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  1. While I understand it's a pointless meeting, the clubs are made to ride it. So should the riders
    5 points
  2. Sadly it does itself few favours this sport does it? A whole seasons work from the riders.. And a whole seasons support from the fans.. All treated with complete disregard and disrespect, just to deliver a deadline.. A deadline that could, and should, be moved to much earlier in the year given how many weeks no Speedway takes place, which would then provide plenty of reserved nights for rain offs/fixture clashes etc.. Thus giving the showpiece events (and the riders) the platform they deserve.. When those who run the sport treat their showpiece events so poorly, then why really should the fans bother? Rinse and repeat again next season too no doubt..
    5 points
  3. And to play Devil's Advocate, Ole Olsen was (unluckily) absent when PC won his one world title and Mauger suffered an engine failure that put him out of the running. Now, I wouldn't for a minute pretend PC was anything but a deserving champ..of course he was. But I wouldn't pretend that the riders of yesteryear were better than today. Guys like Collins, Lee, Mauger, Michanek, Olsen have all existed in our consciousness as speedway legends for 40 years. Woffinden for a mere five years tops, so it's very easy to fall into the trap of lauding the old heroes above the new. Like some other posters, I see in Woffinden a guy who (despite this year) has all the tools at his disposal. The magic PC could conjure on a bike is also well with Woffinden's range...and he's proved it against the rest of the world's best. Enjoy him while you can...he's a once in a generation rider.
    4 points
  4. The Clever Dicks don't want the unattainable what they would like is to see two well matched sides compete on two tracks that allow the talented riders from both sides to do what they are capable of and that is race as hard as their abilities allow. Sadly due to the early season National Trophy matches, KO cups etc we are facing a race to get fixtures completed on cold, dark and wet nights. If the fixtures were due in August and it rained as can happen there would still be plenty of usable dates left to reschedule. Instead the paying public have been short changed over these two legs and may well suffer the same again in the finals.
    4 points
  5. Niggling back injury taking longer to heal than a toe/knee injury!!
    4 points
  6. I have no idea what this is about, or what it’s doing in “Glasgow 2019” For me, the 2019 Championship is very similar to 2018 in overall team strength. I can’t see many if indeed any riders having an artificially increased average. Also, it’s a bit sad not to say sick using Workington 2018 as the yardstick for anything. Workington were, after all, serial late, sometimes very late payers - were they not barred from attending the 2017 AGM because they were so far behind with their rider payments? I can’t remember how much Laura Morgan said she lost running the Comets but a figure in excess of half a million comes to mind. I feel sorry for the Workington supporters who must have believed that their winning run would guarantee financial stability, only then to have to face closure. Whatever any feels about Glasgow, it’s owners and it’s promotion, at least you know, win or lose, they pay their way. This is not a sport where anyone can buy success, but not should it be one where you have to sell everything you have to make ends meet.
    3 points
  7. We have enough problems with doubling up, but trebling up just makes it ridiculous
    3 points
  8. A short while ago a ' junior ' fixture took place at a northern track and a young child was excluded by the referee allegedly for causing another young child to crash. Not an unusual occurance you might think but the race was filmed and the alleged offender was extremely upset that he may have been the cause of injurys to his friend that he didn't want to race again. Upon review of the footage it was clear there was no contact and the faller had crashed due to lack of experience in a race situation. The excluded riders team manager now had a traumatised rider not wanting to race ever again so he decided to show the referee the footage in the hope that the ref would speak to the accused rider , after the meeting, to reassure him that it was just a racing incident and he should continue riding his bike in future. The said manager was invited into the refs box by another official , having knocked and asked to speak with the ref. The ref was told about the footage and asked to view it but refused in no uncertain term and demanded the manager leave the box post haste. ok, all fine and well, just a team manager and a ref disagreeing you might say, happens all the time. But.... the S.C.B. ( Neil Vatcher ) has now decided the team manger has breached rule 3:2:8 and has been fined £100 . Failure to pay leads to an automatic speedway ban. lets get this in context. A certain Premiership ( and former G.P. ) rider was find £65 for ASSAULT on an official at the Fours event at Peterborough. Where is the level playing field here? The manager is an unpaid volunteer who travels far and wide at his own expense and pays for the privilege of helping our future riders. He has not previously transgressed and is well thought of within the sport. Surely an official reprimand at most would have sufficed but no, £100 fine and Vatcher will not reply to any discussion on the matter. The Premiership riders fine was based on £65 being the average payment a rider of that calibre should be paid per point ( yes, that's honestly what the S.C.B. said!) In that case why is the team manger being fined at all? He doesn't get paid! In this country even a criminal is given his 5 minutes in court to put his side of the story but not with the S.C.B. it seems unless the unpaid team manger wants to pay another £150 to appeal, take time off work, travel to Rugby and go before other S,C.B. officials in the hope they vote against Mr.Vatchers decision. So now the sport will be a £100 richer but the poorer for losing an enthusiastic volunteer who gave his all to help the speedway kids in his area. Well done the S.C.B.
