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  1. With all due respect to Doolan he is well past his best and isn’t even riding Championship speedway this year, not sure he is the way forward for anybody in the Premiership. Ayres is a very good gater and should do a decent job at the Foxhole.
    5 points
  2. if poole are to remain in the championship for the foreseeable future then spotting and developing the best young british prospects should now be one of the promoters prioritys,need to be able to bring in good youngsters to fill future reserve positions,not been pooles forte in the past but times change,im sure theyre on it.
    3 points
  3. Guaranteed effort and entertainment whatever the points return - a MASSIF welcome to Danny
    3 points
  4. All this track grading is a pain in the neck and I'm sure most of it is not necessary but just an excuse for someone to enjoy driving a tractor. What they should do is get a job on a farm instead.
    3 points
  5. Poole meeting was removed from the fixture list. Wolverhampton was cancelled due to rain and at the late stage of the season a new date could not be arranged.
    3 points
  6. Ha ha.........I own a Ferrari........... But it's still at the garage.....I have shook hands on it ....but not paid for it........ but it's still mine you no........ I have a Ferrari...... I have posted it here it must be true.......
    2 points
  7. I like the analogy! To be honest, I have never liked the retained list system but it has its merits. It acts as an additional level of financial security, over and above the bond monies. It worked better when there were more transfers and keeping them has been fought for by the lower leagues who often need to sell a rider’s registration in order to balance the books. With loan rates remaining relatively low, however, it’s been cheaper to “rent” rather than to buy and so the transfer market has all but dried up. In my view, the solution to getting rid of retained lists would have been to double the loan rates in year one - thus repaying the teams that had invested in riders - but also increase the Bond level. Year two loan rates would be 80% of year 1, year 3 60% etc and each year the bond would increase. By year 6, there would be no retained lists so no transfers, no loan fees and the cash bond level would be at the sort of level needed nowadays in the case of a default. It all sounds easy to me
    2 points
  8. Poole didn't just simply refuse. There were other issues - not least that Poole were scheduled at an away Premiership meeting at Swindon (I think) on the date given to them. In my opinion it should not be upto the Premiership clubs to directly assist the young rider development. There have been plenty of examples of young Brits included in SGBP teams only to become totally disillusioned as they were out of their depth (It happened twice to James Shanes for example) - this should be a properly structured and approved NL/SGBC responsibility in the first instance which I would hope the now SGBC clubs including Poole would support. As well as having strong Poole connections with the youngsters via Neil Vatcher, Wessex Marine and Meridian Lifts over many past seasons, some would say that is plentiful support!!!?
    2 points
  9. A reserve pairing of Ayres and Covatti looks a promising one and a very entertaining one as well. If Nico moves up in to the team then he’ll be replaced by someone equally as strong if not stronger. All good.
    2 points
  10. It’s not a bad team. I have to say the number 1 is out and out solid - Waco will agree as he loves his grandson obviously lol. Tail might seem a bit long but at home Wirtzfeld could easily be a good second string. A lot will play on how Leek returns. Woolley a shock signing but more than capable of winning races at home as will campos and Coles. I think they will are the season unbeaten at home. And pick up the odd point away from home. Nick a play offs place then the home track advantage might just get them to a final. I personally think this team is stronger than plymouths.
    2 points
  11. Might be FFS Banditos after some away matches
    2 points
  12. Seems there were quite a few problems in speedway in the pre-war days One such incident took place just before the first Australia v England test of 1939 in Sydney Riders were informed that heats were to be run over 4 laps instead of the usual 3. Riders of both teams protested to officials of N.S.W A.C.U, but were told the instructions came from Melbourne and there was nothing they could do. 'Bluey' Wilkinson, the Australian captain stated the additional lap would increase the risk of machine failure. 3 laps produce harder and closer races. Jack Parker, the England captain was also worried about mechanical failure, but stated big meetings like tests had a bearing on what riders could earn from signing contracts and poor performances could cost them. Riders started the first heat not knowing whether it would be concluded after 3 or 4 heats. In the end they got their way and all heats were run over 3 laps !!!
    1 point
  13. Vissing’s Swindon average is annotated with a *, signifying an assessed average. Art 16.2.5 of the Speedway Regulations shows that as Vissing doesn’t have an established average in both leagues for 2019 the most recently established average will be used - which will be the CL average.
