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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Just read the Eastbourne "Club Statement" which it seems just intends to rake over the ashes and fan the flames. As previously commented, 2 paragraphs would have been enough to close the matter down. They haven't . What follows is a highly blinkered one sided view of everything that occurred. Lots is made of the Glasgow team waiting until the official referee arived before complaining about track conditions. That is the CORRECT PROCEDURE. Then plenty of "refuting" of pretty much everything. The lady doth protest too much. They can "refute" all they like but the bottom line is that their selected highlights of the events contradicts much of what I saw on the 2 minute video (now conveniently removed). i.e. Craig Cook chose to ignore all Red Flags and Lights, did not reduce his speed before riding in to and around the 1st / 2nd turn towards his teammates, the Eastbourne Team and Mascots and Track Officials at his point of departure. What I saw on the video was Craig Cook slowing up on entry to the first bend and then turning right towards the open pit gates on the 2nd bend where he collided with a marshall standing in the middle of the track with his right arm directing Craig towards he inside of the track towards the exit of the 2nd bend.... and presumably towards where the parade and all the assembled folks were standing ? I will agree that the ban of Eddie (Ed or Edward ?) Kennett was disproportinate. He should have been banned for 24 days for his premeditated sprint towards the second bend from the parade with only one intention ..... to fight with Craig Cook. What is NOT mentioned by the Eastbourne club is the failure of the other Eastbourne rider sprinting from the parade with Ed Kennett in the fist throwing to receive any ban, nor any ban of Paul Dugard for the initial verbal abuse of Craig Cook.
    4 points
  2. And the Glasgow riders wouldnt have ridden off if they hadnt been goaded by the presenter and the Eastbourne promotion.......end of
    4 points
  3. Wrong Cook should never have rode off during the presentation.....100% he was wrong If the marshall hadnt have stepped on to the middle of the track and walked into Cook then Cook wouldnt have kicked off........Cook was 100% wrong again to kick of the way he did But was Cook at fault for the fracas? No the marshall was...............granted if Cook hadnt have rode off the marshall wouldnt have been there........but if the marshall stayed in the right position its more than likely Cook would have simply stopped and nothing more would have happened apart from Cook getting a word in his ear which may well have come from his own management. How far back do you want to take things to assess who was to blame? If you believe Cook was at fault for the fracas........then go back to the reason Cook left the parade........the deliberate act of stirring things up on the microphone from the Eastbourne presenter and the Eastbourne management team So those who think Cook was at fault need to then equally apportion blame on the people who dished out the stick on the mic. The reason a scuffle broke out was because of an over zealous marshall getting in the way.......without him no scuffle.................without the Eastbourne promotion deliberately winding up someone who they no is a bit volatile , then Cook wouldnt have left the parade....the marshall wouldnt have needed to be on the track....the scuffle would never have happened As i said if you think Cook caused the fighting ....then go back to why Cook was on the track in the first place
    4 points
  4. Why would you be interested in a statement from Glasgow. Oh wait you sniff an opportunity out more than a blind Lesbian in a fish factory.
    4 points
  5. If he was 'slowing down' then he must have been going faster beforehand at a time when he shouldn't have even been riding the track! With the presentation always held on the back straight, Cook rode off into the 3rd/4th bends and then the home straight before entering bends 1 and 2 (where most of the fan video was taken). Red lights were on and marshalls were holding their red flags on the 3rd/4th bends and the home straight at the side of the track before he went into bends 1/2. Whatever the rights and wrongs of what happened in the 'fracas', (not forgetting it was all witnessed first hand by the SCB's Neil Vatcher as well as the ref!), none of it would have happened if all the Glasgow riders had stayed at the presentation line until it had been fully completed! End of.
    4 points
  6. Blimey is it not about time everyone moved on ? I just watched the video of this meeting on Eagles TV . It was fantastic to see Tom Brennan in such high spirits and looking forward to getting back on his bike towards the end of this year. Delighted for him after all he and his family have been through.
    3 points
  7. In Cook's version of events - as published in last week's Star - he didn't hear anything of the presentation announcements as he had his helmet on and didn't realise the parade was still going on!!!!!!
