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  1. Get it right if you are gonna continue having a go. Poole lost 2 big long term sponsors in the lead up to 2019 as well as the end of the 2-year 2017/18 main sponsorship and then was seriously let down by the new main team sponsor mid-season. No club could easily withstand those losses to their budget of many many thousands of £££s!! Along with a reduction in attendances due in part to the change in race night as well as the increased number of TV meetings - and also at a time when MF is in the process of uprooting to a new business in France - why wouldn't he do the best for the club to continue racing under the stewardship (co-promotion) of his son and another - hardly wanting to get shot of it is he - unless a decent offer comes along which is the same for most clubs at any time? (If Ipswich were so secure with a great main sponsor then why did Louis need and accept financial help from Buster before the 2019 season? - Yes I know the 'full takeover contract' was never signed apparently!!) Poole have never paid over-the-top money but what they have done is always guarantee that riders get paid correctly and on time - something which attracts many riders who have been let down by other clubs both here and abroad!! By all means carry on having a go at Poole - we all get it - just get your facts right before repeating the same old same old!
    9 points
  2. It's good that GP organisers constantly look to tweak and improve the product. But I do think in terms of the scoring, this is an area that needs leaving well be. Through trial and error over several years, they have arrived at a format that provides an exciting climax to each GP, but is also fair and rewards consistency across the series. It's right the winner of the Grand Final, the winner of the hardest race of the night is crowned the night's winner, but it's also right that the night's most consistent performer goes away with the most points. I'm all for change, but not in this instance.
    8 points
  3. Me and a mate that went to Leicester on Sat thoroughly enjoyed the meeting, plenty of drama, a packed stadium with 2 sets of loud adoring fans (you guys are a credit to Speedway) May the best team win tomorrow night
    6 points
  4. Really ? you never said ..
    5 points
  5. Hopefully no. Like or loathe they promote Speedway with passion. Isn’t that what we continually crave?
    4 points
  6. It's incredible how so many riders keep going with some horrendous injuries. Many 'ordinary' people wouldn't even get out of bed feeling the way these riders must do let alone ride a speedway bike
    4 points
  7. And another is it won't be rained off
    4 points
  8. I'm a neutral that has attended the last four meetings at BP. The track has been on the slick side for all of them. How it's possible to doctor the track in such wet conditions is beyond me. They did well to get it on last saturday.
    3 points
  9. Not quite sure how you can deliberately doctor a track that was partly submerged 24 hours earlier.
    3 points
  10. As I have said previously I do think this is a backwards step for British Speedway especially being tied into a 5yr deal. Eurosport are a minor tv channel and Speedway will not get the dedication it got from BT and the coverage will not be as comprehensive. I just hope that the money was so much better than what’s BTs final offer was otherwise an even worse decision.
    3 points
  11. He's one of the reasons I want Leicester to lift that trophy , opens his gob and the garbage just spills out !! He has never once said that the better team won on the night , always an excuse as to why Glasgow get beat Not sure 12 points is enough at Ashfield, Cook and Rasmus will go through the card, , Bailey & Bickley will score more than the 2 at Leicester Nicholls needs to get his finger out, about time he stuck to his broadcasting
    3 points
  12. It's never ideal when you miss the first couple of months of the season, you're playing catch up from the start. Both Nick and Jacob suffered in that respect. I would certainly give them another chance. Nick is a much better rider than his current average
    3 points
  13. I hope Dave Rowe keeps the commentating Gig for Eurosport. However, Sudden Sam is not the answer as a co presenter.
    3 points
  14. I fully agree with this. Yes there has been the usual mud slinging from various quarters but this is the cold reality once the 'banter' stops For ANY club to run at ANY level requires a huge amount of goodwill and sponsorship right from ground level fans to the big corporate main sponsors There is no club in the land that could've withstood the situation Poole found themselves in. It certainly isnt about poor promotion. Whatever faults Matt Ford has can be debated but a lack of promotion and savvy isnt one of them I dont buy the 'surely he can swallow one season' position - let it go on and the next season isnt the problem it is the whole existence of a club at risk. For that if the switch stabiliises then a switch is right That is pretty much the situation Ipswich found themselves in and moving to the Championship was exactly the correct choice at that time The fact that despite better than average attendances and an enviable sponsorship position still meant that a move back to the top level wasnt a no brainer says it all about just what it takes to run at the highest level Even with what has to be considered a very successful year at Foxhall I dont imagine Chris is sitting at home in a bath of £50 notes!
    3 points
  15. I really cannot understand why so many experts on broadcasting and running a Speedway are all in the same place at the same time surely you should be running your businesses not pratting about on a forum!!!!! Unless you understand broadcasting rights, licensing and the differences between: a production company, a primary, secondary and tertiary rights holder, news rights or a broadcaster then all of this has no validity in my opinion. Philip Rising has tried to give some informed pointers but deaf ears and stoney ground spring to mind ! So frustrating.
