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So, having reviewed the short video clip it seems to me the riders could clearly see the marshall with his red flag (which means stop in a controlled manner) but the leading rider thought he knew best and would ride around the marshall. The marshall, thinking the rider did not understand the simple instruction (or see him) foolishly moved across to make himself impossible to avoid. The highly paid professional then deliberately attacked the volunteer marshall with a shoulder charge. Open and shut case for me.10 points
On what possible grounds having watched the excellent racing clips on SGB website and Eastbourne website would anyone have for declaring the Meeting "null and void" and re-running on a "neutral track". That is the most ridiculous post I have seen for a long time. What possible action on Saturday means Eastbourne can't have a Home Leg or that kind of absolutely ridiculous comment. Seems you really are just a complete sore looser and the fact Eastbourne got 43 points at Glasgow and therefore warm favourites over 2 legs is just swept under the carpet. Every post you have made in this thread is now outed for what it is "complete sore looser".6 points
As a lifelong Tigers fan, but long term Sussex resident , and Eagles fan, I’ve stayed out so far, letting those without any evidence have their say/opinion/speculation. I wasn’t at the meeting. However that longer video tells a contradictory story to what the previous 29 pages have alleged. A man walking in front of a bike with no brakes, that is not designed to turn RIGHT. A headbutt that turns out to be a shoulder charge. I can fully understand from other angles it may look like a headbutt. But it wasn’t...... I’m not sure how many of us would instantly react to nearly being knocked off. Punches thrown by more than one person, from both teams, and now we see Kennett wading in too. Oh, and by the way, when the dust settles, can you all go out and race your 500cc bike, no hard feelings eh? So far, on the evidence actually shown, neither side has anything to be proud of. In the face of what that video shows, Mr Facenna can be very proud of his decision to apologise for his side’s part in that ruck. That longer video would suggest that Cook (and Dugard) need to reflect both on their team’s part in it, and also what was said on the PA to exacerbate the situation.5 points
I understand that at first the ref wanted to take Cook out of the meeting, but the Eastbourne promotion asked for him to be reinstated so as to not weaken the meeting. I believe Cook will be dealt with in an alternative way.5 points
The simplest thing would be for the SCB to declare the result null and void and instruct that it be re-run at a neutral track. Belle Vue would be a sensible alternative venue as it is roughly 200+miles from both tracks.5 points
So on Thursday at Poole (weather permitting) the parade will consist of 12 stationary bikes being lined up on the track - Ippo infront of the startline and Poole behind the startline. Riders will stand behind their bikes on the centre green with their mechanics/helpers and be introduced and announced individually starting with the Ippo Number 7. There will be a track marshall - sometimes the deputy Clerk of the Course - displaying a red flag on the track between the start and the first bend to stop riders riding away too early. Yes thats on the track not on the centre green, just like it happens at many other tracks who have the parade in similar style.5 points
Unfortunately there are too many people on this thread and the Eastbourne one with an agenda and using their pre existing opinion of Cook to form their view without looking at the incident for what it was.5 points
From the video it looks to me that the flag Marshall is gesturing with the flag and pointing with his right arm to indicate that he wants Craig to exit the track onto the infield which is why he has stepped to his left because he has indicated for the rider to go to his right. It doesn't look to me like either the Marshall deliberately stepped in his path or that Cook deliberately rode into him, more a misunderstanding. Certainly Cook lunged at him in anger but I wouldn't call that a deliberate head butt.5 points
Blimey, finally we agree about something. Yeh no matter what caused it all, taking a swing at that guy who got in his face was the catalyst for the shambles that followed.4 points
Britains wildcard entrant at Cardiff, Charles Wright, has come up with this fantastic scheme to help the charity and win a great prize. BACK THE CHAMPION 2019 British Champion Charles Wright is offering a unique opportunity for companies and individuals to back him at the forthcoming British Grand Prix. Wright is having a race suit and covers made for the Cardiff showpiece next month and will be auctioning the race suit off after the meeting with proceeds going to the SRBF. Wright is looking for companies to support his push to compete in front of 40,000 British supporters. He added: "This really is a unique opportunity for companies to come on board for this special meeting as I look to compete against the world's best riders on what will be an emotional night for British Speedway. "I already have the support of a couple of companies since my win in Manchester and I really would appreciate the help of other companies should they be interested in getting involved." Should anyone be interested they can email Charles for further details. charleswrightracing26@gmail.com4 points
