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My worry with Eurosport getting UK league racing is that we could be taking a step backwards in coverage. This year the coverage has been very good UHD pictures,strong presentation and well produced. BT have also been very accommodating with showing play offs on alternative dates than planned. Eurosport actually are host broadcaster for very little sport they buy in coverage like the GPs from IMG With the Olympics in 2020 I can see Speedway getting bumped often and as their core sports of Cycling,Snooker and athletics will always come first. I understand that Eurosport have dangled the carrot of pan Europe coverage but I am not convinced there will be that much interest from other countries and I cannot foresee there being large increases in overseas sponsorship. If I was asked to give my professional advice to BSPA I would accept at lesser bid from BT as feel they can showcase the sport better and I feel the sport does owe them some loyalty as it was BT that gave it a platform when they made a mess of the Sky deal6 points
So we repeat the error of earning the money then handing it straight over to riders to have glorified practice sessions while their best efforts and bikes are elsewhere? Of course with Eurosport NOT being a premium sports channel it has far more subscribers, mainly those getting it as part of a basic pay-TV package but I suspect BT get higher viewing figures. Many people receive Eurosport without ever bothering to watch it. A five year deal is fine so long as it's a benefit and not blocking better options over the five years. If, somehow the sport were to see an upturn it would be locked-into a bargain deal. Regarding potential sponsors, I take it you're referring to the claim that we may tap into Polish sponsors. Why would Polish brands like Nice, Get Well, Mr Garden, Fogo want to advertise to the UK? Eurosport's inability to maintain a stable schedule, which has been the case for 30 years, plus its lack of channels and contracts like the Olympics to be taken care of in high season it threatens to be a highly disjointed service, although hopefully not lamentable enough to start live coverage at heat 19! There is one aspect of the BT deal that is overlooked. BT take speedway seriously in its channel promotions. One moment you can be watching a top football premiership match, the next it's the next speedway event being mentioned. There were regular promotions for speedway during their Champions League coverage including the final. You see a constant flow of promos for major sports, and speedway's right in there. I wouldn't liike to even try to estimate the cost of having to pay for that publicity.5 points
It's a long read, but encouraging news at last! AN independent report into the planning application on Brandon Stadium has firmly concluded that National Planning Policy Framework guidelines have NOT been met by the developers. Consultants WYG have reported to Rugby Borough Council after a thorough examination of documents both from representatives of the developers, and from the Save Coventry Speedway & Stock Car Campaign Group, who are seeking to secure the return of both sports to the area after the forced closure of the stadium at the end of the 2016 season. The developers submitted their planning application in January 2018, which at the time omitted a Sports Needs Assessment (SNA), which followed in September 2018. This sought to prove that the stadium was not viable, and that there was no ongoing need for a replacement, as suitable alternative provision existed elsewhere (for speedway, with Coventry operating at Leicester, and for stock cars at other venues within a 70-mile radius). The Campaign Group submitted extensive documentation to expose numerous untruths and inaccuracies throughout the planning material, and at a Public Meeting in November 2018 the former Leader of Rugby Council Michael Stokes announced the independent review would be commissioned prior to the Planning Committee hearing. The consultants met with all interested parties including representatives of the developers, the Campaign Group and governing bodies of both speedway and stock car racing earlier this year. Their report was issued to the developers and the Campaign Group in advance of going into the public domain on Monday September 30. A reminder that paragraph 97 of National Planning Policy Framework states that existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields, should not be built on unless: a) an assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space, buildings or land to be surplus to requirements [NOTE: This is the section the developers are attempting to use to justify their plans]; or b) the loss resulting from the proposed development would be replaced by equivalent or better provision in terms of quantity and quality in a suitable location; or c) the development is for alternative sports and recreational provision, the benefits of which clearly outweigh the loss of the current or former use. Key points to emerge from the report: • WYG stress the view of the government Planning Inspector regarding the Local Plan, in that when making a decision the Council need to “start from the basis of safeguarding provision, in line with the general policy for sport and recreation buildings.” Key criteria for decision making are evidence of “need, viability and alternative provision.” • In the overview of Need, WYG state that the SNA “falls short in certain areas, and there are inaccuracies… which do impact on the findings and the