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It's like groundhog day on here, same repetitive posts. We know we know we know.7 points
Losing my team at start of year was terrible , but i still go and watch but oh those delays after a all 4 back anything up to a dozen "mechanics" rush on the track fuel up adjust the wheel WHY and the same riders getting of the bikes at the start line and digging it just wears me down. Slow the bikes down use throttle control and lets get back to RACING.6 points
If speedway is going to be on Eurosport next season I do hope they don’t use Ermolenko for commentary! Probably the worst commentator ever IMHO6 points
Why do you have to get personal? Why are you always fishing for a reaction? Why don’t you just keep it to speedway!6 points
Spot on answers Never did nay harm to Peterborough , Kings Lynn , Ipswich or Leicester to drop down did it......look at the season Leicester are having , im sure their fans are loving it there at the moment and must be easy to promote and bring fans in. As you said you will get one or two fickle fans but they arent really fans if they dont believe in whats right for their club Speedway is dying and we just need to sustain the sport................bringing back the top boys will not increase crowd levels thats a fallacy....its success that increases crowd levels.........Ipswich attendances didnt go up when Iversen returned , they have risen all season becaus of the promotional work we do and the success on the track The only issue you have at Poole is they are notorious for going missing when they dont win so if they drop down and the fans dont bother the club could be in serious trouble I dont see why Ford is worrying about the stadium when he should be concentrating on the track surface4 points
3 points
As a Speedway fan, not a Poole fan or a Pool hater, my opinion is we see on a regular basis mainly the same riders competing in all leagues and most of the riders are of almost equal ability. A top league of only 7 teams is ridiculous so why bother to have Premier and Championship leagues, combine both and have a National League to accommodate up and coming riders and also any older/other riders who maybe want to continue in Speedway but are unable to complete to the standard that they were at in their younger days, also the older/more experienced riders could pass on their knowledge to the youngsters. One larger league would enable more fans to hopefully attend more local derbys and we wouldn't be watching the same riders week in week out surely that would be better for the sport. Let the clubs choose the night they want to ride on, local issues ie other regular sport in the area, transport issues, school holidays etc can have a negative impact on fans attending, surely the best people to decide which night the speedway meeting should be on at their club are the people who are most closely associated with that club and the area it is in. Will the riders like one league? possibly not as it would probably mean a cut in their income and they may have to think about taking on other jobs to supplement that but surely in the long run that would be more preferable than losing more clubs or even the sport altogether in this country. I have lost a number of clubs within travelling distance to me over the years, ie West Ham, Hackney, Rayleigh, Lakeside, Rye House and Rye House amongst other issues being a victim of change of race night causing the crowds to plummet. I have this year been going to Eastbourne and although, as some might say it's only in the Championship, the meetings, the atmosphere, in fact everything about it I have enjoyed and the Promotion are trying to encourage new fans every week and they have also rewarded regular fans with discounts etc. and to me it seems a club "on the up" rather than one on the way out.3 points
3 points
Jack Smith didn't want to ride for Redcar. He also didn't make a good team player which is what has drawn this team together since the changes. As for Tom, I think he's done more than was ever expected. Bringing in an NL rider of 6pt average who hadnt ridden that year was never to score points. Yet he constantly pops out in heat 2 and gets his paid win. For me, points aren't everything from reserve. He's been leading top riders like Proctor and Kennett which has allowed our heat leader to clear off for the win.3 points
Absolutely. I have a 15 year old daughter and spend the maximum possible time with her. Out to the cinema this afternoon and taking her to her favourite resteraunt afterwards. Off to the Italian alps next week with a couple of nights in Venice. Tenerife in January for a weeks flying with my mates. Back to Bassano Del Grappa in late March for a week then Annecy in June for a couple of weeks flying and sightseeing. No different to most people. Work hard, play hard, enjoy life. Happy days. Sorry for being off topic but some things need to be said.3 points
You did - and you swapped him for a Pole who no longer wants to ride here3 points
I would say every track has its glory hunters, only go when there winning, not just a Poole thing. I have surported them in the lower league and the higher league, and will continue to do so, win or lose3 points
18.1.9 was supposed to stop that but (as with so many rules) is written wrongly That was certainly the intention - a guest (a) couldn’t come from another team involved in the play offs and (b) couldn’t guest for more than one team in the play offs. Instead, the rule refers to “in any one leg”. I would expect Leicester to use Allen as the guest, for Glasgow to appeal it, and for MC, for obvious reasons, to reject Glasgow’s appeal3 points
3 points
I’m sure top riders returning would bring more folk through the door but the sport had been run so badly over the last ten years or so that I fear we are beyond the point of no return now unfortunately. It all needs a major overhaul and to be pointed in a completely different direction before we can think about getting the big boys over here. Poland paying the kind of money they do might rule it out anyway.3 points
Why are you bringing politics into this. This forum is about speedway not whether you voted to leave or remain everybody has there own veiw3 points
I wou;s love to see top riders back but that is not going to happen why ride at £150- 200 per point in England when you can earn €1700 per point in Poland. The British promoters pay for mechanics even insurance at times and have to get the ruder to the track it’s not financially viable . Top rider scores 10 paid 12 £150 per point £1800.00 plus all the extras say total 2250.00 and that’s minimum for 1 rider at 15 entrance your first 150 people pay for the top rider and you haven’t even thought of all the costs involved you do that on a home and away basis then your first 300 people pay for that rider. Simply put British speedway cannot compete with the other leagues unless things change.3 points
