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Yes you are right. I was a bit quick off the mark and very disappointed to read and hear there was a risk of us dropping down. Hasty is the right word. I have always much preferred the highest quality racing, as I prefer top league football. I went to Swindon Town v Newport recently and what a load of crap that was. I did enjoy Poole when they were in the NL as I didn’t have anything to compare it with. But the sport has changed completely from the 1990’s. And when we moved up the racing was just so much better. I might not feel like it now but if Poole do drop down, by March I will probably trundle down the road to the stadium. It’s in the blood.7 points
There is clearly a solution to your dilemma, move to Poland. The personal benefits to you would be: 1/ Better quality speedway, watching world class riders. 2/ Cheaper entry fees. 3/ Good quality venues with consistent standard tracks. 4/ You can remain in Europe (at least until it collapses). The benefit for Poole fans is, less noise in the queues. I would say thats a “win - win” situation. Be quick though, the 31/10 is not far away...7 points
The Pirates are MY team and always will be. Whatever League we race in, I will be there. Once Pirate fan, always a Pirate fan. No other team will ever come close. I have said to friends for at least 3 or 4 years the we are no more than a Championship side with perhaps just one stand out rider. This season has proved we are no more than that level. It has been a struggle to generate any enthusiasm for the 2019 team,tbh. I think lots of people feel the same. On the occasions that I have been to Wimborne Road you can quite clearly see the lack of crowds, also there is a poor atmosphere. I dont drink or smoke. I can however relate to a smoker trying to give it up. I am fed up with it all right now. Once the season starts again, I will be following the Pirates in what will be my 65th season!6 points
I think you need to read between the lines here. This seems like posturing ahead of the AGM by Ford IMO. He wants Wednesday night racing to protect his business interests which is fair enough - the timing is ahead of the AGM though to lay a marker to other Promoters. Would the top league survive with just 6 teams ? I don’t know I’m speculating but I suspect he has no intention of dropping down he just wants a change of race nights and is letting other promoters know this ahead of the AGM. Also whatever price he wants for the club is less likely to be achieved if Poole are in the 2nd tier. Just my opinion of course not being close to Poole or Ford before someone hijacks my post!5 points
“Compared to every other club I have dealt with during my time In England for a couple of years they are very professional. They want you to do well as much as you want to do well. There has never been a problem if I have asked for advice or help. It was a good for me to go to a new club and I am glad it was Ipswich. I have really enjoyed my time here and hopefully if all goes to plan, I will be here next year and for years after that.” Good lad. Should be the first name on our 2020 team sheet. The injury was a shame and he admits its still being “managed” and will be sorted over the winter, but it will actually benefit us average wise. It would no doubt have been higher than it currently is so there’s room for more improvement on that figure next year. Would imagine he’d be on most teams wanted list, but we clearly have the advantage and need his signature sewn up ASAP.5 points
It may be a 'new adventure' for the Ford promotion but not new for those fans of the late 80's. Excellent racing from riders who just seemed to want to entertain themselves and the fans!!5 points
In true playground style...he started it (albeit with his tongue very firmly in his cheek) However, in BSF or any other forum style, anyone is free to comment on any thread they wish, it wouldn't be a discussion forum otherwise.5 points
If we win we win if not it will still be a great season doing far far better than anyone would have thought Speedway is the bigger picture win or lose and the fact the weather is dragging this on far to long isnt good for the sport4 points
With respect, as a neutral here, Poole appear to have far more weirdo fans than anyone on this forum. Plenty of you skulk around the other threads like you own the place.4 points
I've only ever been nice, it's not in my nature to be nasty (silly and maybe sarcastic at times but nasty, nope) and I do find that comment quite hurtful to be honest. As for Poole, the top league would be a poorer place without them but if it is essential for them to drop down to survive then it is understandable, it is better to drop down and survive than to try to stay up and close, possibly permanently...now that really would be unthinkable. We of course dropped down a league for more than a few years and by goodness it was a shock to my system. Initially I was very against it and would look at the top league with envy, however I soon got over myself and my drama queen tantrums (I was a real drama llama over it) and realised that things were just as good as before, the smell was the same (ish) and I soon got used to the new sets of fans that came from other teams. That said, I was over the moon at our move back for this season.3 points
