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  1. Christ almighty - i get that maybe Stevebrum or the other Steve said things and gave answers you weren't happy with, but seriously, are things really that bad this close to Christmas to be prattling on about this shiite to this level.
    6 points
  2. Saw all of those you mentioned Sid. My all time favourite differs from yours I think. For his consistent high performance and averaging over 10 for a number of seasons, plus his contributions to his team, both on and off the track, it has to be the little master, Leigh Adams.
    4 points
  3. Honestly GP rider only... what more do ya want... Regards THJ
    3 points
  4. Think we did that when we signed James Wright.
    3 points
  5. Why did you say it's a pound and then look for someone who is free? I want a free argument and I want it in the NDL Poole 2021 thread that is bound to start to ensure total domination by Poole.
    3 points
  6. Great post Sue that is why thing's like this make Speedway such a great sport it is more than just winning and losing.Going out and having a nice day with your kids is something that stays with you forever.
    3 points
  7. It’s a strong top 4 with particularly improvement potential in Atkins who could easily add 2-3 points on his average. But it looks a poor bottom 3. The third signing is likely to be Bursill and none of those 3 have really pushed on at all despite having opportunities. It’s hard to judge when there isn’t other teams to compare against but the top 4 should win them most meetings at home and get the odd points away. It looks like a team that’ll be around 4th and get a play-off spot but they’re lacking something at the bottom end to really make them a title contender.
    3 points
  8. I also agree, Nicki was great with my three (well two as youngest wasn't the most sociable) and was showing them around his bikes, explaining everything to them. It was an absolute godsend as we had been queuing for hours for the world team cup and the boys were getting a tad antsy. I've got another two riders to add to the list - Scott Nicholls was brilliant with my eldest although seeing him now would probably make Scott feel very old indeed (eldest was around 10 or 11 at the time, he's 26 now!) when eldest was out trick or treating and again whilst at the track. The final rider is Hans Andersen, one of the few people that youngest felt comfortable with. I'm not sure if Hans was aware of youngest's autism and his difficulties in social situations but he always took the time to come down to his level (and youngest was and still is, very very small) and talk to him, even though youngest would be away from the crowd and visibly struggling. One particular occasion was after the Ryan Sullivan meeting, youngest had just got into photography but was struggling a little with the noise in the after party/social, Hans picked him up (I held my breath when he did that as youngest hated to be 'handled' let alone picked up but he was all smiles...a very rare thing indeed at the time) and helped him to take a few photos which not only calmed him down but also gave me some welcome relief from the building stress!
    3 points
  9. Basically a good shape, but do think a bit of extra width in the bends (and hence slightly shorter straights) would help.....
    2 points
  10. My Mother in Law would be a natural for Cow Racing. Ooh I've gone all 70s Comedians there.
    2 points
  11. Stop press. Pirates new clothing range... It's time to do the right thing Mods.
    2 points
  12. Why the hell is Hampel being discussed? Poole are in the second division. Forget Hampel. He won’t even ride top flight.
    2 points
  13. Well, of course it will. Despite being told by Transport for West Midlands on more than one occasion that the Sprint Bus Rapid Route will be implemented whether or not the the flyover is there, it's going. And this is being brought to you by a local authority whose educational and child care services have deemed substandard for over a decade. Why, they can't even provide an efficient refuse collection service and haven't done for over two years. And then there was that interview on local telly last night with that council no-mark who stated that all they have to do now is find a contractor to do the work. Really? All that was sorted ages ago. As an authority, they are collectively unfit to run a bath without supervision.
    2 points
  14. Hampel would come in on his old British ave or re-assessed.. Hes not a GP rider..
    2 points
  15. I too, would love to see speedway back at Oxford. I frequently visited Cowley as a Bees fan and enjoyed the racing there. However, I cannot ignore the linkage with greyhound racing. I should declare my position. I own a greyhound. He isn't an ex racer (possible hare coarser) but I have strong links with the ex racer community including a local greyhound rescue centre. The greyhound racing community have had a long time to clean up it's act. Greyhounds are treated like a commodity and many hundreds (looks like thousands) are destroyed each year simply because they are or have become "too slow". And it's clear from those animal that are rescued, that many racing owners don't treat their greyhounds with any great kindness. Greyhounds, by nature, are gentle loving creatures, that make excellent pets. Those rescued following a racing career are often painfully timid who can take years to adapt to "normal" life. You should meet a "domestic" greyhound. You would encounter a happy, kind creature who you would be pleased to spend time with. Believe me, they deserve better.
    2 points
  16. Is this the one pound argument? Man: Ah. I'd like to have an argument, please. Receptionist: Certainly sir. Have you been here before? Man: No, I haven't, this is my first time. Receptionist: I see. Well, do you want to have just one argument, or were you thinking of taking a course? Man: Well, what is the cost? Receptionist: Well, It's one pound for a five minute argument, but only eight pounds for a course of ten. Man: Well, I think it would be best if I perhaps started off with just the one and then see how it goes. Receptionist: Fine. Well, I'll see who's free at the moment.
    2 points
  17. Yes, poor Ron Johnson was never the same again after his near fatal crash. In 1960, he rode in some second half races at New Cross and captained the New Cross Colts team that travelled to Edinburgh and won 40-32 against the home side. Johnson scored a total of three points, with all the points coming from one race. Those who saw him that night say they will never forget the one race he won as it was a real flashback to the Johnson of old as he shot out of the gate and then actually slowed down, holding up the opposition to allow his partner to come through in to second place. Once he had assured himself that they were on course for a 5-1, he tore off again, winning the race with ease. It was a real flash of the vintage Johnson. As a result of this, Johnson was signed up to ride for Edinburgh in the Provincial League. In all he rode in six matches for Edinburgh, managing just one point and one bonus point. People who saw him say there was a sense of real apprehension every time he took to the track because his arms were clearly not strong enough to hold on to the machine properly and he was a dreadful accident just waiting to happen. He frightened the other riders in the race as much as the spectators. It was a sad end for the man who had once been one of the top riders in the world and associated with New Cross for 32 years and its captain and backbone for over 20.
