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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2019 in all areas

  1. Ha-ha I can confirm I am not doing either Dave and neither is he... the other THJ will be doing Championship I believe and Long Track GP's this year if that tells you anything... ooooooh!!! the intrigue.... Look South but not as far South as Poole, in fact just over half way between Poole and Berwick and you would be nearer the mark... Best of it is the last time I was in Berwick (31/08/19) I spent £450 quid on a night out at the Speedway and in the town; probably doubling the towns GDP turnover in one day and the highlight (not) was going into Bedrocks then into Charlies and then back into Bedrocks!!! and the biggest mistake of the night was leaving the Black and Gold bar as the beer (and the craic) was far superior in there that's for sure... (plus am getting a bit long in the tooth for this nightclub malarkey; as was some of the old farts I was with who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent) Although I did have the pleasure of taking Big Flinty's under crackers off over his head... Ha-ha... apparently he still bares the scars both mental and physical... The irony is I sponsored the meeting that night at Berwick and the drink in the ground was free so how the hell I spent what I did in Berwick is beyond me... I had a weekend in London a few weeks back and didn't spend much more than that over 3 nights where using a £20 pound note you didn't get a note back in your change buying a G&T and a pint of larger... Berwick upon Vegas.... (unless they seen the fat Geordie coming mmmmmm lollollollol (oops sorry) I wonder?) (but like the Cumbrian crowd there are some canny folk up there) Regards THJ
    4 points
  2. Is that because his Dad will still be involved? Even if we have to include a low average reserve next season depending on points limits and make up of our team i wouldn't entertain Phillips. He's just not improving and has been around long enough now. He's at best a second string NL rider. Nothing against the lad but just my opinion and if he was my son I'd keep him to racing in the NL. Don't think anyone else in the Championship apart from Newcastle would include him anyway.
    4 points
  3. No, we have a league structure for a reason so that progression can occur. This could also stop riders progressing that far is suddenly they are lambert or bewley. Also it’s just watering down the premiership in another form.
    3 points
  4. A glorified best pairs competition is not really a World Cup though, is it? Would FIFA turn the Football World Cup into a Wembley Doubles tournament on the above basis? I think the SON format is far more a money saving exercise and to disguise the increasing lack of interest in hosting and participating it.
    3 points
  5. Castagna is really really bad for the sport. He is misleading it in a totally wrong direction. Speedway is such a special sport - a team Sport first adn foremost - and as such is absolutey different to any other from of motorsport. That's why I am a speedway fan and couldn't care less about road racing or motocross. They ususally only have one long distance race and have to award championship points for that. Speedway has 20+ heat races, plus semi and final, were the riders EARN their points. Perfectly easy to understand. And the winner of the last race in a Gradn Prix (the final heat 23) is the winner of that particular SGP, regardless of the points total scored in all of his races during this meeting. By the way, the winner of that final race DOES actually get the most points (in that race, that is) - three points , compared to two points for second and one for the third. So what, if the rider who wins the final, has not scored the most points on aggregate from all of the races he has ridden that night, nothing wrong with that. It's perfectly fair that he does not automatically get the most points, when he has got beaten more often than another rider/riders. There is absolutely no need to award artificial points in Speedway. I hate this stupid stupid decision by the FIM. Castagna has to go. First they abandoned the hugely popular SWC and gave us a "Speedway of Nations" to fall in line with the "Motocross of Nations", "Flat Track of Nations" and "Enduro of Nations", and now they spoil the SGP by changing from a perfectly fair points scoring system to a totally unfair and unwanted artificial one. I'm fed up. What's Your next idea, Mr Castagna? Do us all a favour and please, please resign from Your position !!!
    3 points
  6. I'd say that makes him a six
    2 points
  7. I hear you too. But as it is they have NOT made it a five point difference between first and second in the final which could really impact on outcomes; it is just 2 points. And then again ... Have any of us ever thought that the prestige etc of winning a GP has been lacking so much that it requires a rejigging of points to increase the incentive ? Leaving well alone seems just perfect to me.
    2 points
  8. Actually you're not quite right about the 1996 series. Back in 1996 the points were awarded 25-20-18-16 .... whilst we get 20-18-16-14 in 2020. In 1996 we did not have semi finals and finals; instead we had A B C and D finals. It is true that at the year end just two points separated Hamill and Nielsen at the top. And if you use the 2020 scoring it is also the case that Hamill would beat Nielsen by just two points. A close series either way. But ... Interestingly if one looks back to the scoring in 1996 over the six rounds Billy Hamill and Hans Nielsen actually tied on 65 race points each on their heats 1-20 scoring. And they both scored 9 points in the A finals they reached. TIED if the 2019 system was used back then. You cant get closer than that On countback Hamill reached 5 A finals and Nielsen just 4 so positions unchanged. Speedway at its best is about 3-2-1-0. Dont mess with it.
