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  1. 13 hours since the last post this thread is drying up a little time to start a new thread under another name for the same old sad ex speedway fans to go over and over the same old reasons why British speedway is crap these days.If you got fed up with speedway.then after all this time you must be getting sick of posting the same old crap over and over. Every new thread is like reading the last one for your own sake's please find something you enjoy doing and move on and leave a speedway forum to those who still have an interest in the sport.
    4 points
  2. I, for one, are delighted that Sheffield have moved up a league and will look forward to popping over to Sheffield next year supporting the Aces. It will certainly bring back memories of the what I call golden speedway yesteryears, before the Fords and Russells etc etc ruined this great sport.
    4 points
  3. 3 points
  4. You're right, but its never stopped other tracks in need of improvement staging international meetings. Apart from the NSS, Kent is the best stadium we have. With the loss of Stoke & Plymouth and the possible loss of Cradley, Leicester & Belle Vue it maybe that next season's points limit will be extremely low (32 or even 30) to entice other clubs to enter NL teams. With Sheffield reverting to Thursday, Buxton could come back. My only hope is if Isle of Wight decide to fold given the circumstances a role is found for Barry Bishop & Martin Widman. The innovation, foresight and enthusiasm they have put into the Warriors over the last few seasons is something the sport simply can't afford to lose.
    3 points
  5. I'm sure that the infamous letter just emphasised that they the owners were not going through to armadale. It did not say on no account should tigers fans go through. And even if it did we've still gone through in our hundreds despite it being a trick track. Can't help thinking some monarchs fans are just trying to use any excuse to justify there absence. Why not just be honest and say we don't want to see our team get gubbed. I obviously exclude from this the decent Edinburgh fans who'll support there team through thick and thin as we did in our poor years
    3 points
  6. he couldn`t get a Newcastle one Willie Dishington was wearing it
    2 points
  7. Would that mean Danny and Ulrich the first two signings Dave?
    2 points
  8. Besides, why is it okay for you to insult others, but you don't like it when others respond in a similar vein? Before you act all innocent, I know of two specific examples off the top of my head. 1) You think I am basically a criminal because I watch the GP's via the LEGAL stream provided by the organisers just for people like me who don't live in the UK. 2) You had the audacity to call speedway fans who still enjoy watching the sport "insane". Really? You are the only "sane" one on here because you don't like speedway, and refuse to support it? You really think spending your time on a forum for a sport you don't like, trying to persuade others not to like it, and questioning their judgement when they refuse to agree with you, is the definition of "sanity"?
    2 points
  9. Must be Dishington, he's already working for the team.
    2 points
  10. Unfair. Barker rode really hard. Was harshly excluded (Phillips admitted he locked up) and fell giving it maximum effort.
    2 points
  11. well done to the bears.Good effort from Sarjeant him signed for next year.Not so “super”stevie lost it for Newcastle.even after the help from the ref..
    2 points
  12. I heard yesterday a rumour or talk whatever you want to describe it as, that Rye House will be back in 2020 racing in the NL under the combination of Pete Sampson and Martin Hagon, be great to have some speedway in the Herts/Essex area again, Arena Essex will never return, that's for sure.
    2 points
  13. Redcar deserve this . hope they do it .... U.T.Beers !
    2 points
  14. 1 Auty 2 Ayers 3 Tero 4 Jorgensen 5. Allen 6. Lambert 7 Palin
    2 points
  15. They need to stay in the same league as Newcastle Edinburgh and Glasgow as they are their local rivals with the biggest travelling supporters especially Glasgow.
    2 points
  16. Bonkers. That’s what I’m hearing.
    2 points
  17. I used to attend Ashfield fairly regualry (about once a month) but since the change of race nights its been a little harder to manage a trip through. Sun afternoons suited whereas midweek and Fri night a no go. Shamed to say was only there once this year, although rain did ruin a couple plans. If (and a big if) you go up would be good to see new teams but midweek would affect crowd levels from away fans. I know people who still hold a grudge over the famous average fixing night all those years ago. It's amazes me people still use that as an excuse to not support their team against our closest rivals.
    2 points
  18. Was this written last year and just reproduced? Or maybe the year before? Or maybe any given year over far too many years..? Cricket is another sport that relies on the weather conditions being favourable to run, therefore I am amazed they don't run all their finals in October like Speedway in the UK does.. Surely those in the ECB are missing a trick? It is truly amazing that every year the same nonsense pervades yet those who run the sport obviously see absolutely nothing wrong with it.... Maybe seeing all those growing empty spaces on the terraces will one day start to finally give them a clue. .?