Having seen the short video clip I am happy to say that my initial observation that Cook deliberately rode at the marshal, and tried to headbutt him were wrong. That's what it looked like on the night, but with the different angle of the video I can accept it was more likely an accidental collision, and a shoulder barge. What followed was still completely unacceptable. I suspect the reason Eastbourne haven't released the whole clip is that it will show several of their own people behaving equally as badly as Craig Cook and his associates. It's still a fact that if Craig had reigned his temper in there wouldn't have been a fight. It's also a fact that the home management deliberately wound him up beforehand. Nobody involved really comes out of this incident looking good.4 points
Sharpenrake 3 points (1) have visited Arlington for many years as a brummies fan and our rivalry goes very deep over decades. I've never been treated with anything other than the kindest respect and positive welcome. Yes they are very partisan, but I don't think any of us need any lessons from Scottish fans in being partisan in speedway or any other sport. I can think of far worse and less safe places to travel as a visiting fan than Arlington (Dudley Wood, Brandon and Monmore Green made Arlington look like a Polo Club!) . Don't think a line was crossed from all accounts. (2) you fail to reflect on what those who WERE THERE are all saying, a pre-meditated attempt by Craig Cook and Michael Max (Team Manager) to stir up ill feeling about the tRack. I've seen various race clips this morning on SCB and Eastbourne website and the track looks excellent and no issues with it at all. Certainly Craig Cook seemed to race on it fine once he had picked his dummy off the floor. Shame he didn't go out in Heat 1! A greater shame his Team Manager let him ride in Heat 15! to the loss of possible earning to a team mate as meeting was over. (3) Craig Cook has a well documented history of mood swings, he can be a nice guy one week and a complete tool the next and Michael Max is well known in the Sport (not to be confused as a Karlsson brother) as a wind up merchant. I'm sure that supporters of many Clubs will be aware of his antics. Maybe wise that you accept that Craig Cook was partially in the wrong, Glasgow tried to intimidate for 60-90 minutes but came up against a Club that won't be intimidated and that the subsequent punch up did neither Club any favours at all. As for Jon Cook, he is like Michael Max a complete wind up merchant and clown. Glasgow started it, Eastbourne finished it. simple as that!4 points
You have misunderstood. All the bikes were on the track, lined up and facing the main grandstand on the back straight. This is how the riders are announced at Arlington. They stand behind the bike, get introduced, wave and then sit on the bike waiting for the rest of the riders from both teams to be introduced. The away team is always introduced first. Once all the riders are introduced, all 14 riders (or less if RR is being used) are pushed off and they have a lap or two of practices starts and 'getting the feel' of the turns by sliding in. As the bikes are pushed off, little mascots, guests, media etc etc are either marched off the track or walked to the safe area on the centre green. What happened Saturday, is three or so of the Glasgow riders were pushed off before the Eagles were introduced and started their practice starts at turn 4. Down towards turn 1 and then, you see what happens. Its possible that Cook was going off but unlikely as most riders would at least do a lap and a bit round the track and not be happy doing just 3/4 of a lap. But, maybe Cookie had already decided he was not going to race and hence was going to the pits. Even if he was, the marshal would not have known that and would have wanted to stop the riders going round turn two and into the area where people were still milling around on the track.4 points
Couldn’t the Leicester promotion just bring over some supporters from their other team, Sheffield, to boost the crowds?4 points
I think the video proves this is all a bit of a storm in a teacup and most of the reports on Saturday night were wildly exaggerated. I expect a fine but don’t see there being the ban that many seem to be salivating for.4 points
Ran him over...FFS wind it in.. Banned for the rest of the season lol.. Wasn't you the one that cried out for Lambo to be banned when he posted a pic of gallons of oil tipped on the Poole track after a meeting last season...? You said it was from the tractor.. When other Poole fans said they saw someone tip it on the track, you told them " to keep your gob shut, nothing to see here "...3 points
Absolutely no surprise that this happened at Eastbourne, have been there several times over the years supporting Lynn and there is always the feeling that something is brewing. Add Jon Cook into that and it’s little wonder it happened there.3 points
3 points
I have every faith in SCB Co-ordinator Neil Vatcher in sorting all the evidence submitted including what he witnessed with his own eyes and reaching the correct conclusion. I just hope it doesn't take too long.3 points
RR for Heeps on this occasion helps Ipswich at Poole where Heeps normally struggles. It means Kennett, KP and King can take his rides! We should still get the points but it will be much closer.3 points
26 pages for all the wrong reasons .with the aid of video , i have grabbed whats gone on , why cant others ?3 points
It also proves that a lot of liars on here have tried to milk the situation.3 points
Not quite sure why this is on the Poole v Ipswich meeting thread, but as I put on the other thread, the flag marshall was acting as instructed as the ref had put the red lights on when Cook set off before the rider parade and presentations had been completed - in fact were less than half way through. Cook nor any other rider should have been riding the track at that point - end of!!3 points
Don't be a Div Baldy, Marshall waving a red flag well before he gets to him means stop, not ride past him. As far as I'm concerned he's bang out of order with his reaction.3 points
