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This should be a defining night for British Speedway, we're making good progress as a nation at youth level, but the top of the tree is rotten. This should be the wake-up call that's clearly needed to have a proper clearout of the old guard and start instilling some professionalism. I have nothing but respect for the changes the new guys have made so far, but keeping Rossiter as team manager was a bad decision from the get-go. The guy seems to be living in an age where GB weren't expected to win anything, they could all have a good laugh and as long as they entertained and give it a go, it was a good night's work. That doesn't work in modern day speedway. Rossiter just comes across as a bit of a clown, I can't imagine anyone turning up on a raceday and respecting him, least of all a self made 3 time world champion. I've never been a great lover of Tai Woffinden, but dear me, is he needed by Team GB at present. His ideas, determination and courage to actually air his views are what we need if we're ever going to get anywhere. It might put a few noses out of joint but we need to get away from this plucky GB crap to being an actual professional speedway nation ASAP if we want to win anything. A new team manager is a must. I'd say they could also do with looking at all these backroom/hangers on team, a standby rider is far more important than a 'Head of Performance' (what exactly was he doing this weekend?!). I'd love to see someone with a bit of gravitas come in to manage the side, along with a younger understudy to be groomed for the future - something like a Peter Adams & Olly Allen/Simon Stead/Scott Nicholls combo. As for the meeting, without doubt the worst speedway I've seen in a long, long time. I've watched this sport since I was a kid, probably around 20 years and that's the first time I've switched the channel off and watched something else instead of live speedway. Why on earth are there 42 heats to give us 1 semi and 1 final? What is the exact point of Saturday's meeting? Do they even look at tracks before they decide to award them with the pinnacle of world speedway? Presumably the answer to all those questions is that nobody has any idea. The whole event just felt flat as a fart, there was no tension or drama, the GP qualification on a Friday night has more about it than this did. Pearson and Tatum add absolutely nothing to the event either - I'm sure Tatum is a lovely bloke, and very experienced, but he isn't a great commentator and time to get him doing more pits analysis. Pearson, where do you start? The final straw for me was him laughing and joking about the rules being so complicated and "we'll worry about them later"! It's a World Cup final, it happens once a year and you're not clear on the rules? Why is he laughing at the fact the rules are a little bit complex? Imagine Darren Fletcher doing that in a Champions League final? His commentary is going out on the world feed and he makes the sport look a joke. Clearly he has plenty control over the BSPA now along with many sycophants so it's p1ssing in the wind. Let's hope for better next year - Woffinden, Lambert and Bewley, on a better track and with a decent team manager.12 points
Nah it's GB we'd rather send nutrition personal instead of an extra rider plus Rosco's personal crimper to make sure that he uses the right hair gel for his Tin Tin look or Woody Woodpecker look whichever way you look at it8 points
Tai is absolutely brutal and that little interview can put to bed any doubts about his relationship with Rossiter. For the record I fully agree with what Tai says. Just give him the bloody reigns to this nation and be done with it.7 points
DIDN'T say he wasn't but you suggested he was the only one. But agree with others that Kenny Carter destroyed any place in speedway history not with his suicide but the fact that he murdered his wife.6 points
One more race and that set up will be sorted....6 points
Both Lambert and Cook are fit to ride today.6 points
So they got rid of the SWC for this. The idea of Poland winning by miles year after year was so bad that it had to be stopped. And in its place they give us THIS. In just about every respect. Utter crap.5 points
Funny. you love your mate Nigel Pearson but I think he's useless, the most boring, anal, repetitive commentator there is.... but like you say, we beg to differ.5 points
But Speedway in this country has for too long been a pleasant little club where no one ever criticises. It's got us nowhere, time to say it how it is.5 points
I'm admiring Woffy more and more. No arse licking and talking complete sense. why put .Bewley in the squad if you don't think he's fit!5 points
Overall, Pearson hadn’t a clue what was going on, apart from the fact it’s 42 heats over two days, then a race between 2nd and 3rd, and a final where the World Champions will be decided over 60 seconds Is there a home he can go to?5 points
Pearson and his motley crew have ripped off the sport for long enough, sub-standard journalism; sub standard media, poor reaction to criticism. He is part of the problem with the sport, yet has an iron media grip on a lot of the Clubs due to his collaboration with BSPA including my own. Of course he is unhappy with social media warriors who tell it how it is. He can't control them and that's all he wants to do. "control".5 points
Yeah, he would, but so was Harris. What is harris going to learn about this weekend that he hasnt already. NOTHING. What would bewley have learnt??? EVERYTHING4 points