    2 points
  9. This looks very similar to what was tried with the ill-fated 18 heat 8 man team Format of the mid 90s. I still say the best every format I saw for league racing the the old National league 16 heat format followed by the 6 heat junior league match that followed. Oh happy days when the national league ran the sport as a successful professional sport for a few seasons
    2 points
  10. We don't have Leagues structured for progression.. We do have Leagues structured to give riders without overseas contracts loads of races to earn money...
    2 points
  11. You seemed quite happy to have Chris Holder at KL though. Actually one of the few KL fans positive about it! And if we are in a different league, average manipulation has no purpose!
    2 points
  12. A stupid idea coming from Castagna does seen a possibility I wonder if IMG are also changing the points system in the Rallycross World Championship. It's probably the closest to speedway of other motorsports (heats and then semi and final for top scorers in the heats) and it has a scoring system that can also see the winner of the round score less World Championship points than others. If that's staying the same we can probably assume that it's not IMG that had issue with the scoring system
    2 points
  13. If I had a £1 for every time some one has said “he’s a steal on that average”that goes t*ts up,I’d be a rich man
    2 points
  14. Maybe 4 hahahaha you trying to tell me there’s a chance Kevin Doolan might not ride for the Bandits... Unless he’s retiring
    2 points
  15. agreed. they would make zero difference to attendance in Auckland, and I suspect close to nil in Melbourne. tbh even as a speedway fan, Gundersen and Nielsen would be no bigger draw cards for me than Woffy and Zmarzlik. As for these changes, what a load of crap. Having got rid of the SWC, arguably the best event of the year, now seems they want to stuff up the GPs as well...
    2 points
  16. Why do we need the king of diamonds Danny king when we have the ace in the pack Danny Phillips...
    2 points
  17. Are we about to see a new, or return of an old club starting in Neubrandenburg in North Germany https://speedway-nb.de/
    1 point
  18. Swindon’s top 5 were fantastic but don’t under estimate the points both reserves got at the business end of the season.
    1 point
  19. Wouldn't Nicol be on 4.00?
    1 point
  20. If the rumours are true, & Ged is taking over at Newcastle, it will be good for the club, in my opinion. His enthusiasm & drive was sorely missed when he left Panthers.
    1 point
  21. Often spannered for Ully last season and even if he wasn't was still supporting him in the pits.
    1 point
  22. Its become and after thought of a competition. Should be mid Summer, 1 week, 4 man teams. It was a superb competition till they messed about with it.
    1 point
  23. I'll be happy to help and will write to the gentleman as requested. Good Luck with your efforts to get Oxford back.
    1 point
  24. Josh Pickering has been announced by Edinburgh 3 weeks ago so i unlikely is impossible im afraid.
    1 point
  25. 25 points for a gp win and everyone else keeps the the points they actually scored in the gp. To me this would of been better.
    1 point
  26. Don't tell Ged your views, as he used to be Ulric's mechanic & sponsor lol.
    1 point
  27. If Buxton want to ride Sunday should not have to worry about competing with Sheffield. Possibly a few Stoke fans may fancy going to Buxton. Seems a bit more viable for them compared to previous season.
    1 point
  28. They didn’t do him much good this year, did they?
    1 point
  29. That’s a good example of why there should not be protected reserves who stay at reserve all season.
    1 point
  30. In 2011 Nick Morris joined Glasgow on his 16th birthday on a 2 point average and ended the season on over 6, I am sure that Jordan will be able to hold his own in the championship
    1 point
  31. People on here think you are riding for either Bandits or Poole.
    1 point
  32. This isn't anything new; I remember in about 1980, the Brummies scored a 5-1 with two sixteen year olds: Neil Evitts was one. Third place was another 16 year old! The one at the back must have felt old ... this was in the 1st Division.
    1 point
  33. Why does everyone say that about Poole riders? Are there any examples of it? When we had Ward at Swindon his average was only going one way despite the fact everyone said he would be lowering it for the following year. Low scores = low pay so can't see it myself. Poole are skint so are hardly going to be paying anyone a retainer to score badly.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Although I wasn't a impressed at the Ully signing, I have to say that he has come in and done a great job. He would be 1 of the 4 Diamonds I would keep, but not sure it will happen.
    1 point
  36. WOULD probably subscribe to the view that if it "ain't broke, then don't fix it" as far as the SGP is concerned. Never had a problem with the winner of a particular round not necessarily being the highest scorer. Each SGP is its own event. The accumulation of points is what determines the World Champion. As far as the SON is concerned, understand why the FIM wanted to broaden the number of participating countries in the finals stages, an incentive for young riders in the lesser nations to ride on the top stage. My real beef is with the name ... just call it the Speedway World Cup.
    1 point
  37. Professional ,dedicated and ambitious is what makes most talent succeed.Unfortunately a lot of young riders think they make made it when they have a van with their name on it.Its a hard game and very few make the top.Age is not a factor. IMO . ps They need a bit of luck though.