Good Luck to both teams and hope it is a good meeting and no injuries.I think 6 points win for Newcastle but if it is in the muck I can see a14 point win lol.2 points
Mmmmm wrong again, hardly mentioned unless some random Poole fan posts something. Obviously it's mostly about the play offs at the moment,,,,, so Poole aren't mentioned2 points
I expect Poole get a lot of mentions there too!! Everyone loves us really, your just in denial!2 points
This was probably the best meeting I've seen at BP and I'm not basing it on the result as a Lions fan either. We saw 14 riders giving everything and prepared to attack the track resulting in some great racing. I've said it before, too many riders seem to pick up on the negative opinions of the track and think that's an excuse to not have to chase down the rider in front. This meeting was far superior to the Premiership play offs in terms of entertainment witnessed on TV recently. I expected us to haul the deficit back early doors and then kick on, but credit the Bears and their fans (noisy sods!) that made the trip.2 points
Like they did with Stevie Worrall? I wouldn't trust any rules, as they seem to be able to change them at a drop of a hat (in the interest of the sport, of course).2 points
And got third place overall. Let’s hope his bad back has fully recovered and he doesn’t suffer a relapse stopping him riding at Poole for the restaging2 points
The way I read that is that the CL costs about 75% compared to PL therefore costs are 3 quarters the top level figures That would seem more realistic to me given many costs (rent, insurance, track maintenance etc) are pretty much fixed whichever league Rider points costs perhaps halved therefore an overall reduction of 25% looks a realistic position2 points
WITH a new TV deal, including money, already on the table cannot see Poole or any other of the current PL teams dropping down. More likely that at least one CL track will move up.2 points
Shouldn't be any withdrawals as the NDLRC takes priority - Art 19.7.3 (Where a rider is additionally declared in a SGB Premiership or Championship League team, the SGB Premiership or Championship League Team shall have priority, except that a rider nominated for the NDLRC must appear in the NDLRC.).2 points
2 points
Always gonna be winners and losers. I can now go Ippo on Tuesday and kent on monday week for the NL final.2 points
I do believe presentation need to be improved ten fold. Get it like Poland. Riders in team suits ( Matt should get this sorted) no mechanics standing around smoking and chatting behind the riders during parade. Riders presented with helmets off. No away team sitting on their bikes desperate to push off, causing issues (Cook) Start heat 1 at exactly 7.30 on the dot. Not 7. 38 or 7.41. Poland starts within a second or two of the start time. Copy it here.2 points
Whilst it is the correct decision, the major downside to it being delayed a week is that we will have to endure more of the drivel being posted on these threads (sadly I have to say primarily from a Redcar fan!!)2 points
If I was George English I would print that out, not change the words and post it all around the pits. Everyone knows about motivation.2 points
Redevelopment of the track at Swindon has been a great success actually - just redevelopment of the stadium that’s the problem2 points
2 points
All the wasted Sundays we've had and not had a meeting and now the weather has changed like it does in Oct, who's going to want to watch the 90th meeting nearly in Nov absolute joke imo!2 points
If you met him in person you would be amazed he could string coherent sentences together, I think his young children do the posting on here (Note to Yearbyred - Visually impaired!! (I haven't forgotten!))2 points
I agree Gordon, and I pointed out the sloppy wording at the time, to no avail. I'm sure in the scenario you mention, MC would be as scrupulously fair and unbiased as ever.....2 points
Berwick Academy among the trophies in tonight's NJL Riders Championship at Armadale. Luke Harrison won the 125cc title, while Harry McGurk and the fast-improving Mason Watson crowded the 500cc podium as second and third to winner George Rothery, from the Workington area.2 points
I have to say having read quite a few of your posts this season through following Redcar on here with their Lynn connections you are one of the most articulate, fair minded, unbiased and balanced posters on the forum. This post sums it up well.2 points
Pooles crowds started to drop the moment we lost Darcy and Chris, things have never been the same since2 points
Pooles season finished the moment they stopped using r/r at 2 and lost Covatti into the main body If they had operated that against us with Klindt , Josh and Covatti taking r/r rides and Covatti having 6 or 7 rides from reserve they would have won THJ at reserve with Wells and Covatti at 2 cost them any chance of the league2 points
1 point
If you find the Kingsmead Car Park opposite Sainsbury's, and look across to the other side of the river, there is a curved housing terrace on Westwood Drive. That would have been on the centre green. The treeline on the south side of the park area opposite was where the stand and starting gate was.1 point
1 point
There have been a few posts about the arrogance of Poole which I have mostly felt uncalled for - until reading point 1......1 point
The rules state the NDLRC takes priority. What will actually happen remains to be seen.1 point
Yeah, I used to pass Mill Lane on my way to school, and played darts at The Sun on the corner of Mill Lane and North St. Tom was my barber for most of my life! Even after I emigrated, I would go to Tom's on my visits back! He finally retired in the early 2000's. The best story was about the other barber in Tom's, a guy called Gary (really nice guy, actually). He did a few years inside for helping to cut up the body of a murder victim at the Arms!1 point
One would hope commonsense will prevail and the riders can ride in a cup final as opposed to a totally meaningless match!!1 point
MOST Swedish tracks probably have bigger crowds and far less overheads but more and more riders are opting to just ride in Poland.1 point
Absolutely. I think Doyle deserves such credit for staying loyal to British speedway.1 point
I’d have agreed with you a few years ago but not today. Over half of the Premiership riders ride in the Championship. In the Premiership only Doyle, Lambert, Iversen, Fricke and Batchelor, in my opinion, are ‘elite’ riders, all of the other good riders currently ride in the Championship or have similar averages. Poole were beaten in the play off semi final by a side comprising mainly of Championship riders. We have see some terrific racing at Eastbourne this year, my first experience of the Championship League and it hasn’t disappointed. Your statement effectively says you are only attending to watch the No 1 riders in each team.1 point