narrative set out by the applicant.” They also point out that the motorsports bodies were not consulted as part of the SNA, which is described as “an omission, and would have painted a different picture in terms of needs and outcomes” – as the governing bodies were supportive of the role of Brandon, its importance to the sports and the impact of its loss. • Regarding the developers’ list of existing speedway and stock car venues, WYG observe that “there are inaccuracies within the detail of the audit, which make the quantitative claims within the SNA less robust” – and that a number of facilities listed do not provide ‘like for like’ replacements as claimed, for either sport. • Regarding the condition of the stadium at the point of closure, WYG state: “The stadium was evidently fit for purpose… Furthermore, whilst investment would have been required, there is no evidence that this was over and above the level expected of a venue of its age and type, and nothing that would have pre-empted its closure on quality grounds.” They go on to say: “In the context of motorsport stadiums Brandon could reasonably be considered to be a quality venue, with no major investment required which might threaten its operation.” They note the “special significance” and long-term history of Brandon in terms of staging major events, and state: “Brandon was unquestionably still a significant motorsport venue up to its demise, and was more than just a local track.” • The final note on the quality of the stadium confirms that “the alternatives put forward in the SNA are not ‘fit for purpose’ and fall significantly short of providing the same qualitative experience as delivered at Brandon for motorsports.” • WYG have questioned the developers’ selection of a 70-mile radius for suitable alternative venues, and also backed up the Campaign Group’s response of the unsuitability of stadiums within that range, stating that “the number of genuinely accessible facilities is therefore much reduced from the case set out in the SNA.” They also stress the good, central location of Brandon – and conclude: “Despite there being no agreed accessibility catchments, it is difficult to argue that reduced provision located significant distance away… is acceptable in terms of access and passing the ANOG [Assessing Needs and Opportunities Guide] accessibility test.” • WYG deal with the re-location of Coventry Bees to Leicester, racing in the National League, in 2018, describing it as “a significant part of the applicant’s SNA case, and was put forward to demonstrate there were suitable alternative provision to justify the loss of Brandon.” However, “the reality was that the re-location was never like-for-like, the Coventry team that transferred did so to compete in the bottom division… which was a very different offering and team. It was only ever done on a short-term basis, with no long-term commitment put in place. The re-location did not work, lasting only a short time and Coventry Bees no longer race.” • WYG also point out that “stock car racing has not successfully re-located”, and also refer to the recent unfortunate closure of Stoke – which in itself never provided a ‘like for like’ re-location. • The conclusion of the Availability section states that “Lack of availability has had a clear impact in terms of speedway ending and stock car activity being curtailed. There is and has not been adequate availability of suitable alternative provision and re-location opportunities to allow the sports to continue.” • In summary, WYG state: “We are not convinced that the case has been made that Coventry Stadium is surplus to requirements as argued by the applicant.” • The developers have argued that the cost of re-instating Brandon as at 2017 was £3.73 million. WYG have noted the work of the Campaign Group, who feel the cost would be far less due to the support gained from local businesses, and the tremendous reaction from volunteers willing to give their time to return the stadium to its former glory. • WYG note that the final aspect to be explored, as set out by the Inspector, is to consider alternative provision, ie. a replacement stadium – confirming once again that the previous re-location strategy did not work. • The authors recognise that “there is evident widespread support for motorsports in the area, as a legacy of Coventry Stadium, and real capacity and a groundswell that could drive a replacement proposition. This is an important ingredient, which should not be under-estimated.” • Whilst WYG state firmly that the current stadium cannot be deemed surplus, they do question whether a re-opening would be deliverable – and so they suggest that “a replacement option presents the next step, without a stalemate position being reached. This therefore needs to be explored… The history and support behind the Coventry Stadium could suggest there may be potential to deliver an alternative.” • The section concludes with the statement that “An alternative provision strategy would require developers to accept the principle of meeting paragraph 97 b) and all parties commit to explore this route.” • However, the developers are attempting to secure permission via paragraph 97 a) [showing the venue to be surplus to requirements] – and the clear conclusion from WYG is that: “We do not believe this test has been met sufficient for Coventry Stadium to be deemed surplus to requirements.” Both the developers and the Campaign Group will have the opportunity to comment to the Planning Officer on the report, and Rugby Council have confirmed the application will not go to