    2 points
  19. That's only cause we're pumping them on a regular basis
    2 points
  20. If there is any truth in this, then it clearly shows the unprofessionalism of CVS. The individual clubs should make the announcements when they feel it's appropriate. If he has leaked confidential information it shows a complete disregard to his fellow promoters.
    2 points
  21. been t car boot this morning and bought a load of books off a guy . nice chap. all speedway stuff . some good reads as i will soon find out when i get into them . ... .three old 1977 ish speedway stars and a more recent one with the stoneymasterclasser in . all in good condition and looking forward t reading em . . wot u doin ower crimbo ? roll on workington speedway in 2021 ?
    1 point
  22. Well done 10 out of 10 for your spelling .. Must be allowed to stay up late because it’s half term
    1 point
  23. The ref was awful 2 wrong decisions snd nothing done about stewart wearing a white helmet cover all night nowhere near yellow.
    1 point
  24. If anyone can shed an light on the change of ownership, I'm all ears. I hope we will retain the best team manager in British speedway. IGWT.
    1 point
  25. Anything constructive to say? If not, go forth and multiply
    1 point
  26. Does it matter? Certainly doesn't matter to you, does it?
    1 point
  27. Well done Newcastle on the night I thought we would have got battered and a special mention for James Sargeant who I give stick to in an earlier post! It’s wasn’t to be but what an effort over two legs. What’s this about a new owner?
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Well done Redcar.The best team won over the 2 legs but must of got a fright when the scores where tied overall.
    1 point
  30. Looks like we have new owners next year, and George hoping he's still involved. I wonder who that is ?
    1 point
  31. He didn't have his best year anywhere this season, particularly after his fantastic 2018, he belongs at Lynn, it's home ....
    1 point
  32. You mean, Poole asset, young Brit on the up. Obvious, isn’t it? Correct. It won’t be Poole, they’d rather sign a 34 year old Continental on a false average.
    1 point
  33. Wonder if they tried for Ellis Perks to replace Jorgensen & R/R for Bjerre instead?
    1 point
  34. Seriously, I don't know what people expect Newcastle to do. Nobody on here really knows if Lasse is ill or not. He will certainly have to provide a sick note for us to be granted a facility. The weather hasn't done us any favours over the last few weeks. Getting a guest, especially on Lasse's poor average, to score what he would potentially score at this late stage of the season was never going to be easy. Most riders have packed up for the year with the foreigners, by and large, already moved out of the country. Sarj scored 6+1 when he was here with Glasgow, and did feature in a glasgow 5-1 beating Danny and Ulrich. I, for one, am prepared to give the lad a chance. He's on our side so will be getting some advice from our regular lads, which he wouldn't get riding for the opposition.
    1 point
  35. I CAN live with that statement. But then again I’m no longer involved with a printed motorsport magazine. I had a huge crash of my own, broke my arm, hit my head, had my time off and saw the light. Doesnt matter whats software used. MP used to supply instructions how the pics were to be sent. But even he didnt demand for CMYK levels. Or whatever. There’s a man at the office looking at the screen, he approves it and it should look the same when printed. 100% subjective view.
    1 point
  36. YOU are living in the past... what's a Lightroom?
    1 point
  37. I did log it and thought I'd just remind others ( tongue in cheek post, bored on a wet day)
    1 point
  38. Yes that's true , the cold war is certainly over
    1 point
  39. This is an extract from my book, "Cracked Eggs and Chicken Soup", based on my dad's memoirs of the East End of London in the 20s and 30s, and shows what happens when racial groups are stereotyped. Luckily there were enough "politically correct" people to put a stop to it at the Battle of Cable Street: "The mid-1930s became a very scary time for us Jews living around Bethnal Green and Whitechapel as the Blackshirts began to randomly attack Jews on the streets and smash the windows of Jewish shops. It was very unwise to go out on your own, especially after dark, so we normally hung around in threes or fours, came home from the pub together and so on. Mum and Dad were continually warning us not to go out alone and, above all, to make sure Julie was kept safe. They were worried sick about what some of those vile Blackshirt bastards might do to her if they caught her alone. So we never let Julie go out anywhere on her own. We’d go with her to work and take her out to meet her friends and make sure we were there when she wanted to come home. There was a very intimidating and menacing atmosphere abroad at the time and, as Jews, we knew we were the number one targets."