    3 points
  16. You also predicted that Ipswich would definitely finish bottom and by some distance and we’re comfortably the “worst top flight side we’ve ever seen”
    3 points
  17. Must be the first decision from the pre AGM.Going to rename the national league the premiership,the premiership to be called the championship and the championship the national league.British speedway has been saved at last
    3 points
  18. You might want to rethink and perhaps even delete that comment, unless of course you feel that mental health is something to laugh about?
    3 points
  19. You think? For years the 'southern tours' were the highlight of the year for Northern fans....... You should try it, you know - there IS life north of the M4!
    3 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Apart from Jason Garrity it just seems he cant be arsed to get out of bed to travel anywhere full stop.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. End of season finale, Colin hill memorial, inter league challenge. H.Atkins B.Morley J.Edwards R.Andrews B.Barker K.Newman R.Lawson All track specialists should be entertaining, weather looks good atm.
    2 points
  24. Proctor a doubt for tomorrow saying he’s 50/50 to ride after his shoulder popped out. Be a real shame if the final was ruined due to an injury.
    2 points
  25. I like all of the current BT team. Yes, Tatum and Pearson can be a bit shouty at times but better that than the dull level commentary I hear elsewhere. I think that Natalie Quirke and Scott Nicholls add knowledgeable pre and post meeting comments and analysis of the races. My only suggestion would be to add a second ex or current rider to the studio presentation who might give alternative opinions. I don't watch other sports so have only seen the speedway events Eurosport has shown. I am pleased that there is a 5 year deal, I hope that there is a decent amount of money being paid and other than that, have an open mind and will wait and see the coverage before forming any opinions.
    2 points
  26. I am going to say this only once. BT sport have a contract with BSI/IMG (signed April 2019) to show the GP`s/SON in 2020 and 2021. all BSI/IMG stadium and TV contracts cannot go beyond 2021 because that is when their GP/SON contract runs out(with the FIM) - and we should know by the end of this year if they have been successful in retaining the contract for a further 10 years.
    2 points
  27. The report states that they have the rights to Premier and Championship meetings, in the summary section near the end of the report http://www.speedwaygb.co.uk/news.php?extend.37642
    2 points
  28. Bit if a shame Eurosport couldn’t get the gp coverage aswell, people are still going to have to subscribe to BT just to watch the Grand Prix. But good news for British speedway. Fingers crossed for a few more prem teams to make it worth while
    2 points
  29. Why do you assume that you're the only one with experience in the industry and that anyone else with an opinion is a 'loudmouth speedway fan making cheap shots'? It reflects far more on you than anyone else!!
    2 points
  30. Many thanks, Dave, for helping to make the interview with GG possible. As you know, we have been hoping to talk with him for some years and in the end, thanks largely to your 35-plus years relationship with him and the trust he showed in you and us, we finally got there. A big thanks to GG, too, for his professionalism and co-operation throughout the prices - answering many awkward questions with as much honesty as could reasonably be expected, responding quickly to emails and texts (working around the Oz-UK time difference) and helping with personal photos from the family archives. I first met Gary when he was riding for Boston at Crayford in 1979 and, as usual, I was there for Speedway Mail. We chatted and he came across like a typically engaging, very friendly young Aussie. I liked him from that night and I respect and like him even more now that I've heard his story, first-hand, and know the full extent of what he and his family have been through. He still feels bad about what happened to Steve Payne, because - as GG says in the interview - the drug smuggling fiasco was entirely of his making.
    2 points
  31. Don’t forget that down south they think the world ends at Watford
    2 points
  32. A six league team would be ridiculous and unworkable, seven has been bad enough. Eight teams should be the minimum going forward.
    2 points
  33. Easy - they won less matches/scored less points
    2 points
  34. Not for me. He sounds dull. Ermolenko is hopeless.
    2 points
  35. Totally agree with all you said there We had a great time when we at Ipswich drooped down, far more variety and different tracks to visit
    2 points
  36. The point with Poole dropping down is that speedway will remain. They are likely to have matches against Eastbourne, Somerset and possibly Plymouth all within easy travelling distance. Costs will be reduced but I do not think crowds will. Speedway in the Premier is now very expensive with riders demanding high money. Top foreign and home bred riders do not now ride in this country. The number of riders riding in both leagues appear to be increasing so how many riders will the crowds miss out on? Yes you will miss out on the expensive riders but so be it to keep speedway. Yes Elite racing was great racing when the like of Ward, Holder, Richardson, Magic plus many others were here but those days are long gone. The racing in the lower league at Somerset has been great with more racing than in the top league. Racing in the lower leagues was great when the Wildcats/Pirates were in the lower league and crowds were great. i would prefer speedway in this league instead of no speedway. Also TV will now be showing both leagues so exposure will still be there. Also it will be open to free view viewers as well as those of us who pay.
    2 points
  37. I agree, only two points in the Championship this year and it went to the semi final of the last GP before we knew thhe winner. Why change something that does not need changing.
