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I mechaniced for him in 2019 and I was paid in full, was given pit clothes free of charge, he paid all my expenses when on the road and even gave me his race jacket as a gift at the end of the season, so no he’s never stole from me10 points
I cannot see firstly that Hancock should have the headline as it is obviously between all the southern Track promoters , and secondly I cannot believe that this is not an option for all clubs to admit season ticket reduction on visitors to the tracks . It would encourage more season ticket sales and encourage supporters to travel more9 points
Ben Morley must be wondering what he’s done wrong to not be in the team on 3.91 but Ledwith is in on 4.00. Btw it’s a crazy assessment giving him a 4.00. He clearly should be a 2.00 by coming up through up the NL, where he was barely a heat leader in reality. How he can have a higher assessed average for a higher league is just ridiculous!7 points
Ben Barker was a breath of fresh air at Scunthorpe and I wish him well ,as for the comments about him how childish.Quote facts rather than Bull **it5 points
What people forget is that Ben Morley has ridden the last 2 seasons in the Championship at No 2 for both Lakeside & Eastbourne averaging around the 4 point mark. No doubt a stint in the reserve berth would see his average gain at least a 1 to 1.5 points on top of that . It’s not rocket science that for teams to be successful you need riders to up there average which Ben would do riding at 6 or 7 for the Kings. He loves the Central Park track & like his stint at both Lakeside & Eastbourne his home average would be above 7 a meeting. As they say it’s horses for courses and Ben would no doubt take a few heat leader scalps riding around Central Park.4 points
And how many teams had a better number one that Max Fricke last year? Just Swindon.4 points
"I am grateful to my fellow promoters from these clubs to agree to try this scheme for the forthcoming season". Dan Ford I don't think it really matters. All 4 clubs have been smart and sensible and hopefully further agreements can come into place to help each other.3 points
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Adams would have a lot of explaining to do to fans (especially if we get off to a bad start)why he's built a team #2 points under the limit,and sacrificing such an advantage.3 points
As a 21-year-old we consume sport through social media. For example, the NBA has grown so much because you can see highlights on all social media. If you want to grow the sport you need a new generation of fans and social media is a great way of doing that. Social media might get them through the gate for one meeting and then who knows what could happen.3 points
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And just about every season before that. I like Adam, but he should have quit the sport years ago.2 points
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If BWD comes in I think his converted average makes him numero uno. Isn’t it something like 8.7 not sure. Can’t see him achieving that.2 points
Fairly sure there was something similar 15 - 20 years ago where ST holders got a couple of quid off entry or a free programme. But I think it was only when your team were riding there.. Just had an idea. Why don't the BSPA issue an annual photo ID for say £50. Which gives the holder a £1 reduction on entry to any track for any meeting except for shared events. All profits after admin fees to the Ben Fund.2 points
I thought the new cleaner was Slovak, Rosco said it took him 4 hours to vacuum the pub2 points
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Ledwith was a poor signing on a 2.point average on a 4 its a joke ,,can they now change him for Ben Morley who would score miles more than Ledwith around Kent...??2 points
Had a few mate!!! Head don't feel too good today. It's a struggle now I've hit 40!! You will probably need a few to today to numb the pain of Everton getting a mauling!!! Now I'm sober I have realised that I was actually chatting to Rosco's new cleaner who is Czech and called Jan. Silly me.2 points
Can anyone explain how Ledwith has been given a higher assessed average in the Championship than the assessed average he was given in the lower National league? Surely his average should be based on the year before in the NL same as other riders.2 points
Redcar don't have a problem with Ben, he was tough to manage as a team rider but him guesting towards the end of the year shows their relationship. pitstop84 knows alot more than alot of you on here that's for sure!2 points
Always found ben great to deal with whether its sponsorship or a favour, he's great with young fans to.2 points
