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  1. Awwww no. The thread read has only just opened and it’s been Gavin and Shovlar’d stand by for more of the usual .....
    10 points
  2. Ive set up a little separate thread here for all you bitter Poole fans to have a little chat all on your own about the Grand Final.................simply because some of you are clogging up the main threads discussing how woeful Ipswich were in not trying last night You can sit on here and discuss how poor the final is without Poole in it all by yourselves and let the Ipswich and Swindon fans, who have a mutual respect for each other, carry on with the final chat Maybe next season, if you dont pick the 'easy' team in the semi final, and you have riders that actually put in effort, then you can be a part of a Grand Final thread again...............
    8 points
  3. Time for the mods to move this thread to the correct section...
    8 points
  4. I’ve avoided responding to you for longer than I expected - but your constant obsession with all things Poole, and in particular one poster is bordering on the need for help. You turn every thread into your hatred of Poole and stalk every post from SS. You’ve made your repetitive point soooooo many times. Please STF Up and let the subject thread flow without so much anger.
    7 points
  5. It’s unfortunate that the best team is in the final ? I suppose if we’d have sent a NL side you would have been happier?
    6 points
  6. It should be 25% cheaper to get in. Matt Ford said cost are 25% less. So instead of £18 it should be £13.50 next season.
    5 points
  7. Sometimes comments on here really show up people’s lack of humility less of course speedway knowledge! Perks was brought in to help Swindon over loss of confidence of their reserves not to win matches on his own! For the guy to even return to UK after he was dropped so many times by other clubs because they needed strengthening gives him credit for his commitment.
    5 points
  8. Adam Ellis was outstanding last night. He has really stepped up this year and I'm sure his partnership with Doyle has helped in that. Long may he continue to improve
    5 points
  9. What makes you think Poole would push Swindon harder than Ipswich. You couldnt even beat Ipswich in the semi. Some Poole fans clearly have there heads stuck in the first bend ruts.
    5 points
  10. What sort of questions should be asked? There is a level points limit in place. Swindon played it well this year, just as Poole have in the past. In a way, the culture of making team changes is brought about by the relatively low points limit anyway. It means the ambitious teams replace "filler" riders as the year goes on.
    5 points
  11. Chun ...... it appears there’s a new dick in town. Gotta love the internet
    4 points
  12. INTERVIEW with the Poole hierarchy in SS (not Steve Shovlar) this week
    4 points
  13. For a thread that is about Ipswich V Swindon, can't believe the amount of Posts from Poole supporters who claim Poole would've done better. Fact is you are not in the final. For these supporters to say that Ipswich weren't giving it their all is complete and utter bull. This is a final and if they think that they are living in cloud cuckoo land. Swindon are just too strong and would beat any of the other play-off teams. No disgrace in that. The track favoured Swindon last night as we are not a team of gaters, we didn't get the results in the reruns of races that were stopped, but that's speedway. Swindon looked sharper than us but that could've something to do with not riding for two weeks waiting for the second semi to be completed. Anyway Ipswich have surpassed all expectations from a lot of fans this year and hope we can put up a good showing tomorrow at Swindon.
    4 points
  14. Can we stop going on about Ipswich vs Poole on every thread, It really is pathetic from both sets of fans. That's done & dusted. Back to Thursday now, checking the weather & it's mixed for tomorrow now. Hopefully the winds will push through any showers predicted.
    4 points
  15. What a strange thing to do. Why announce this the day between the two matches of the play off final? Seems very strange timing. Almost as though he is trying to take attention away from the teams in the final. Why come out with all this today of all days?
    3 points
  16. I’m not posting down here. They’re not worthy!
    3 points
  17. Surely Poole's falling attendances has loads to do with the track. Despite the denials of a few it was clearly rubbish and why would you pay £18 to watch speedway on that.
    3 points
  18. British speedway will
    3 points
  19. Can we wait until Poole are at least accepted.
    3 points
  20. You will love it Northern Tour up to Glasgow/Edinburgh Friday, Berwick Saturday, Newcastle Sunday,
    3 points
  21. Honestly My fault totally I lost myself there DOH!!! I miss read or miss interpreted your response to bigred I thought like most Redcar fans you were talking hydraulics but obviously you weren't so sincere apologies (should never prejudge) I thought you got your Premiership and Championship mixed up and were trying to say that they would be missing because the Premiership had priority when clearly you were correct now I have read the thing again and made a total tool of myself (not for the first time) Sorry.... Never mind I will go away now... Note to self "don't try and do two things at the same time, concentrate on the job at hand, read slower and understand the response to the response before you respond.... Argggghhhhhh! Sorry I'm having a bad day... Regards THJ
    3 points
  22. Yeah, there were many more tracks with a home advantage then because there was a much bigger variety of shapes, sizes, and surfaces. Look at how we have lost all the big tracks - Hyde Rd, the Shay, Earle St, Custom House, Hampden Park etc... We have also lost a number of smaller tighter ones like Wimbledon and Crayford. The surfaces aren't so varied either now because the machinery basically dictates what we can and can't use. We used to have fine sand-like tracks and heavy cinder tracks, and the bikes - and riders - could handle everything.
