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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2019 in all areas

  1. The Jokes section is further down the board and that's a good one I might add
    3 points
  2. Think this has already been done pre season
    3 points
  3. If Jon Cook wrote a similar piece in a football programme then he and his club would be in serious trouble with the FA on a charge of bringing the sport into disrepute. The BSPA or the SCB should take action to ensure such repugnant comments are not allowed to appear in a programme again.
    3 points
  4. Would sedgeman fit for bwd
    2 points
  5. Presentation! yes loads better than the norm......... so why don't the promoters have a seminar were all track announcers / presenters attend & we improve the presentation of meetings @ every track? it will never happen of course tooooo simple a solution & heads buried in the sand ...
    2 points
  6. He would certainly be happier and more effective on your home track than ours certainly.
    2 points
  7. They should bring Bellego in right now..no brainer
    2 points
  8. Well looks like Bwd has broken collarbone so with him likely to be out for while surely will panthers redeclare with bellego for bwd and push bates down to reserve can't see panthers being able to get decent guests for bwd so surely redeclaring is only option
    2 points
  9. £1900 raised so far at the break for refreshments. TK's own Bees racejacket raised £650. £2300 total on the night.
    2 points
  10. Hi guys. Thank you for your feedback about the presentation at last night’s very entertaining meeting. With your usual guys unavailable it was a pleasure to have been able to step in and help Garry and Debbie out. And to those of you who took time to have a chat at the end I thank you very much. Here’s to the next time.
    2 points
  11. Feel the meeting on Monday could be very entertaining. Pretty sure that some on here will see the slightest rut/bump as a reason to slag off the track but Poole normally produces decent to excellent racing and I see no reason why the BT meeting will be a disappointment.
    2 points
  12. All this rain has caused a few sink holes to appear throughout the Country. Poole have been ahead of the game and had theirs for some time.
    2 points
  13. What's official about it? Any burk can start a thread
    1 point
  14. I see Berwick are now at Newcastle (league fixture) on the 30th June (filling in a previously blank sunday).
    1 point
  15. I am with you Fozzie, gonna be another Edingboro, Lescester i feel,Worrall and Cleggy will probably score more together than us combined
    1 point
  16. I think you'll find that the Poole Promotion have admitted that the track isn't good enough and it needs sorting out. https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/17684247.its-an-investment-we-have-to-make-pirates-to-spend-extensive-amounts-on-wimborne-road-track/ Admittedly they've not been able to get the equipment required to sort it yet but I would hope that they will be shortly.
    1 point
  17. If you consider riders struggling to control their machines and hitting ruts and bumps entertainment then yes i guess it will be Why cant you ever admit what is wrong with your club The track is garbage and in some cases dangerous Maybe just once you could actually talk some sense and speak the truth instead of trying to defend something that you cant And what the heck has how many league titles you won got anything to do with how poor your track is? Stupid comment At Ipswich we dont have a great racetrack but we know that and we admit it but at least it isnt dangerous. It wasnt done very well at all for our last home match but guess what.....our promotion held their hands up and apologised.
    1 point
  18. oh blimey those Reserves. Danny Phillips will actually score a bucket load.
    1 point
  19. I bloody hope not, really glad Kennett signed for you as well.
    1 point
  20. I hear the 6.00 flight from Edinburgh was chartered by Berwick fans going to Prague
    1 point
  21. Hopefully this promotion works for the club but there is quite a few regulars out in Prague for the SGP, they will need replaced plus those who arecattracted by the lower price.
    1 point
  22. Ain't got a clue,,,,,, how about Barker,,, he aint doing anything
    1 point
  23. Isnt he injured as well at the moment anyway????
    1 point
  24. can anyone tell me if the grass needs cutting @ Derwent Park ?
    1 point
  25. Young Rowe at Swindon is improving rapidly, and i have followed him along with A- ORLOV ( Avid Swindon fan) since his mini track appearances at the Abbey.My big hope is Anders can go Prem with the Robins by 2021/22 as you said we have some real talent coming through now and the N.L is a terrific route to come through.
    1 point
  26. An obvious statement to make, but a lot will depend on who's riding in Poland that day.
    1 point
  27. You only have to look at the 'darts' to see what a bit of music/build-up does for viewing/spectator ratings ??? Professional presentation goes a long way!
    1 point
  28. Simon maybe available soon to strengthen up The Panthers.
    1 point
  29. Maybe swap five or six riders around from yourselves, Ipswich and Kings Lynn??
    1 point
  30. Cheers for the stats normski I just feel on the bigger tracks Danny is one of the top riders just my own opinion though
    1 point
  31. Has anything been said about the 90th anniversary meeting? The return of Robert Lambert perhaps? Maybe even bigger and Kenneth Bjerre and Nicki Pedersen might make a return? Or do we get to watch Danny Phillips Vs Luke Ruddick or something similar instead... Hope there's a special meeting with lots of Junior races too, with Archie involved as well...
