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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2019 in all areas

  1. Get ya self a bike then.
    5 points
  2. Disappointed for Connor Mountain though, thought he was excellent this year. He will be a useful addition for someone next season.
    5 points
  3. Make no mistake the real driving force is Ian Jordan. Read his latest statement on the eagles web site on how the side were put together and you realise how much he communicates and relates to the supporters. If all clubs operated like him the sport would not have the problems it does.
    4 points
  4. Could you list it then please for those of us who are not in the loop....
    4 points
  5. Averages 3 to 5 a meeting yet has a 2.23 average hmmm... The problem with Danny is he's been stuck at the same level for 4 years. No improvement in him. I'd rather go with a younger reserve and watch them grow
    4 points
  6. Its not precisely clear from Gambo's post above whether 140 days racing is enough to support a rider for an entire year (or whether he thinks it should be) but if it is, that is a stark contrast with what you are putting forward. Truth is that speedway has always been for the overwhelming number of riders a part time occupation even during the season. I have said this before but Mick Bell, a three time British League winner and a decent reserve/second string in the 1970's, once described it as a 'good paying hobby'. I'll be honest and say that my knowledge of rider pay is minimal, but to repeat again I'll be surprised - very surprised - if most those doubling up between the top two leagues are struggling to survive. The teams that pay them, however, most certainly are and what we cannot have is a situation where clubs are put at risk simply so that riders can use the sport as a full time occupation.
    4 points
  7. Hear, hear. Given modern British speedway's crowds - many counted in hundreds rather than thousands - it's ludicrous any participant should expect the sport to be a full time occupation.
    3 points
  8. There you go another dreamer... and you never know till you ask... I bet the some of the Sheffield promotion may be thought that but it became a reality... that spark of ambition that develops into a flame of hope and glory Then someone has a waz on the fire and puts that idea well and truly out... lol Never mind we live in hope; but the news isn't all doom and gloom Keep watching the Newcastle Web Site for some Good News hopefully breaking soon... Regards THJ
    3 points
  9. To be fair the list of riders above have all very different reasons for not hitting the heights in the CL and for several there is still plenty of time to do so. Not every rider is ready at a young age. The Thompson family are grounded and do know what they can and cannot achieve, Leicester have been behind these two for a good while so should stand by them through good and bad. Even if they don't make the grade this season they are getting good experience for the following year.
    3 points
  10. what hogwash. We should be applauding clubs who promote and stay loyal to young British riders. They may struggle on occasions but far better for their development to be in and around proven higher level performers that winning NDL races by 1/2 a lap against people who will never be as good as they are now let alone in 12-24 months time. Most great Coaches in any Sport promote youth and look after them. I'm sure that Stuart Dickson knows what he is doing.
    3 points
  11. 2017 was different as the top league used middle leagues averages for initial declarations. But, Joe Screen was blocked from riding with Glasgow in 2010 (or thereabouts) as his converted average would have been 12.06. He started the season with Wolverhampton and, when his average dropped below 6, and they dropped him, joined Glasgow mid season
    3 points
  12. Brilliant signing, no negatives to this signing what so ever, great for Sheffield and a big boost to British Speedway.
    3 points
  13. Great signing Will put bums on seats and thats what this sport needs right now Rest assured fans of other clubs will go to the home matches with Sheffield just to see Pedersen.........when Sheffield come to Foxhall the crowd will be packed because of him.......entertainment assured Lets hope some of the other promotions can get a few top boys back........maybe not the top of the tree but the Zagars, Iversens of this world
    3 points
  14. If youre right which i assume you are,thats some heatleader trio would be happy with that at this level.
    2 points
  15. 3 more English riders to be announced yet. Adam ellis Danny king Stefan nielsen
    2 points
  16. Basically, Lindgren became an icon for fencing someone twice, because that person is a dirty rider. Can't even begin to argue with that logic.
    2 points
  17. The local paper has a two page spread tomorrow, a signing or two perhaps?! We normally announce riders on a Thursday! The club have now confirmed our first signing will be announced in the morning.
    2 points
  18. Biggest problem would be the fact that the rent would still be the same and put an even bigger hole (percentage wise) into the budget.
    2 points
  19. I think they need to be in the higher level now. Both have a style of riding which is neat and controlled (mostly!), the mishaps, and the near-mishaps, they have suffered have been caused in the main by other NL riders of lesser ability losing control or making misjudgements, together with Joe and Dan trying to make manoevres which have left them at times susceptible. Hopefully this will not be so much of a factor at the CL level. Having said that I am a bit disappointed that Danyon Hume has not moved into the CL side.
    2 points
  20. When considering the overall average for the season you should take into account: - The boys started in the reserve berths and for the first four matches excluding bonus points their averages were Dan 4.79 Joe 5.39 - For the last four fixtures where the twins were in the main body of the team and again ignoring bonus points their averages were: Dan 6.08 (8.1 including BP) Joe 8.69 (9.8 including BP) Clearly as the season progressed the boys made measurable progress despite the oppositon in their heats becoming tougher thus it is fair to say that looking at their closing averages they fully desreve the chance to continue their improvements and the Lions management have yet again made a smart call re team selection and makeup. Although it has not been made clear if the club will continue in the National League next year, If they do then it would make sense for the twins to double up with the Cubs thereby continuing to help with their develoment as well as being a positive attraction for those clubs the Cubs will visit during the season. Just hope everybody stays fit so that the Lions success of 2019 can continue into next season - good luck to all concerned
    2 points
  21. Good to see Doyle endorsing Nicki coming back to uk on twitter and saying he hopes more top boys will follow! Went on to argue with polish fans saying it’s too difficult to schedule riding all leagues....his reply “well I won the world title riding all the leagues so can’t be that hard!!”