    2 points
  9. Unfortunately running on the same night would need some riders to be in two places at once... At the meeting their own team is in, and the meeting that another team has borrowed them for.... Maybe though these two teams could get drawn to race against each other and certain riders then ride for both? The likes of Scott, Bomber and Rory could have a good week considering how many teams they represent over a season... They could get knocked out in the first round, and the second round, and then go on to be a runner up and a winner in the final.... Setting off for Poole in a minute, don't want to be at the back of the queue to get in.. Although I don't want to get there too early either... As I may end up riding for one of the teams.!!!
    2 points
  10. You think Peter Collins wouldn't take exactly the same approach as Tai Woffinden? He knew his worth and the price of a pint, there's no doubt about that. His rich pickings were in England and on the German long track scene and that's what he prioritised. And when he didn't fancy the British scene in 1981 or riding for England in 1985 he opted out. If they were riding today, do you think PC, Mauger, Olsen and Lee would stick with the British League with bigger bucks in Poland and Sweden available? No chance. They followed the money then and they would do it again today and good luck to them, its a dangerous and short career.
    2 points
  11. You have not answered my question. You choose to slander me and my former colleagues and then hide behind some nonsense. Please either justify your outrageous comment or apologise
    2 points
  12. The master of foot and mouth strikes again. Rabc is a fair comparison at least he was funny and well your not.
    2 points
  13. He should get Craig Cook's lawyer
    2 points
  14. You got say that about wolves as well then
    2 points
  15. my issues not with riding on a track thats 4-7 secs slow, not really racing tbh. Its just bloody daft not getting things wrapped up earlier in the season. Too many sides have daft filler meetings in mid season, have them at the end and people can be assed to go to em gd luck
    2 points
  16. Chocolate sponsorship opportunity too ....
    2 points
  17. That was a long winded reply for i got it wrong. You like those long winded replies, i lost interest after Gazc.
    2 points
  18. Not every team does!!! Glasgow did though!!! but Gazc didn't... Disappointment it is then for Gazc... But Worky Worky thinks Gazc could be swayed... But Gazc is adamant... no Rasmus for Gazc as Rasmus has never impressed him.... Really... Worky Worky finds that hard to believe... Honestly... I mean really... HONESTLY Oh hang on whats this... well well well... what a turn around... well... light blue touch paper and stand well back Honestly Though my Alzheimer's was bad however it cant be that bad as I seem to always remember "Hypocrisy" and "sanctimonious clap trap" and it usually comes from pub landlords and as it happens and there is nothing more pious than a retired pub landlord as you can see from the thread above Want some "Squirty Cream" with that "Humble Pie" Gazc? I'm sure your little "Pogue" pals could shake some out for you. Oh and some mild salve for the teeth marks on you bottom? as those posts have come back to bite a little bit have they not Slated Rasmus from the start then turn into a Sycophant "Pure Class"... Sarj was bigged up as a better option than Rasmus... Really... of course you turned on Sarj as soon as he was dumped but we wont mention that or the way you slated young Kyle Bickley who was another rider you didn't rate and castigated as not being worthy of a place at Glasgow and that you would rather keep Luke Chessell and Joe Lawlor (remember them)... doubt they would have put an uplift on their averages of nearly 90% like young Kyle did... even Rasmus has only managed an increase of 37% on his starting average to date... but not bad for a rider you didn't rate like eh... Think Worky Worky was right you were swayed... and you definitely wouldn't have Sarj in place of Rasmus that is for sure... must be hard work being a sanctimonious old "raspberry tart" all the time Like Jenga would say... Bill-Shot... and you me old pal... are absolutely full of it... Regards THJ
    2 points
  19. And with 2 such young and talented teams the losing riders were always going to get future shots at glory anyway. But HGould has summed it up, in conditions like that the winning team will always say it's fine, and the losing team will say it should of been stopped.
