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  1. Can anyone deny Woffy's entertainment value tonight? Not to mention his usual good racing knowledge. Even his lack of commentating expertise was entertaining. Actually, he brought a brand of comment that I found refreshing. Forget the professional approach. Let's have more of this unvarnished expert comment.
    8 points
  2. As a Redcar fan when I booked my tickets for my first British GP with my son I never dreamt that we would be watching one of our own riders. Absolutely bloody magnificent! Go on Charlie Boy, see you in Cardiff.
    8 points
  3. Worthy winner, be good to see a new Brit at Cardiff. Danny Ayres should be first reserve!
    6 points
  4. God Danny Ayres got to feel for him great value a real showman what was SHOVLAR saying crap speedway.We have had more excitement tonight than Poole have had in the last ten years.
    6 points
  5. I'm not a person who writes a lot on forums but tonight I thought that I'd make an exception. Some recent comments have appeared to suggest that someone or something must be to blame for the need to make changes, but does that really have to be the case? Speedway is a competitive sport and as in any competitive sport there should be a desire to win, and sometimes to do this a manager needs to make decisions that are not always popular. I've been to most home meetings and the occasional away meeting this season and overall I've been pleased with the performances and the entertainment value, with a combination of watching young riders develop and the skills that the more experienced riders bring with them. I also enjoyed watching some races where Bomber has team ridden to protect Henry when he (Henry) has gated well. I don't think that Henry has regained his confidence fully since his injury, but I think and hope that he has a long future in the sport. He's only a young lad and I believe that he'll continue to improve, but maybe a bit too much was being expected of him, at this crucial stage of the season. He appears to be a sensible lad and maybe he is aware of his current limitations, especially away from the OTA, where he doesn't get the protection from Bomber. Had it not been for a few potentially confidence knocking falls I think he would have progressed further, but maybe not as much as Anders who continues to impress. Sometimes it takes guts to put your hand up and say that all does not feel right. I just hope that the step up to the main body of the team isn't asking too much of Anders and that he can take the step up in his stride. As regards to Todd Kurtz, he has not impressed me this season and whilst he might consider himself a bit unfortunate to lose his place, I don't think he can have too many complaints and I'm sure that he'll find another club very soon. I'm looking forward to watching the new line up, not least because the weaker bottom end of the team puts greater pressure on the experienced riders, who all need to be competitive from the start of every meeting. The days of the second half Rebels have gone for the time being, but with it there should be some closer meetings and entertaining races, well hopefully anyway. We can go into heat 13 a few points behind and still have a realistic hope of winning whether at home or away. We might not be in the top league but we've had two number 1's from the top league in our team at the same time! When I look round the rest of British Speedway I'm a bit surprised at some of the negativity seen in the comments on this thread, because it appears to me that Somerset is in a much healthier position than the vast majority of clubs and I think the promotion deserve the support that they get from the majority of supporters. Finally I hope that the Rebels golf day that Andrew puts a lot of effort into organising is another great success and gets the support and good weather that it deserves .
    6 points
  6. This was taken at 8am this morning after over 48 hours of continuous rain, over 90mm. Half a mile away roads are flooded shown on BBC news last night but as you can see the track is fine. It is going to be 23 degrees and sunny today so they will be watering this afternoon.
    6 points
  7. Hope Matt lays on a lap of honour for Charles Wright. Fully deserved it tonight.
    5 points
  8. Danny ayres has balls of steel. what an effort
    5 points
  9. 5 points
  10. An enjoyable meeting last night and Congratulations the the Tigers on a fine win,really good team performance by them from 1 to 7,got the job done Reading some excuses on here is amusing,Fuel,track etc,never heard such Rubbish, The tigers did what they had to do and Ayres and Lambert were poor,its a simple as that Id even go as far as saying had the track been grippy we would have got thumped by more than two points on another note,bit of a naughty move by cook in HEAT 15,least he could have done was go check on Auty,i dont think it was as dirty as it looked really,more a simple mistake coming out the corner,least he could have done was checked he was ok Any chance Glasow could leave Jensen at the EWR? Well done Glasgow
    5 points
  11. Your positivity and commitment is very obvious. I hope the club respect your loyalty. The strong messages I read from the majority is they just want their track back and considered communication. The customer is not always right, but they are always the customer, and should be treated as such.