    2 points
  22. What about Jonas Jeppesen? Surely someone has to pick him up on a 5.2! Edit: actually I think he may have to take a converted premiership assessed average of 6.4? Still worth a bash though!
    2 points
  23. How anyone thinks that the product is weaker, when it's already rock bottom, beggars belief.
    2 points
  24. You obviously dont remember or know the trouble be caused on and off track at wolves.
    2 points
  25. Fans here have this misconceptions that GP / top Ekstraliga riders should find it easy going, an easy pay cheque in the British Premiership. It's nonsense. I can guarantee even Zmarzlik would find it tough to average over 9. It's a tough league, the only thing against it is that we can't afford the top guys, or we can but you'd be paying £30-£40 on the gate every 2 weeks
    2 points
  26. He does not need to try to master Arlington probably the smallest 'technical'track. In the various finals between Eastbourne and Mildenhall at end of 2018 his races against Brennan and Wood, who were at the peak of their form at home, were legendary. He lost some but he also won in some very aggressive heats for the league title. It has been a disappointing year for him in 2019 particularly in the NL where he was expected to do big things but finished up lowering his average by a whole point. I think this is the perfect move for him as part of an all British team with no language problems, 2 other teenagers and good technical support who will help him to release his potential. I expect him to average over 5 next season and as his confidence grows it could be 6. I have a good feeling about this team, solid heat leaders, and bags of young potential. Not too worried about winning the league though I think top 6 could be on but they are all racers and are sure to entertain.
    2 points
  27. I would have loved Nicki to have stayed at Monmore rather than the years of loan fees we got for all his time spent at Arlington, fantastic signing for the tigers, ok so he isn't going to get 15 a meeting but will certainly add plenty to the Sheffield coffers. Love or loathe him he is a pretty big draw, I'll look forward to visiting as often as possible. CVS & Adams should have kept him at Monmore for years but hmmm seem to like our World champions riding elsewhere, where is Tai this year. Bravo Steady and welcome back to top flight Sheffield and NP.
    2 points
  28. This thread still in Premiership section?
    2 points
  29. In my view this is a brilliant signing for Sheffield, and like Nicki or not, it can't be argued that Sheffield are the most talked about team in the UK at present. Massive kudos to the promotion!!!!
    2 points
  30. Hope not. I'd rather have Wooley, be we need at least one good scorer in reserve
    2 points
  31. Looks like Ashley Morris signing to be announced in the morning if the Twitter clue is anything to go by.
    2 points
  32. Nick Pedersen will certainly put bums on seats and not just at Sheffield.. He should attract fans when Sheffield are in town as visitors.
    2 points
  33. Honestly What a fantastic signing by Sheffield... wonder if he fancies coming home on a double up... we could do with an out and out No 1... Very rare I get envious but this gets close... Regards THJ
    2 points
  34. Why because somehow you were in the know and rather than let the club announce what they’ve described as their biggest ever signing, you thought it was a good idea to share the news before they had - smug something for sure! congrats to sheffield on the signing of Nicki, look forward to seeing you in the top flight next year
    2 points
  35. He is on the decline, let's not dress it up, but regardless, it's terrific news for Sheffield and for British speedway In this league he will be an apt number 1 and he's box office. Bums on seats and that's what it's all about. Welcome back niki and congratulations to Sheffield
    2 points
  36. Apparently Kyle Howarth, given the number 2 race jacket, has just bought some brown kevlars.
    2 points
  37. A stupid comment. Watch the GP's and Euro's and you'll see ruthless riding each week. He is no worse than any other rider.
    2 points
  38. I really don't think that is what you meant to say
    2 points
  39. Maybe it time to get speedway pumped into betting shops...
    1 point
  40. Great rider to watch as a guest but a nightmare to manage full time, anyway Berwick have had Barker before so should've learned from that. As others have said to much baggage
    1 point
  41. I agree, just going on THJ saying that he’s signed for someone in this league, I said the same thing about his average
    1 point
  42. It seems you are to young to know the history of Nikki P and Wolves.
    1 point
  43. If my spreadsheet is correct & Castagna is the next 2020 Brummie, 10.02 for two riders remains.
    1 point
  44. I assume that if he’s committed to Danish league, that rules him out of UK Wednesday night tracks, hence him not riding for Birmingham, and if he gets a regular team place in Poland, that rules him out of CL altogether. Hopefully the new Rzeszow promotion will pay its riders on time unlike the last one. Actually, that sounds very similar to some Championship teams
    1 point
  45. Thanks I just remember when the 1987 film he did alongside John Malkovich "Empire of the Sun" came out, that the Evening Echo (Bmth) became obsessed with the Bournemouth boy making it big in Hollywood
    1 point
  46. What? Instead of Corbyn and McDonnell?
    1 point
  47. Zagar yes. He is brainless.
    1 point
  48. Well having not attended one match last season on a Sunday at Owlerton, that signing alone (Plus back to Thursday night racing) will have me purchasing a season ticket
    1 point
  49. Best thing to happen to British Speedway in years and years. This is what it's all about, big names and proper crowd pullers.
    1 point
  50. You do talk exciting at times
    1 point
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