Planning Committee as previously expected in November. Campaign Group spokesman Jeff Davies said: “We have waited for this report for ten months, since the Public Meeting last year, and we are very pleased that consultants WYG have concurred with almost all of the points made in our representations to Rugby Council. “At no time during the last three years have we believed the fight to save Brandon was a lost cause. “Speedway and stock car racing are great family sports, with speedway having been staged there for 90 years, and both sports are vitally important to the area. “WYG consultants recommend that the Campaign Group are involved in any discussions to meet Paragraph 97b, should the developers agree this could be a way forward. “We are absolutely open to be involved in any discussions with the developers and Rugby Council which are aimed at finding a solution in order to bring about the return of speedway and stock car racing to the area for future generations to enjoy.” The full report from WYG is available to read via the Rugby Borough Council Planning Portal. Visit https://planning.agileapplications.co.uk/rugby/search-applications/ and type Coventry Stadium into the Location section. Select the second application (R18/0186), and from the Documents tab scroll down to ‘Miscellaneous Documents’ and select the Independent Review document. ENDS5 points
I'm not sure I would go along with being unsuccessful. We finished top and considering Swindon's team that is some achievement. The Poole team was done on the cheap this year, so did alright all things considered. Unfortunately a few things unravelled near the end. Not meant to be this year. Good luck to all the other teams!5 points
Great news for Poole fans, Jack Holder must have recovered from his bruised toe nail, now confirmed in the line up for the CZ golden helmet. I am attending the meeting, so will pass on all the well wishers from the many concerned Poole supporters of that nasty injury!!5 points
As we draw closer to the end of the domestic Speedway season I would personally like to thank the people over @ Speedway updates for there continued service during the season.4 points
Decent meeting, Tigers threw away a few points that they shouldnt but 12 points is a decent lead. Only half time though. Ht4 should have a second added on to the heat time, Rory jumped that early he was throttling off for the first bend as the others were dropping the clutch, and the ref never saw it! He then started pulling the other jumpers back later in the meeting. If you set the agenda at the start the riders will fall into line. Not rocket science. Inconsistent refereeing can ruin a high stakes event like this. Anyway, very impressed with Anders Rowe, the Rebels top 3 were decent and Covatti quieter than normal. We outscored the Somerset reserves by 10 points and need Bailey and Bickley to put in another good shift down there. All to play for.3 points
I have a picture of a crocodile and a sausage, would that count ?3 points
No I didn't, it was Kevin Long Yes, there was only one reason I was there, to see you beat3 points
I doubt there is any difference between chosing first or second leg at home in terms of the chances of winning. Last season there were 38 two legged ties in the cup,shield and play-offs across all divisions. First leg home team won 20 of the 38. What might be at issue is attendances. I suspect (but I am sure there are promoters who would know better) that experience shows that all other things being equal, having the second leg offers a better chance of a big crowd.3 points
Is that fit for one team or both? It depends on the attitude of riders with a quiet word in the ref's ear.3 points
It might be just a coincidence, but since televised domestic speedway started, crowds have declined on a yearly basis. Anyone watching it for the first time, would hardly be tempted to hand over £20 to see it live. The last few offerings have been bloody awful, racing wise.3 points
3 points
Poole are doing a 2 for 1 offer, you have Brady, you get Jack for free. With some Nurofren thrown in for Lemo3 points
2 points
Just back in from a most enjoyable nights entertainment! Both sides giving it their all in particular a special mention to Anders Rowe , attacked the track and showed no fear , more to come from him I think. A 12 point lead to defend , will it be enough I hope so . Whatever happens tomorrow night if that was the last meeting at Ashfield for this season then it was up there with some of the best racing I've seen this season. But fingers crossed I will be back next week for a final, so best of luck you tigers for tomorrow night.2 points
Sorry but nothing, and I mean nothing, can match Wolves v Cradley at it's height.2 points
2 points
Not unique to Britain, in 2017 Smederna finished 5th out of 8 and won the Elitserien play-offs2 points
2 points
DON'T forget that Eurosport is or will be a very different animal under the wing of Discovery who, apparently, have access to 56 countries. That might appeal to Polish sponsors.2 points
What planet are you on. Can you not read, OK silly question, you are from the Worky area so no need to ask. I thought the meeting would be on. Surprised when the message came through it was off as the Tigers Facebook team seemed confident it would be on. I turned back rather disappointed then read that both Glasgow and Somerset officials confirmed the ref made the decision. How am I defending the indefensible? Now if I had said that Jenga and Taylorj were two of the most likeable and sensible people on this forum I can understand why people might think I was trying to defend the indefensible, but I haven't and won't.2 points
