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  1. Official Club Statement here: http://www.newcastlediamonds.co/news/article.asp?id=101059
    5 points
  2. If only you could have got Nicki back at Wolves, that would have put your attendance's up considerably
    5 points
  3. As team manager of the cubs and second half organiser I tried every week to get Elliot to second half / race for the cubs. Sadly for one reason and another it just didn't happen often enough which was a huge shame as the kid himself was always very keen to race at the MPA. I personally think its a little early to be thinking about championship for him and hopefully a second solid season in the NDL will bring him up to a consistent standard to maybe take the step in 2021 or 22 Ell is a great kid, always prepared to listen and learn and with the right advice and guiidance Im sure he can make it in the sport.
    5 points
  4. No you're just another in a long line of " I know something you dont know " posters who come out to play on here every winter . Most of us are quite content for clubs to have their little secret sam games and wait for them choosing to tell us
    5 points
  5. I think moving forward hopefully the higher league clubs will all start to have some development side as a feeder. even if neighbour clubs entered a joint side sharing home fixtures. It may cost promoters a little in the short term but looking long term it has to be cheaper to have a pool of local lads ready for the big leagues rather then importing riders. Equally a strongly supported NL gives potential new stand alone clubs a viable league to set out in, which in turn can only strengthen speedway across the board. For the pinicle of the the sport to be stable the foundations need to be solid. I actually think if the BSPA were to get the NL back of a couple of years ago, when it was by far the best the league in the country. Get everything around the National League set up right and then adapt the sport moving up the levels accordingly
    4 points
  6. Any significance in this? Companies House has a new company called Newcastle Diamonds formed as a limited company in November 2019. The director is Alexander Robert Grant of Ponteland
    4 points
  7. If Rosco allowed Alpen to ride elsewhere in the UK on his current average, I will drive him personally to the GWH for an immediate assessment.
    4 points
  8. People these days seem to get as much enjoyment out of second guessing who is going to be in their local team in the winter as they do from the racing in the summer. I just don't get it. Teams in other sports evolve, not dissolve at the end of every season. How can one develop fan loyalty and watch the progress of young riders if they are here today and gone tomorrow?
    4 points
  9. BREAKING NEWS! Sheffield sign 42 year old 3 x world champion! In other news Kent sign 48 year old that bought all of said world champions bikes and said he will attain a 10 point average in his first NL season!...meanwhile his gsa is: 5.93. This signing echos desperation to me. Surely when Len said top international he was referring to ledwiths machinery lol
    4 points
  10. You are either Stevie Wonder in disguise or your comment is one of wanting a wee bit of attention.?? Allen, Ayres,Auty, Jorgensen, are all exciting to watch at the EWR also they have probably one of the most exciting young prospect's in young Palin.
    4 points
  11. Berrington lough few miles outside Berwick, was actually a cracking little track, bandits used it for their time in the top league I believe kelvin tatum was riding for them..
    3 points
  12. Attendances down more like. Quite a lot of regular Wolves fans can’t stick him. And the feeling is mutual apparently. id never support a team with him in it, pure and simple.
    3 points
  13. I know I'm getting ahead of myself just slightly,, but if they are buying the club, I wonder if they have space on their farm to build our own track and save themselves thousands a year on rent and loss of catering money.
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. Hey I'm a fat lad and never spill food especially beans... Regards THJ
    3 points
  16. Rasser is a great third heatleader but Batchelor is an awesome number two and he rides the new Abbey track brilliantly.Having an option of having Doyley/Batch in heat's 13/15 is brilliant a real bonus.
    3 points
  17. I am sure, the Redcar promotion, would love to use Jacob, at reserve. Unfortunately, it does not tally, with their strategy, of having a strong top 5. Being able to track a 4 point reserve is a luxury, they can't afford. Jacob is a lovely lad, an enthusiastic racer, who deserves some success, but he is on an assessed 4 point average, (it can't be lower) which he still has not achieved. I have no doubt he will improve and probably go over 4 points, but at this time, I don't think it will be with Redcar. He is a trier and entertaining and who knows, down the stretch of the season, Redcar may be able to accommodate him, if he is available.
    3 points
  18. Is there any team that named their first two riders with a combined age of nearly.....NINETY???
    3 points
  19. Think it is now generally accepted that for whatever reason the sale of Ipswich to Chapman never went through. For which I am sure Ipswich fans will be eternally thankful
    3 points
  20. Age is just a number. Looking at some of the other reserves in the CL Rob is well capable of mixing it with them & he got better as a rider as the season went on. He has some fantastic back up to go with it, Michael Lee is with him I the pits a lot of the time to give advise & he has has some of the best equipment in the league. He is also heavily sponsored by Kents sponsor Touch Tech. Very very popular rider with the Kent supporters. Gilkes is not being considered for the team at the moment because his family don't feel he is ready (although he probably does) he will be in the Kent NL team if there is a NL & will not be looking for a track nearer his home.
    3 points
  21. Don't agree. Woffinden coming back to the UK would be bigger news than Pedersen
    3 points
  22. Great news.....I think we all owe the English family a huge debt of gratitude for keeping speedway alive in Newcastle over the last 20 odd years and me personally hope George is involved in some capacity going forwards.... And that curry next week is going to taste all the better now eh guys...
    2 points
  23. My apologies, memory now updated
    2 points
  24. What? Kelly was riding his 500 around MPA when he was 14 having stopped riding a 125 to concentrate on the 500. He's done most practice sessions at Redcar on it and is very comfortable on his 500 around there. Yes, he still has a lot to learn but to say he doesn't know the place is simply wrong!
