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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2019 in all areas

  1. I'm lucky to support a team in a nice stadia, nice amenities and OK refreshments and I can park close to stadium on a proper car park. There are a few stadia like that, but others in desperate need of repair/renovation or in some cases basically "glorified fields". I don't go to speedway though to sit in a glass fronted stand, to do my oblutions in a pristine environment or to eat prawn sandwiches, I go to watch speedway racing in its pure form. I spent between £16 - £18.50 to get in to various Championship matches last season, my money, my choice and if I didn't feel it was good value, I would not go. Compared to all other major Sports with the excitement available and fellowship of decent and friendly fans and few if any thugs or inebriated people, I think it is excellent value. If someone thinks not, vote with your feet but don't please attack us who do go and who will keep going.
    10 points
  2. Honestly Guys I would just like to get this out there.... as I have received several PM's Texts and even telephone calls over the weekend asking me what the team is and who is coming to Newcastle and what do I know with regards to incoming riders... Honestly I know nothing!!! and can honestly add the following 1. I am not connected to the club in any way shape or form other than I have invested in the club and their riders in excess of £30k in the last 10 years in the form of sponsorship either direct to the riders or direct to the club; and this does not include investing in the ridiculously over priced things like race bibs; kevlars; pictures; posters; helmets and an array of other "crepe" now hanging on my office walls picked up in club auctions and raffles; or sponsoring individual meetings; or chucking a grand into the air fence fund when that first started or the £100 max £50 paid max bonus I give to the riders when they achieve that milestone in a home match. 2. I have not spoken to Rob Grant or anyone else from the club other than Dalbers about when a group I had pulled together to invest in the club were ready to step in following suggestions that we may not run but when Rob Grant came to the fore we backed off. 3. The last Director I was involved with at Newcastle was Darryl Illingworth who left 4/5 year ago now and I gave Alan Hedley some support with phone numbers of riders some 4 year back now that proved successful for him signing a couple of riders and that was the last time I got any information on who the club were chasing. When Darryl left I gave more support to Workington and for 4 or 5 seasons I invested between 8 to 12 grand a year for these years between both clubs 4. All I am doing is responding to that clown Dandelion in the first instance and anyone else who puts forward ridiculous names and choices of possible team selections (with some added humour hopefully); however its a mickey take; fake news; and I would suggest to all the secret squirrels out there don't take things so seriously FFS it will be what it will be at the end of the day and all I would say is give Rob Grant a chance. 5. What I do know (and all I know) for sure is what we were given at the Gosforth Club Meeting by George English and Rob Grant themselves; which was Clegg and Wethers have signed on; Clegg will probably be in the main body of the team; "we won't believe who one of the signings will be" and we will be asking "how did they manage to get him" as stated by George English. We were told we will have strong reserves and that there were 6 offers out to riders (2 accepted) and one still to finalise and finally that there would be 2 or 3 riders names released this week with the other 2 or 3 released at the Christmas party. That's it... nothing that isn't already known or out in the public domain. 6. What I will add is George English has always operated a "Secret Service" approach when signing his riders and tried to lock down the process but riders (and mechanics; especially mechanics) talk and word gets out and this late in the season when the pool of available riders is looking decidedly dry it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out what the potential make up of the team will be. 7. What I will also add is I was very impressed at the Gosforth "talk in" and the vision Rob Grant has for the team; the club and and the sport going forward and I do genuinely wish him all the success in the world in his new venture promoting speedway. 8. For those who have asked where I get my selections and names from I would say the following; firstly what you must remember is Newcastle are a Sunday team which rules out a great deal of riders who have Polish ambitions; Newcastle currently do not have the relevant licences to bring in Aussies Kiwis or Americans who need work visas which takes these guys out of the equation; demographics and being in the cold North East Newcastle tend to offer "sweeteners" to attract riders however as most of the riders are now fixed up so this puts Newcastle decidedly on the back foot. Two year back Newcastle brought back Matty Wethers and this is probably where we need to look and where I have been looking for names but I am sure Rob Grant will have his own little black book of names and Dave Tatum is another who will have numerous rider contacts so there could be a signing which is definitely left of field and unexpected!!! How about Kenneth Hansen? 9. Remember its fake news or a best guestimate to be fair on my account I don't have any inside information; I do not know who is or isn't coming "its a puppet" Brian Conley alive and dangerous, Nick Frisbee and Larry the Loafer. https://youtu.be/f64H3hDa93Y 10. I hope this has clarified the position and all I do is use a technique I learnt in the RMP where I provide 2 + 2 and if you come up with anything else other than 4 then you have bought into the premise that you think I know what I am talking about... If you want to know who the club are chasing ring Rob Grant or George English who are the people best placed to tell you what is happening and no need to torture me because I don't have a clue... Also have some trust in this new promoter as I get the distinct impression that Rob Grant has his finger on the pulse and will provide the best team he possibly can under the circumstances One final thing to mention; look at the Polish sides who have pools of riders; anything between 10 or 12 riders and once the seasons starts there will be 3 to 5 riders sitting on Polish contracts but not getting rides, then we may see an early change in the team when perceived stronger riders potentially become available Regards THJ