    2 points
  20. Got all my progs of attended meetings and the reference books, but my magazines went years ago. I haven't brought the Star on a regular basis since 1993!
    2 points
  21. I think that having no gp’s and no world under 21’s to think about next year will do Robert the world of good definitely thought that his work load was to much this year. Don’t know if he is likely to get a place in the sec but should be able to cope with that. An injury free year will also help him regain his 2018 form and we mustn’t forget he still is only 21
    2 points
  22. glad i didnt bother, times between 4 and 7 secs slower than usual, important meeting turned into a bit of a lottery .
    2 points
  23. Having a closer look at Lindbacks record this season it isnt that bad 9 GP's 5 semi finals......unable to make a final..........and only missed another semi final on countback on 8 points........2 poor gp's in Slovenia and Czech Laguta only made 3 semi finals Iversen made 4 semis but converted that into 3 finals Zagar made 4 semis and converted 2 into finals Could any other newcomer have the level of consistency that Lindback has shown? Granted Lindback is unlikely to threaten the top 6 but would any of Drabik, Smektala or Lambert do so or even Michelsen? As i said someone has to come 12th or 13th
    2 points
  24. Having nothing much to do on a damp Monday morning I have had a look at the averages. When Worrall was injured I calculated his average for this season to be 8.76 (including bonus points). The Lions have used 8 different guests (16 meetings) and, on one occasion, rider replacement. Including bonus points the average works out at 8.71. More or less identical!
    2 points
  25. I can safely predict that this will be the most important AGM for years and that major changes are needed to ensure speedways survival..... Then on the Monday we'll find out nothing has changed and that the same crap will continue and be allowed to ruin this sport further still. That's until the AGM of 2020 which will again be the most important one ever.
    2 points
  26. Very sorry to hear of the passing of Split Waterman-as somebody said -a great age for a great rider. Split was the oldest surviving World Finalist for quite a few years.As the last updated list (thanx chunky) indicates Arthur Payne is now the oldest followed by Dick Bradley-hope there are no more changes for a while. RIP Split.
    1 point
  27. The British World Champions have shown differing degrees of dominance in their title winning seasons. Looking back at the records of some of the champions from overseas, riders such as Young, Moore, Fundin, Briggs, Mauger and Michanek rarely seemed to be beaten in any meeting when they were at their peak. The figures from official meetings, (league and cup, including bonus points), individual meetings and world championship meetings, excluding best pairs and challenge matches, show the following for the British champions from 1949 to 1962: 1949 Tommy Price - from 250 rides, possible points 750, points scored 557, success rate 74.5% 1950 Freddie Williams - 203 rides, 609 possible points, points scored 432, success rate 70.9% 1953 Freddie Williams - 221 rides, 663 possible points, points scored 506, success rate 76.3% 1955 Peter Craven - 177 rides, 531 possible points, points scored 409, success rate 77.0% 1962 Peter Craven - 178 rides, 534 possible points, points scored 448, success rate 83.9% Peter Craven rode off a handicap in team matches in 1962.
    1 point
  28. his life would make a damn good book or film
    1 point
  29. Your gross offence is unacceptable even if you try to hide it with crock Gaelic. Please be advised I do not take accusations of any form of financial impropriety lying down. I give you a last chance to answer my question, thereby justifying what I consider to be a slanderous and thereby actionable remark.
    1 point
  30. Exactly my first thoughts.
    1 point
  31. Let be honest they would be able to no doubt part of there long term plan ..its amazing really get planning to build houses on the back of a new stadium being built but then the people in those houses stop it due to the noise .
    1 point
  32. I was at the meeting last night - unlike some of the posters on this topic. The riders from both teams need to be thanked for riding in such conditions. The Kent riders were definitely up for the meeting and sadly with the exception of Palin and Flint the Belle Vue riders were not really interested in competing. Overtaking was possible - ask Dan Gilkes and Anders Rowe. After all, the conditions were the same for both teams. The heat times, which are really irrelevant, were only 5 or 6 seconds slower than the previous meeting at Central Park - 60/61s average for the Kent Laurels and 65/66s average for last night. The message here is to the BSPA - DO NOT schedule play off matches (across all three leagues) for this late in the season.
    1 point
  33. I don't feel short changed after last night. Going straight from work in London in dodgy weather, i was just grateful to see a meeting. Those young riders who put on a show in horrendous conditions deserve great credit. A lot of senior league riders wouldn't have warmed their bikes up, let alone ride.
