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  1. 6 points
  2. It might not be the best,,, but at least its something
    5 points
  3. im not a track expert but i know time was spent on the first bend last wk but it was pretty much as you say packing in fresh shale,the poole guy is fully aware of the problem but has no chance with the resources and equipment available to him,understand a new wheelbarrow will be purchased for next season if a sponsor can be found lol
    5 points
  4. I fail to see the similarity. Ive seen riders missing due to partners giving birth which is without question a special dispensation. failing to arrive in time for a meeting or not being able to is no way similar in the slightest!
    4 points
  5. Is this what you meant by a wide berth His partner has applied for G/A
    4 points
  6. So you can't even answer a question aimed at you, have you watched it and what is your opinion on the track. If you can't answer as you always seem to want the last word then crawl back under your troll bridge. Whenever anything negative is said about Poole you can't accept that it is true, like when Gavan states facts he is always wrong. If you can't answer the question don't bother as I've had enough of your constant drivel about rosy Poole.
    4 points
  7. To answer some of the questions about streaming Speedway from tracks when Bet 365 did the meetings each one was costing them over £500 per meeting and cost over £2,500 per track to setup. The I Follow system that is in place for football league cost over £30,000 per club to setup Some of the old Speedway infrastructure is still in place but has been taken out of some stadiums and is not really up to standard now. The rollout of 5G mobile networks over the next few years will really bring down the cost of remote production and enable smaller sports more options with streaming.
    4 points
  8. If that is correct, why are there so many more serious injuries on the smooth, well maintained and prepared Polish tracks??
    3 points
  9. Well I was there, and there does seem to be a problem with the track entering bend 1, which they can't seem to rectify, but the rest of the track was fine
    3 points
  10. Why is it when a track isn't as smooth as a billiard table some people automatically assume it's dangerous? I didn't see any riders 'picking up' or 'taking off' or hitting any ruts and being thrown off line. Alright it was a bit bumpy. Maybe todays' riders should ride more grasstrack, they had no trouble with a few bumps in the old days!
    3 points
  11. I'm thinking of starting an alternative speedway forum, where swearing and telling people what ya really think of them will be allowed. This forum is full of xxxxx and they need to be told they are xxxxx.
    3 points
  12. Maybe so but with the BSPA's insistence that the homeless satellite teams from the MSDL either find permanent homes soon or show they are actively seeking tracks there will likely be no future. Its pretty clear to all how rare and difficult it is to open a new track (simple comparisons of new tracks opened vs venues closed) so without help the volunteers who work tirelessly to keep defunct team names going whilst offering valuable track time to rising riders at great personal cost to themselves will be lost to the sport and its game over. If the grassroots leagues dont exist the sport will be dead in under 5 years.
    3 points
  13. I have to say that I learned something new last Saturday (I try to remain open minded). I had several reasons for attending the final meeting at Stoke but what I witnessed was somewhat extraordinary. The track was clearly well prepared. The gates were fair. There were several racing lines and the quality of racing was good throughout. Not particularly noteworthy (actually it is, but) there were no men with rakes and there was no track grading. No tractors, nothing. I've never seen the like before. Someone should employ those (redundant) folk. Maybe they'd like a southern seaside employment location?
    3 points
  14. I also remember when we had Chris Harris and Kenneth Bjerre at reserve..but this season we got the ever reliable Bates and Garrity..I mean Cmon who's made these awful cheap decisions this season on new signings and guests??...For instance We had chance to sign Wells and Bellego but no we got Proctor and Bates. All we have heard is what bad luck we've had all season and it's all down to the lack of home meetings in August...this is bull****!...it's because we have a crap team and nothing has been done to improve it..I feel like we are just cannon fodder to keep this tinpot league alive for Busters ulterior motive. The only form rider we have actually lost to injury was BWD. And this so called top league is crap, How many meetings has there been compared to last season?...there is no continuity or excitement to keep the fans interested. Ged made it work and everyone was behind the club compared to what we have now..and he was good with the media. How many press releases have there been this season..for instance is Colin Pratt still with the club..if so what's his role?...we the fans deserve better..we pay the wages..we deserve to know what's going on rather than being lied to all the time like with the Harris and Cook situation....it's been a complete shambles from the the start.