    3 points
  8. Agreed. Cook pushed the marshall away as I think most people would have done in his situation. The marshall exited the scene. at that point the incident was over or at least should have been. But a host of Eastbourne people - the dugards, track staff, security guards and riders - all confronted Cook and Vissing and the fracas ensued.
    3 points
  9. I'm guessing it doesn't help that a brilliant race track has been turned to junk, are you saying they should keep turning up and watch junk, just in case. My team are having a good season, been at the top or near top all season, but the racing has been junk, so I stopped going.
    3 points
  10. He was going very slow and was slowing down and would have never caused an issue to anyone on the back straight Eastbournes statement just deflects everything away from them....right up to saying marshalls with the flags were at the edge of the track
    3 points
  11. Regardless of the wording, Cook was entering the first bend at a fairly leisurely pace, the group of people were on the back straight. It's ridiculous to suggest he would have caused danger to those on the back straight.
    3 points
  12. Not true, Tom was easily beating all those riders when they fell, deserved and earned every point. TBO I'm glad hr's staying, you cant ask more from a rider than giving their all and watching him improve week after week is what its all about.
    3 points
  13. Shame, bet a lot of those kids were looking forward to the next meet till they were told that
    3 points
  14. Can't speak for anybody else but personally I don't have an ounce of respect for somebody that behaves and conducts themselves like that. Its the same type of aggression in the clip that was shown by a poster a few posts ago at the Eastbourne track, whereby Dugard was clearly seen advancing towards a Glasgow rider and thrusting/pushing the Glasgow rider aggressively such that he was caused to suddenly move backwards a few yards. He obviously has a violent conduct and/or temper problem. The guy needs help.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. No its not,he has been punished for his actions and serve his ban, if he doesn't miss any meetings it is not punishing him.
    2 points
  17. My view is that the club is more important than the owner . If supporters stop going to punish the current owner then they are effectively closing the club down. If that is what you want that is your affair , but it will be you that closes the club not the owner. Nobody is going to continue to lose money indefinitely. What supporters should be doing IMO is to create a club that another party would like to take over. The above is not in any way an endorsement of Mr Chapman
    2 points
  18. Live streaming is coming. But not from all clubs sadly Also if what I'm told is right TV coverage of the british league wont be on BT next year. But will be on eurosport
    2 points
  19. I have only been to the showground once this season and that meeting will go down as one of the best I have been to ever. It seems that has never been repeated which is a great shame. Peterborough racetrack was arguably the best track in the country prior to the NSS being built.
    2 points
  20. Sorry Gavan, that is just your opinion of the events, you have absolutely no idea whether he would have ridden off or not. Cook is a bit of a precious at the best of times, what he does when the mist descends sometimes results in nothing more than him getting a meeting postponed, to him throwing punches, riding into officials and knocking heaters off walls....I sometimes wonder whether speedway is the right choice for him tbh.
    2 points
  21. Exactly how far back do you go Cook wasnt 100% responsible for the fight that ensued.....some are just either lacking in intelligence or simply Cook haters to accept what happened
    2 points
  22. Cook is only going to give his own version which we can choose to believe or not. But no mention of the marshal in the middle of the track who caused the fracas, only mention those who were in the right. Blinkered.
    2 points
  23. Well let’s face it that official statement isn’t accurate or factual either, selective facts at best. 3 minute video footage of the sorry incident means you don’t have to be there to make an informed opinion. I take it you believe every word of the statement as correct fact because you were there. Which at best makes you comments blinkered. Its pretty clear the statement put out is at best part fact, part ignore the obvious and part fail to mention the part others who were involved played (notably those from the home side).
    2 points
  24. Don't think 28 even covers the bond. But if it's 28 from each of your alias,, then that's a serious amount of money.
    2 points
  25. And Jacob Bukhave from Newcastle.. Just saying.
    2 points
  26. I have around £28k in savings. How much would Buster be willing to sell for?
    2 points
  27. All you have done is to attack craig at every opportunity cant blame him can you
    2 points
  28. Head butted Stefan Anderson live on Sky, and he was supposed to be a friend
    1 point
  29. "Tin pot Northern club" (copyright Jon Cook)
    1 point
  30. He's a bit of previous does he not, did he not wallop somebody GP early days
    1 point
  31. Josh G has had plenty of good meetings at Lynn in the past, he had an off night last time, it happens.
    1 point
  32. Tbh the sports going to be dead soon so why not try something different
    1 point
  33. It's not raining at the moment and all forecasts are saying no rain until 2am. I would expect the track to produce some good racing later if we don't get anymore rain!!