Must have been at a different match ...it went mental by the start line Sour grapes yet again me thinks2 points
If it was up to me I would base the team around Josh and Nic plus Covatti if he wants to stay. They all give 100% all the time. Looking on social media most Poole fans are saying Nic is their ROTY, and if they are not saying Nic then it's Josh.2 points
Every live match shown on TV whether in Europe or GB will result in the attendance being lower at any track promoting the same evening in this country2 points
Don’t forget Art 18.1.9 (new this season) - A rider may only guest for one team in any leg (home and away). This should rule out Jake Allen for example appearing for Redcar in one leg and Leicester in the other leg.2 points
2 points
Sunny and dry but cold. Depends who the ref is though as sunny and dry might not matter.2 points
So if it wasn’t an advantage why do the higher team not choose to have the home leg first?. Surely they all can’t be wrong?.2 points
four months of constant speedway , week in , week out . that what i want . get it all done in the summer. then they can concentrate on all the other stuff like pairs,fours champ riders final and all the other stuff that couldnt give a chuff about .. good luck to Glasgow tonight, hope they have not used up all their excuses not to run .better luck to the revels/wyverns .buckets and spades are welcome , but bring yer wellies just in case ... long live the comedy show that is speedway !2 points
I think Poole needs to hunt down the following riders in 2020 ,keep the 3 ausies but add Allen,Douglas,Morris and Stewart,how could a team of ausies like that ever fail? If only the rules allow2 points
I was parked directly outside the gates ion Saturday at 5.30 and saw people walking in. I got out of my car and as I went to pay the news broke. 5 mins later I saw a Somerset family getting back into their car. .I felt for them..2 points
2 points
Apologies, couldn’t remember which way round it was. Either way my point remains, Poole were in form going into the play offs. Certainly plenty of noises heard on the TV, sounded very lively. As it should be! The Play Offs never fail to excite.2 points
Well of course they do as the best team ( higher placed ) rides the second leg at home .if the higher placed team rode the home leg first at home the stat would be the other way around .. so try again what is the big advantage2 points
There also needs to be some thought put into how strong the CL should be. We have seen young riders move up from the NL and then call it a day when they struggle and ultimately disillusioned with the sport having put in the miles to get so far.2 points
utter Garbage? Wasnt the best but also wasnt dreadful. Plenty of overtaking for minor places, few good scraps for first. Wasnt a classic but Garbage is a bit over the top no?2 points
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With. I wish no harm to Rodders but we're both like a dog with a bone when we're not happy about something1 point
1 point
I wasnt having a pop at Batchelor wasnt meant to read that way. What i was trying to show is that in say the last 10 years Holder and Ward have been the top two aussies closely followed by Doyle..................in my opinion Batchelor is the next level below those riders and i was trying to say that Kurtz and Holder havent reached Batchelors level let alone the other boys. Bit like back in the late 90's , i always thought of Crump and Adams and Sullivan as a level above say a Jason Lyons who like Batchelor was a darn good rider........hope i make sense lol1 point
1 point
But, don't you think that showcasing how bad speedway is to a national audience, does the sport more harm than good. At least get the product right befoe exposing it to the world. It amazes me there are still TV companies prepared to take it on.1 point
Why? You're so lucky having an extended season, don't knock it, best time of year for speedway IF it's not raining if course ....1 point
Well I hope it stays with BT, they’ve done a decent enough job. Can’t see that the cost thing is massively significant, it’s not as though British Speedway did a magnificent job investing the Sky money, would you trust the current committee to do any better? Anyway, I also watch the GP’s and all of the Moto GPs so quite happy to have them all in one place.1 point
I was at The Shay that saturday evening with two other Hawks fans. Infact we were discussing that very meeting a few weeks back on route to Kent Kings. Zenon Plech was superb that night. Pretty sure it was Thommo,Chalky and Sean Wilmott who were scoreless. That victory made up for all the Northern Trip hammerings that we normally witnessed. They were good days, Dons on thursday routing for the opposition, Hackney friday of course and more often than not Coventry saturday as my mate was Ole Olsen drunk. Back on topic pleased for the Witches who I have now adopted since Lakeside closed down and have been a regular all season,only missing a couple of meetings. Looking forward to the final whenever the weather will permit.1 point
1 point
Has been a remarkable season so far No one gave us a prayer of finishing anywhere other than 7th Then it was the bubble has burst we wont hold on for a play off place All the talk moved on to others making sure they finished top so they could pick the woefully out of form Witches 12 up to 10 down in leg 1 - choke choke choke cries everyone - no hopes again Well well well look where we are now......1 point