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It was unfairly disproportionate. He should have received more for getting involved in something that had absolutely nothing to do with him. He wasn't provoked, he wasn't wound up, he just wanted to get involved in some violence.7 points
Track reserves should of been Drew Kemp and Jason Edwards as reward for reaching the U19 final6 points
One problem might be unfortunetly that many people gave there spare money to Ged a few years ago and some would say he never offered any back when he sold the club or allegedly took the Poles cash.5 points
4 points
The management of both Ipswich and King's Lynn have both said that they were surprised to find out their riders would be under suspension for the events at Eastbourne! Shows how much attention they pay to the rest of the sport. I would have thought knowing what happens elsewhere is important information so that when your riders are unavailable due to injury or suspension you can contact the right replacements as quickly as possible and before others get them to ride against your team. It appears that the BSPA Chairman's team management do not have their fingers on the pulse and they are treated like mushrooms by the Chairman.4 points
Glasgow will never be stronger going into any meeting without Cook and i would hazard a guess that Eastbourne would be the same without Kennett So in reality its the replacement for Vissing that could be the only issue4 points
What a pathetic attempt form Eastbourne to obviously detract from their part in the melee Cant see why Edward got his ban!!! He rides for my club in the top league but you cant run 30 yards and then launch yourself and scrap with people! The funniest bit is where they say that Cook hadnt slowed down at all.........he was doing about 10mph on the video....and the marshalls were 'at the side of the track'....quite clearly they all werent Cook and Glasgow rightly taking a large portion of the blame.........but how about punches thrown from Paul Dugard and a headbutt on Vissing from his brother Ive no allegience to wither side but its farcical from Eastbourne that statement3 points
very balanced and professional statement that puts a perspective we have not heard before.. very much tallies with what we have been told by those present. thought at the time that the Speedway Star interview with Cook was wrong as there was an ongoing Inquiry. time to move on3 points
3 points
I could sort of understand the questioning of Tai Woffinden if he was just a gate and go rider. Thing is though, he is a rare rider who has the full toolkit as his disposal...and proves it time and time again. Yes, he can gate. But is brilliant from the back, is uber fast, highly professional, able to consistently perform under the highest pressure and has longevity. And you can't say that for many riders in the sport's history...not even several world champions. What more do you want from a World Champion? I think it boils down to change. People don't like it. So when a rider comes along who challenges their cast-in-stone views over speedway gods of the past, some people find it difficult to accept. Doubly so when he's young, tattooed, opinionated and talks with a funny accent.3 points
3 points
Poland who might just know a bit about how to run the sport haven’ t ever picked riders such as Protasiewcz and Hampel as track reserves !! They have always picked youngsters to give them an experience of the big stage- just shows the light years difference between the sport in the 2 countries !!!3 points
I think it was 2014 when ben Wilson returned to the sport riding for Stoke I recall, and thier season was ruined when they had to let him go when Sheffield signed wilson in the then Premier league. On a similar note, I feel with the doubling up and indeed in Perks case tripling up. That a rule that should be brought in immediately is which ever club signs a rider first SHOULD HAVE PRIORITY for his availability.3 points
BSPA acting fairly, following a precedent and indeed, sticking up for the little club. Full marks!2 points
Seems everything Eastbourne should be exempt from any punishment, including the Dugards2 points
How was it? They mention the marshals on the inside with red flags but no mention of the have-a-go hero who put himself in real danger? Yet they say the support all staff so obviously feel it’s ok to have a marshal on track putting himself at danger?? Saying that Glasgow didn’t say anything about the track on the track walk. Completely irrelevant. They reported it to the ref who ordered remedial work. So why they felt a need to mention they said nothing before is complete hot air. A mention of Cook weaving in and out of track staff and kids??? Really. I’ve not seen any comments from those there who said that happened. A lot of facts littered with bias. They say Kennett should face anywhere near the same punishment as Cook or others?? Really?? Wading in like a thug proves he deserves no less. Quite a lot of bias and none facts.2 points
Yep. How many Eastbourne staff or associates threw a punch in the melee? Hmmmm ... no mention.2 points
It likely would have been... till Eastbourne posted and opened up the nest again. Besides, why should it be 'put to bed'? If you're no longer interested in the topic you move on.. topics naturally are 'put to bed' when interest in them wanes.2 points
nothing wrong with the meeting .Peterborough were poor. track produced some decent racing I have seen a lot poorer meetings at poole this season2 points
They got security ready because they knew something was about to happen. Says it all for me. They knew what they were doing by making it as hostile as they could2 points
A pathetic and disproportionate reply by an individual or individuals unable to let go.2 points
“As has been our downfall this season, we can't get everyone firing at full power all at once, and if all the lads were we'd be having some great wins to look back on, but again tonight the home side were just too strong for us and deserved their victory.” Away-day frustration continued for Diamonds co-promoter Martin Phillips, as his side fell short in Friday’s local derby at Redcar. If I had a £1 for everytime I've read this about Newcastle I'd be able to buy Mike Ashley out!!!2 points
2 points
All you have done is to attack craig at every opportunity cant blame him can you2 points
Have seen plenty of inferior meetings to that on telly, including from Poole. Yes there were some errors which you’d expect on a tight track which had taken rain but there were genuine overtakes too. Not a classic but not bad either.2 points
How does Wallinger keep getting so many clubs signing him?! When will they learn he’s unreliable and doesn’t even score points. Barely any in the Championship and on a 4pt NL average!2 points