    1 point
  32. Edinburgh were obviously against Glasgow riding on the same race night but Glasgow waved their cheque book and threatened legal action so got what they wanted. Scunthorpe had no seniority on Friday nights and should have been treated as a new race night but as Workington and Peterborough were not present at the AGM , guess who got what he wanted? The SCB have been ' over ruled ' by the BSPA mafia on several occasions recently leading to the ACU asking questions. Guess who the BSPA liaison officer is to the SCB and he actually appointed himself! Issues..air fence not fully inflating, exposed metal barriers around perimeter, no working telephone to Ref's box, faulty lighting , no practice start area, no designated curb line. Club ' announcer ' barracking the ref during the meeting ( guess who?) All and more were listed on the SCB's Ref's reports during the season hence the low marking received by the track. Whilst the track continually produces good racing it has a few potential dangerously exposed Armco barriers and when the air fence is dislodged that's what a rider hits. As Mr.Godfrey constantly states, Stock cars subsidises the speedway at the track so it's that sport that dictates the stadium and its fittings.
    1 point
  33. £1900 raised so far at the break for refreshments. TK's own Bees racejacket raised £650.
    1 point
  34. Yes, but in speedway there is a shortage of riders so guests are necessary. The fans that complain about guests would be the first fans to complain, and stop going, when a NL junior replaces their match winner number 1 for that meeting. At least with guests the teams can meet on a comparative basis instead of being under strength. Football can afford to have reserves who sit on the bench awaiting their chance.
    1 point
  35. If they ask yes, but so many fans feel it is necessary to unload their prejudices at the earliest opportunity. Take someone to a football game you don't start talking about 2nd and 3rd phases in an offside situation do you. Or about a player playing for one of the clubs, who belongs to another club, but he is on loan.
    1 point
  36. I've never met Barry Bishop (I have had the displeasure of Mr Cook!) but he always comes across like a decent guy who should have more say in how British Speedway is run. I concur with Halifaxtiger.
    1 point
  37. Too right, i came away from Peterborough v Poole a few weeks ago thinking, this is why i went to speedway in the fist place. Unfortunately these occasions are few and far between.
    1 point
  38. The Isle of Wight presenter did a great job.
    1 point
  39. I do t think it’s rocket science particularly. Better racing on hole-free tracks, more entertainment between raves to create an atmosphere, regular fixtures, less R/R and particularly guests, cheaper admission and better facilities for paying spectators where possible. Standards at the moment are very low and the bar needs raising.
    1 point
  40. A really good meeting, everyone standing near me were really impressed with the presentation, the guy who was on the centre green kept moving things along and you could hear him!! As for the MUSIC, what a difference so much improved to what we usually get, what we they have been playing for the last two seasons I have been coming I am sorry to say has been absolute rubbish, all very modern stuff, last night fans were singing along and we even had music bringing the riders to the start line. The only quibble I have is why, when the young Aussie and Italian were going to be interviewed after the meeting they sent the bikes out so we couldn't hear them, its not as though time was short as the meeting moved along nicely. More of the same please.
    1 point
  41. To my mind it has to be one professional league of at least 14 clubs to make the opposition more varied. Riders would be able to spend what they want on equipment and overseas riders accepted. The best stadia should be allowed into this set up and sell it to tv sponsors etc as the UK speedway league with teams of riders who don’t ride for other clubs. Remaining clubs will be semi professional in a second league with costs restricted. They would be weekend tracks in the main and geared for rider development. The current set up is making a mockery of the sport but I understand why it is so at this time. It will need promoters to come together ignoring self interests.
    1 point
  42. He wouldn't know how to get there. He never turned up when lakeside rode on the island a couple of years ago.
    1 point
  43. I have to admit that the points lowering is poorly considered and hasn't / won't work out how the bspa intended. Its a tough job promoting any league now with the disparity in standard between riders within a team and teams within a league and made even tougher by idiots who think condescending comments towards the league beneath them are justified. If Jon Cook had aimed the comments at the MSDL i would have understood as there are riders appearing in that league that are below the required standard to make a safe yet entertaining spectacle but he did not, he aimed fully at a lower paid league and belittled the riders, promoters & fans who support it.
    1 point
  44. All things have a shelf life. All the Promotions are doing now is ‘kicking the can down the Road’ For those who still need a weekly fix then enjoy it while you can. Its had a great run
    1 point
  45. “My family has made a big commitment to my career by moving to the UK on a permanent basis.”
    1 point
  46. I think that's owhat would please the current hardcore fans but it's the whole experience which could attract new followers. At present, between races its dull, the environment is poor with few seats/liitle rain cover at many tracks, presentation tired and no alternative entertainment in the downtime (and I don't mean on the centre green)
    1 point
  47. Totally agree. It needs a level playing field with fixed points money which then drives costs and if all riders participated using standard equipment and were then forced to hone their riding skills instead of being gate and go merchants on bikes that many if not most fail to control across a wide range of track conditions then the sport might get back to close racing, team riding and entertaining the punter. Until they bite the bullet and do what is right for speedway and not their own insular but contrived business arrangement where they operate on outdated business models with no idea of what the punter is crying out for, speedway will not even register on the sports radar of any potential new follower. SGP and many of the other televised European meetings as well as the overseas leagues have been given carte blanche to crap on U.K. speedway from a great height and this has been condoned by the BSPA headed by two cronies who the sport would be better off without. Sacrifice is needed for the greater good and the sooner that some of those running clubs realise this the better.
    1 point
  48. Good, as long as he stays on it
    1 point
  49. Again like a few on this forum why don't the promotion treat the fans like adults and replace Phillips. Some of the more established riders are still not up to speed and the team cannot carry anyone and especially someone who rarely scores points. I have nothing against Phillips but unfortunately he has not kicked in at all.
    1 point
  50. That's not good for tracks without local supplies....awful delivery price.
    1 point
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