    7 points
  3. They're probably looking forward to next season. You?
    5 points
  4. That's why i said off topic. Numb nuts.
    4 points
  5. I think you have to name the seven riders separately, and they seem to be getting on with it this year after dragging it too long last winter. As has been said with the two local papers and two local radio stations it makes sense to make seven stories out of it rather than one. You would imagine the other four will be named over the next couple of weeks so not long to wait. I’ve never understood the clamour to know ASAP anyway, we are four months from the season starting so there is no great rush. What would be quite good but probably beyond the current group of promoters is a launch day where everyone names their teams and the media get properly involved, race suits are revealed etc etc. All in one place with as many riders as possible present. Launch the prospect of the new season with a bang.
    4 points
  6. Let’s hope it’s a nice surprise and not a nasty one.
    4 points
  7. All depends if they have other business ventures and they use the loss at any other venture as a tax loss , happens all the time in business.
    2 points
  8. The Nichols clan are a very well known group of local people, originating from the Scottish highlands they became nomadic before settling in the flat above pelmis on allendale rd, they then ( luckily) upgraded to the Byker waaall when they inadvertently and by complete surprise got an exchange with sandshoe sam who was at the end of his tether with local youths. They are a loyal strong bunch, fearless and brave. don't know if they are related, but that could be possibly be a link?
    2 points
  9. Jesus will you stop it man lol... A was in Cumbria... stuck in the house an it was lashing down with rain an blowing a hooli... Regards THJ
    2 points
  10. Not really, Ipswich have a hard-core season ticket following, who will buy season tickets whoever is or isn't in the team. As long as speedway is at Foxhall they will be there.
    2 points
  11. Hopefully putting the Auty v Kurtz to bed here a couple facts and stats Fact Josh has clearly stated that he has no interest in riding in the Premiership, it would appear that he has found his limit and his contented to stick with Scunthorpe Out of all of the riders in the Championship who finished as the teams number 1 rider Josh had lowest away average, and the difference between home and away averages he had the second highest difference. Stats Since Todd joined Sheffield Todd has raced Josh 8 times. Of those 8 race Todd scored 13 points and Josh scored 10 Todd beat Josh on 6 of those 8 occasions. And finally Todd is an asset of Sheffield speedway so loan fee require, and with the signing of Nicki Pedersen balancing the books could have come into play with bringing into the team.
    2 points
  12. She mentioned Glasgow more than Workington in that rabble.
    2 points
  13. Nike gave his spot up last year at Newcastle causing others to lose there spots and giving Newcastle opportunities to bring in riders affected by the demise of Workington
    2 points
  14. I'm looking for the Somerset thread, can anyone direct me ?
    2 points
  15. Honestly Just gis a break basically and to understand with what I do financially or I have done in the past does not give me any special access into who Newcastle are signing... I just make guesstimates on potential riders now like everyone else (hopefully realistic ones and sometimes totally Waz take ones) Newcastle are not in the same boat as those you have quoted as Glasgow are sorted and have been for some time; One promoter told me he had his team sorted by the end of September and as advised from Skidder1 Poole are just toying over their final rider (Emil Grondal anyone?) and I am led to believe that Redcar are just about there and they are looking at lower order options... in years gone by like most clubs I would suggest Newcastle would have 5 or 6 riders pre signed up but maybe not confirmed and would be looking for a 5/6 pointer and a reserve... then slowly releasing the names up to the Christmas party... Oh hang on... There you go so they have sorted their little wrinkle out and have a full 7... Good News that... Newcastle; for whatever reason; seem to have always been loyal to riders and given them more time than most other clubs would to pull their form around and clubs are dammed if they do and dammed if they don't its always a tricky decision as to when a rider gets cut I would suggest... Because Newcastle weren't in the starting blocks when it come to signing riders they are way behind the game and that is why we may be struggling a bit I would suggest; but as I alluded to earlier we may start with an 8 point plus number 1 with Matty Wethers at 5 and the rest of the team all averaging around the 5/6 mark and if that's the way it pans out so be it; I'm certainly not worried if that is the situation... by the end of the second month there will be "changes a plenty" throughout the league plus as I said certain riders signed in Poland who won't be getting rides will potentially be looking for more earning opportunities. How many times have we seen mid season changes made that have transformed a clubs outlook... However it may be time to think outside the box and look away from the usuall names suggested Ondrej Smetana; Kenneth Hansen; Victor Pallovarra; Joel Andersson; Lewis Bridger; Theo Pijper; Lewis Rose; Sebastian Alden or Anders Melgren to name but a few... If Newcastle look weak at the start of the season there will be plenty of opportunity to change and hopefully (hopefully) strengthen up... (oft said Team Averages may go down as well as up) Regards THJ