    3 points
  23. Doesn't matter a toss, your team bummed out at the semi final stage,,, so ain't taking Jack schnitzel anywhere. Suck it up buttercup
    3 points
  24. It's because Perks came into a position which was, basically, scoring nothing in every match. Swindon had a strong top 5, but the criticism was that their reserves couldn't beat and egg, and we were narrowly losing matches regualarly because our reserves couldn't beat anyone. Perks and Vissing came in and were scoring well against the other reserves, with Perks being a great crowd pleaser with is never say die effort. Nobody is saying he is the next Loram or Screen. Adam Ellis, however, just might be...?
    3 points
  25. There appears to be no justification for what has been announced ( has it been announced publicly?) as the rule book simply does not allow it. It would appear the rules are to be ignored ( again ) and Vatcher and Pipe are just making it up as they go along. No doubt the puppet Vatcher has been told by his masters, the BSPA Mafia, that they want precedence over the riders concerned and Vatcher has then told Pipe that this will happen, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SPORT as they like to say or to the detriment of the National League.
    3 points
  26. It was most unfortunate that Swindon were in the finals. Any of the other six teams would have produced a far better competition for the league's finale of the season. Ipswich's semi-final against Poole would have made a fitting climate. But it is not good viewing when one team is head and shoulders above the rest. I'm not knocking Swindon, but they are far too strong for this league and questions need to be asked about the way teams are assembled.. As hard as T & P tried to make the 2nd leg interesting, we all know it will be a foregone conclusion..... I have no problems Swindon being champions, but feel Ipswich don't deserve having their noses rubs in the process....
    3 points
  27. That's what you get at Ipswich. Sometimes it's slightly better, but most of the time it's like that. Until bikes are changed, that's what we gonna get
    3 points
  28. Getting excited now, gotta get a few hours before I head to the train station and then head straight from leicester to another night shift..... But the biggest match in Kent's history, honestly a bag of nerves.
    3 points
  29. Nope, diverting attention to take the heat out of a thread when it starts to get a little eeky and nasty and then get it back on topic in a nicer frame.
    3 points
  30. Observations overall Swindon 1 to 7 definitely a strong team ( stronger than the Witches ) and have come into the final in great form and fully deserved their victory , I'm sure they will be crowned Champions come Thursday ! People have commented that the Robins wanted it more tonight , that's simply not the case , they were just better ! Obviously I'm disappointed as a Witches fan but I certainly can't complain about our season , predicted wooden spoon team makes the final , I'm happy with that . Back to tonight though - Witches can't gate , mostly whoever got out first generally won the heat hence only 4 heat winners in 15 races tells the story . When races were rerun Swindon always ended up winning them which didn't help our cause ( prime example heat 1 ) A few jump starts not pulled back and also IMO a couple of questionable decisions certainly didn't do the Witches any favours , no point in going into details as certain people will argue that black is white when it's not and it's all about opinions at the end of the day . I believe that Swindon would probably still have won even if the decisions had have gone our way but that's just the way it goes sometimes . Anyway I'm a big enough man to accept defeat to a deserving better team .
    3 points
  31. I would like to see for Poole:- J Holder R Wells THJ
    3 points
  32. It will be a shame if Poole do drop down. I hope they don't. They are the most successful club of recent times and because of that they do tend to attract more fans when they travel. However, the reality is that, if the PL continues, whichever team turns out to be the most successful will replace them as the team the fans will turn out in greater numbers to see when they visit. Costs may be 25% cheaper in the CL but the risk is that crowd numbers and sponsorship money may also drop and any savings may be minimised or non existent. I suspect that for many clubs life in the CL is as financially precarious as it is in the PL. I also don't buy the argument that it is basically the same riders in both leagues, if that is intended to suggest that there is no significant difference in standards. Generally, most PL teams consist of at least 4 riders who are of CL number 1 standard or better, a fifth who is of CL heat leader standard and reserves who are of CL second string standard. CL teams have a number 1who may be of PL heat leader standard, other heat leaders who are of PL second string standard, second strings who are of PL reserve standard and reserves who are NL standard.