Love him, Jake Allen speaking to witches website https://ipswichwitches.co/allen-the-fans-have-been-unreal/3 points
Weekly fixtures same quality of racing northern tour. If Matt put a good side together which he will fans would still turn up , sponsorship would still be there. Ok, no BT, but is that really a loss ? Slightly reduced admission for the fans, maybe. Still have the play off's and final. Personally i think Weds is good but Friday would be better. Anybody who remembers the National league of the 80's will know it wasnt so bad. You will never get the big boys back here permanantly, the costs are out of bounds. League should be run April to Sept, play off's in Sept done. None of this dragging them right into October when we all know it will rain. But the powers that be need to take the blinkers off and take the ear plugs out and listen to the fans.3 points
3 points
3 points
Just had a little look through the thread and found the following times people have posted Shovlar 15 Lisa Colette 12 Foreverblue 7 Starman 2 AFCB Wildcat 2 Arthur 1 Rayc 1 Thats 40 posts from Poole fans on a meeting that they are not involved in........................so yes when Poole fans come on here i guess they are going to get replied to...... Ive no issue with anyone posting anywhere they want its an open forum...................but i would say there is roughly 15 posts a page which after 10 pages is 40 out of 150 posts are from Poole fans Ipswich v Swindon final and 26% of posts are from Poole fans.........bit rich to call the Ipswich and Swindon fans idiots dont you think3 points
Been a very good year at Glasgow . Watching the likes of Craig Cook and Rasmus Jensen is a joy to behold and the track has produced some of the best racing we've seen at Ashfield in years . Capping the season off with the title would be the icing on the cake .3 points
I can understand your point Lisa although I don't readily agree with it. I see people as individuals rather than a collective and try not to tar everyone with the same brush, if I did, then I would see all Poole fans as tongue in cheek wind up merchants thanks to Steve (loves ya really Steve ). Instead I take each person as they come and work out the individual personalities and go with that. As for not posting, I did cover that further up. Updates, work, family and this season, a multitude of mad dashes to hospital in the middle of the night (for parents) leaves precious little time for reading let alone posting on here. Alongside this, I have had struggles with my mental health and a crisis of self confidence over the last few years which led to a massive reduction in posting not just here but on Updates (although I was still doing my normal organisation and chasing, just not active posting) , social media and other non speedway related forums preferring to be very much in the background. I realised just how much I had withdrawn a few weeks back when everyone was posting about Cardiff and have gradually over recent weeks, forced myself to stop hiding and to become more involved again.2 points
Thank goodness for that, for a moment I thought I was trapped in a parallel universe where my evil twin had been upsetting everyone....2 points
2 points
Agreed Mike, but the fact is a TV deal is not the silver bullet and a ‘must have’ that speedway needs. The original Sky TV deal didn’t help stop the downward spiral of speedway, truth is Sky could see it coming and bailed out...and the pathetic BT TV deal doesn’t pay a significant amount of cash because they didn’t need to. A TV deal doesn’t bring in the much needed atmosphere of income generating fans through the turnstiles, in fact TV keeps them away! Take a look at a normal BT TV broadcast this season, if you were a company paying good money to advertise would you want your product to be associated with speedway? To reboot speedway the TV deal would have to be worth millions and then a huge amount invested in promoting and improving the product...and the spectator experience and redeveloping stadiums and frankly that won’t happen. The cold hard fact is speedway is bust and Poole and many other clubs, more than you think, are in a desperate financial state and up ‘for sale’ and not surprisingly there are NO takers!2 points
We certainly do,,, probably the most important signing we need to make.2 points
Planned Orwell bridge closures due to take place this week now cancelled. https://www.ipswichstar.co.uk/news/orwell-bridge-overnight-maintenance-works-postponed-1-63225982 points
Sorry Gavan but you can't talk, you are always on the Poole threads! lol. Though at least i have been talking about the actual meeting not about Poole like some Ippo fans have been doing. Oh and i only called Ipswich fans idiots as they are the main ones with the fascination about Poole, even more than you which i didn't think was possible!2 points
2 points