    1 point
  38. By chance I have just come across this site and saw a mention of Romford Speedway and it took me straight back to those days. Before I go on, I will say that I loved all speedway, anything with motorbikes. When I heard that speedway was coming to Romford, it took a bit of believing, living in Brentwood just 10 minutes away. Well, it turned out to be the most exciting time. We would go to West Ham-Hackney-Rayleigh and now Romford. I could go on and on.....but it reminded me of my Romford programs which are tucked away, but I came across these old 'Speedway Stop Press', always on sale on race night, only kept them because they are my illustrations on the covers. I think I won 10 bob for them.
    1 point
  39. Nick Budimir is/was quite well known in the Bournemouth/Poole and East London areas for his involvement in a number of businesses both retail and corporate. He was one of a group of sponsors of Antonio Lindback back in the day. Maybe his plans for a 24/7 stadium facility might also include a nightclub-type of venue??!! If you search his name on Yahoo theres a video of him from 9 years ago talking about very similar plans and ideas for another greyhound track proposal which sounds very similar. There is also reference to his former employer - a certain Mr David Sullivan - which may ring a few bells for some?!
    1 point
  40. In a way a logical move as believe he lives in Midlands so less travelling in what will be a busy old 2020 for him if he is riding Prem & Champ plus his normal Longtrack meetings and anything else on the Continent he can sign up for on a qualifying or guest basis. Won't have to trek to Somerset every Wed.
    1 point
  41. Speedway Stop press, i remember it well. My dad used to buy them at West Ham and i used to colour in your illustrations. I have a full set of these fanzines from 1969 to 1972, minus my artwork. There can't be many sets that have survived.
    1 point
  42. Couldn't Tungate not be bothered to attend the Wolves meeting too? It would be good if for once the BSPA or whoever own his licence could suspend it like Poland have the ability too and riders might think twice about doing it instead of just picking and choosing where and when they can be bothered to ride. But we all know that won't happen and riders will continue to take the pee out of British speedway.
    1 point
  43. I agree. This is change for change sake. I can't help but think that this is just the result of fresh blood within the SGP organisers who - like a lot in elite sport - want to be seen to be making their contribution. This is the result of that, not the greater good of the series. I am a fan of the SGP and the job that IMG/BSI have done. But the area of real stagnation is in venues. On the face of it, Togliatti is progress. But in recent years, we have lost Stockholm, Copenhagen, Australia and New Zealand. The trend is regression rather than progression on that front. A new scoring format can't smokescreen the SGP retreating to traditional audiences rather than expanding to new audiences. That's the major failure of the SGP organisers and one in which IMG's global reach really should have been able to unlock by now.
    1 point
  44. Of course it may end up that the 7th and 8th in SGP2020 get 2 of the extra wildcards. So ultimately the switch to only the top six qualifying by right may make little difference to the personell in SGP2021. But ... during the SGP year it has always been the top 8 placing that has seems to drive competition in the lower reaches of the points table and maintain interest in their scoring. At least for the commentators who make great play of this. Raising the bar to the top six will just make it look as if there are just more riders 'out of contention' and from even earlier in the SGP year. Have less to race for themselves. And have less for us (and for NP/KT) to care about too. Just not really sensible ?
    1 point
  45. a quadruple winning side . who can beat that ? belated congratulations on this great feat .. maybe more to come !
    1 point
  46. Many thanks for passing on the information Steve, I am very grateful to you. best regards Steve
    1 point
  47. Yes. If the numpties that came up with the scheme for next year think it is such an improvement ... Then why not put it into practice when they had the chance by giving the SEC winner a wildcard for next year. I think it's a poor change but at least my picking Mikkel M it would have shown their integrity by being committed to the idea. Right now. As it is they look pretty shabby.
    1 point
  48. Quick guess at our 1-7 next year 1. Charles Wright 9.36 2. Kasper Andersen 4.86 3. Ulrich 5.98 4. Jordan Stewart 5.74 5. Erik Riss 8.41 6. Kyle Bickley 3.70 7. Luke Ruddick 3.01 what do people think?
    1 point
  49. Orion is spot on, your post is a brain dead one, to put it mildly ! I am no fan of the Poole promotion at all, but it looks like Mr. Ford is cutting his cloth, accordingly....Would you prefer it if Poole simply closed down ?! All teams can only beat what the opposition puts in front of them..... Swindon rode brilliantly over two legs, to trounce Ipswich, they won the final in some style....It certain wasnt boring on the terraces ! Of course, your opinion would have been different had Belle Vue won the title, and maybe there is more than a touch of Sauvignon Sour Grapes in your post, as Swindon beat Belle Vue in the cup final too. In every sport, in every season, there will be successful teams and not so successful teams, and you quite possibly dont understand the cyclical nature of sport.
    1 point
  50. With the benefit of hindsight I would willingly pay twice the entrance fee at just about any track just to see Les Collins even on an average day by his usual standards. As long as he missed the gate of course
    1 point
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