Well this has been blown well out of proportion not like the BSF to do that. It sounded as if world war 3 had broken out on Saturday , it turns out to be handbags at dawn wit much ado about well as the video proves nothing. If anything the marshall was doing the hokey cokey he didn't know whether to go left or right3 points
Now watch it again without the anti cook glasses on, the Marshall clearly steps left into cooks path, a speedway bike has no brakes, what's he meant to do?3 points
What if he was on the track already tho ? The introduction were happening at this point remember..3 points
Well done the IOW winners tonight and over the three legs of this competition,, Georgie Wood and Ben Morley looked at a different level tonight, both max,s ....Connor,King fought hard for his points and will be a decent rider at this level when he improves his gating..Verge was getting stuck in when the crash happened on the first bend with Extance and him coming together in what was first bend bunching both falling heavily ,,,best wishes to both for their recoveries This meeting had some good racing at times,,and it was a shame that it finished as it did....... well done to Len Silver and all those who organised these meetings to keep the fans interested on a weekly basis.........3 points
2 points
What was Cook doing on a bike when the intros were only half way through. Being disrespectful. Red light on by the ref. Flag man told to stop him. Cook ran him over then shoulder charged him. A guy went up and told Cook he was out of order. Got a punch in the head for his troubles. Then the fracas started. Can only lay the whole sorry mess on Cooks shoulders. Should be banned for the rest of the season and fined.2 points
I just watched it and thought exactly the same, I can just hear him in my head telling someone to f**k off in his Danish/Geordie accent.2 points
Cook launched his fists first, fail to see how anyone can defend that. If it was in the street or my family/friend on the receiving end I know what I'd think. Cook ignored the lights/flags and therefore started the trouble. And just for the record, I'm not a cook 'hater' I'd say the same no matter who it was.2 points
Track stewards a ******* idiot!!!!! What an overreaction from a lot of Eastbourne officials and riders but not very surprising often been a clicky bunch over the years ...to accuse Cook of aiming his bike at him is total bull , a high degree of embarrassment2 points
I think in terms of modern speedway that was a bit more than handbags to me. Good few punches thrown by different folk. Realise the old days were different gravy tho.2 points
Well Well Well. Dickie Juul in the middle of it. Who would have believed that.2 points
I must admit I thought Musielak put in more than some of his temporary team mates. Cracking meeting with some excellent racing, good quality presentation and all done in about 90 minutes2 points
Longer 2 minute version, sorry no sound and taken from tele by phone.2 points
Since when did a red flag on a speedway track mean stop instantly regardless of where you are and do not move? A red flag is waved, they should slow down and return to the pits. The marshal clearly walks to his left into the line of the bike and deliberately causes a collision.2 points
In what way is the marshal acting incorrectly? It's true that track staff should not be on the track during a race, but this wasn't during a race. It's while other people were still on the track. Cookie had plenty of time to slow down, but didn't. He disobeyed a red flag.2 points
if you can untie yourself from those knots you have tied yourself in you might have some chance of digging yourself out of the "sore loser" hole that's so deep.2 points
Contact MKJ Vids and you can order a DVD copy through their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mkjvids/ In the meantime, take it on trust that while it was raining during Heats 3 and 4, by no means was that rain “torrential”. For starters, I would have dived for cover in the clubhouse, instead of watching the racing from the start-line, and then hiding under the ref’s box to fill my programme in, to stop it getting wet.2 points
2 points
I’m not quite sure what your expectations were but I don’t think either failed to deliver, they have won races and reached semi finals and a final which isn’t bad for young riders. It’s s tough, tough series with no room for error and I think they have both done ok.2 points
Unfortunately there are too many people on this thread and the Eastbourne one with an agenda and using their pre existing opinion of Cook to form their view without looking at the incident for what it was. 2 points
This thread has more storylines and backtracking than a Dynasty affair2 points
You can go left and right as well . As the track staff member clearly demonstrated.2 points
When one team has a good day at the office and one has a poor day this is what happens. One swallow doesn’t make a summer, for either team. Think most fans would prefer to be where Ipswich are in the League than where Lynn are2 points
2 points
Christ alive. Y'all haven't half made a mountain out of a molehill. If you're going to walk into the path of a bike, then expect to get hit... And a headbutt? Where?2 points
That was a cracker of a meeting, takes two to tango and Redcar were worthy of their point. The speedway at Glasgow this year is absolutely superb, thoroughly enjoying it. Completely agree that Kyle has the outside line in his locker, if he chooses to use it and Connor getting visibly quicker every week. I thought the second pits camera worked well last night once the signal issues settled down. The 2nd meeting in a row with a very healthy attendance (no freebies), positive signs for the club.2 points