    2 points
  16. Yet many claim there’s no difference between the two leagues!
    2 points
  17. Nowt To be honest, I don't think people should be pestering the guy, it's like cold calling. Am sure if he has anything to share with you, he will.
    2 points
  18. I was at every one of those meetings but no longer have the programmes. I gave my whole collection to a chap named Derek Neave who was well known around the London tracks in the 60's selling programmes for charity. I collected autographs in those days and always asked the riders appearing to sign the back of the programmes. I imagine that would have increased the value. Norbold, just imagine if that New Cross programme you have from 28 August 1935 had been signed on the back by Tom Farndon. It would be priceless.
    2 points
  19. Try Berwick. I think they tick your boxes.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Indeed, in stadia with pleasant toilets, decent refreshments and pothole free car parks. Not many of those around in the UK unfortunately. Those things should be basics nowadays.
    2 points
  22. Perhaps you might take the time to read up before making such comments. Wright had a team in Poland, scored well for them, but they didn't pay him so he stopped going. ( like many Premiership riders) He's still owed thousands so once bitten twice shy!
    2 points
  23. Season ticket + cost of programme still works out at £15-45 per meeting which is still good value.
    2 points
  24. Wow! Where do you play golf or watch football? I pay £15 a round of golf and £18 to watch national league standard football ( yes, in the seats). Speedway is not ' dirt cheap ' for 15 minutes of racing but, depending on which track you watch at, it can still be value for money.
    2 points
  25. Not quite certain why we are arguing about who is the best rider between Dan and Charles.... they are good assets to have in our team.
    2 points
  26. So we have, Najjer saying £16 isn't good value at Somerset whilst the same product and price at Eastbourne is stated as being competitive. I have watched the Rebels every year since they started and have enjoying every one of them whatever level we raced at. The racing in 2019 was no less entertaining than in the Premiership years of 2018 or 17 or any year before that in fact, in my opinion. I am looking forward to those tapes going up at the OTA in 2020 as well. But that is it in a nutshell, everyone has and is entitled to an opinion on how they see things.
    2 points
  27. Scott Nicholls already signed for Kent
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Workington will never be back Riddled with debt and mis management
    1 point
  30. how would it affect GP's etc being run in Russia?
    1 point
  31. If only,,, that's as good as we could get probably
    1 point
  32. Were always gonna struggle to attract a big no.1,,, we've done without for a couple of seasons now anyhow. There is still riders out there unsigned and maybe we'll get some of those. Hopefully it'll all be sorted by Christmas.