Saturday is dogs. Sunday would require permission from local Parish I believe. My guess off Thursday following Monday or Thursday depending on whether Ipswich get first leg completed. Speedway summer sport with finals run in autumn. Cut out all the non racing weeks and could be done dusted by end August.2 points
Luke and all of his team are proud to be associated with Berwick Speedway the help support and encouragement we have had since coming to the team 4 years ago has been brilliant.2 points
Weird is good. (It also breaks the 'i' before 'e' rule which makes me like it even more!)2 points
Faced with seven meetings to arrange at fairly short notice in October and endless rain I imagine that the principle factor for Leicester's management is simply getting the meetings on.2 points
Hopefully they will wait to call it off then!2 points
Call It off now, and I can have my days holiday back2 points
2 points
It's like groundhog day on here, same repetitive posts. We know we know we know.2 points
If speedway is going to be on Eurosport next season I do hope they don’t use Ermolenko for commentary! Probably the worst commentator ever IMHO2 points
You did - and you swapped him for a Pole who no longer wants to ride here2 points
and some people still live in the belief that a new stadium will be built, must be newbies to the sport!2 points
Perhaps it's because your recent reputation and accusations aimed at other members aswell makes you an easy target. You've made allegations of bullying once or perhaps twice towards others if my memory is correct, and now this. If you were someone who i had time for, i would be saying the close season is perhaps the time to take a step back from the forum for a few months before you say something that gets you in genuine hot water. But i don't think you'd take the advice anyway.1 point
Putting insults ribbing and banter aside Poole have set the benchmark for the upper tier and it would be a great shame and very hard to get used to it they drop down but it could also open up a big can of worms as other PL tracks may think if they are going then perhaps so should we! Could end up a Buster mini league or 3tt1 point
Bonus meeting at Lynn next week, GB v Denmark http://www.speedwaygb.co.uk/_mobile/news.php?extend.376101 point
Notwithstanding that some riders MAY (or not) be given to miss the meeting in order to ride for their championship clubs, the only way a rider can miss the NLRC and ride on the monday is if he has a speedway injury. i.e. one that occurred during a meeting. Any other excuse, for example illness, bad back lifting bike into van, is classed as a non speedway injury/illness and results in an immediate 8 day ban.1 point
Eagles - As a return to "professional" speedway this season has been a success for Eastbourne. The crowds have been fairly stable in terms of numbers and the meetings have been sped up as the promotion has looked to complete a meeting in under 2 hrs. Despite the NL success for the Eagles the racing was never the most exciting apart from an odd heat 13-15 race , however the standard of racing and excitement has increased significantly in the CL. Arlington as a track is not the most exciting on the planet BUT it is the only speedway within 75 mins from my Surrey home - so long may it continue.1 point
1 point
Rain predicted all day today but after this evening there appears to be a clear weather window that's dry and with a good breeze as well as bright spells with a decent temperature so Tuesday should be all systems go with no problem Bring it on!! UP THE WITCHES!!1 point
Perhaps they should change it to a swimming competition,then it may be sorted by Xmas?1 point
1 point
Losing my team at start of year was terrible , but i still go and watch but oh those delays after a all 4 back anything up to a dozen "mechanics" rush on the track fuel up adjust the wheel WHY and the same riders getting of the bikes at the start line and digging it just wears me down. Slow the bikes down use throttle control and lets get back to RACING.1 point
Should be 2 cracking meetings, hopefully weather plays ball, mon the Tigers1 point
I would say every track has its glory hunters, only go when there winning, not just a Poole thing. I have surported them in the lower league and the higher league, and will continue to do so, win or lose1 point
Havvys idea of getting rid completely of the points limit has merit to a point. Let clubs build to what they can afford. But perhaps with the save at that there needs to be a couple of u21s and a minimum of three Brits per team. Just a thought nothing more.1 point
Let’s be honest - we have no way of knowing what might have been - only what actually happened and your boys took one helluva beating! Now have some humble pie and get yourself off on your jolly holipegs!1 point
You're right, I was in the pub recently and I happened to mention this and the place broke down in hysterics. They couldn't believe there was a sport where a competitor kept the same number all season. What a tinspot sport it must be was the general observation. Some swore they would never watch or attend any event where a competitor/athlete has the same number all season long. Name another sport that does it was the most common question asked.. in between the laughter that is!1 point