    1 point
  40. Here's another with a speedway yheme.
    1 point
  41. Bin the averages let teams sign who they want lets try it for a season or two . Don t think theirs a team in Britain that could afford for example woffy smarzlik Emil Doyle laguta all in one team . Speedway in Britain must be the only sport where if you win the league you are punished and have to break up a winning side
    1 point
  42. i was talking about seemonds age . lol
    1 point
  43. Berwick make it perfectly clear in this week's Star that they are planning for the Championship in 2020 - unless they have new owners, which is unlikely.
    1 point
  44. I hope for Redcar and speedways sake that that isn't true. He's made a massive difference at Redcar over the last few seasons and is one of the best in the country , irreplaceable!
    1 point
  45. Oh Gavan, Have I Got News For You? Can't wait til I can reveal it.....
    1 point
  46. Yes, we all want different things, for you it's free entrance. As Chunky has already pointed out in this thread, riders were riding for more than one team way back, including your beloved PC. Riders were also racing for teams across Europe back in the 90's. As for 'serious sport', cricket can't be a serious sport either can it.. The reality is, you don't want a damn thing from the sport as you haven't been since your free entrance was taken away, have stated repeatedly you don't even watch it on TV (although for some reason have it on in the background.. you could just turn off your TV). Your club has the best race track in the UK and one of the very best in the world and produces amazing racing week in week out yet you show zero inclination to go. As such uou sir are an utter irrelevance, your opinion counts for absolutely nothing and seem to have so little to do in your life you spend it posting on a forum about a sport you no longer have any interest in.. very very strange individual.
    1 point
  47. A bit late to the party but wanted to add some observations to my first visit to Blunsdon for a while due to moving from the area and work commitments. I make no apology for the self indulgent post either! Thursday was my first ever experience of the Robins winning a trophy on home soil. It was tremendous. I saw a group of grown men dancing together, plastic cups of lager spilling as they danced their Dad dances in a circle. The atmosphere was terrific. Chanting at speedway? Never have I heard that before. Jeff Beck’s Hi ho Silver Lining was belted out several times. Another group of young lads (teenagers this time) all singing together, laughing and smiling) Before the meeting began, dark clouds circled overhead, looking menacing and threatening. Worryingly , one massive cloud began to empty its cargo. At the time, I was stood inside having a cheeky beer. I watched as the home straight crowd staring anxiously at the sky. Fortunately, the clouds passed over and although the track looked wet, it certainly looked raceable. I watched the first 3 heats from the grass bank entering turn 3: I must admit, I felt nervous as Ipswich edged ahead. Even after The Iversen exclusion. They looked sharp from the starts, and Chris Harris ( for the first two laps in heat 3) looked hungry and committed. But then I witnessed an absolute steam roller of a side. Jensen was aggressive and fast Musielak, smooth and slick. Doyle was as expected. He’s a terrific leader and a real winner. Batchelor ( who I have criticised many times, mainly for when he opens his mouth) really does look high class these days. His pass of Doyle in heat 13, ( yes it was a pass too rather than any kind of team riding between the two) was superb. Ipswich were simply annihilated. Jake Allen gave a gutsy performance, but tired after Hawkins threw him into as many early races as he could in an attempt to contain the rampant Robins. This was the best Swindon team I have ever seen. And, in my opinion would beat any of the other 3 championship winning teams. There seemed genuine affection for the team from the packed crowd, and a pleasing team spirit. I liked the blend of orange/tangerine, ( I’ve never seen so many reflective orange highway maintenance jackets worn by supporters!!) Finally, I’ve supported the Robins from the days of Martin Ashby, Killer, Bouchard and Jan Andersson. I would have given anything for one of the mid seventies Robins teams to win the league, or even win an away match! I followed them everywhere on the coach, only to see them get a hammering at places like Cradley, Halifax and Wimbledon. The Blunsdon track in those days was excellent. Always passing, always good racing. These days, I like the shorter version. Huge compliment to the track staff who have worked wonders with it. In order to get a quick get away to travel back to my home in Cornwall, I left straight after heat 15. As I reached my car in the car park, I heard another rendition of Hi ho silver lining (Hi ho Swindon Robins!,) I sat in the drivers seat and caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror.......I was absolutely beaming!!! As I reached the M4, it was pouring with rain.. But the sun was shining on another triumphant season for a super speedway team.
    1 point
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