    2 points
  33. I don't know what you're moaning about. You can support Swindon in the PL and Poole in the CL
    2 points
  34. Thinking about it, get rid of this Mon and Thurs race night rubbish, Poole could stay up and more teams might move up too. I know Doyle won't like it but tough, the league is more than one rider.
    2 points
  35. Matt and Buster can't get agreement on a date for the outstanding cup fixture, so I can't see them reaching any sort of agreement on the value of the club!!!!
    2 points
  36. I doubt anyone hopes for that!
    2 points
  37. There are teams looking to move up so it will survive just fine
    2 points
  38. Good. No issues from me - as long as there's no increase in price.
    2 points
  39. It has to be said (as a neutral observer ) Swindon were in a class of their own last night with all of the riders coming to the party, non of the Ipswitch riders were sadly up to the task and I would single out is Iversen .He should of had the beating or almost of Doyle but IMO took his pay under false pretences , the stand out man for me in the whole match is Adam Ellis a real star of the future.Believe me I wish Ipo had won and wiped the smirks of Doyle and Rosco faces but they have all done the business and set up what maybe painful walkover tomorrow night . These matches do the sport no good from a spectator point of view I would love Ipo to prove me wrong I am sure they will do their their best and I hope they leave with at least their pride intact .
    2 points
  40. The Bournemouth Echo have put a poll up asking if Poole fans will attend CL racing.. Was on about 70% when I voted.
    2 points
  41. spot on mate Its the bitter bitter Poole fans on here that simply seem to want to troll and wind people up with their posts...............
    2 points
  42. Think the big difference in Adam this year has been his ability to pass. Seen lots of examples of it and even last night when he went down and was excluded it was because he was racing. He has also started to sit still at the tapes!!!
    2 points
  43. Some of the comments posted on here beggars belief!
    2 points
  44. No its not ridiculous its just great team building Rosco is the best there is at making team changes he has proved that over the years Love some Poole morons going on about Ipswich being an embarrassment...................the team that knocked their own side out.......... Ipswich beaten by the best team no complaints At least this year is a proper final unlike last year
    2 points
  45. I will wait until its mathematically confirmed in the 2nd leg before celebrating thanks. If its a wet track then anything can happen.
    2 points
  46. Were my eyes deceiving me, or did some old guy by the pits gate give Jason Doyle a shove when he returned to the pits after his first race spill? A great performance from Swindon, who have produced a brilliant display of how to use the points limit to strengthen your side this year. Rosco may not be the most astute tactical manager, but when it comes to team building and making changes he is the best in the league by a mile. He did it with Musielak before, and he's done it Jensen and Perks this year. The team we started the season with would not have been anywhere near to this side that has finished the year. I wonder what last night's result would have been with James Shanes and Dawid Lampart in the side. Adam Ellis has been immense in the play-offs. Can he go on to become a top international rider? Looking at how he rode last night, you have to think that he can. Good to see two proper sides competing in the final, with no guests or R/R by the way.
    2 points
  47. What a great result but one thing that ruined it was the comments by the muppet Pearson. I really hope that any new tv coverage dumps him.
    2 points
  48. Firstly, well done to the Ipswich track staff for getting the meeting on. Incessant rain clearly made it difficult to prepare a surface that the home riders would appreciate and the score line bears that out. Secondly, if you look at the Ipswich team pre and post changes they are clearly a better balanced outfit but most of us, certainly the Swindon fans, knew the Robins, if they qualified, would be difficult to beat purely on the the fact the top 5 was so strong. It’s no shame to be beaten by a better team. Finally, well done the Robins. A professional (from the gating tarts speedway manual) as you could wish to see. The change of Razza for Lampart has given that extra bit in the engine room as it did in 2017 when we sourced Alpen on a ridiculous 4. something average. JD, Razza and Alpen were excellent but Perks for me was the rider of the night and has shown the improvement and desire of a rider on the up and looking to make his mark. Both he and Vissing have stepped up in the last month to make sure a rider having an off night, as Troy did tonight,it is covered. He has a good chance of 3 Championship medals and I hope he makes the most of it and grabs the opportunity. Should be the first name on the 2020 Robins team sheet.
    2 points
  49. Exactly , who wants a meeting over and done with in under an hour ? Certainly not me
    2 points
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