    2 points
  25. If it is true Rob grant has taken over at Newcastle it's good news or Newcastle might not have ran this. Year
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. The Grants have not had the farm for a good number of years now, and the catering at Berwick as of the season just gone is done in house and supplied by Anderson Butchers
    2 points
  28. The prospect of Sunday evenings at Brough is getting better by the minute !!
    2 points
  29. We used to have our own burger van in the mid/early 00's in front of the office block, supposed to be to save disabled people from going upstairs to the bar kitchen. We were charged £150 rent for the spot by the stadium, but it took a lot of trade off the other outlet especially as the burgers were freshly made by a local butcher, and they are made from prime beef. Used to sell tea and coffee, and there was alway a queue everytime you looked. I'll bet that's made you more hungry now. Good idea for Rob that, helps the disabled of course.
    2 points
  30. Best news of all is that Stewart Dickson can now be released from his room where David Rowe has had him locked in until he had made all the team announcements.
    2 points
  31. Ok Worrall has signed King is a strong rumour.....might or might not happen Starke is a strong rumour.....might or might not happen Skidder does know a lot of inside information.....he said 'dont cry for me Argentina' so unless its Facundo Albin or Emiliano Sanchez ...im going for Covatti
    2 points
  32. Of course it's wrong . He can't even get the right averages.
    2 points
  33. Not when compared to Doyle. Doyle is 8.96 here and 9.12 in Poland. Nicki is 8.13 in Poland and by Doyle’s ratio should be 7.99 here, not 8.61.
    2 points
  34. Seems pretty significant although bearing in mind the Bin Zayed group set up a company for the sale of NUFC it's certainly not definitive. Sounds like something is happening (brilliant) as hinted by THJ the other day. Edit: looking at the date of birth looks like it maybe our former rider (possibly assisted by his dad!)
    2 points
  35. Who’s that? The up and coming teenager, Steve Worrall, or his father, Danny King?
    2 points
  36. IF Newcastle do get a new investor Im sure the public will give him / her / them at least a season to get things sorted. They are behind with team building due to the uncertainty but all the genuine fans need to realise how close they came to not having a team at all to support. The new investor will have taken on the club knowing full well that Speedway teams don't usually make money so I for one will be backing him / her / them for simply keeping the sport going on Tyneside.
    2 points
  37. I always like to read your comments, Teaboy as you seem to know what you are talking about and never seem to spout some of the rubbish I read on this forum from self important know-alls who actually know nothing. So far as Ledwith is concerned, I don't care if he's 60, I enjoy watching him ride over the edge in 110% effort in every race. I think he deserves a chance to shine.
    2 points
  38. Totally disagree Elliot had a good season in the NL for a 15 year old. Ended up with a decent average for his first season. Had some excellent meetings and would have done better towards the end of the season if it was not for injury. May be a risk as a 2 point reserve in CL but established 2 pointers are not going to improve. Elliot will get better and certainly knows The Media Prima Arena. If we have to have a 2 pointer he may be worth a try. If not see how he goes in NL then bring him in later if we make changes and he is showing even more improvements. Think he is nailed on for a N L place.
    2 points
  39. Totally agree on the Phillips & bukhave scenario... Now here's a 1 for who would you rather have Simon Lambert or bukhave as the diamonds replaced Simon with bukhave .. I believe that brought park suited Bucharest more than Simon style wise as both were about the same speed so I guess that if Newcastle can ( if they ) run offer bukhave a place on a 4 point average I honestly think he's good enough to improve on that
    2 points
  40. Don't Hold Me Now to this but they probably said if You Take Me Up riding both leagues would be a Perfect Day...No Lies. Running two leagues is a gamble with the weather though...Day After Day...Who Can Stop The Rain?
    2 points
  41. Ability wise Rob will be in the mix with other reserves but can he kick on and do any more than that? He is a really nice bloke and my other main fear is that he will get beaten up at CL level and his track record for recovering from injuries isn't good. I wish him well but think he would probably be better suited sticking to NL and helping other riders develop.
    2 points
  42. Nick Morris it is. Well done to all concerned for getting this strong team assembled quickly. Looks like it will become the benchmark for all others in preparation for 2020.
    2 points
  43. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/split-waterman-obituary-7p3pwkrj0?shareToken=9c234529f5f284d44abccf2c00986fa1
    2 points
  44. Josh G confirmed for 2020: http://www.sheffield-speedway.com/news.php?extend.2815
    2 points
  45. I ve been told by a decent source that they are expecting between 8 and 10 teams in the NL. Not been told who the potential extras are though.
    2 points
  46. Believe midweek speedway is the issue stopping Gilkes to confirm yet. He wants his dad in the pits with him but it's hard for his dad to get the time off. Hopefully he will be number 1 in our NL side and 7 in our CL side.
    2 points
  47. Agree,but he isn’t so ..it isn’t !
    2 points
  48. Apart from anyone signing Bartosz Smarzlik, or possibly Emil ,which I cant see happening , I personally dont think there is another rider out there that would stir up as much interest as Nicki P. Fantastic signing for the Tigers , a real statement of intent and full credit to them for getting him to put pen to paper He is most definitely a rider you want riding for you , not against you and will no doubt kick up a storm on more than one occasion next season Something that has been sadly lacking in british speedway. Welcome back Nicki . At last , a villain to boo !
    2 points
  49. If all teams had a Danny Ayres in there team the championship would be better for it, that's for sure......
    2 points
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