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Having read some of the Poole fans posts, I just can't see why people think they have Poole tinted glasses on. Anyway,, maybe Brady was winded, luckily for him he heals quickly, which just happened to coincide with red light coming on. The cheating twunt7 points
Those saying last week unhappy at Iversen and Zagar qualifying again for next year, tonight shows they still 2 of the best riders around.6 points
I've never tried anal sex either but I still know it would make my eyes water5 points
5 points
Shame that Zagar and Iversen qualified for next year. It's obvious that neither of them are worthy of a Grand Prix place and will probably never make any finals.....oh, hang on a minute....4 points
I'd just like to remind you all that Zagar and Iversen add absolutely nothing to the GP's, and it is a complete travesty that they have qualified for next year...4 points
4 points
Good to see one of our contributors in the Dirt Extra volounteering her skills with the first aid team big up to Sarah and the rest of the volunteers who keep the club running well done.4 points
Traditional Race card for 2019 German GP:- https://www.keepandshare.com/doc16/23780/gp-2019-7-pdf-823k?da=y4 points
He was laying on the track you bell. He had no points whether he stayed down or got up. He was out regardless.4 points
I'd just like to point out that the folks who were annoyed at zagar and iversen for qualifying for next year should get their coats3 points
Why wasn't Lindbäck excluded? Result shows 0 but should be X as 0 is worth more than X.3 points
Very entertaining meeting especially when the dirt line moved out a bit. I too thought Morris was to blame. Off gate one, he was mid track by the time they entered the first bend and shoved Riss and Wright up against the fence. I'd also agree about Riss but this was far less clear cut. Riss was off 3, Morris 4 so the possibility of a collision was far greater. Rarely has a rider put in so much effort for so little reward and he deserves better than criticism. His only disappointment might be when he was beaten by Rowe in heat 5, otherwise he was up against it in every race and while he finished at the back in heat 9 Harris and Schlein took so long to get by him Palm Toft was clear. That was a crucial - possibly decisive - contribution.3 points
So? Is that important? Of course not - it is totally irrelevant. It doesn't - or shouldn't - matter why someone is record-keeping. Yes, it is nice when somebody is trying to produce something for public use, but even if it is just for personal use, it shouldn't be deemed useless because it doesn't benefit you. If somebody gets on here and asks a question for whatever reason, I do my best to provide an answer if I can, however trivial the question may seem. I certainly don't fill the thread with dismissive statements and pointless interrogation. My own website has developed into a valuable public resource, but when I first started keeping records, it was only for my own personal use. So, your point is? Steve3 points
3 points
....Ok let's spell it out for some of you... It was a crucial part of the meeting..only a race win or two between the teams. For once Poole were out gated, Ippo were away and gone, Poole both at the back, Brady went down on his own, he was gonna get up, he looked back at his mate at the back, so stayed back down to get the race stopped. Pretty much as soon as it was stopped he got straight back up There was only four points between the teams so it could have changed the outcome of the meeting, which in this particular case could mean Ippo missing the play offs The Ipswich fans are normally pretty respectful and they always clap when a rider gets up without injury, but they mostly booed because everyone in the stadium saw it. It was a "professional foul"...end of3 points
I haven't said it was ok,. I haven't said it either did or didn't affect the result. I was simply putting an alternative view having spoken to his dad before they set off to the airport. No body knows what potential damage a rider suffers when hitting the deck for any reason - whether caused by an opposing rider or by his own actions - its very common for a rider to be winded or to feel a little dizzy or shaken up or whatever. Most riders initial reaction if they feel able is to try to get up and get off the track asap as I'm sure it was in Brady's case. After his recent absences due to concussion its not unreasonable to think he was being extra cautious if he felt the slightest bit disorientated?! He clearly wasn't feeling 100% only finishing 3rd in heat 15 after being on a max from his earlier rides. Just an alternative opinion.......which at least is on the relevant thread!3 points
To speedway's demise. Bring back a bit more dirt. Bikes should be adjusted to track conditions, not the other way around. Sheffield was deep the other week and Rory Schlein had a hissy fit. He'd have been cr*p in the late 70's (unless he was riding for Eastbourne).3 points
It depends how they utilised that £100k though. There's advertising and there's effective advertising. The original poster is right, promotion of speedway is poor, the only place I have ever seen speedway promoted was when I lived in Bournemouth for a while, Poole speedway posters were everywhere. I was sat on a tube years ago and I remember seeing a guy opposite reading a Polish newspaper and I realised a few minutes later he was reading all about Gollob. Targeted marketing for specific audiences, i.e Polish community for example could be tried. If a club as a big Aussie name, they could appeal to Aussies in the area to come and support their countryman/ Lots that could be tried... if there is a will. There's so much that the BSPA and clubs could do to promote speedway, but you have to get the basics right, for starters what's the first thing most non speedway fans will do if you manage to hook them with advertising? They will go to Google and what will they be presented with? Some of the most pitiful, unattractive websites there are, utter mess (some are better than others). For example, go to the BSPA website and on the homepage it's a cluttered mess, fans will find what they're looking for eventually, but non fans will log off within 20 seconds IMO. The first thing I would do on the homepage for non-fans is create a prominent UK map with the words 'find