2 points
THE gap in home fixtures is a disaster for many, including Poole and Speedway Star.2 points
Replacing one reserve who Redcar knew would be a sacrificial lamb with another who can't score any points but is pally with the promotion but no other riders whilst hurting the prospects of another struggling UK club. Nope nothing wrong with that. Unless clubs can learn to look after the interests of the sport as a whole rather than short term individual ambition there will be very few teams left to compete against.2 points
He gave his reason, can you not read? It's only track reserve anyway ......2 points
I wonder why he declined? Maybe standing through the whole presentation was an issue??2 points
If people prefer full throttle racing then thats fair enough....but to downright talk utter tripe that the passes were down to rider error is just trolling for the sake of it Wolves were up against the leagues poorest team and most predicted a thrashing........the torrential downpour before the meeting made the track very hard to ride and greasy. The fact remains that despite the poor opposition and the track there was passing in many many races......not rider error I get the fact its not everyones cup of tea...but a Poole and a Stoke fan moaning about another track lol2 points
2 points
I am no fan of Buster,I do not believe he bought Panthers as a philanthropic gesture , and I do not believe he has any particular interest in Panthers per se. I am also sure however he is not making any money out of Panthers , probably losing a fair bit if truth be known. However boycotting Panthers to get one over Buster is cutting off your nose to spite your face.2 points
2 points
with the British Final winner getting in the meeting, why not the U21 1st & 2nd as reserves especially next year when Lambert is ineligable2 points
Cook has always come across as a bit of a t0sser who throws his dummy out the pram. Quite simply, he's been wound up by Eastbourne & reacted how he usually does. Fell for it hook line and sinker and lost his head. Didn't he assault an official at the fours a couple of years ago? By being a brat & riding off in the middle of the parade when members of the public, mechanics and officials etc are on the track is the actions of a prat. He's then thrown in the head/shoulder to a volunteer and cracked someone with a right hand when they've told him to behave himself. What happened after is irrelevant really and handbags. Nothing to get excited over. Not sure why Vissing and Kennett need to be sanctioned but suppose they didn't want to be seen to be picking on Cook even though he caused it all with his behaviour. You'd expect anyone associated with Eastbourne to be a bit peeved if an away rider cries about a perfectly rideable track, strikes a volunteer and tries to chin a Dugard. Cook needs to be sanctioned for a long period so he starts showing some respect towards officials, fans and other riders.2 points
As expected, easy and well deserved win for The Wolves. I just can’t connect with this track, I have tried. Think it’s all about what you are brought up on. Respect the Supporters that defend, and enjoy it. My preference will alway be full throttle racing.2 points
2 points
I think you will find that if the case was we wanted to beat the Gems that bad we would not have put Dave Pye in and instead got a guest of a higher caliber. Dave is not in our declared 3 man 500cc squad but Im very happy to use him as he has shown 100% commitment when asked to ride. We also had young Brandon Woblewski in who unfortunately his points don't count because of hi Polish passport. Would I have give him a ride if winning was everything ? Young Kyran Lyden would have taken the no 1 spot instead of Elliot Kelly but he didn't have a bike and as The Gems had already approached Ben to guest for Joe Alcock if Joe was unfit it seemed logical to get Ben a ride for the Cubs. If you would like me to go in to a few things that you have no idea about please feel free to PM me and I will happily discuss. Best Regards Gavin Parr ( Cubs team manager )2 points
Wallingers signing been refused by the bspa I don’t no the reason behind it but it’s been put on the Plymouth fans forum by the promoter.1 point
I don’t know why we bother riding meetings, let’s save ourselves the trouble and just get foreverblue to decide who would score what, job done.1 point
sorry , did not realise it was for Glasgow fans only . it wont happen again . CLWN !1 point
1 point
Tai is outspoken & controversial at times but he's earned the right as a 3 times world champion and because of that you listen. Cook is not at that level & he just comes over as petulant. I remember Kenny Carter being outspoken and awkward but again he was World Class on a bike. And I'm not referring to his conduct at Eastbourne which I haven't seen. It's about his general attitude over the years in the sport. Take the British final recently; Charles Wright goes off on his victory lap on the trailer accompanied by Danny King but where's Cook? That's a lack of respect to Wright and King and to the meeting sponsors not to mention the fans. If he gets himself into next year's GP series and knocks out a run of decent scores I'll be the first to congratulate him.1 point
if he was champion of the world people would still knock him and you seemingly are one of them1 point
I get fed up with some of the posters on here who slag Craig of at every opportunity.wish they give him a break1 point
I think that’s a bit unfair on Craig, especially considering how late he came into speedway and his fast rise through the ranks to become one of the most consistent riders in the domestic leagues. When you consider how poor the money, set ups and support is in this country, it’s no surprise that we cannot produce the GP riders that Poland can. World achievers like Woffinden and Loram are rare, and we’ve even been lucky to have the likes of Harris and Nicholls in the home leagues. So, all in all, Craig is quite an inspiring example for young NL riders.1 point
If you go by the British Final shouldn't it be King & Cook. Has Cook spat his dummy out and refused. I agree it should be two youngsters to give them experience of these meetings.1 point
Sadly speedway sold it's media rights to Dick Turpin , the reinvestment rate of Turpin via advertising is zero , but the legal threats to anyone wanting to promote the sport using media are top priority . shame that all the sky dosh found its way into Dicks pockets , there, was an opportuinity to reinvest in some advertising to attract people who don't already follow speedway rather than constantly preaching to the converted1 point