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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2019 in all areas

  1. Now there is a morale to this story and if you read the following I think it explains where and what the issue is? A new Female and Male department store has opened in Newcastle... WOMEN... This department store has opened in Newcastle that sells men and a Woman decides to visit it in search of a husband. At the store’s entrance, there’s a sign outlining the department store policy. The first rule states that you can only enter the store once. There are six floors and on each floor you can choose a husband or elect to move on to the next floor. You cannot visit a floor more than once other than to leave the building. So this Woman visits the first floor. The sign reads: · Men with jobs. She moves on to the second floor: · Men with jobs that adore children. She moves on to the third floor where the sign reads: · Wealthy men that adore children and are very handsome. She thinks to herself, "that's a very good deal" yet moves on to the fourth floor: · Wealthy men that adore children, are very handsome and help with the household chores. She decides to move on as things are constantly improving: · Wealthy men that adore children, are very handsome, help with the household chores and are very romantic. So the Woman is about to make her purchase but can't resist moving on to the sixth floor. There the sign reads: · You are visitor number 31,956,012 on this floor. · There are no men here. · This floor exists as proof that it is impossible to please women. See you just wont have it... you keep asking for not just the improbable but the impossible... By the way the MEN's store is directly opposite… So the other department store opened that sold women. The sign on the first floor reads: · Women that love sex. On the second floor the sign reads: · Women that love sex and are wealthy. On the third floor the sign reads: · Women that love sex, are wealthy and have large breasts. Not a single man has visited the fourth floor. I rest my case Regards THJ
    8 points
  2. And there is one of the problems , not one other sport puts restrictions in its model that if you have a good season it makes you less attractive the following season. Mental.
    5 points
  3. The only thing that lets Ully down is his gear and part time mechanic... One thing for sure is Glasgow will make sure his gear is top notch.... they do support there riders... Real crafty signing this I think and Ully will end up flying at Glasgow and I reckon he will put 2 to 3 points on his current average... Shrewd move by the tigers and IMHO Ully will prove to be a real surprise package 2020 you watch... He's still a class act on a bike and well done Glasgow on his capture... Regards THJ
    5 points
  4. Even a stopped watch is right twice a day ... unless the hands have fallen off of course, in which case it’s completely useless
    5 points
  5. If they had a fourth floor that added 'do not nag' that might get a couple of visitors, or would it be beyond the realms of possibility?
    4 points
  6. Ully isn’t the rider he was in his prime obviously but I will be very surprised if he doesn’t increase his starting average a fair bit... and some other members of this team will do likewise in my opinion.
    3 points
  7. Spot on THJ I’ve known Ulle for a long time and my company sponsor him. He’ll be much better prepared physically and equipment wise at the start of this season compared to last. Two big spills in 2018 saw him very rusty and not 100% right at the start of last season add in riding at number 1 in a struggling team set him back. But look what he was starting to do for Redcar and then did for Newcastle, where he put in consistently good scores around a track that didn’t really suit his style. Age is just a number where Ulle is concerned he’s a very fit lad, who takes diet very seriously and a whole season without any major knocks in 2019 sees him really great shape and relishing the opportunity to ride for Glasgow. All I’ll say to any doubters is give him the chance and I think you’ll be happy to be proved wrong. cheers Paul.
    3 points
  8. Enough for Justin sedgmen
    3 points
  9. To be honest hes probably the lesser of 2 evils if bring Pedersen into the equation.
    3 points
  10. But right away, not after 6 meetings
    3 points
  11. Looking at Rowe's scores for Somerset, I reckon that if he were a Pole, a Dane or a Swede everyone would be saying we should snap him up immediately. But, because he is a young British rider, there seems a reluctance to accept him as a signing. I haven't seen him ride, but on his recent scoring I think he can hold his own at reserve. He beat Claus Vissing as well when Somerset raced Glasgow. I was surprised at how well he is doing when I looked.
    3 points
  12. Don't know where you get them from THJ but there good value, might even send that one wor lass !
    3 points
  13. Gp's are guff anyway I found myself turning most apart from one off this season
    3 points
  14. As you say,looks a very decent top 5.Really looking forward to see the "racers"in action and entertaining Speedway. Ledwiths position in the team will sort itself out....if he is good enough great....if it proves too tough,there is alternatives.
