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  1. Great job from the Robins, well done lads. Hard lines on the Witches. Not sure why everyone is going so hard on Ipswich, they were written off as wooden spoon holders at the start of the season yet have still made the League final through a bit of grit and determination that would be a right tonic for a few other teams in this league. People can’t act all surprised and dismissive when they struggle against a massively strong team that underperformed for a lot of the year but really hit their stride since late August. Credit to the track guys at Foxhall for turning round what was probably an absolute quagmire into a decent racing surface. Some more workable lines would have helped the spectacle a bit and some dirt on the fence for their riders that like that might have helped them, but it wasn’t at all bad considering the weather we’ve had. Not sure if a big dirt line would have helped much anyway, you still need to make decent starts and riders like Doyle, Ellis and Rasmus have no problem with a bit of grip. It’s not like Batch stormed it tonight because it was bald as a coot. Only half time, but it would take something catastrophic to happen for the Robins to mess this one up.
    6 points
  2. Whilst I can't dispute your figures for this years rainfall and how many PP that would have caused, the simple fact is, October sees more average rainfall than September, so if you start the Play Offs in September you give yourselves more time to get the fixtures in and we don't end up with the farcical situation we currently have where there's only 2 weeks left in the season and the fixtures are run in poor conditions and whenever we can fit them in to the detriment of the sport and its supporters. How many people booked last Monday off work (Wolves v Swindon) and then couldn't go on the Weds? likewise this week, how many booked yesterday (for the biggest meeting of the year) and have to miss out because they can't get out of work the following day? Swindon have managed to fill a coach despite only knowing on Thursday that they'd definitely be in the final and with it being PP yesterday have managed to fill it again for today, how many coaches would they have filled if they'd had fair warning of the fixture? 2? probably 3? likely 4? possibly, the sport is missing out and doing itself no favours, forget all the usual nonsense about yellow helmets and 1 big league, the first stop is just better organisation all round.
    6 points
  3. Both have their fair share of "pricks".
    5 points
  4. I believe Poole should enter into the Championship , continuing in a league which is in free fall through lack of numbers of clubs and riders does not make sense.We need to look after the sport in this country first and foremost. Costs will be cut .. which at this point in Speedway is required. The championship leagues seems a more viable stable option , and I believe promoted right the correct way to go. Commercially it is a more interesting league from a sponsorship viewpoint.The sponsorship can be sold , at a more economical price. More of them at a more viable price..Relying on a large main sponsor whilst good is also as proven not always a good thing, especially in this current economic climate. The club would be able to link to the current crop of sdl/mdl riders and bring riders through the ranks at reserve level. It worked under stewkesbury back in the day, and I feel actually it was more entertaining. Anyway just my thoughts
    5 points
  5. Well done Swindon - deserved winners on the night and surely there is no way they can lose it from here Special mention for Ellis Perks - he is the Massif man of the meeting
    4 points
  6. 4 points
  7. I had the flu in 2003. A cold it is not. Man flu it is not. I was laid out for over two weeks in bed and affected for well over a month Totally exhausted before slowly recovering. It is true to say that line that if a 50 pound note had Wafted past my bedroom window I would not have got up to pick it up. It really can be a life threatening illness for the weak and elderly. If a jabs available for free from the doctor don’t hesitate IMO.
    4 points
  8. I can understand your point Lisa although I don't readily agree with it. I see people as individuals rather than a collective and try not to tar everyone with the same brush, if I did, then I would see all Poole fans as tongue in cheek wind up merchants thanks to Steve (loves ya really Steve ). Instead I take each person as they come and work out the individual personalities and go with that. As for not posting, I did cover that further up. Updates, work, family and this season, a multitude of mad dashes to hospital in the middle of the night (for parents) leaves precious little time for reading let alone posting on here. Alongside this, I have had struggles with my mental health and a crisis of self confidence over the last few years which led to a massive reduction in posting not just here but on Updates (although I was still doing my normal organisation and chasing, just not active posting) , social media and other non speedway related forums preferring to be very much in the background. I realised just how much I had withdrawn a few weeks back when everyone was posting about Cardiff and have gradually over recent weeks, forced myself to stop hiding and to become more involved again.