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Wow that got a bit of action going like eh.... Honestly I'm guessing too... however look whose left... and I mean rationally look... because of not knowing whether they were running or not Newcastle left it late to secure riders... one slick promoter had his team sorted before the end of September and the longer Newcastle left it the less riders there were to choose from and we also have the disadvantage of being a Sunday track... I hope I am totally wrong however I have put some thought into it and the more riders other clubs declare really starts to narrow down the options on riders available to the Diamonds.. My other guess referring to a Stoke rider is only because Dave Tatum is supporting Rob and for that reason and connection only is why I have suggested Stoke.. Could be a total red herring and fake news but these rumours start somewhere... see below... You can't beat a good conspiracy theory though eh... no coincidence as Adam is a massive Liverpool fan so I am guessing (again) the reference is to the toon draw against city (football)... not that he is joining the Diamonds... But a like the way ya thinking... Come Tuesday and many of the questions will be answered Not long now... Regards THJ1 point
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But you win the league on increasing averages. And from what we saw last year he isn’t a 4 point rider in this league.1 point
If we were going to be signing a big name No 1, we'd have announced it by now in my opinion. As others have said, especially for the season ticket sales. This way, they're teasing that a No 1 is being signed in the hope that season tickets will be sold... then drop Masters and Thorssell in later. It will be sold as a team that went so close last year and starting fit they can do better... plus the potential of Nicol. If that was the team, I wouldn't completely rule them out as it's still a decent side IF Morris can get his old form back and Becker and Nicol continue to progress. However, they're being put under undue pressure from the off. I'd be delighted to be wrong though and hopefully I will be.1 point
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This idea was first used in the mid to late eighties by all southern teams.1 point
Yes I can... always... Well nearly always... sometimes a do need a few reminders just to help the process along... Starting again on the Saturday at 12 for the football was the hard part... Regards THJ1 point
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Yeah BWD's average wouldn't be "bumped up" because he didn't ride Champ, it would be "converted" because he only rode Prem! A fairer way of explaining it!1 point
Seems that some sort of Test Match (Western Australia v Great Britain) does go ahead next Saturday ! TAI WOFFINDEN TO RACE AT PERTH MOTORPLEX. Two times British Champion, three times World Champion, twice winner of The Rob Woffinden Classic and current Western ...Australian Speedway Solo Champion Tai Woffinden is in town and booked to race at the fabulous Perth Motorplex on Saturday 7th December. Marshall McDiarmid, President of the Speedway Motorcycle Club of WA and Perth Motorplex Manager Gavin Migro teamed together to ensure they secured this huge event for WA speedway fans. Tai Woffinden will also race the following week at the Pinjar Park Motorcycle Speedway in Neerubup in Perths northern suburbs the following Saturday night for the running of the Rob Woffinden Classic. He has previously won the title twice and is the defending RWC Champion. Joining Tai Woffinden at Perth Motorplex will be three other British riders who together form a British Team who will contest a series of events against a strong West Australian side. Team GB include, Jack Smith, son of former British Champ, Andy Smith. Leon Flint, the 16 year old Berwick Bandits flyer Drew Kemp 2019 British under 19 CHAMPION. Headlining the Team WA will be former International rider, Frank Smart, the in form Dan Winchester and Matt Marson. Tai is down under in the Southern hemisphere for some R & R to recover from a bruising European season and his World Grand Prix commitments. He will head back to the UK in the new year, however while in Perth he gives of his time to perform in a couple of shows for his WA fans, much to our delight. Tai set the Pinjar Park track on fire last January winning the RWC and the WA State Championship and was responsible for some of the largest crowds the new track has seen in its relatively short existence. This is a great opportunity to see Tai Woffinden and his fellow British team mates perform, an opportunity we don't get to see often in Perth, and I urge you not to miss either of these two huge speedway Meetings. Graeme Sinden1 point
I don't know about Div 1. The Div 1 post is still probably a bit outdated. However WIth squad deadline being yesterday I assume that formal league participations will be announced by Svemo shortly.1 point
