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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2019 in all areas

  1. Move it to Scunthorpe and you'll get an amazing meeting
    6 points
  2. I saw this meme on Twitter, thought it quite nicely sums up British Speedway
    5 points
  3. You know, that would probably be the most named four... Funny how the most unpopular riders are all multi-world champs; says it all, really!
    4 points
  4. Friend of mine worked for years with Slater's when out of the blue they sacked him. Took them to court for funfair dismissal
    4 points
  5. On 30/9/1995 at 7:15 PM, Craig Boyce said: Tomasz Gollob
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. then the body should be rested and not just turn up and go through the motions .. thats my thoughts ..
    3 points
  8. No the best race of the night is normally watching the must get out the car park first brigade, normally after heat 14.
    3 points
  9. I think I agree. But doesn't that support the argument that the Challenge should be after the GP season? The more current GP riders that take part in the plan B route, the more devalued the Challenge becomes. I know we still get 3 qualifiers from the Challenge, come what may. But we might have to go well down the finishing order to see who that is. And worse still, we won't know who those 3 are, on the night or potentially for many weeks. Surely the Challenge route was set up to provide a focused route for the top three riders to get into the GP series? Not as a safety net for riders in the middle and lower order of the current series.
    3 points
  10. Many tracks no longer fit with modern engines. Look at what is served up at some tracks that were superb even less than 10 years ago. Whilst its not the only reason for the lack of entertainment, team owners need to adapt their product (track shape/width etc) to suit the modern era. Very few have or will bother to do so. Entertainment IMO is about passing not necessarily speed and the ridiculous gulf between abilities at the top and bottom of the riders averages wont achieve that. Nor will poorly prepared tracks. If last night the riders were on £250 for the meeting that is likely to be around a quarter of what most of the top enders will take home. I'm not surprised they don't take it seriously or put themselves out. There is no prestige in these events and wont be again unless the competitors are adequately rewarded for taking part. Speedway doesn't even give out medals to the league winners far less reward the riders and their teams for being better than the rest over a season. The whole ethos up is fundamentally flawed but we already know that. Unfortunately we also accept its not going to change.
    3 points
  11. Could potentially be the last time we see Chris Harris in Witches Kevlars around Foxhall. Every cloud and all that..
    2 points
  12. Think about what your saying before you open your mouth if you don't know for sure what the real reason was.
    2 points
  13. Sounds broadly similar to the Cradley match last week, my first visit to the NSS and enjoyed the experience (if not the actual match!) Seeing the Colts guys deep in the dirt was a pleasure, especially Flint who has a fantastic style leaning over so far. Cradley couldn't lay a glove on the Colts, I can't remember the last time Clegg went a whole match without winning a heat, nor the last time he registered a last place but none of the Cradley riders were able to live with the home team. Harry McGurk was unlucky in the reserve race where he was in the mix for the lead and suffered engine troubles. Great value NL racing for sure at a fantastic venue, kids for free and £10 per adult is great stuff
    2 points
  14. Ha, you making it sound better than it actually was, it was a typical foxhall turdfest
    2 points
  15. Well if it is Eurosport lets hope the coverage is better than what they have dished up in the past, starting the broadcasts at Ht17 etc, Sky were definitely the best, and BT would have been ok if they had covered more meetings. Just an opinion.
    2 points
  16. Ha ha seriously? You just written the same guff as you put it, for the christ knows how manyth time. Just saying
    2 points
  17. So you expect reading racer to make sense!!
    2 points
  18. I was a big Kenny fan, & im from Worcestershire!
    2 points
  19. I hope that when the dust has settled from this debacle of a season there is some philanthropist willing to step in and repair the damage this season has caused to Panthers.
    2 points
  20. Dave is his uncle. Dave's brother and Ellis' father is former ref Robbie Perks Edit - correction Dave is ELLIS' great uncle.
    2 points
  21. The boo's that were made were out out of respect more than anything else he was the benchmark that everyone had to try to expire to..He certainly put bums on seats and when he came into town the place was buzzing.The incident Ivan had with Bob Kilby at the Abbey was the only time he may have been in the wrong that i ever witnessed but he was a hard but fair rider.
    2 points
  22. I seem to remember he pulled wheelies down every straight to keep the crowd entertained as they watched the less than edge of the seat spectacle of one rider completing four laps all alone.. Obviously the ref didn't appreciate his efforts.. Or lack of them as he saw it... You have to remember though that the crowd were primarily there to watch him referee, not to be entertained by the show the riders were putting on for them...
    2 points
  23. Greaves rode to the pits after someone fell bend 2 (thinking the race was gonna be stopped)and was excluded. Then Ayres and Phillip's either fell or had mechanicals and both set off to push for 3 laps, both were excluded for not completing the race in 3 mins.
    2 points
  24. Which is completely his own fault with the bare minimum cheap ass team he has provided us with this year.
    2 points
  25. Well Ben Morley did ride and scored 13 points in a match won by Kent 48-42
    2 points
  26. Can we congratulate Erik Riss on his win. Thread Seems to have turned into a Craig Cook one.
    2 points
  27. ... and yet back in the "golden" days the tractors came out at the end of every race and did a couple of laps. Meetings dragged on for two hours - only 13 heats in those days too - but everything was sunshine and lollipops. Admittedly at most tracks the music being played today is the same as we listened to as the tractors tootled round in the 1970s
    2 points
  28. I saw that game Blueboy. Everton were awful. Vardy scored the winner. Looking better this season though. Send my regards to the old man.