Much as I respect Scott Nicholls as a rider/pundit, no way should he become GB team Manager, he's too close to it at present. The emphasis is on MANAGER. I'm pretty sure Peter Adams, for instance, never rode a bike but he knows how to win matches, he knows how to motivate riders. That's a team managers job, not being one of the lads who goes for a pint and a burger with the riders. Being a good rider does not make a good team manager.4 points
Pairs racing can be pretty rubbish can't it? The SWC had four riders all racing for every point.. This format however has riders not racing each other if they are consolidating a position, be it a 5-1 or a 3-3, and even if on a 1-5 the last place rider will be loathe to put their own partner under pressure.. Not a patch on the SWC for racing is it?4 points
Not sure why the debate about which heat to run with one rider.. As we have already ran most of them with just one, then surely one more wont make much difference...4 points
And the less said about him the better. Collins? Loram? Morton? Jessup? Simmo? Plenty in the past.4 points
To be fair the engine has to pull an extra two stone around so its going to struggle.4 points
Roscos interview showed all that is currently wrong with the setup and mentality with Great British Speedway. Time for a complete clearout.4 points
Yep absolutely the right mentality love him or hate him he knows the deal Rosco hasn't a fkn clue kn8b head!4 points
SORRY to be pedantic, but you cannot give 110 per cent. 100 per cent is the max. Interesting comments from Tai. Not exactly on the same wavelength as Rosco.4 points
Yeah pretty poor considering the fuss made about the GB set up4 points
This is spot on. Up to now my belief is that the Team GB setup is far more about style than substance. I would be very happy to admit if I am wrong about that. I can't even think of any way that things can realistically be altered. Either the riders are up to the job or they are not, and things like fitness, nutrition and team bonding sessions make only a marginal difference. The re-definition of 'team' to mean two riders plus an U21 has helped but realistically GB should not need this, there should be more riders at a good level. The aim should be to race Test series against Poland, Australia, Denmark etc with 7 or 8 man teams - proper Tests. This might happen in the future but the selection of Chris Harris (much as I admire what he has done over the years) doesn't suggest that we are aiming in this direction. Even Woffinden said we should be going with youth - surely he has a strong voice within Team GB?4 points
A lot like me stopped going when we signed him during the winter, knowing full well what we was going to get.4 points
Blocked by Schlein on Twitter this morning. Wasn’t even following him. Sensitive little bitch ain’t he4 points
Personally don’t see the point of racing over 2 days for “ winner takes all final”.meeting each other once should be enough.4 points
It's always heartwarming to see the young ' uns dancing with Smoggy to the strains of The Music Man. They look like they are having such a great time. The MPA, and the current promotion team, the team itself, the atmosphere, and the whole experience of going to see the Bears ride is light years away from the visiting experience not so very long ago. Yes, I'm a Bears fan, but the efforts everyone is putting in at the MPA, deserves some long overdue reward. UTB !!!4 points
When is this carnage and waste of time going to stop ? We have riders moving an inch and red lights. Riders making perfect starts and red lights. Isnt it time to stop this rubbish , and go back to red light for tape touching only (apart from 1st bend incidents). If some want to jump let them , the exclusion for touching is on them. Its really grinding my arse now to the point its hardly worth watching.3 points
Possibly but he has time and potential on his side so would have learned from the experience while being no worse than Bomber.3 points
I AGREE with you. Speedway is very dependent on the track that it is raced on. Sadly the really good ones are few and far between. But when choosing venues for the top meetings, such as this one, the track and not just the venue or the city or country it is in should be paramount.3 points
What!? Now that he's had this year's experience, Bomber will have his set up right next year.3 points
How can you explain to non cricket fans that after a month of playing the team with most points might not be champs?3 points
How can you explain to non speedway fans that after two days of racing the team with most points might not be champs ? IMO there's No need for a final the team that tops the scorecard should be champions3 points
Most people could have said it would be Russia vs Poland without having to watch 42 heats of utter tripe tbh.3 points
If anyone expected anything other than last then you need to give your head a wobble. We have 1 world class rider. (Injured) 1 great rider in Lambert (injured) 1 decent UK rider and good at this track (injured) Andb1 has been. Great servent to team GB but shouldnt be anywhere near the squad. We need to forget this year and learn from it3 points
A little bit pi€€ed of with this cookie bashing. Inside is full of ruts not way he can ride through them with his wrist. Hes virtually being forced to ride because we have no riders. He wouldn't be riding if we had another rider there like Poland3 points