    2 points
  38. I think the main problem with doubling up was missing riders. Fixed race nights in the top league has sorted that, really. Now it's barely noticeable that Rasmus Jensen rides for Glasgow and Adam Ellis rides for, er, whoever he rides for. Riders doubling up has always been there, even if not to the degree it is now. It wasn't always young riders and connected teams. I remember Gordon Kennet doing it at Swindon towards the end of the year. In 1987, we had Andrew Silver at "number 8" who was better than half the Swindon team so rider absences often made us stronger. This isn't a new issue.
    2 points
  39. Funny... I Honestly believed Lewi made you stronger with the track time he has at Brough, a track where he cut his teeth; Ellis has half a dozen or so meetings at Newcastle max; Lewi has multiple meetings under his belt and watch him go next year, he will be a rider in demand, Eastie have pulled off a good move signing him up early IMHO, I would be very surprised if Ellis gets anywhere near a maximum if used for the second leg; time will tell. (especially if its wet) It's a pity Kerr didn't fit for Tommy as I would have had him in like a shot as a guest if the shoe was on the other foot. As for Newcastle being the underdog; you bet; as I personally can not see them pulling back 12 points; I think Newcastle will win by 6; 8 or possibly even 10 but getting more than 12... well even without Redcar using any Guests it is a big ask; I do hope I am wrong but that's my honest assessment after watching Newcastle all season that this 12 point deficit to me is just a bit beyond their reach; the proverbial "Bridge to Far" but we will see. (again I hope I am proved Totally Wrong) May I add; unlike the Leicester Glasgow play off final where I don't think 12 will be enough for Leicester and Glasgow will win by about 16; but this is what it is all about isn't it? "opinions" and these "opinions" rightly or wrongly will be ultimately put to the test once the bloody weather relents and we conclude these meetings; however and again I will concede that IMHO both ties are interestingly well poised... Finally and back on topic with Wright; Riss and whoever the third heat leader is Ellis, Kerr or a half fit MPT; I think Redcar will have enough in reserve to keep the Jawdee's (aren't Smoggies funny) at bay and pull off the aggregate win IMHO (however here's hoping for a wet track and Brough lives up to its rough reputation; not this smooth; flat; dust pan we have seen most weeks previous as we need all the help we can get) Regards THJ
    2 points
  40. The gap only being 12 flatters Glasgow, we really struggled as a team. Thought it was going to be about 20 points by the way we started the meeting. Cook's engine failure was unfortunate. That was a six point swing in one race alone. It is all to play for tomorrow evening. Hopefully a big crowd and a 14 point win for the Tigers
    2 points
  41. I think people are using their own examples to win an argument. Of course there were doubling up decades back - PC for Rochdale and Belle Vue, Richardson for Eastbourne and Wimbledon, Gordon Kennett, Malcolm Ballard. But, I'm using facts here, those riders were connected to the clubs they doubled-up with and went on to have long careers with them. You can't compare today's methods the same as back then. Now, I'm afraid, a team is cobbled together with as much thought as a football match in a PE lesson at school.
    2 points
  42. It was a great night and fantastic to see so many visiting supporters attending which really did create a superb atmosphere. The last heat 1 - 5 has definitely given Tigers hope in the tie and sets up the second leg perfectly. lets hope that whatever the result fans from both sides should show their support for their respective teams, riders and eventual winners in a manner befitting of the family sport which is speedway.
    2 points
  43. Oh, we all stopped going to Plough Lane because Colin Richardson was riding for both Wimbledon and Eastbourne... The writing was clearly on the wall for Birmingham and Milton Keynes when Andy Grahame had the audacity to qualify for both the BLRC and NLRC in the same season. Moxey must have been disgusted to see PC appearing regularly for both Belle Vue AND Rochdale. How terrible...
    2 points
  44. Amazing the number of people saying what will or won’t happen to Kent and Berwick without having any idea of what’s is going on behind the scenes. Also how is it the right of CVS to spill these particular beans?
    2 points
  45. The bspa should increase the PL team limit to 46.5 so that we can keep the same team
    2 points
  46. I makes as much sense as a bjcol post
    2 points
  47. I doubt Berwick will be in a league without Glasgow. Edinburgh & Newcastle doesn't make finical sense , why would you lose your biggest crowds ? It dam near killed the club the last time and that was when there where good riders at elite level .
    2 points
  48. Have to agree that it is a fascinating interview. GG was one of my favourite opposing riders of the early 80's, big and forceful on a bike, who was on the verge of international success when he made his mistake. Like others I feel the punishment by the Speedway authorities was draconian, but glad to see he's happy in life. Well done to Backtrack and all involved in getting the interview in print. With 90 plus issues under their belt there are less fresh interviewees to cover, but this one and the fairly recent Tony Lomas article have been top quality.
    2 points
  49. Just read the match report on the club website. Is our team manager always going to blame bad luck and poor refereeing desicions, it is not very gracious in defeat and not the first time. He should congratulate his opponent on there victory then get the boy's fired up with his comments in private. Just my opinion.
    2 points
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