    1 point
  33. Think the word Major is the key word here
    1 point
  34. It’s a discussion on a forum, that’s all.
    1 point
  35. Your name is apt since u talk alot of it! If we are lucky to evercome back plz do us a favour stay away
    1 point
  36. How do Workington have a section on this, they were a championship side but they will never come back . The promoter messed up so many people this time last. year people like Steve Worrall and when the comets went others got involved ie Nike Luna who lost his team place at Newcastle due to the debacle of the Comets promoter . hope they come back in the future but it will never happen so Moderaters put this topic out of the Championship section please
    1 point
  37. OK OK before anybody gets on my case I know I have to get a life. For the heck of it I looked up the great book -"World Speedway Final A History from 1929" by Maurice Jones.. I wanted to see if any of the riders of the old one-off World Finals are still with us. Obviously all the pre -war World Finalists have left us, so I looked at the 1949 Final and they have all gone too. Going to 1950 we do have one survivor -Arthur Payne, scored zero from 5 rides including one exclusion but he was there-good on him.(my buddy Reg Fearman visited him a couple of years ago in Oz). I then went to 1951-there is also one survivor-Dick Bradley. Dick was a reserve and got 2 points from one ride -Heat 17 -looks like he replaced Ernie Roccio and finished second behind Louis Lawson but ahead of Alan Hunt and Norman Parker. Incidentally I always felt that Dick-who was a real gent- never got the recognition his career deserved. I was privileged to see him ride in his last year at Newport in 1965-still leading the Wasps averages until his accident at Newport against Sheffield with Clive Featherby(also RIP)-don't think there was anything intentional but Clive was a take no prisoners kind of guy. On to 1952-now there are a few more still with us -and we are talking about 67 years ago here folks. Arthur Payne made it again - 9 points this time. After not doing so good in his first two rides he scored two points in his third ride finishing behind Jack Young in Heat 12 but ahead of Brian Crutcher and Arthur Forrest, then he won Heat 16 ahead of Graham Warren, Cyril Roger and Ron How, and Heat 20 ahead of Split Waterman, Jeff Lloyd and Dan Forsberg. A not too shabby performance I would say. The other 1952 survivors are the aforementioned Dick Bradley, Dan Forsberg, Brian Crutcher and Derek Close. So 5 of these great rides are still with us. Just a final comment-after three rides -Dick Bradley was still in with a real chance with 8 points. In Heat 4 he finished ahead of Split, Brian Crutcher and Cyril Roger. Then in heat 8 he finished behind home rider Bob Oakley but ahead of Arthur Payne and Henry Long. Heat 9 he won ahead of Derek Close, Dan Forsberg and Ron How (another favourite of mine). So after 3 rides Dick was in with a great chance-Jack Young had nine points and then there was Fred Williams, Bob Oakley and Dick all on 8 points. I still reckon that Fred and Bob as home riders had an advantage-if the meeting had been held at Bristol it may have gone the other way. Sorry to bore you guys with all this-just wondering if any forumlanders were at the 1950,1951 and 1952 Finals- anybody-gustix maybe? I sure wish I had been able to attend!! -
    1 point
  38. Ipswich would have needed to make it happen. Just replace Sarjeant with Vaculik. Job done.
    1 point
  39. Will be little to choose in that questuon. You can only go on current form and Charles is the better rider right now. In the long term no doubt Dan will go further
    1 point
  40. Andersen and Harris as second strings would be spot on signings. As would Tungate as the third heatleader. It’s just getting the top two that is the problem. Iversen and Bjerre or Bech would be acceptable.
    1 point
  41. I presume you know what ‘atm’ means in that context? The averages say that Wright is currently the better rider of the two and he is British champion after all. Considering their ages it’s likely that Bewley will end up the better rider but right now he isn’t. And hypothetically if it was me choosing for 2020 it would be Wright over Bewley without doubt.
    1 point
  42. I can remember a certain Tony Rickardsson and Mark Loram having some of there best times while in Poole colours, and going further back Malcolm Simmons had his best days as a pirate
    1 point
  43. Ok, I'll bite Why would it wind up Poole fans? I can't recall there being any bad feelings between the two clubs I for one am sad when any track has to close
    1 point
  44. Schlein retires this season, I just don't see him going all out. High 5's in the averages at best for me
    1 point
  45. It was sad to read Stoney's post on Facebook about his visit to Derwent park last week and how he sat in the now disused pits to reminisce about all the good times,. Its such a shame that the powers that be rushed into ridding as much of the Comets at the stadium so quickly and taking up the track making it virtually impossibke for anyone to come and take on the club without a home. Sadly its looking very likely that the sport could well be lost to the town
    1 point
  46. You’re constantly going on about huge names, you wasn’t even running 2 weeks ago, just be thankful to actually have an owner and stop expecting the world from them when they’ve just taken over.
    1 point
  47. Do you mean Todd Kurtz? If you are talking about the Ginja Ninja I’m sure that in 2012, whilst Jason Doyle was winning the league title at the Four Point Arena, he was riding for Swindon as a second string. 5 years later he was World Champion. PUK was an average Premiership rider until 2013 before he got a permanent WC, aged 31. There may be others but those two examples readily come to mind. Kurtz, isn’t my favourite rider, but there is still time to make that step up. A year away from Pothole Park will build his confidence, like it did with Doyle, and may see him kick on and reach the Promised Land.
    1 point
  48. Take a big improvement for Kurtz to be a gp rider. I don't think you thought that one through!!
    1 point
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