my nearest speedway action', which when clicked opens a clickable map of the UK with each track pinpointed, when clicked it displays stadium details, location, link to fixtures. That's just one example. Another is we need short race clips of fantastic action on screen, nice and big and bold. Need to build an active database of followers from the website too, create an enewsletter action sign up, you can even get clever with these and create regional enewsletters. My point is, speedway advertising and promoted is needed, but before that need attractive websites to ensure we retain hooks. The BSPA needs to stop giving it's media and website jobs to mates and in the case of website, spend the required £20k to develop a top website (done right, and maintained with new plugins when they become available you can get a good few years from). Just as a point, an example of a very good speedway website is the SGP website. Modern, attractive, not cluttered, good navigation, responsive (for devices). The SGP website is very good, 8/10 perhaps, maybe even a 9.... the BSPA website fails on all the points just mentioned, it's not modern, it's ugly, it's cluttered, poor navigation, not truly responsive so you could only give it 1 or 2 out of 10. But the other basic that speedway should look at is appealing to a younger audience, certainly here in the UK. I was watching Swedish speedway the other night and they scanned the crowd and it was 50ish year old men, grey hair... speedway needs to find a way to bring in the younger generation, as someone else already stated, at the moment it's usually younger family members of those 50 year old men I would guess.3 points
Could it just be so we have a complete historical analysis of British Speedway from it`s earliest days which is 100% as accurate as possible ? Hats off to Dave Allen and helpers for doing this time consuming work.3 points
Well done to the Scorps , they outgated us and attacked the track , deserved winners, Craig and Claus and latterly Sam tried but the rest looked like novices.2 points
No complaints team that won fully deserved it well done the Scorps.2 points
Tac sub for Glasgow at ht 7, 10 heat wins for the Scorpion riders, a well deserved win. YES, YES, YES.2 points
2 points
I suggest you pay a visitation to a shop called specsavers. They might be able to help you..2 points
Given that the "easiest" target audience is the "I used to go" brigade, why don't you advertise the NSS as "You remember how good it was at Hyde Road, well this is better". I think it's open to debate, but who cares? As long they come. Then they'll stay.2 points
Well I've read through the posts, and nowhere does he say he wasn't there in fact twice he's said he was there. Anyway not sure why I'm defending gavan, he doesn't need me to get his back, but I do dislike the trolling to wind him up.2 points
Irrespective of which order i quoted them doesn’t change the facts that 1 initially you said what’s the point of all this research- no one is interested. 2 as soon as you found out he was doing it to complete Speedway researcher years records it became the best thing since sliced bread !!!2 points
It's not the equivalent of diving. It's the equivalent of a professional foul. Which is a red card.2 points
Mate I know you are up the management and riders arses because they know who you are but F me that is a ridiculous post. Not even Shov would say that and mean it. Let's just hope it happens against you in the play offs and then we will see what the reaction is then.2 points
Would be good orlovski. Feel good factor in sn25 at moment..3 good meetings in 8 days, good crowds, massive wins, good racing, and cup final and hopefully playoffs to look forward to. Lee Kilby is doing a good job promoting the sport. But 3 weeks till the final home leg. Fixtures too erratic.2 points
Excellent BL65. I can think of no better place than The Speedway Researcher. Again, all success to Dave Allan in his efforts. http://www.speedwayresearcher.org.uk 1 tune Another tune2 points
Some great promoting at Swindon by Lee Kilby, 3 meetings in 8 days, car parks full for all three, decent crowds. With special deals for fans, events, kids stuff. Much better racing since they've altered the track. And Robins top of the league, with cup final to look forward to. Can only see it getting better. Just shows with enthusiasm Barry Bishop on the IOW and Lee at Swindon can improve crowds.2 points
2 points
2 points
Hold on £100...we don’t want the whole team.2 points
2 points
2 points
A confident win.... no Bandit crocked this week (best wishes to Matty W though on recovering from what was a nasty spill) and my hubby wins the 1st prize on the 5-1 draw on our anniversary weekend... oh, and our next away opponents lose heavily at home That wasn’t too bad a night I tell ya1 point
Thats the first time you have ever come up with a good idea Dick, there's hope yet for you.1 point
JK Teterow racecard https://www.speedwayservice.at/images/racecards/2019/SGP2019-07.pdf?XTCsid=006ef4e6484333dfdd6328ba1234905e1 point
You really are a sandwich short.....thick as He stayed down.....no wait he actually went to get up....saw what was happening and sat back down again It was blatant Didnt affect the result but it was bad to see No points no pay..........fool...he would have been excluded wether he stayed down or not ..........do you know the rules Do us a favour and let the adults chat1 point
This discussion pops up quite regularly, you are right that these events should be somewhere as neutral as possible but unfortunately the state speedway is in requires the big events to be held where a decent crowd will turn up.1 point
Well I only "watched" this one on live updates, but the performances of Ryan Douglas and Ellis Perks were clearly exceptional. The team as a whole, rounded off their league programme in style and can now only wait and see if it's enough for the top spot.1 point
Bikes are very very different now deep tracks are a thing of the past1 point
To be quite frank I doubt I am alone in not seeing the worth in about 80% of your posts. And I am trying to be fair here. I’d even go so far as to say the forum improves when you stop posting, somewhat1 point
1 point
1 point
PL is represented with all 16 riders: 5 Ipswich 3 Peterborough, Wolves 2 Swindon, King's Lynn 1 Belle Vue 0 Poole Should rename it The Double Up Riders Championship..1 point