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  1. Gav FFS man calm down. Poole got done over by their main sponsors this year. If any club suddenly lost the income from a major sponsor then they would struggle.
    9 points
  2. Absolutely rubbish speedway. Thanks to all the promoters for giving us speedway holidays in the balmy evenings of spring and summer and then dishing this rubbish up because their backs are to wall in trying to get matches on at any cost in the back end of the season.
    7 points
  3. Plainly obvious it’s a backside injury (he just can’t be arsed)
    6 points
  4. Some hilarious speedway fan logic here. Were some of you lot in the same class as Batchelor at school? both Swindon riders gate and are clear on a 5-1 in the 1st bend. The wolves riders get themselves into trouble riding the same bit of track and cause the stoppage. Why should both come back in for a 2nd go??! Otherwise that just opens the floodgates for team mates to start knocking each other off every time they’re clearly beaten to the first turn. Have a think people.
    5 points
  5. Some of the best years for me at Poole were the mid-late 80s when Poole were in the old National League. No big stars (although many became huge stars later on) just young riders wanting to race and entertain. Massive crowds not bothered about not seeing big stars too.
    5 points
  6. Yes, but I think an appeal may suspend the suspension.
    5 points
  7. Always knew it- closet Swindon fan !!!! wants to watch them live on the TV
    5 points
  8. Honestly, do not feel sorry for us Worky fans, I would guarantee most of us wouldn't change a thing for what we accomplished in 2018. Won every single trophy on offer , going down in history , my did we go out with a bang . Sadly something Glasgow will have to wait yet another year to try and match , even with half a Comets team 1 last piece of silverware , scraped into the Grand Final which has taken that long to run , is anyone actually interested ..... Speedway in this country is dying on its arse , only a matter of time
    5 points
  9. He has had a couple oF serious injuries. Sometimes I think you should just say nothing rather then some of the stuff you do.
    4 points
  10. Watching the TV it's good to see Tony Steele walking the track with the heavy roller!!
    4 points
  11. Make your mind up! On another thread you said that you wouldn't be going if Poole are not in the PL!
    4 points
  12. Just think if Poole go Premier League Shovvy gets a new audience for his B/S. And we don’t have be bored s:;!less reading it.
    4 points
  13. I struggle to believe that some idiot fans defend the actions of Cook and Lambert in scenarios like this. The same sickening cretins that massage the riders egos and suck up to them on social media probably, trying to act all pally with them. Yes, it's a meaningless meeting in the grander scheme, but it is an official meeting that needs completing. Can we look forward to Man City's top boys failing to turn up to their last league game of the season if Liverpool have already won it by then? Letting the riders get away with crap like this is a big part of the problem over here and why we remain a joke. Imagine a Pole pulling this stunt at home. PZM would just suspend them.
    4 points
  14. No problem. Happy to explain my position. Much of it is a matter of public record anyway It was an honour to be part of my home city club.
    4 points
  15. Yes you do , you canny fool us . And an obsession with Glasgow is perfectly understandable , because as I've said before - there are two types of speedway fan . Those who support Glasgow and those who wished they supported Glasgow . So you can deny it all you want , having a Tigers fixation is healthy and doesn't make you a bad person.
    4 points
  16. I'll never understand why these promoters continue to play dangerous games by having gaps in the fixtures in the Summer before making a mad dash to cram them all into September and October when the weather starts to turn for the worse.
    3 points
  17. No one has won at The Shabbey this year, so would be the performance of the season for Wolves to win this. Double figures from Muesli at Wolves again, Wolves should have kept him. Good all round performance, and special mention to Captain Doyley, Adam, Vissing, Tobi. Been a great season with crowds increasing and much better racing. Lee Kilby deserves a mention. Onwards and upwards.
    3 points
  18. I’d have a look closer to home before patronising everyone else.
    3 points
  19. Is that similar to choking when your 12 up? In truth, a poor meeting but well done to both sides for giving it a go in difficult conditions. As a Swindon fan delighted with the performance. A shame that the pinnacle of the domestic season was run in such desperate conditions, although, when the track was attacked e.g by Becker you could pass on it. I wonder what the Poole fans are thinking now having seen how Swindon attacked a difficult track they must be even more disappointed with their teams p*** poor offering in the second leg.
