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Brady reckons he was winded which is why he sat down after trying to get up too quickly!8 points
Not sure why you have to constantly goad him and wind him up, it got boring a long time ago.8 points
He was laying on the track you bell. He had no points whether he stayed down or got up. He was out regardless.5 points
Good luck Bears !!!! The Play-offs are looming , quite a few us Comets backing you all the way5 points
Referees should have the power to award races if the cheating is blatant. It’s the only way it will get stamped out.5 points
As long as everybody reports the idiots when they slip up, rather than let them wreck decent threads.4 points
Scooters I can understand. If Bomber is there, he would steal it, and see if it goes any quicker than his bikes! Of course, it might take him a time to get the setup right... I'll get me coat...4 points
Could it just be so we have a complete historical analysis of British Speedway from it`s earliest days which is 100% as accurate as possible ? Hats off to Dave Allen and helpers for doing this time consuming work.4 points
The trouble is that while I respect the views of others, it doesn't mean that they are right - or have the right to stop others enjoying themselves. I know that sounds harsh, but there are of course places where people SHOULDN'T be loud and obnoxious, such as walking down the street, on a bus, in a quiet park etc. However, when you are at a sporting event, and you are supporting your favourites against the favourites of others, then it's all part of the fun! If you ban air horns, then where does it stop? Do we ban all noisemakers and instruments? Shouting and cheering can be loud. Do we ban them? Chants and war cries can annoy people. Do we ban them? Should we just restrict it to polite applause? I'm sure there are some miserable gits who would find THAT too much... When I were a lad on t' terraces, I rigged up a large programme board with four or five air horns all connected to a single can. Boy, I was loud, and the can used to last summat like four races! Okay, slight exaggeration, but you get my drift... Plus, I had a bugle (and I was pretty good on it, if I do say so myself!), and a very large and heavy bell. Not long after I moved to the US, some rotten manky bahsta' broke into my dad's garage and stole the lot! Thinking about it, judging by his comments above, it was probably The White Knight!!! What made it worse was that they stole all my fishing gear, including some very old and rare (and very valuable) rods, but I digress.... Steve4 points
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Do you....A rider goes where a rider wants too. We all know Poole & young riders don’t mix3 points
And from where I'm sitting so are you. You 2 just can't help yourselves can you, but then you both know you'll get a reaction and then get him banned again Sheesh!!!3 points
I know it's only one example, but my mate went with his missus on Thur against Poole and loved it and he went on Monday and she has been to both since and brought along family members. The Poole meeting was the best in years at Swindon and if you add the on track action alongside the deals the management are offering this season then all of a sudden speedway is a good night out again. Well done Terry Russell for the track and well done Lee Kilby for the promotion.3 points
Obviously the wrong Island Warrior Ben Morley was shown the door back in July, at least he showed 100% commitment to all the clubs he has ridden for & never let anyone down whilst riding in the harder No2 position for both Lakeside last season & Eastbourne this. So it’s no surprise how Georgie’s average started to drop as soon as he started riding at No 2 and missed the easy pickings he was getting whilst riding at reserve. By the way Georgie’s average is still below Ben’s even though he had 3 months riding at reserve with Ben at No 2. The Eastbourne promotion must be regretting there decision at putting Georgie up into the main body of the team at the expense of Ben as they lost the big hitter they had in the reserve berth. The alarm bells should have also been ringing when Georgie started showing up late for meetings, missing track walks with his team mates & not being fully prepared. He has not only let himself down but a lot of sponsors who backed him. This must sound like deja vu to the Sheffield promotion & fans.3 points
Kurtz was half up - had a look - sat back down and made no attempt to move. Red light on straight up no issue Such a shame as it wasn't needed. Poole were sharper and better and worthy winners They would've got warm applause on the victory parade but instead got a chorus of boos and cheat calls3 points
3 points
First meeting I've been to in a few weeks - Jordan did struggle in his first 2 rides but after he changed bikes he looked a lot better. Was involved in 2 great races after that - not too concerned about his form. Another rider deserves a mention - Andersen, been a cracking signing.2 points
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He just completely misses the point all the time and never reads things properly.2 points
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ste Look I'm not arguing that we have riders swapping and reswapping places on all four laps of every race but it really is rose tinted glasses to suggest that the Owens - great riders that they were - David Bargh, Bobby Beaton, Brian Havelock, Kenny Carter et al were continually picking up wins from the back. What I will agree is that a deep track where it is difficult to turn a speedway bike will lead to errors; errors allow more opportunity to make a pass - whether it is quality racing or not is very much in the eye of the beholder2 points