    1 point
  14. Edinburgh to walk it and muller the weej in the championship final. Masters is the strongest rider in the league by a distance IMO. Cook has had his day.
    1 point
  15. Foreverblue is a Poole supporter Dan. People need to realise that with the other 6 signed (or heavily rumoured to have signed), we had around 3 and a halfish points left for a number 7. We’ve done very well with Danny Ayres IMO.
    1 point
  16. Riders trying to dictate to the authorities? Whatever next? Good thing that doesn't happen now...
    1 point
  17. Bearing in mind what was happening economically at Poole at that time, then it was probably understandably the best decision!!
    1 point
  18. Not true at all(apart from Torun did get relegated) Poland https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/pge-ekstraliga/statystyki/2019 Sweden http://old.svemo.se/sv/Grenar/Speedway/Elitserien2019/Snittlista/
    1 point
  19. Got my Speedway Star today and big build up about Max Fricke on cover but I might be wrong but I think the picture is of Jamain Lidsey
    1 point
  20. They have been surpassed by a new retard
    1 point
  21. I’d imagine the budget is set by buster and then Colin Pratt does the deals and signs the team and then Carl Johnson manages the team.
    1 point
  22. If they are going for Chris Holder I just hope that he is less whinging than his brother l
    1 point
  23. Find it odd, surely Hans has signed as not many places he could go if any. So why not announce it?? 1 name I will throw out there is Vissing, was a title winner last season.
    1 point
  24. Maybe if his post explaining that it was his mistake for not seeing the Dec 24th article was in big letters also then you would of seen it as well. !!!!
    1 point
  25. With a readily available list of reliable volunteers. Those days are gone.
    1 point
  26. The plus side Mike is that neither side will be more than 2 places lower than the other in the Nat Trophy Table.....
    1 point
  27. As long as they are not singing.
    1 point
  28. That is the problem. Where is the source of the information? One sites makes a mistake and others just share it without checking. How many sites give Hoskins credit for inventing speedway ? It isn’t how many sites get it wrong, it is how many check things they share I think I have posted credible contemporary evidence that clearly places Lammy in between Waln and Milne as 1933 champ Without getting into a Barney, I can vouch for Britmets Information having checked his piece on the German golden helmet . We also know you have a habit of sharing, shall we say dodgy info from sites.....
    1 point
  29. So where are the youngsters supposed to ride, if it's not down to the individual clubs to HELP the development? Despite not having helped this year I'm sure that Poole would take any of the youngsters if their (the young riders) development continues!
    1 point
  30. Surely it's down to the 'BSPA' to develop British riders ? Not Poole Speedway Club? It's a difficult enough job to keep a club running/existing ? BSPA could introduce a 'rule' insisting all clubs have at least one 'developing' British rider in their team (obviously certain criteria's would have to be implied?)
    1 point
  31. Edinburgh fans tend to boycott Glasgow since a war of words between Promotions a couple of seasons ago!! The ironic thing is the times I have been Members of Edinburgh Promotion have been in attendance.
    1 point
  32. He is what he is you get exactly what it says on tin with spud . solid rider who would be a good signing for stars
    1 point
  33. Spud did a good job for us last season and he is a solid scorer. Would do a better job than Hartel that's for sure!
    1 point
  34. Can be little doubt all 7 are in place now as Danny would likely have been the one to change had a new direction been required....
    1 point
  35. One thing that did strike me Steve was the aquipment the Russian's had crikey it looked shabby.It looked dated and tired but you could tell as a nation there were a hard / disciplined race.
    1 point
  36. Yep, does it for me-well done. Now the hard work sticking them on back of buses, vans, shop windows, notice boards, schools etc.