Tai saying he wants whats best for british speedway he could start by riding at belle vue next monday, never mind taking kids to aussie show them how its done in britian.3 points
Is it just my imagination or was the set up slightly better there? Just watch him go in the last race!3 points
Wow even getting smashed up by the Germans,,,, can it get more embarrassing3 points
Take that haters! Bomber notches a point!3 points
How anyone can still think kindly of Carter, after what he did, beggars belief. Might have been a top rider but was a monster for his act.3 points
Scott's point was the U21 haver there own competition. SoN is to find the best nation so it should be the best 3 riders. that isn't living in the past but correct.3 points
Telling it as it is. And about time too. Not sitting on the fence. Offered to go to RUSSIA AND RIDE EVEN INJURED.3 points
Do people understand now why I said just take the kids? As soon as tai was out, just make it about the future because we were never winning it. Craig cook. Chris Harris and the rest of the journeymen English riders, we should never see them again. Rossiter needs binning after this as well. Start again. Let tai take the reigns. Get Bewley on board with Lambert and then start looking after Kemp, Flint Bickley etc. Jordan palin coming on nicely too. Sack off winning it for 5 years and just start developing. It really is very very simple3 points
Pathetic attitude by Rosco there. If Bewley isn't fit, he shouldn't be riding, he won't get fit, without riding. We haven't got a chance of silverware, so let them experience it. Even Tai saying he would give it a go but no flights.3 points
Rosco states Bewley would be next in line and would have been taken but he's not currently fit enough/up to it. Then take the next man in line, hardly rocket science3 points
A truly ludicrous race to the bottom isn't it? Promoters demanding riders have the best kit to win competitions that by the way they run them have absolutely zero worth.. Meaning. Riders spending fortunes on gaining the best kit they can find and paying for expensive tuning, just to remain at the same level as their rivals because they are all doing exactly the same thing.. Meaning. Promoters paying out unaffordable and unsustainable levels to riders to pay for the best kit and tuning they demand of them... Meaning. Fans having to pay admission costs far in excess of what the Sports standing actually is, and far in excess of what actual entertainment value is put on offer to them.. Meaning. A reduction year on year of fans due to the higher admission costs needed to fund the racing.. All to compete in, try to win, and watch competitions that Mickey Mouse would be embarrassed to have organised... If you tried to put together this as a business or operating model to launch a new venture you would be laughed at out loud by any potential investors wouldn't you? Yet this is the model British Speedway uses year in year out... Amazing really...3 points
I dont think I misunderstood you, think I knew where you were going. You said "If Bewley at reserve we are in the same boat as all those others", maybe except for one country - Poland, who have Drabik, they could equally have had Smektala, or even Kuberra. Point is, their reserves are pretty good. Why? Because they have been exposed to top class racing for so long. ONly now for last couple years is it, GB has the Poultec training. But what is the point of training youngsters if we dont expose them to international racing. Even last year Dan Bewley who is what 20?, is still behind Drabik/Smektala even younger Kuberra. Without Tai our chances of a win were massively reduced, but still in with a chance maybe of a top 3 place, but still tough. But importantly we got to bring the youngsters through. I understand why you say keep Rob at reserve (he will still get the rides) but does GB go for a minor place this year, or invest in future years. When Robert is over 21 (isnt this his last year at under 21"s competition), then Cook is out it will be Tai and Robert, but who at under 21 reserve. It will be an inexperienced rider who HAS to have a ride, maybe finish last, best 3rd place. Get them trained up at every opportunity, like now, when we cant win, and maybe when they do race they are well capable of 3rd or even 2nd. Those points may be the difference between win or loose. Cook, Lambert, Bewley for me this year.3 points
It may have been the wrong thing to for me to do but when Rory was at the front in HT 11 I was hoping for an engine failure or a puncture so he wouldn't get the win3 points
Spot on , the jealousy surrounding Glasgow threads is quite comical at times. I remember only too well standing in the weeds on the back straight at Glasgow and you were able to do a quick head count, now while 2100 May be a tad over generous , the attendances are much healthier . The Charlie Monk stand is always pretty full , the stand on the home straight is usually pretty full , and the fourth bend terrace always looks well populated and swelled by an extra 10 folk when the Monarchs visit. While there are things about Ashfield since the Facennas took over that I don't like, I.e no decent bar and over zealous stewarding, it's like night and day now compared to the dump it used to be . If people feel the need to pick holes and throw insults in the direction of something that is actually good about British speedway, then that's pretty sad and it's an attitude which is indicative of where the sport in this country is just now .3 points