    4 points
  9. They work in several places as you allude to... Therefore the 'skill' is there... All it needs now is the collective 'will' to make it happen... Even if just for TV meetings which provide the 'window' for the sport for so many to see in.. Far, far too often you read about meetings getting called off due to issues not actually on the day of racing but before. With the race day itself absolutely fine.. Covers would give TV a far more favourable impression of the sport as they wouldn't keep shelling out to pay for cameras, equipment etc for no reason, and also give fans confidence to attend on those 50/50 'on or not' nights whereby currently so many decide not to bother.. Getting information out to a pre positioned list of volunteers has never been so easy as it is today with this wonderful tool called the Internet... Therefore someone involved in the clubs, with even the most basic organisational skills, could I am sure deliver covers being put down and lifted... If the clubs really wanted to do it..
    4 points
  10. The Pirates are MY team and always will be. Whatever League we race in, I will be there. Once Pirate fan, always a Pirate fan. No other team will ever come close. I have said to friends for at least 3 or 4 years the we are no more than a Championship side with perhaps just one stand out rider. This season has proved we are no more than that level. It has been a struggle to generate any enthusiasm for the 2019 team,tbh. I think lots of people feel the same. On the occasions that I have been to Wimborne Road you can quite clearly see the lack of crowds, also there is a poor atmosphere. I dont drink or smoke. I can however relate to a smoker trying to give it up. I am fed up with it all right now. Once the season starts again, I will be following the Pirates in what will be my 65th season!
    4 points
  11. I would like to see for Poole:- J Holder R Wells THJ
    3 points
  12. Interesting first leg if not enthralling but plenty of incidents to chew over. Swindon’s top five could even cope with a poor night for Batchelor and still win comfortably, they have looked like the best team for a few months now. Fair play to them. Ipswich should be proud of their efforts this season, nobody gave them a prayer of anything other than 7th.
    3 points
  13. Congrats to Swindon, by far the better team. I won't slag my team off, as I only expected them to finish 1from bottom. So reaching the finals was a great achievement, and overturning Poole was a fantastic night. What I will say though is, one look at the track and it was clear who would come out on top. Which brings me to my next point,, please can we have a couple of boring gaters next season please, along with Allen. Oh and wow Perks is one hell of a battler,,, love him, never gave up or an inch, love riders like that.
    3 points
  14. If the boy is done for the season he is done. Maybe, just maybe he is riding in Germany as per the terms of a contract he has signed. This ‘International’. Match up is no more than just a filler. Be interesting to see how much it whets the public’s appetite. On a personal level you couldn’t pay me to go watch it. Im way to long in the tooth ( old) to stand out there freezing my conkers off to watch a nothing meeting.
    3 points
  15. And both clubs lose out having the final at home and miss out on revenue? Gotta be two legs
    3 points
  16. If anything I feel even more reckless at times mate....currently suffering with the after affects of mild concussion after falling drunkenly in King William Street after going to a house party Saturday with Ola ....could had sworn id put coke with that Jack Daniels!!!! May miss Thursday through 7 day ruling......never drinking again!!!!!
    3 points
  17. Obviously taking over from SCB who was always going on about old people. I'd rather be old than have a mind like his.
    3 points
  18. Both clubs would get a lot more attend if the final was either a Saturday or Sunday
    3 points
  19. Congratulations to Swindon. We were second best despite our very best efforts. I never expected us to win overall but I’m very proud of my team for their efforts this season. best bit was knocking out those arrogant pirates and their riders !!
    2 points
  20. I wonder if Ipswich are annoyed at another team celebrating at half time!!
    2 points
  21. As mentioned more than once on the TV tonight, you have to admire the tenacity of Ellis Perks. Having followed his progress with both Leicester teams this year, I know him as one of those riders that rides hard for 4 laps in every race. 3 league titles in a single year is still very much on the cards. As I asked previously, would this be a first?