    1 point
  29. Its not the first time that our team has been let down by substandard performances on the road. It appears that all riders must share the responsibility of failing to win a single match this year... Usually one or two will do well , but that is never enough. This result is not much of a surprise, what I pity it wasn't pick it up early in the season when it could have been addressed , and for us to have achieved one of those PO places... Again, also rans....
    1 point
  30. Andy Galvin was always guaranteed a 'warm' reception at Plough Lane. Preben Eriksen had a tough time of it after a crash with Kelvin Tatum in which Tatum broke his leg. I can remember Kenny Carter breaking the track record at Belle Vue. The Aces fans were unimpressed, to put it mildly. The reception Chris Morton got a couple of races later when he broke the record was as noisy and fervent as I can ever recall at Hyde Road
    1 point
  31. Can you guarantee that please. Having said that, let's hope he has saved his best for this one, and possibly a couple more
    1 point
  32. It's all up for debate what is good and what isn't. I like speedway racing, where the rider behind has the chance to make a pass because he or she is faster and has the skill to. Last week was not one of those meetings, just look at anyone that tried any move round the outside, they went backwards, that's not speedway racing, that's follow my leader and hoping a gap opens up on the inside so you can shove it through. It's obvious there wasn't any chance of passing on the outside, what was done about it? Nothing. Luckily I'm not always half full and see positives in everything, I can actually say what I feel about what I see. If I think it's good I will say, if I think it's bad I will say. Maybe it's just me, as they only seem to put trash racing on when I'm there, or maybe I'm now spoilt having watched speedway at the Nss. Who knows. I just want to watch some decent speedway at Foxhall more often than I do. Please put a track together where the riders can race on it where and how they want to.
    1 point
  33. I guess I'll do what most politicians are doing just now, I'll tell you what I don't want. I don't want riders coasting through the back half of the GP season, already knowing that they have a guaranteed place in next year's series.
    1 point
  34. By his own admission on Saturday, he shouldn't be riding anywhere. Very foolish imo.
    1 point
  35. Tighter tracks will be much harder to ride with back or arm injuries. I think people are expecting too much from the lad right now.
    1 point
  36. Sorry - I didn’t realise I needed your permission - humblest apologies
    1 point
  37. Jordan Palin is still 15 years old, so he won't be an asset of any Club.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. probably may not get run now which is a shame may be wrong
    1 point
  40. Surprised Kenny Carter not mentioned. He was a massive loss to the sport. But I don't think he had many fans outside of Yorkshire. The boos followed him everywhere.
    1 point
  41. Yes Steve he is, Ellis is going well this year and is doing a great job for the Budgies. Dave was a really good rider i remember his Cradley/ Oxford days also his strong spearhead days with Mike Sampson at Nottingham.
    1 point
  42. I agree, Jorgensen’s time at Lynn has surely run its course now. Im going to stick my neck out and say that Robert and Lewis have been disappointing this year. Capable of much more than they have shown. MPT and Erik the two bright spots of a pretty wretched campaign high has fallen way, way below the standards of last season.
    1 point
  43. Seriously hope Jorgensen is not part of next years team plans. Shocking away from home!
    1 point
  44. I suspect you don't know what you are talking about. Why don't you wait to see what Craig has to say before you slag him off.
    1 point
  45. Back to the thread....has any 2nd Division/National League/Premier League/Championship League team ever held both the British Champion and the League Riders champion at the same time? And both being different riders? Unprecedented as far as I'm concerned and a testament to what Jitendra and Jade have done at Redcar this year. Have always been proud to be a Bears fan (even in the darkest days) but now I can hold my head high and hold my chin up. UTB!
    1 point
  46. B up 4 this .Big Big home win Puk will toy with Doyle like a mouse
    1 point
  47. Philiprising- Eurosport will be showing the Olympics in the UK in 2020 it’s only because of the protected rights legislation here that they have to allow a free to air broadcaster share the coverage. They also have a number of high profile snooker tournaments during the summer and as I previously indicated like with the SGP and British Speedway they are chasing after other rights some a lot bigger than Speedway including some football not UK but major European league as well as other high profile sports. So with just two channels my worry is that Speedway will get bumped on a regular occasion and viewers will end up with recorded replay. We shall have to see how it all works out the main thing is keeping the sport on British TV for fans and sponsors
    1 point
  48. New Cross Ranger...there's a name to bring back my memories of early post war Speedway in London. Used to love to go down the Old Kent Rd to the "Frying Pan" when the Hammers rode there. Eric Chitty was a master of New Cross, but the greatest of all was the king of balance, Ron Johnson. Very pleased that, like myself, you are still a keen fan. I now go every week to Sittingbourne Central Park as the Hammers are no more. I like the comfort and viewing, suits my tired old legs ! Not a bad young team either !
    1 point
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