So what you are saying is that, if it's important to YOU, it is important; if it ISN'T important to you, then it's not worthwhile? In other words, you think people should be interested in your "memories", but not in accurate records of the sport? Does it matter if the majority of BSF users are only interested in present-time speedway? As long as they get the info that they want, then fine, but that doesn't mean that the rest of us - and there are quite a number of us - should be deprived of discussions here. That is why we have a "Years Gone By" forum. With ANY sport, I think that it is wonderful to have an accurate record of things, whether it is results, names, rules, or whatever. Anyway, if you are that worried about "majority vs minority", and that the majority should be the only ones to get what they want, then there shouldn't even be a bloody British Speedway Forum! I truly appreciate and value the efforts of those who attempt to provide detailed records... Steve2 points
Swindon could do with a spot of average management and also keeping Wolves out of the play-offs. Just saying.2 points
Surely it's then down to Gavan not to react. He has already said many many many many times he has other things to do and speedway isn't his life,,, so maybe it shouldn't bother him so much. We all like a wind up, keep it like that without getting personal. Keep it banter2 points
Have to part ways with you on this one gustix. I think its absolutely great of Dave, Norbold, BL65 et al to do this-to me historical accuracy is very important, so why not try and get it right . Just to let these folks know I really appreciate their efforts and to keep up the good work. Cheers Bob2 points
I'm talking about who YOU have said were favourites and you have been saying Swindon. Not interested in the bookies. You have only reverted back to Poole cos SS is winding you up.2 points
Its what trolls do unfortunately Thats the character of the man Mate its not a Poole thing despite what others think It never changed the result.....but it was very bad the way Brady did it.......shouldnt happen and no i wouldnt like it if one of the Ipswich team did it that blatantly Your boys totally outgated us last night again and were easily the better team I dont want you to win it namely because you have a number of fans on here who simply just arent nice people If you do win the league i will be the first to congratulate you and one or two others personally2 points
Bears to keep roaring away in this one for me. Lean and hungry this year. UTB !!2 points
wood banned for 28 days , Waco, perfect timing from the tossers in charge as they cant replace him either2 points
King's Lynn to win at Wolves next week..... that'll put a different spin on things2 points
A few observations about tonight . Firstly this may offend Bob but ffs after a decent track against Peterborough we yet again decide to prep one tonight for a team of gaters. No water put down to potentially aid an outside line until it was far too late and effectively the meeting was lost. I'm no expert on tracks but having watched speedway for 40 odd years i do know that a bit of the wet stuff contributes to a surface condusive to racing . Who decides what's done , Bob or Chris ? Poole overall deserved the win given the conditions , that can't be argued. However , a couple of debatable points occurred this evening 1 , Heat 9 Jonassons exclusion was not his fault but also not Bombers fault , he was going through the middle of the Poole boys and got sandwiched , something had to give ! 2 , I'm afraid my opinion of Kurtz fell through the floor in heat13 , he fell off , looked up , realised Witches on a 5-1 and stayed down till red lights came on . Unacceptable , bordering on cheating in my book ! 3 , Comments made by Poole fans that Grajczonek would have got more than the 6 pts from RR , maybe or maybe not but Cam would definitely have got more than the 3 pts his RR rides accrued . Anyway , my opinion on the Witches tonight Nils , pretty decent return for his first meeting here in years. Bomber , better than of late , just wish he could gate. Richard , very poor till heat 14 against 2 reserves. Danny , pretty unconvincing all night . James , didnt expect much really so can't be disappointed. Jake , worked hard for his 9pts from 7 rides . So overall a very disappointing night and that may well put an end to us being in the playoffs ! A great start to the season but a bad end, we've seriously lost it come crunch time !2 points
I'm for them. Even 5 or 6 air horns make a difference in a league meeting. The riders hear them too.2 points
Hope Worky get back soon jenga great track great club we need them back in british speedway.Also chuffed young Bickley is making progress your club had alot to do with that.2 points
Points to consider It has been estimated that most of those who use the BSF are only interested in modern times. I imagine there is no data to quantify or substantiate this view. However, is that relevant? Is Dave Allan checking and compiling information in order to eventually share only with members of the forum? Maybe the purpose behind the research which he is doing is to tidy up and add to information already compiled, or in the process of being accumulated elsewhere, i.e. on the Speedway Researcher website. Those people who look at the information on the Speedway Researcher website are surely not confined to membership of this forum. I wonder what proportion the members of the forum amount to out of all of those people who have a current or past interest in the sport and do (or may at some point in the future) refer to the Speedway Researcher website. Also, the Speedway Researcher has the stated aim of ‘Promoting Research into the History of Speedway and Dirt Track Racing’. It covers the sport from its introduction in the UK until the present time. The website will, therefore, no doubt be of interest to a proportion of current followers of the sport, even if only in some instances for very recent years. It is important to observe that what happens today becomes tomorrow’s ‘history’. Regarding the accuracy of detail, if something is worth doing then it is worth doing well. If nothing is recorded for posterity in an easily accessible format purely because it is ‘too old’ then, taking extreme examples, future followers of the sport would have a less clear idea of the number of times an individual won titles or a team won cups or championships. Future participants could have less-clear ideas as to how much they needed to achieve if they aspired to become more successful than past competitors. Debates often take place about whether a rider was better than a rival, or which rider achieved more in the course of their career. Throughout its history the sport has been founded on numbers and statistics, whether match points, individual meetings where qualifiers or winners have to accumulate most points at some stage, or regarding averages. Long before the system of points limits for team building purposes was introduced, averages were used to determine which riders would be at reserve or named as supplementary reserve in a team. Statistics, whether the number of points scored or averages achieved, allow comparisons to be drawn. They form a useful basis for reasoned debate. The more accurate the recorded information is the more likely it is that reasoned opinion can be supported by interpretation of fact. It could be interpreted that there appears to be an isolated misconception that Dave Allan is merely sharing information, where he has noted inaccuracies or absence of detail, for the purpose of ‘educating’ forum members, whereas it is inescapable that what he is actually doing is seeking the support of forum members (through the designated ‘Years Gone By’ section) in attempting to correct such inaccuracies and obtain the required information.1 point
Cash in denominations of £20 or less (no £50 notes) and certanly no Scottish Currency !!!!!!1 point
On the top page of the "Years Gone By" section of this Forum, there are no fewer than 10 new threads started by you.1 point
Haha Gavan you are hilarious. For the past month all you have been banging on about is Swindin being the favourites, even Swindon fans questioned you about it, saying they weren't sure about it. Now you are saying two weeks ago it was Poole??! Let us know when you return to planet Earth!1 point
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Hawkins is useless as a team manager....thats the thing you see......i dont have to defend my club at every opportunity1 point
Track excellent again no booing of ANY Panther despite what any mentally unstable parasite says, the situation with Wright was very odd! Heat 14 in particular ,to be named as the tac sub then changed then no nominated ride all a bit strange1 point
ah bless you did you miss me last time then....... I was banned last time we raced Poole and if you read the forum you would have known that Nope not at all As i said the loss of Josh and Heeps evened out As i said to many many people on here Poole were hot favourites to win this..........they won at Ipswich with a much weaker team (no Kurtz or Covatti and Newman with 0) so unless there was some sort of miracle they were always going to win last night ......it was only trolls like yourself who tried to claim the loss of Josh would hamper Poole lol Danny had a poor night which hampered us but we knew Klindt , Kurtz Holder and Covatti would get a hatful And what an awful blatant display of cheating by Kurtz.........the rule should never have been changed and Holder should have gone off of 15 metres And no it wouldnt have changed the result but ive not seen such a poor and blatant cheat from a rider in a long while....riders whoever they ride for should at least get a fine1 point
At Plymouth there will also be some vintage JAP machines doing some demo laps from the "Blast from the past" worth going just for the sound & smell of these machines!!!!!!!!!!!!1 point
UK M..... Positive discrimination should come into play here. So a Brummie accent should be high on the agenda for the applicants. (Martin you know what comes next ). Also to replace the current incumbent a full working knowledge of a calculator is a must.1 point
I have noted that the result of Hull v Southampton on 09/10 is shown on Researcher as 47-36, but Stenners and the PM book have 47-37 - I suspect that Alf Kaines remounted or pushed after falling in heat 1 in order to account for the additional point. Researcher has the match score as Hastings 47 Southampton 33 on 02/06, but the heat details show 47-36, which is confirmed by Stenners and PM. The other results on Researcher team files appear to match the scores in the annual and book.1 point
I have a programme for Southampton v Poole 13/07 which shows 56-27, which is the score shown in the weekly Speedway Gazette, Stenners annual, Peter Morrish's book covering 1946-64, subsequent Poole and Southampton programmes that season and in the 'Souvenir Brochure of the Southampton Speedway 1948 Season'. The result of the match at Poole on 17/05 is shown in subsequent Poole and Southampton programmes, the annual, book and brochure referred to above as 51-33. The programme for the Special Challenge Match between Poole and Southampton on 07/08 also refers to the result being 51-33 in the earlier match. The brochure was produced before the October meetings between the sides had been staged, but the scores are recorded in the annual and the book as 49-35 at Poole and 58-26 at Southampton, the same scores as recorded in the weekly Speedway Gazette.1 point
Anyone still interested can still register their details as there is the option to expand the numbers - and the prizes - in future. Name, email and a contactable telephone number via the Berwick Bandits Supporters Club Facebook page, email club@berwickspeedway.com or I'll have a sheet to fill in at the Box Office table at the remaining home meetings. Come on 56, come on 56, come on 56!!!!1 point