    5 points
  12. Love Danny Ayers what a character great entertainment
    4 points
  13. Danny Ayres. Most entertaining rider of the night! Well done boy!
    4 points
  14. The tracks fine, gripper than normal due to the massive amounts of rain we have had this last 2 days. Racing has been good just not the usual high standard we expect here. Some fans just love moaning for moanings sake.
    4 points
  15. BLAMING the track as usual... perhaps the riders aren't good enough to make the best of it. Just saying ...
    4 points
  16. Its almost like he knows what he is talking about...
    4 points
  17. I'd rather blame those at the AGM, who pleaded poverty & insisted on such a stupidly low points limit, which people like Garry May argued against, stating that 42.5 should be retained so as to not dilute the product. In fact they wanted it even lower at 36, saying they wouldn't run if it wasn't brought in. In the end it was compromised at 38, with the increase to 40 this month. Guess what those same 'Poverty Pleaders' are still in the league at 40 points, when apparently they couldn't run unless it was 36, strange that isn't it.
    4 points
  18. Blobby is a lone Wolf now , the days of Sniper on here were hilarious , but the Edinburgh posters these days are more pleasant and not bitter , Blobs aside . Anyway after a wonderful away win and a hotel with a 24 hour bar, we're a bit fragile heading for Manchester . Cracking team performance though , just as well the fuel additives arrived after heat 2 , amazing what Red Bull does mixed with the nitro . Didn't work for our glorious leader though as he was 6 points down on his usual score . But cometh the hour , cometh the man , take a bow Rasser , you were immense .
    4 points
  19. Anyway we're all pissed , so it's been a good night and an excellent away win , so good bless the stripes and idiot the Monarchs
    4 points
  20. Cook is like rigid Robot on a bike.He can’t produce passing like a lot of these guys tonight.
    3 points
  21. Woffy is growing into the commentary stuff quickly. he is very good
    3 points
  22. Danny Ayres what a credit to our sport, I wonder how he would have done in the days of cinder track racing.
    3 points
  23. If it means I hear less of Pearson, I'm all for it. seriously he's not bad
    3 points
  24. Hope not I want a Brit to win it. He is taking a Brits spot in the lineup. Totally wrong.
    3 points
  25. I'm all in favour of Topsoil's suggestion that ALL clubs should have a Junior Team - but this should be comprised of riders who are exclusive members of each club - not two or three different clubs all using the same riders! "Doubling-up" (in the main leagues) has become a monster totally out of control (a child of five could have seen this coming!!) - and it needs to be phased out as soon as possible whether the riders like it or not. Phasing it out though, seems to be and impossible dream - every season it is further extended. Whoever dreamed up this idea should be put up against a wall!!!!
    3 points
  26. Wise words on Polish tv yesterday by Piotr Swist who used to ride in GB. "Everyone says how bad British league currently is. But many of Polish so called young prospects tried it and not many delivered on those tight, technical tracks". Field tonight might not be the best but these guys know how to race in GB! Expecting great meeting!
    3 points
  27. What difference would that have made ,apart from him telling you his reason for doing it.would not have changed anything.
    3 points
  28. As long as Rory The Roo Boy gets nowhere near the podium I’ll be happy
    3 points
  29. Whilst the line up is hardly world class by any stretch of the imagination it is no worse really than the line up for the Swedish Final held on Saturday. I would say only Poland, Denmark and to some degree if they all rode Australia could put together a decent national championship line up. Howarth, Barker and Garrity would all increase the quality of tonights field if they replaced, Newman, Lambert and Ayres
    3 points
  30. Seems abit cynical that point of view - Why would he need to make them feel uncomfortable? Gary May could of just replaced them whenever he wanted to. The signing of Nick Morris isn't actually that much of a gamble. The combination of the bottom 4 has been very little away from home so Nick Morris along with the odd point from Rowe and Stoneman should more than better that. Mind you, Nick Morris has been pretty average at best for Wolves so he will need to up his game considerably if he is to return to his best. Not surprised to see Kurtz go. He should of been pushing a 6.50 average easily this year but has gone backwards.