    2 points
  18. I don’t know why they don’t just get a hotel room together. All this flirting in public is a bit tedious
    2 points
  19. Yes but only live one’s. Finnish dogs dont die.
    2 points
  20. I think they will be nearly unbeatable at home with that team tbh. Especially if the reserves get dialled in during pre season practice.
    2 points
  21. Every time I saw him in the last 2 seasons he has been mega impressive, and his scores at both levels (less soon the road in the cl) have been good. Certainly would be a massive loss to the sport if he drifted away. If he wants to ride in 2020 I am convinced there is clubs at both levels that would snap him up. He is one of those riders that with the right financial backing and a sports psychologist type person looking after him off track he has the natural ability to rise to the very top. I think your probably right in the fact that there are many people who would love him in the kent team, so he is very much marmite on that front. Tbf up until a season ago he was very much on my wish list before his average crept up so far. I hope all the National League side at Kent are familiar faces, with the vastly reduced schedule it may be possible to attract a Jack Thomas type rider who may not of wanted a national league team spot with 20 odd fixtures. I like the idea of the riders left without a club entering a pool of riders available to guest, so riders arent completley frozen out like in previous seasons.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Dunno about shock, but might raise a few eyebrows
    2 points
  24. Joke about it by all means...that really will solve the problem. Funny that at an event I went to in the Summer, even hotdog vans were accepting "tap & go" payments. So a hotdog seller can afford the costs of business in the 21st Century, but a Speedway club can't??? Great.
    2 points
  25. A think that fits exactly.
    1 point
  26. For sure, if there was a gap Fundin would go for it. I can remember at times they were as close as they could without touching. I know Fundin had a reputation of being hard but it’s as if he would play completely fair against Peter, who was always a clean rider.
    1 point
  27. Yeah let's hope the big fat lad in the red costume & white beard delivers an early xmbo prezzie that everyone is happy with.. but he delivered that a few weeks back when we heard we were running...
    1 point
  28. I'd be well happy with that at the AFA. But not holding me breath
    1 point
  29. To put your pet to sleep in a loving enviroenment or not to put your pet to sleep even though its a fat bastard, over aged and has trouble walking just to keep it in the loving enviroenment YOU need. Go figure... Take your girlfriend and come over, we have everything https://eukonkanto.fi/ Not sure we have anything with cows though...
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. A carer should automatically be free.
    1 point
  32. I have been away for many rears. I was only revived from cryo-suspended animation two weeks ago. Is Aub Lawson still the World Champion?
    1 point
  33. Its a crazy sport where you improve by more than 50% but it works against you. If you only improve a little bit you can normally find yourself a team spot. Ive tried to explain this to so many people who are not involved and they just can't get their heads around it. As you say S4S he could end up being a victim of his own success. I just wonder how much average manipulation actually goes on in all leagues towards the end of seasons ?
    1 point
  34. 35-40 points a meeting for the 3 heat leaders doesn't need much for the other 4 to get.
    1 point
  35. I’m not particularly interested in comparing team strengths in different countries but I do think a rider broadening their horizons by getting as many meetings abroad as possible on different tracks of different shapes and surfaces and the types of circuits major world meetings are races on can only be a good thing. The problem is that meetings aren’t guaranteed abroad with squad systems and you can’t blame any rider for signing for a Championship team for what is likely to be decent money.
    1 point
  36. Czechy. Havent heardfrom you in a while.welcome back mate.
    1 point
  37. Baffled Lawlor and Jenkins( who i like ) get chances yet no chance for Danyon.At his best he was one of the fewer riders who looked as quick as Ellis Perks at times.
    1 point
  38. I like what I see of our team so far. My wish for Christmas would be to sign Alfie Bowtell. I like him a lot. He does fall often, but that is because he tries too much at times. With a 3.10 average, I hope we can fit him in.
    1 point
  39. This news was embargoed. You should not have posted this.
    1 point
  40. But it fills their calendar meaning they have less opportunity to ride on the continent, which lets face it is where the very best riders spend most of their time.
    1 point
  41. As expected, King confirmed.
    1 point
  42. It’s BWD. Confirmed in today’s Speedway Star.
    1 point
  43. Fundin was before my time but Briggs and Olsen were both fairly robust on first corners, Mauger was only very rarely beaten to the first corner being such a good trapper and was also very quick to pass when the opportunity arose which generally with constant pressure it invariably did. Jason Crump was another who didn’t shy away from hard first corners.
    1 point
  44. Ablitt quit mid season / Wood didnt turn out for one team but did another. Massive difference. And you only have to talk to Kent Fans, there is a massive list of things he has done to upset people, which is why is he is so universally disliked at CP.
    1 point
  45. Don't bother posting on it then!
    1 point
  46. Singsforspeedway will be on here in a minute saying that teams rubbish and your club will collapse like he said about us Plymouth that is I’m not using his exact words if that’s the Kent team it would be very good and good luck to you.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. What little dirt there is these days.
    1 point
  49. Nice to see some true promotional thinking.. For me, I've always thought clubs should 'raffle off' a season ticket at say the first ten meetings or so.. £5 a ticket.. Get 100 fans paying and you get five hundred quid per season ticket.. Do it for the first ten matches or so, (so still excellent value to be had with around half a season left), and the ten tickets could be worth £5000... And surely, more than a 100 'regulars' would chance a fiver a meeting so possibly even more money to be had.?
    1 point
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