    3 points
  15. Personally I think all clubs should have to have one U21 Brit at reserve.
    3 points
  16. Personally, I love subtle merchandise with club logos. Especially things that you regularly use such as diaries, phone cases, credit card holders, pens. On clothing, polo shirts with small embroidered logo leaving the more garish stuff on posters, mugs, framed photos, tee shirts and mouse mats. Team jackets should be standardised for riders and fans to give unity.
    3 points
  17. Scott Nicholls on the downside yet maintained a good average all last season leading Leicester to the league whilst staying at number 1 all season.
    2 points
  18. It Will also mean we should always have a strong reserve
    2 points
  19. Ulli will be our 3rd heatleader
    2 points
  20. Always thought all clubs should collectively purchase items showing the British Speedway Brand Logo and then 'personalise' them with their own respective individual logos.. T shirts, Polo shirts, Hoodies etc. All with one 'generic look' with each clubs own badge on them. . Similar as to how the US Sports sell their merchandise... Would mean better buying power if they did it as a collective rather than all going alone and it should mean better margins and keener prices.. Especially if they agree exclusivity with one manufacturer... As the BSPA are now a 'company' rather than an 'association' it would make sense getting some 'British Speedway' brand recognition out there, sharing the costs and sharing the profits..
    2 points
  21. True it could be a long and winding road to the end of the season.
    2 points
  22. I see Ander's Dad knows his stuff having been on the spanners for Zagar and others. He has 6 good Ashtech motors as well, and they don't come cheap. He must have some good backing and equipment. That's a big help this day and age., but of course as we all know, he has to ride the bikes, and he is inexperienced. With his Dad spannering for him, he will be able to keep a close eye on him, and no doubt advising him. It's probably is a season early, but as long as he has a sensible head on his shoulders and a good team around him, who are honest with him and won't let him go on to long like Jack Smith did, if he does find it to hard, I don't think it will do him any harm to give it a go as long as he realises he is very young and if he isn't enjoying it, take a step back from the PL, it's not the end of the world, gain a bit more experience and try again in a season or two. Wish the young man all the best for 2020 season and beyond. Will be keeping an eye out to see how he's doing.
    2 points
  23. I think you are missing the point, that Steve Park, (and THJ), is making. Newcastle, do not have a sponsors licence, so he could not get a work permit and visa. A sponsors licence is also not picked up quickly.
    2 points
  24. Almost certainly yes. There are very few 17 year olds ready for the PL. You only have to look at the Edinburgh thread where there is much discussion over Lasse Fredriksen.
    2 points
  25. As Grachan has identified, Anders was beating established riders such as Cook, Schlein and Worrall towards the end of the season. Surely beating seasoned Championship riders is a benchmark that shows he is on the up. Plus it’s not like he hasn’t ridden Swindon’s track much either. I’d like to think JD, Batch and Rasmus will give him a hand with bike set ups. Anders could be anything and on a 3 I think is worth the gamble but one thing is for sure, and no disrespect to the lad at all, but he would appear to be miles ahead of Jack Smith at this stage of his career.
    2 points
  26. I tend to agree, but hope that it pans out ok for Anders, he's got the ability but possibly a year too soon. Perhaps a slightly increased points limit should have been considered
    2 points
  27. Kent have certainly not been unbeatable at home and Kent fans do not wear sackcloth and ashes if a match is lost. Given the circumstances, I think the new team has a good feel about it. Some good youngsters and some good Oldies too. If we make the Play Offs I will be over the moon, but I'm not holding my breath. If they are all the Racers as suggested, our entertainment will continue as in the past. I will be fascinated to see how Gilkes and Ledwith handle the reserve berths.
    2 points
  28. How do we know what he's going to be like, he won the NL riders title. He has 6 decent ashtech engines....Give the kid a chance before even judging him. Without given a chance then no-one can really know how he will do, Swindon have given him that chance. I for one hopes he takes it.