    3 points
  20. Is that in a Hall of Mirrors? The magic one that makes you look like Brad Pitt instead of Alan Brazil?
    3 points
  21. They got lucky with the conditions. Poole would have had 60+ had it not rained and played into the away sides hands. Ipswich are zero threat to Swindon in the final. Two easy wins, just like tonight was for them.
    3 points
  22. Totally correct. I csn't believe how many people think all 4 should have been back after that, including Kelvin Tatum There is a major difference in two riders from the same team getting in each other's way to when it is opponents. Great win for Swindon but you have to feel for Wolves a bit because of the conditions. Same for both sides though.
    3 points
  23. Correct. . Played right into Wolves' hands now this.... They have to start favourites I would think... Their's to lose now.. Especially if the tide is in taking away the home teams advantage. . Oh, hang on... Sorry, just realised its not Poole they are against..... Come on Swindon fans, spend the next ten pages telling everyone how you really are the underdogs..
    3 points
  24. A huge well done to the Rockinest Robins.. Hard lines Wolves.. On a dryer evening, things might have been different.. The Play Offs deserve better though..
    3 points
  25. Hard luck on Wolves tonight. Really the meeting shouldn’t have gone ahead at all, but needs must at times. Unfortunately the wolves fans that have turned up have forked out for a night of awful racing and a home defeat. The weather has ruined what should have been a great couple of meetings. I was planning on going up on Monday until it was rained off, but couldn’t make it tonight. Largely I’m glad though looking at the state of the racing and that bloody toe curling track presenter. Well done to the Robins fans that have made the journey up there.
    3 points
  26. The only way this tie could possibly still be in the balance is IF the track tomorrow is in the same virtually unrideable state as tonight. Utter farce of a meeting tonight but what can they do when the TV are there and the play offs are in big trouble if the meeting was called off?!.....One day the powers that be, may realise that the play offs need to be earlier in the year to have more chance of not being utter embarrassing farces!
    3 points
  27. If I had won by 10-14 points away in the first leg I would 110% be celebrating making the final. It would take the chokiest chokes of chokesdon Hill for there to be an upset. Considering Swindon haven’t been beaten at home this season and have a huge lead, I think it’s safe to say the title is in the bag this season. Ipswich are no threat whatsoever.
    3 points
  28. 3 points
  29. Him and Bj Col would get along great , they both speak fluent jibberish
    3 points
  30. Who is this steve shove guy ? I assume he is not the full ticket ?
    3 points
  31. Am I losing my mind here, Jensen touched the tapes there? How the hell can he be allowed to score in that race? Has anyone ever ever in a TV meet seen a rider touch the tapes and be allowed to stay in?
    3 points
  32. Of course they will, its just yet another scum bag ploy to get his own way at the agm
    3 points
  33. Batch should have got up!!! Perks was 2nd, now the wolves boys have a chance to 5-1 us
    3 points
  34. Who ever is directing the shots for BT tonight is having a shocker. Keep showing shots from the back as the riders leave the tapes so you’ve got no idea shoes made the start or not. Too busy showing riders pulled up on the centre green whilst there’s a tussle for the lead. Basic stuff.
    3 points
  35. 26 weeks from April until end is September....why the hell are we racing into October! It’s ridiculous!
    3 points
  36. William Pitt the much younger - hence the place you check yr bike is called a Pitt Stop!!??
    3 points
  37. what any business man,or in fact anybody, does with their money providing its legal simply isnt anybody elses business gavan
    3 points
  38. Robert is a very talented rider but personally feel he’s 2-3 years away from being good enough for Grand Prix racing full time
    3 points
  39. Care to elaborate on the slur that Workington “never lost as much as Glasgow (ever)”? And please, be very careful about who you are accusing of what. As a one time director and co-owner of Glasgow Speedway, I know what I am talking about.
    3 points
  40. Just using the rules as they are , it's a bit like 3 riders getting bans for on track behaviour and 2 of them serving the ban and 1 of them getting off Scott free , people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
    3 points
  41. Bachelor is a sh!thouse, no intention of getting up.
    2 points
  42. Anyone else think the camera work at the start is pathetic
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. Are there any Swedish track staff in the crowd ??- they would sort it out.
    2 points
  45. Also what illness does Cook have? Do we need to send soup?
    2 points
  46. You have not answered my question. You choose to slander me and my former colleagues and then hide behind some nonsense. Please either justify your outrageous comment or apologise
    2 points
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