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it's very clever yet very simple and should have been done years ago . i remember when i watched newport there was a reduction for british riders but someone somewhere came out with "it's unfare to foreign riders ' in something like the 'bosman ruling ' in football years earlier ,and frightened because of possible legal action the law makers dropped it . it's only taken 12 or more years but now we've got , you can't ride in the national league unless you're british and you only get a reduction if you started your racing in the national league , swwweeet.1 point
I know, Waco, that you are a big fan of Ben Morley. I am a big fan of Ledwith, and the reason that I am such a fan is that he is very entertaining. With Ben Morley you know he will gate and go, but with Ledwith, you never know quite what to expect other than that he will ride his guts out for 4 laps and keep your heart in your mouth. Maybe that is why he got a team place ? Nothing to do with his average ? Just a guess.1 point
Well done to the Robins for coming on board in the new Southern Consortium of Poole, Somerset, Eastbourne and Swindon to offer the 4 club's season ticket holders a £5 discount at all qualifying meetings. Rosco and Lee clearly know that all the best racing is going to be in the Championship in 2020!!! (ps. I am joking)1 point
This really is amateur hour. Are moderators a figment of someone's imagination? YOUHOO HELLO. PIN THIS THREAD.1 point
Use of Social Media has drastically changed in the last 15 years. I can remember a time pre Facebook, and pre it being a dominant media platform (MySpace and Bebo) but times change. Facebook is used by a lot of people and obviously with a fairly active and popular Facebook page is a good thing, however it could be argued that it points to interaction and use by a certain age of people. I've seen the use from Bebo/Myspace to Facebook to Twitter, to Instagram & Snapchat etc You could argue that Facebook's use as an effective media platform could die out. As for Club Websites some feel very dated, given how often OS & platforms are updated. Social media content is consumed is actually changing. I still read a lot of news articles mainly sport but a hell of a lot of it is through Social Media, rather than newspapers, magazines or even websites. But i have to say Glasgow's signing videos are miles ahead of a lot of other clubs and far more professional. Every video they have done to introduce a new signing i've watched without fail and i think for a modern consumer it is probably better. There may will be a point in time when people are more interested in seeing who has been signed by video rather than a full blown article, and Social Media content needs to change with that I'd imagine word of mouth isn't really as relevant to my generation and certainly not to future ones. Personally if somebody said to me through word of mouth these days go and check anything out (and i had no idea what it was) the first thing i'd probably check is some form of Social Media platform & that would be more influential than somebody saying something. I have to say i have been to Ice Hockey because of the influence of Social Media. Younger Generations than mine, are far more influenced by Social Media than me. Only need to see how bloggers, and youtubers are becoming millionaires and massive Social Influencers.1 point
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Im guessing you weren't going regularly when Kings Lynn ran a NL side (in fairness not many people went regularly and that was the problem) however the comments from those who did attend and the visits i had was that the entertainment was far higher at NL level than the top flight gate and go. Shame it didn't prove to be sustainable in the end.1 point
"For the record in these deepest parts of East Anglia, Mildenhall speedway more often than not is better value for money than its higher League neighbours at Ipswich and King's Lynn!" Its funny you should say that 25 Year Fan. I was thinking the same thing! After several trips to Kings Lynn this year, where it was "gate and go" I got pretty bored, so had a few trips to Mildenhall instead. Living just south Norwich its around the same distance to each track for me. I must admit from an entertainment point of view, I enjoyed my visits to Mildenhall much more. Sitting on the backstraight on a sunny Sunday afternoon with some lovely chips in my hand was very enjoyable, and the racing was more unpredictable. Its a pity the track is so small, but I guess you can't have everything. I shall still visit both tracks in 2020, but Mildenhall wins on both entertainment, value for money and the best fish & chips!1 point
As it is Black Friday suggest Panthers treat their fans and sign Bartosz Zmarzlik1 point
Should be called England. No Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish riders ride in the squad and haven’t for as long as I can remember. im Welsh but still can’t see why they keep the TEAM GB tag.1 point