    2 points
  22. Will be a massacre. Have never won Grand Final in front of home fans. Let's pack the Abbey.
    2 points
  23. Agreed if I was a witches fan I would be disappointed with him overall, add I King too
    2 points
  24. Right decision in my opinion, Harris didn't move off line, Ellis tried to give him no room
    2 points
  25. Unlucky Ellis there but right decision i think . Never mind my riders coming off riding hard like that .
    2 points
  26. I must have blinked when Ippo were doing all the passing. Swindon riders doing all the passing in heat 5. Only thing Harris can do is knock Ellis off to stop us getting a 5-1. Shocker.
    2 points
  27. I wouldn't bother think chun is a porkpie short of a picnic
    2 points
  28. Just received a text from Foxhall from my brother saying the crowd is very sparse. Has Ipswich closed for the evening?
    2 points
  29. Admire anyone that travels on coach to meetings that may or may not be on. Lee has done a fantastic job and crowds have increased at The Arena this year. The sport needs more Kilbys, Bishops...
    2 points
  30. It was just a thought, maybe it would work maybe it wouldn't . I know I would be going to both legs of the final if it was my team so a trip to a neutral venue for the final would be fine but I realise that isn't the case with everyone.
    2 points
  31. From a Scunny fan, the team was hit and miss, probably performed as most predicted pre-season. The on track entertainment was excellent... however I echo everyone else's comments, the season was far too short, too many blank weekends, supporters just tend to lose a bit of interest. I'd like to see every track host a meaningful 4TT. Plus a round of a Championship GP style meeting....and a few more league meetings wouldn't go amiss.
    2 points
  32. Still plenty of time to sort that out. The positive is just how good a shape in looks in considering the last few days It is now possible to make it how the Witches want it rather than just how the weather dictates Bring it on!!
    2 points
  33. Promoters have GOT to do something about the lack of fixtures. Either a singe combined Premiership/Championship league or a two-home / two-away format to give us some weekly action has to be top of the AGM agenda. Whatever the sport's woes, rationing is not the answer. Mid-October is traditionally the time when the speedway season winds down, but it already seems like an age since we had our last meeting at Owlerton.
    2 points
  34. Dan’s ability shone from the word go.... track size made no difference.. He oozes talent.... Dan has had to overcome a mammoth injury this year and no doubts he gave it everything he could. He is the best rider I have seen since the emergence of Peter Collins
    2 points
  35. I could still do a donut on a bike and I am over 70. I bet Billy Bales could too! Riding at full racing speed in an international meeting ( even a challenge ) is a very different propostion. Back injuries are the kind of injury that you cannpt be too careful with.
    2 points
  36. Not true. I can't make (many) Thursdays due to family commitments, Wednesdays are fine and have always been kept free for Poole Speedway. The change to Thursday meant my attendance dropped significantly as I cannot change my family situation on a Thursday. So there you finally have what you've been craving... my reason for not attending much this year!
    2 points
  37. I believe the punishment for missing the NLRC is actually a 2 home meeting ban. (How that works for someone doubling up I am not sure, but assume it would only affect his NL club) For me what I would like to see is the cream of the NL riding in front of a big crowd in decent weather. My suggestion is hold it at Swindon or Somerset the sunday after the Cardiff GP, what are peoples thoughts.
    2 points
  38. Yep, my reply was to tellboy really in relation to Riss. Wasn’t referring to Proctor but I think we did well to get a decent season out of him last year, he was pretty awful this season and his stick has fallen in both leagues unfortunately for him. Certainly wouldn’t want him near the team for 2020 despite his average.
    2 points
  39. Yes you are right. I was a bit quick off the mark and very disappointed to read and hear there was a risk of us dropping down. Hasty is the right word. I have always much preferred the highest quality racing, as I prefer top league football. I went to Swindon Town v Newport recently and what a load of crap that was. I did enjoy Poole when they were in the NL as I didn’t have anything to compare it with. But the sport has changed completely from the 1990’s. And when we moved up the racing was just so much better. I might not feel like it now but if Poole do drop down, by March I will probably trundle down the road to the stadium. It’s in the blood.
    2 points
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