    3 points
  31. It doesn’t help when the team building average is capped ridiculously low at 38 points
    3 points
  32. Meatloaf - 2 outta 3 aint bad
    3 points
  33. Wonderful personality. At Weymouth he went fron second half to reserve to second string to heat leader in successive weeks. Guys with pony tails and beards were very rare at the time so he really stood out and quickly became a bit of a folk hero. Of course the usual instability at Weymouth saw messrs Mawdsley and Lansdale pull out of Weymouth after the season to start their new venture at Rochester. Pity as the local community was really starting to take to the then Eagles. Most memorable Barry escapade was when he clashed wit Terry Stone on the home straight and went careering off onto the centre green. Now the stadium at that time was in a terrible state and the centre green grass had not been cut for months. It was waist high at the lowest and much higher elsewhere. The surface was also incredibly rutted and Barry was soon separated from his bike with Barry and bike flying on in different directions. The ever dedicated Red Cross came over as fast as the conditions allowed but then they had a problem - they couldn’t find him! One shouted “Here’s the bike” but it was a few seconds later when another shouted. “OK. I’ve got him he’s over here”. Luckily Barry was just bruised and shaken up and it was always a pleasure to follow his later career regardless of his team. Nice to hear he is doing well
    3 points
  34. Somerset's top 5 led to the 2 young lads being thrown at reserve. Blame the management. They built the team that way.
    3 points
  35. Feel that no rider who has a Premiership average over 7.00 should be permitted to riding in the championship .
    3 points
  36. I feel sorry for atkins, this ridiculous points limit has to led to lads beings slung in the deep end very early in their careers, most of them after about 18 months in the nl, its a bridge too far for so many.
    3 points
  37. Cook? He was nowhere near quick enough. King maybe. King obviously thought if he took blue he could cover red & white. But it didn't work out.
    2 points
  38. Gutted for Danny but Wright a deserving winner Turned out a great meeting - loved it
    2 points
  39. I would question Schlien’s calling out of tracks,there would not be many meetings go ahead if he had his way ,his attitude is a disgrace ,the race times at Berwick were on par with every other meeting, what he did not like was a grippy track ,fans are getting p# sped off with riders like him’s attitude.Somerset fans are moaning about their track being far too slick this season ,now you know the reason why.Gate and go Schlein!
    2 points
  40. Did they ask you to ride at number 6 while you were on the phone?
    2 points
  41. People are critical of the line-up, Rightly so. But i think it will be a night of exciting racing. I will be glued. The weather here in the North-West is fine now. Dont know why i was worried.
    2 points
  42. Every single one of that field, apart from Bewley, race in the championship so yes, it’s lower level. The standard of British speedway, and tonight is the best we can do, is really clear with this line up.
    2 points
  43. How ironic would it be if the re staging was on a Thursday! Although unlikely, due to Danny King's commitments. Unless of course the Witches have any free Thursdays.
    2 points
  44. That’s my sentiments it is a sport and as in any sport nowadays money seems to be all it is about ,there are hundreds if not thousands who do not make the grade in their chosen sport.Like you say these people have to find something else.Harsh but true IMO.
    2 points
  45. Surely with a tasty meeting coming up Saturday. A more open minded approach would be more beneficial to entice old/new fans to return? Or, are you unable to make that vital connection. Rather finding it appropriate to 'as a supporter' offer to fight people and generally being inhospitable to others? Conclusion - Not much going on up top!
    2 points
  46. Wrong again Geoff. Jason as said multiple times if they had the NSS while he was riding he would not ride for us as it's to easy to ride. He preferred turning upto a track like murky lane k owing the other riders hated it.
    2 points
  47. But it was Somerset’s choice to go so top heavy.
    2 points
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