    1 point
  34. It's shocking isn't it, weather has got a lot to answer for, or is that matts fault as well
    1 point
  35. You were told by many a Worky fan what a class act you were getting... but many a Glasgow fan wouldn't have it.. because they thought they knew better...but they didn't... apology accepted and humble pie all round... Regards THJ
    1 point
  36. Good to see your alter ego is still alive albeit not very well
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Redcar Promoters Jitendra Duffill and Jade Mudgway will be live on BBC Radio Tees Sport: Extra tonight for an hour, between 8 and 9pm. Be sure to tune in to 95FM, to catch their thoughts in the build up to one of the biggest weekends in the Bears’ history!
    1 point
  39. Roof was closed this year and not a whiff of rain on the day if memory serves me correctly.
    1 point
  40. We do not wait for a perfect track.....we get these playoffs done and dusted by end of August....not in October when we get rain and cold weather (shock horror).
    1 point
  41. team that win celebrate, teams that lose moan - nothing changes.
    1 point
  42. Why would the ref need to inspect the track as no one fell because of it, riders were able to ride close together and there was overtaking. Kyle Bickley has said on facebook that it wasnt the track it was the large rain drops causing poor visability. A race or 2 after the short break when the visitors wanted the meeting off, Dan Gilkes caught Rob Ledwith, rode a lap outside him and then took the lead, not sure if it was deliberate but it showed you could ride close to others with too many issues. A lot of experts on here and facebook who werent even at the meeting. I had riders from both teams say the track was better then friday at NSS. And in anycase when a track gets tricky surely it wipes out the home advantage and helps the away team. A couple of quotes from Colts riders and management after friday suggested the lead was smaller then it could of been as the rain made the traffic different to normal. So a wet track in Manchester helps the away team and an equally wet track in Kent's helps the home team!?!?!
    1 point
  43. Greg is amazing, but he's go some to catch up Posa Serenius. World Champion for the second time at the age of 54, and eventually kicked out of the series at the age of 61, after needing beta-blockers to keep on going and they're on the banned list. And yes, there is yes less depth in Ice Racing, but to beat the top Russians on their sponsored machinery at the age of 54 is still amazing. So maybe Greg's not quite finished after all I agree the only really contentious wildcard is Lindback. That seems daft based on the 10 Grand Prix from this year. It's not like there isn't already another Swede in the series. I don't think he is amongst the best 15 riders in the world - the Polish averages posted seem to confirm that. Drabik and Michelsen have had more successful seasons and one of them should have been given the opportunity.
    1 point
  44. I was devastated when Thommo left Hackney in 81, although it didn't turn out too bad as he was lining up for us most weeks as our number 8. Plus scoring big in the NL meant he scored well for the Hawks as he was full of confidence. Of course 'the messiah' came home in 84 along with six other riders who I didn't have a clue about, but 'Angel' Andy Galvin, Paul Whitt and good old Moggo turned out to be Hackney legends. It was no more than Thommo deserved when he was part of our fantastic league and cup double year of 88.
    1 point
  45. I think its fair to say that as much as most of us are in agreement that Lindback is lucky to get a pick, he hasn't been chosen in front of a possible title contender, he's been picked over younger riders who would mostly likely finish a few places above or below 8th place. So yes not a brilliant pick but also hardly complete travesty. averaged 7 points a GP, make a decent amount of semis. Not a huge fan of his, but I dont think its a complete travesty. RE Hancock, he's deserved this wild card at the absolute very least. Despite his age and time out, I'd be very surprised if he wasn't competitive. If he isn't he will bow out gracefully. Thats the kind of guy he is. Laguta, well Id prefer his brother but is is Artem one of the best 15 riders in the world? I think most would agree absolutely.
    1 point
  46. With me, the programmes bring back personal memories, but that isn't all of it. We had a lot of others from the 30's, 40's, and 50's, and I love the historical value. Worst thing is that we had most of the World Final progs, including Malmo 1961. I really wish I still had those...
    1 point
  47. I’d have thought it’s time to move on from Worrall.
    1 point
  48. Just as well i wasn’t a team manager in that case !!!- i would have been useless.
    1 point
  49. You can only admire the time and effort the Glasgow Promotion put in to show speedway in good light,but unfortunately the sport is in dire straits in GB, and anybody who thinks differently is deluding themselves.There crowd levels were better than in their recent seasons but trying to improve them to levels mentioned will just about be impossible.As long as they can make the speedway pay for itself was all they would like.
    1 point
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