    3 points
  15. Recorded the meeting and watched it back last night Again my opinion is id much rather face Poole then anyone else in the play offs. Most of our boys looked on the pace without over exerting themselves on a track that was borderline dangerous Iversen was quite content in his races to sit in second and just make sure he didnt injure himself by being thrown out of control. I know Hawkins isnt much of a manager but he was quite right in letting the boys have all their rides as chances are we will be going back there............he certainly wouldnt have used Lawson in heat 15 if it was the play off match. Harris looked fast but again was sort of riding within himself , had so much more speed than Klindt but to try and make a move on a track like that would have been crazy. We are told time and again that the Poole track is fine...its clearly not.....speedway is not about riders bouncing around going into the bends and struggling to turn the bike....its about time the club was fined for a track like that an absolute disgrace and i would like to say well done to the Ipswich boys for not over riding and staying safe. No wonder Kurtz and Holder struggle if they have to ride on that garbage every week....Holder admitted as much in his interview. Klindt looks good because he is a gating tart, get out in front and people will be to scared to pass. Klindt was asked if it was a rut that through his chain and his response was 'no i somehow managed to miss them all' Have to laugh at Lisa Colette...........at times you could have a normal discussion but now she has just turned into this weird thing that has trouble communicating, its almost like she has had her account taken over by someone else...she cant honestly believe the tripe she writes these days Happy with the performance from the guys and feel we can keep it close at Poole to around 6 points.............trouble is they ride Foxhall well as its a proper track where the riders like Kurtz and Holder can have a go without risk. It always amazes me how the track is perfect and produces great racing every time the cameras arent there, yet when its on tv its dangerous and boring, though to be fair the Witches werent giving it 100%
    3 points
  16. I'm a Lynn fan.... Was just giving my opinion if that's ok. I don't give a toss what Poole do, as long as they loose...
    3 points
  17. For somebody that was going to set the league on fire kemp has been very very moderate for kent in 2019.
    3 points
  18. Probably to beg to take us back!
    2 points
  19. Well done to the Panthers for finishing off their 2019 programme with a win. A nothing meeting for Wolves either way.
    2 points
  20. Every track has poor meetings. Even in Poland !! It's just a pity we can't get riders like josh Pickering at every track & the paying public could go home happy
    2 points
  21. Where? Eurosport's main channels aren't even on Freeview! There seems to be widely-held fallacy that Eurosport in the UK is a free service, It isn't. Its channels however are included in most basic level pay-TV services offered by Sky and BT rather than premium services but they are most definitely not free to air or free to view. As for them being on Freeview! - That's the best one I've heard in ages. I'd suggest you're a bit out of your depth on this one. Stick to making excuses for Poole. They have Quest as a very occasional back-up but apart from EFL highlights it's very rarely used for sport. I've just checked their schedule until October 5th. Only sport is EFL football. Their only spare channels, apart from temporary ones set up for major tournaments such as the Olympics are those that are carried on their separate subscription Eurosport Player. Anyway, can I please have a list of these alleged channels and their epg numbers please? You can stick to Freeview and Sky. I know they're not on Virgin or Freesat. The only other normal broadcast Eurosport channel is Eurosport News but it is not operational in Britain. Anyway, if taking part in a discussion about a subject I actually know something about means having to fight off the ignorance of Skidder it's best if I leave you to the childish bun fights and head back to the sanity of the international section. Sometimes it really isn't worth it.
    2 points
  22. So we have a track as smooth as a bowling green, were riders just gate and go, or we have a track with a few bumps, and riders making mistakes, so probably getting some overtaking, which would you prefer. As someone said earlier the track for the German GP was by far much worse than Poole last night, but we didn't hear everyone ranting on about that, must be just a Poole thing.
    2 points
  23. Simple Josh rides for Poole
    2 points
  24. get it ###### created i can't ###### wait to use a ###### forum where i dont have to watch my ###### mouth when dealing with all the #### wits.
    2 points
  25. Which is his “parent club”? Is it not Poole after they bought the Peterborough riders from Julie Mahoney and Rick Frost?
    2 points
  26. Good interview this morning on Talksport radio with Tai. Go to 9.32am https://talksport.com/radio/listen-again/1568696400/1568709000/
    2 points
  27. If BT have any sense they will do a deal with the Extraleague to show the 2 Friday night matches, or even 1 Friday 1 Sunday.
    2 points
  28. I get it you are never wrong. It was a decent meeting and a good atmosphere because of the larger than normal attendance of the Redcar fans who created some banter. I agree you used to have plenty of poor meetings at Worky,
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. I remember Jack once taking Ivan Mauger's carb apart at B/vue while Ivan was getting changed to see any mods he had ,when Ivan returned someone informed him of what Jack had done to which he replied at least he will have put it back together properly !
    2 points
  31. And they already have their own Shoveller
    2 points
  32. Everything was updated on the social media sites with the play off dates within an hour of the draw being finalised.
    2 points
  33. Method From what I have been told by colleagues at BT they were very interested in keeping British Speedway but Eurosport put in a higher bid and could offer pan Europe coverage which the BSPA liked as they hope to attract some Polish sponsors as well. I just hope that everyone realises where Speedway sits in Eurosport priorities well down the list behind Cycling,Tennis,Athletics,Football,Swimming ,Snooker and Olympics also they only have two channels to show it on so will be interesting to see their scheduling
    2 points
  34. It’s about time someone put Lisa collette down. Painful reading her posts.
    2 points
  35. If Hawkins wasn’t giving all the boys all their rides and utilised Allen and tac sub, I think Harris was getting by klindt anyway he’d lined him up and was faster, could say you got lucky in 15 with niels falling and being excluded when leading. im not saying I thought witches were better and deserved to win but some subtle things going a bit different and it easily could’ve been 49-41 or 48-42 which I think would’ve been a fairer reflection, Poole always looking like the winners but witches keeping it close ish
    2 points
  36. Danyon or Nathan would be an improvement on Agertoft
    2 points
  37. Kurtz & Holder probably outscored Iversen who didn't win a race. Harris was all over Klindt when the chain snapped, any kind of mistake by Klindt could have seen Harris pass. Richie Hawkins contributed more to the margin of victory than anyone other than Grajczonek.