    1 point
  37. When Glasgow meet Edinburgh it is at Armadale on Friday night and Ashfield on a Sunday afternoon you could also fit in a Berwick home meeting on the Saturday night
    1 point
  38. Most as in all except Poole.
    1 point
  39. You mean like MOST Premiership clubs hosted a Youth meeting, but only Poole refused to run one in2019!
    1 point
  40. At the end of last season, he also said it was no good having riders who fly at the AFA and can't score away. What do they do, sign them again for 2020 and add Ty Proctor . The mind boggles, well mine does anyway
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Media Briefing issued tonight: The Management of Berwick Bandits have had great pleasure in the first hours of the new decade to announce that Cramlington-based, Fire Training Services (North-East) Ltd are proud to be title sponsors of the Bandits for 2020. Trevor and James Fenwick of FTS have been closely associated with the club for a number of years and welcome the opportunity to step in to support the team this coming season. FTS provide a fire consultancy service, focusing on the provision of safety training to industry and commerce. Bandits' co-owner Jamie Courtney was delighted and said: "It’s a massive step forward to welcome FTS on board at this relatively early stage and we will be very proud to be carrying the title of the ‘FTS Bandits’ in 2020. "We will be doing our very best to represent all our sponsors in the most professional way -- as we always do -- and we are very excited to bring a very cool brand of the FTS Bandits to the tapes for the new season. "Team race suits are back and we have got some exciting new additions to add to the merchandise range for the new season too. "The Bandits promotion would like to say a big thanks to Mike, Yvette, Jamie and all of the team at Mike Hope of Wooler Ltd for their tremendous support throughout the 2019 as title sponsor." Club co-owner Scott Courtney went on and added: "Title sponsorship is always a season long commitment and it’s never a given that anyone will commit to more than a season at a time. I’d like to say a massive thanks to the Hope family for backing what we do at Berwick Speedway and in many ways we are just continuing to carry forward a vision they had a massive part in creating. "I’m very happy to confirm Mike Hope Of Wooler Ltd will continue to back the Bandits in 2020 in the associate sponsorship area of the club. "We have a few more troops on the ground this year in helping the club generate sponsorship and we will be announcing our sponsors thick and fast as we approach the beginning of a new decade of professional speedway in Berwick upon Tweed. "It’s a real pleasure to be working with FTS in 2020 and we are very fortunate to have the backing of a company that share our passion and vision for Berwick Speedway." The Bandits are planning the announcement of the club's ‘Powered By’ sponsor as well within the coming days.
    1 point
  43. I always find comments like this particularly stupid. Of course the paying customer in a sport has a right to know the rules by which the team he supports are competing. And indeed the Speedway regulations are in the public domain, as are all the averages, and the competition rules. It was even a fair question to ask what the mechanism for loan fees was. If teams could negotiate their own loan fee levels it could lead to an unfair competitive advantage. And this question was answered. There was a set loan fee scale which makes things fair. But to demand the intimate costings of a private limited company is just ridiculous. No business operates like that. When you bought your Christmas turkey at Tesco, they will have told you the price they wanted for it. They'd have told you it's weight and any information you needed to know to be able to gauge what you were getting for your money. But you really expect Tesco to tell you how much they paid for the turkey, or how much their rent and utilities bills are? That's just ridiculous.
    1 point
  44. As no-one has any idea who they could possibly be, lengthening the period of wait before disclosure will surely continue to excite the appetite of fans for the 2020 season to begin. Don't you think?
    1 point
  45. It was the thing to do on a Saturday (or whenever) night when there was only three TV channels and no Netflix, no games consoles, fewer gastropubs and nightclubs etc etc. Every top rider in the world rode here and the sport had household names through terrestrial TV and newspaper coverage.
    1 point
  46. Championship should take priority on good Friday as it’s outside of the chosen race nights for the Premiership.
    1 point
  47. Wow! Where do you play golf or watch football? I pay £15 a round of golf and £18 to watch national league standard football ( yes, in the seats). Speedway is not ' dirt cheap ' for 15 minutes of racing but, depending on which track you watch at, it can still be value for money.
    1 point
  48. Watched Danyon in nearly all his meetings and has defo cut out the desperate lunges and mad moments to pass witch has cost him injuries in previous years and now uses him head more to pass he has had adam roynon in the pits working with him and he is a totally different rider now he will get even better . I think the likes of him and connor mountain both deserve a place next year
    1 point
  49. I think the other thing is the Aussies don’t have a league to ride in back home like the poles, brits, Danes, swedes and even the Germans have. I think they realise they have to make it otherwise that’s it no job as a speedway rider whereas the young brits seem to just rely on the NL
    1 point
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