    1 point
  34. Love these first four posts! TonyO being a realistic optimist and OSS being a glass-half-empty old groaner..... Forums, eh?
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Obviously not,according to Lawson.
    1 point
  37. How was it? They mention the marshals on the inside with red flags but no mention of the have-a-go hero who put himself in real danger? Yet they say the support all staff so obviously feel it’s ok to have a marshal on track putting himself at danger?? Saying that Glasgow didn’t say anything about the track on the track walk. Completely irrelevant. They reported it to the ref who ordered remedial work. So why they felt a need to mention they said nothing before is complete hot air. A mention of Cook weaving in and out of track staff and kids??? Really. I’ve not seen any comments from those there who said that happened. A lot of facts littered with bias. They say Kennett should face anywhere near the same punishment as Cook or others?? Really?? Wading in like a thug proves he deserves no less. Quite a lot of bias and none facts.
    1 point
  38. I'd be up for that.
    1 point
  39. knowing Danny he'll do a "Kenny Carter" and be carried to bike - give it 2 weeks #legend
    1 point
  40. He always speaks well of the youngsters when i've heard him being interviewed,of which he should be applauded.A few don't like Cook because of some of his doings,but listening to him after and during many Lynn meetings i have grown to like him because of the many good things he has to say about the sport in general and about giving the youngsters a chance.And he will tell you straight also ie the real reason why young Jack Thomas took a break from the sport.
    1 point
  41. The management of both Ipswich and King's Lynn have both said that they were surprised to find out their riders would be under suspension for the events at Eastbourne! Shows how much attention they pay to the rest of the sport. I would have thought knowing what happens elsewhere is important information so that when your riders are unavailable due to injury or suspension you can contact the right replacements as quickly as possible and before others get them to ride against your team. It appears that the BSPA Chairman's team management do not have their fingers on the pulse and they are treated like mushrooms by the Chairman.
    1 point
  42. I remember the first time I saw Buster Chapman on TV as acting manager against Swindon I thought to myself he came across as an idiot. He also took over as the chairman of the BSPA and did an awful job, then there was the ridiculous reaction to the Jack Holder incident. After what I have witnessed this season my impression of the guy has confirmed to me that this guy is a complete idiot and Is going to ruin British Speedway even more than it is with his actions. I want this parasite on our club gone and I hope someone can save our club as it's the worst situation I have known in my time supporting Panthers.
    1 point
  43. Well keep supporting the club then, it's the only way it will survive!
    1 point
  44. I maybe wrong but I get the impression Buster only purchased Peterborough to keep the Premiership going this season. I don't think he's interested in investing in the club and is not that bothered whether they survive or go bust. As far as he's concerned his action of buying the Panthers has kept the Premiership afloat this season so job done. I reckon he's banking on somebody else stepping up from the Championship next year. I fear for the future of the club and the sport in this country can't afford the loss of yet another track.
    1 point
  45. Can I have them back then if you've finished with them. The Bratters posters are full of dart holes and looking at bit of a mess now, not that they ever looked great but did keep the flies out
    1 point
  46. Nobody wants them to fold I would hope if you serve up gash don't expect to get paying customers
    1 point
  47. I think that’s a bit unfair on Craig, especially considering how late he came into speedway and his fast rise through the ranks to become one of the most consistent riders in the domestic leagues. When you consider how poor the money, set ups and support is in this country, it’s no surprise that we cannot produce the GP riders that Poland can. World achievers like Woffinden and Loram are rare, and we’ve even been lucky to have the likes of Harris and Nicholls in the home leagues. So, all in all, Craig is quite an inspiring example for young NL riders.
    1 point
  48. How about Tom Woolley - he was offered a place at Plymouth at the same time we offered him a Championship place.
    1 point
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