    2 points
  38. More competition for Sky & BT is always good. Eurosport is more of a free channel so more people will be able to watch without the high monthly charges of Sky Sports & BT Sports.
    2 points
  39. Could have been but we don't know of course. But 5pts from their rides was not pretty. One of them would normally have doubled that score on their own. Swindon though can only beat what they had before them. Proctor was awful though. Guess we need someone like Harris when we take on Poole. Track looked the slickest I've seen it in a while. Probably not to our boys liking. But there was some good racing, Lambert and Ellis in particular. Could have done with that Ellis in the final last year. I don't like losing, but if you are going to lose one I'm glad it's to Swindon so they have the chance to top the league. Now all we have to do is stop Poole from beating us. Nice and grippy for that one Buster
    2 points
  40. Imagine Steve Worrall and Broc Nicol - certainly wouldnt be weaker!
    2 points
  41. You really wanna be in the top league after the train wreck of this season..id be happy to drop back down with a new owner.
    2 points
  42. What you said about the crowds really dropping off Mike is exactly right i believe in yesteryear getting a Mauger,Briggs,Olsen, turn up at your track really made a difference.Yet now in recent years even Woffinden at Wolves did not make that much difference on the gate and the extra fans money you did get soon got swallowed up by paying his wages. The sport has to go back to basics pay within your means and try and put a show on that everyone can enjoy.Bringing the big boys back in this climate is not the answer in my experience i can enjoy a NL meeting just as much as a Premiership meeting.
    2 points
  43. Why the hate on Oystercard? I havent been the most regular visitor to the showground the last year or so (for many reasons) - but personally I would prefer a team made up of riders that want to ride for the club and that I, as a supporter, have an affinity to... I know who Ostergaard is, I know who Simon lambert is - both have been part of the squad for a number of years and allow me to keep some kind of attachment to the team... I know this is likely to sound very flower power - but going all out to win the league clearly isnt bringing the supporters in... There is something fundamental missing from Speedway compared to when I went as a youngster, and that is the connection between the fans and the guys on the track. Team speedway in this country feels like the biggest load of rubbish anyone has ever tried to sell me, then you go and tear the team up every year! I've only just worked out who everyone was... If I look back to when I went as a kid, names like Mick Poole, Ryan Sullivan, Sam Tesar... you could happily call them all "Peterborough Riders"... these days I find myself caring less and less about looking at the team in the program as it doesnt really matter... its just a bunch of blokes riding for themselves in one of our race suits... So here is my really unpopular oppinion - Give me Ostergaard and Lambert next year - I dont care if we win meetings, these guys will go out and give it 100% every time because they WANT to ride for Panthers. Build a team full of guys that WANT to ride for YOUR TEAM and watch the affinity grow again between them and the supporters. Ultimately - what are we supporting? Because right now it feels that as a "Panthers Fan" I am just cheering a mythical name that bears no resemblance to anything, year in year out. I'm just one of a depleating number of fans that support Speedway and go to Panthers because its local.
    2 points
  44. Ayyyyy, says you who has to suffer Rough Park every week
    1 point
  45. Totally right and being on a Sunday might of been a hindrance a renowned family day.If i can remember rightly Swindon did have a few meeting's around that time and not everyone has a budget to say stretch to three or four meetings in 20 days.I think the sprocket team could attract 500 regular's but on that day it did not show it i hope Lee Kilby has a rethink on that over the winter.
    1 point
  46. God help us if Eurosport get hold of the rights, they are and always have been a joke. I missed the WU21 earlier in the year as I didn't realise it was on Eurosport, they showed a 1 hour "highlights" show of that event prior to the live event last weekend, I thought I'd watch that as I'd missed it first time around... all they did was show it as live from 1 hour before it finished, consequently they joined it for heat 19, 20, the 2 semi's and final, zero effort went into producing a proper highlights show. I know beggars can't be choosers but sometimes going with the highest bidder isn't always the best option.
    1 point
  47. It's funny the surporters are moaning about it, but not one rider
    1 point
  48. Fair play to Bomber ,that was a brilliant reaction to miss Klindt.
    1 point
  49. So why mention it if you can’t back it up?
    1 point
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