    2 points
  29. You make a very valid point and I agree it is too soon in his development. Rowe is no doubt a very talented young rider but to throw him in the deep end like this is a big risk for Swindon and the rider.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. How many of those points were from beating the lower reserves though especially in Heat 8?. People are just raising a concern as so many young lads dropped out in the championship because they weren’t ready last season. Anders was clearly a better rider than most but that doesn’t mean he’s ready at this moment. I just hope it works out for all concerned but it’s right to raise the question.
    2 points
  32. Except it doesn’t work like that. Ask Jack Smith, James Shanes and Zac Wajtknecht.
    2 points
  33. Lots of pressure on Ellis Perks to rise to the main reserve as was the case with Zach last year. Hope it works out better for Ellis than it did Zach. Also Anders has done better than Jack Smith in the lower league so hopefully that scenario doesn’t happen as that was painful for all concerned as he was so out of his depth.
    2 points
  34. .....and said last week that he wouldn't be riding for either of his 2019 clubs because of the confusion over comments as to whether he was doing UK in 2020?!
    2 points
  35. To be fair to him I thought riding at number two for Somerset might be too soon for him last season but he took it on his stride. Different matter of course in the Premiership but I wouldn’t bet against him holding his own, seems like a quick developer.
    2 points
  36. Madness. The 3 point minimum was one of the few innovations that makes sense.
    2 points
  37. Exactly and with averages and team building rules the whole crux of the sport these matters should be open transparent and known to all from day 1
    2 points
  38. Oh no not again. Maybe next time
    2 points
  39. Good luck to the lad, great to see young British talent taking the plunge in the top league. Hope it works out for him.
    2 points
  40. If we were going to be signing a big name No 1, we'd have announced it by now in my opinion. As others have said, especially for the season ticket sales. This way, they're teasing that a No 1 is being signed in the hope that season tickets will be sold... then drop Masters and Thorssell in later. It will be sold as a team that went so close last year and starting fit they can do better... plus the potential of Nicol. If that was the team, I wouldn't completely rule them out as it's still a decent side IF Morris can get his old form back and Becker and Nicol continue to progress. However, they're being put under undue pressure from the off. I'd be delighted to be wrong though and hopefully I will be.
    2 points
  41. Just let it be with all these Beatles puns and start talking about the Speedway. . For me, if Wolves go with a team two points below the limit there is no chance for you Wolves fans that next year you will get back to where you once belonged.... But on the positive side, it at least looks like none of your team will have visa problems so all of them should have a ticket to ride.. I'll get me coat. ..
    1 point
  42. Come on...i think we all have got an idea of whom 5 of the team are.... Its just who fits at no 1 and then no 7. Could be interesting Hopefully they will be entertainers. Chris Louis said at the weekend that he wants a number 1 that will lead from the front and be an "inspiration" to the other members of the team.
    1 point
  43. I'm sorry, but I am just not impressed with this top 5. I think they would have to perform, out of their skin, to make the play offs. No big hitter in there, (Scotty Nicholls well on the downslide), pretty ordinary for me. Just my opinion though.
    1 point
  44. The year Smith was with Swindon he ended up with a National league average of 8.41 Rowe joins you on a National league average of 8.37 and in my opinion in a weaker national league than 2018 so no theres not a lot of difference in the 2 when they signed for Swindon.
    1 point
  45. What a great venue for speedway, the Perth Motorplex at Kwinana Beach http://www.motorplex.com.au/the-venu/
    1 point
  46. "I am grateful to my fellow promoters from these clubs to agree to try this scheme for the forthcoming season". Dan Ford I don't think it really matters. All 4 clubs have been smart and sensible and hopefully further agreements can come into place to help each other.
    1 point
  47. I cannot see firstly that Hancock should have the headline as it is obviously between all the southern Track promoters , and secondly I cannot believe that this is not an option for all clubs to admit season ticket reduction on visitors to the tracks . It would encourage more season ticket sales and encourage supporters to travel more
    1 point
  48. I mechaniced for him in 2019 and I was paid in full, was given pit clothes free of charge, he paid all my expenses when on the road and even gave me his race jacket as a gift at the end of the season, so no he’s never stole from me
    1 point
  49. And how many teams had a better number one that Max Fricke last year? Just Swindon.
    1 point
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