10th / 11th Strongest top 2/3 in the league, but also weakest reserves in the league! Newcastle 12th Strong reserves but very weak everywhere else!
    1 point
  45. It's not about the winning, it's the taking part that counts.
    1 point
  46. If Newcastle are: Vissing Clegg Smetana Skorja Wethers Wright Mountain Sorry, but that’s like six reserves, so unless they settle immediately, surprise everyone and ride out of their skins, it’s gotta be bottom.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. You are correct. It was his Championship average he came in on. Strangely though, the 2019 regulations didn't allow for that to be the case as he'd not missed the Premiership for more than 1 season. Rules had been wrongly interpreted as not having a current 2019 Premiership average for which he did. As the averages are rolling the final averages of 2018 would be the averages of 2019 so Cook had a current 2019 Premiership average and should have had that average. The fact that his Premiership average would have taken King's Lynn over the poinys limit would suggest someone may have helped themselves to an MC approval
    0 points
  49. Behave yourself. Anyone would think youve helped fill out Berwicks stadium week in week out Main part of advertising is having the product your advertising bang on and value for money. If not, you could advertise speedway as a 5 quid sport and people still wont come back.
    0 points
  50. Cook is a poor signing, his average is only going one way an it's not up. A rider who has peaked and at time thought he was better than he actually was. The fact that he cant hack it in Poland but the likes of the up an coming Bewley and Lambert can says it all
    0 points
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